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毕蒙蒙 《烟草科技》2004,(10):45-48
结合实例对一些稿件参考文献存在的问题进行了分析,这些问题主要是:①未列参考文献;②只列文后参考文献表,未将参考文献序号标识在文内引文处;③不按所引文献在文中出现的先后顺序编码;④混淆文内参考文献的序号是上角标还是作为语句的组成部分;⑤著录项不齐全,疏漏和错误较多;⑥参考文献表的标题不规范;⑦列出了非正式出版物;⑧参考文献作者后加上"著"、"编著"、"合著"等责任说明;⑨所引文献不新;⑩所选文献与本文关系不大等。并分析了英文参考文献的常见错误。对如何解决上述问题提出了建议。  相似文献   

正参考文献是科技论文不可或缺的重要内容,但许多作者在标引与著录过程中存在较多问题,结合编辑部所掌握的情况,作者在参考文献著录中需要注意以下问题。(1)参考文献的标注是按引用文献出现的先后顺序,在文献著者或成果叙述文字的右上  相似文献   

克服参考文献著录的误区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许多作者在撰写科技论文时,担心有抄袭、剽窃他人成果的嫌疑,从而有不引用参考文献的误区;或者认为参考文献引用的越少,论文就越有独创性;或者在什么期刊发表,担心该期刊的编者在编辑过程中,对本刊刊出的文章相对熟悉而影响发表,就不引用该期刊的论文作为参考文献,其实这种担心是没有必要的。参考文献是科技论文的重要组成部分,  相似文献   

正参考文献是科技论文不可或缺的重要内容,但许多作者在标引与著录过程中存在较多问题,结合编辑部所掌握的情况,作者在参考文献著录中需要注意以下问题。(1)参考文献的标注是按引用文献出现的先后顺序,在文献著者或成果叙述文字的右上  相似文献   

许多作者在撰写科技论文时,担心有抄袭、剽窃他人成果的嫌疑,从而有不引用参考文献的误区;或者认为参考文献引用的越少,论文就越有独创性;或者在某期刊发表,担心该期刊的编者在编辑过程中,对本刊刊出的文章因相对熟悉而影响发表,就不引用该期刊的论文作为参考文献,其实这些担心是没有必要的。  相似文献   

<正>参考文献是科技论文不可或缺的重要内容,但许多作者在标引与著录过程中存在较多问题,结合编辑部所掌握的情况,作者在参考文献著录中需要注意以下问题。(1)参考文献的标注是按引用文献出现的先后顺序,在文献著者或成果叙述文字的右上  相似文献   

依据国家有关科技期刊编辑出版的标准和规范,科技论文中参考文献的著录是不可缺少的重要内容,它是文章的重要组成部分。但从我刊的投稿来看,大部分作者对此认识不足或不够重视,论文中或未著录参考文献,或著录不全,或著录方法有误,存在着大量问题。下面就科技论文中参考文献著录的目的与作用、著录原则、著录方法和要求作一说明。1 参考文献著录的目的与作用 参考文献是指为撰写或编辑论著而引用的有关文献资料。按规定,在各类出版物中,凡是引用前人或他人的观点、数据和材料等,都要对它们在文中出现的地方予以标明,并在文末列出参考文献表。这项工作叫做参考文献的著录。归纳起来,参考文献著录的目的和作用主要体现在以下几个方面:(1)著录参考文献可以反映论文作者的科学态度和论文具有真实、广泛的科学依据,也反映出该论文的起点和深度。科学技术以及科学技术研究工作都有继承性,现在的研究都是在过去研究的基础上进行的,今人的研究成果或研究工作一般都是前人研究成果或工作的继续和发展,因此,论文中涉及研究的背景、理由、目的等阐述,必然要对过去的工作进行评价,著录参考文献即能表明言之有据,并明白交待出该论文的起点和深度,在一定程度上为评估论文的价值和水平提供了...  相似文献   

1 参考文献著录的目的与作用参考文献是指为撰写或编辑论著而引用的有关文献资料。按规定 ,在各类出版物中 ,凡是引用前人或他人的观点、数据和材料等 ,都要对它们在文中出现的地方予以标明 ,并在文末列出参考文献表。这项工作叫做参考文献的著录。归纳起来 ,参考文献著录的目的和作用主要体现在以下几个方面 :(1)著录参考文献可以反映论文作者的科学态度和论文具有真实、广泛的科学依据 ,也反映出该论文的起点和深度。 (2 )著录参考文献能方便地把论文作者的成果与前人的成果区别开来。在论文中对引用部分加以标注 ,不仅表明了论文作者对…  相似文献   

正参考文献是科技论文不可或缺的重要内容,但许多作者在标引与著录过程中存在较多问题,结合编辑部所掌握的情况,作者在参考文献著录中需要注意以下问题。(1)参考文献的标注是按引用文献出现的先后顺序,在文献著者或成果叙述文字的右上角用方括号标注阿拉伯数字编排序号,在参考文献表中按此序号依次著录。需要强调的是,  相似文献   

正参考文献是科技论文不可或缺的一部,但是许多作者在稿件中著录不规范。结合本刊所掌握的情况,特对稿件中参考文献的著录要求进行以下介绍。参考文献中各篇文献应按正文引用顺序编号,并在文中相应位置的右上角用方括号标出,再集中列于文末。其中,多次引用同一文献时,在正文中应标注引用的文献序号,并在序号后的"[]"后著录引文页码。根据GB/T 7714—  相似文献   


From momentary metaphorical allusions to “unraveling,” or “stitching,” to more elaborately built philosophical models that directly employ the likenesses of folded and/or patchworked cloth, the regular repetition of fabric(ated) references—punctuated by the physical refrain of turning, cloth-like pages—in the works of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari cleverly makes the relationships between “our bodies,” which are largely understood through clothed pleats, and the matter-content-expression of “their books” exceedingly palpable.

This article aims to unpack this aspect of Deleuze and Guattari's projects and to explore the implications it has not only for our immediate experiences of “the book” and/or “the textile,” but also for the traditional plays between man, beast, and technology that have been historically related through the technology of cloth and which have served to, in part, justify the human's neatly ordered dominance in the world.

As a means of embarking on this project, the article considers Deleuze and Guattari's works alongside a cast of other figures preoccupied with various fabrics, namely the matador, various (textile) artists including Eran Schaerf, and even one's own self and wardrobe, and recasts all of these figures' texts and textiles as “text(ile)s.”  相似文献   

The best system for protecting public health is one that involves two layers of control before food reaches the consumer. The first layer of control is the industry's clear responsibility to prepare food that is safe. The second layer of control is the monitoring that is provided by government to ensure that the industry is doing its job and is in fact producing safe food.

While some may view this “second layer” as an impediment in the development and marketing of new technologies, there is another way to look at the “regulatory environment”. The regulatory environment itself, is not an impediment to the development of food science and technology.

The regulatory environment, with all its components — scientists, consumers, industry, and Congress — defines “safety” within the context of today's technology, scientific capability, and tolerance level of the lay public. The entire regulatory environment serves to guide the development of food science and technology by providing signposts, in the form of scientifically sound regulatory decisions. The scientific basis of these decisions becomes building blocks on which to rest further refinement of the technology, product, ingredient, or packaging material or on which research in related technologies or research in innovative directions can build.

This scientific groundwork becomes very important as more and more companies move away from having self‐contained research laboratories toward using commercial laboratories and academic institutions, as well as participating in cooperative research endeavors to meet food safety and product development research needs. These changes in the way industry is doing business today clearly indicate a direction that will impact on the “regulatory environment” in the next few years — a direction that will include deeper commitment of private/public sector cooperation in generating the data and information that defines safety for any given technology or product. The shift to commercial labs and academic institutions is occurring at the same time the consumer continues to believe that food is “safe”, novel technologies and products are entering the market at an ever increasing rate, the market is moving toward a more global food supply, and significant changes are taking place in the food safety/inspection infrastructure. To meet these challenges, the academic institutions will take on more importance. To the extent that food scientists from industry dissipate, other food scientists — particularly those in academic settings — must assume additional responsibilities. Further changes will come in the way we do business.

In the words of Robert McVicker, Kraft General Foods’ Dr. VP of Technology, Quality Assurance and Scientific Relations, describing one public/private sector cooperative effort, the National Center for Food Safety and Technology, “It is clear that in forming the National Center our key objective is the generation and fostering of scientific and technical knowledge and the exchange of this knowledge among the agency, industry, and academic partners. In working side by side, I believe we will learn that our goals are very similar and are, in fact, identical. Through partnerships and strategic alliances such as we are forging, we will continue to deliver safe and wholesome foods to American consumers.”  相似文献   

“意派论”和“写意美学”均反对二元对立的理论和实践模式,均试图以三元甚至更多元架构寻求突破现行理论困境之道,将“意”安置在“之中”或“之间”地带。“意派论”的“意”,是“意在言外”,强调“意”在艺术作品中实体的“缺席”(但不等于更高维度的“意”的“不存在”)。而“写意美学”的“意”,是“写中之意”,尤其强调艺术家的“写”这样一个动态的“在场”。  相似文献   

分析了传统纺织企业报价系统的弊端,开发出基于Web的纺织企业快速报价系统,并给出了设计思路、系统总体结构和主要信息流程图,指出纺织品快速报价系统的实施需要高素质的人,才能充分发挥出系统的快速特色。  相似文献   

The role played by water activity (aw), “mobility” (“molecular” by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) analysis and “macromolecular”, by glassy to rubbery transition, thermal analysis) and physico-chemical properties of the media in modulating microbial response have been studied in multicomponent model food systems of different physical state. NMR “molecular” mobility correlated well with microbial (mold spore) response in solid and semisolid systems (dry and intermediate moisture foods) while in high moisture, liquid, homogeneous systems water activity was found to correlate better with Staphylococcus aureus activity. Correlation between microbial survival ability and glassy to rubbery transition in heterogeneous and complex model systems is not yet conclusive.Industrial relevanceFood technologists, in order to assure safety and stability of food products, should understand the relevant factors in microbial activity. Water availability is a fundamental principle in food preservation and it might be related to water mobility. Mold spoilage, has been shown to be closely related to water mobility (in this case, measured by NMR). However, in some systems, when humectants are used, water activity is an important empirical parameter in food preservation involving intermediate moisture foods. In this work, the role played by “mobility” (“molecular” by NMR analysis and “macromolecular”, by glassy to rubbery transition, thermal analysis) was analyzed in food model systems and an important role of “water mobility” was suggested.  相似文献   

The sensory profiles of 11 instant coffees including pure coffees (PC), coffee blends (CB) and a chicory instant drink (CID), commercially available in South Africa, were described and quantified. These were then related to consumer preferences (n=199) for the instant coffees using preference mapping. Based on consumer preferences, four consumer groups were identified, “pure coffee lovers” (23%), “coffee blend drinkers” (30%), “general coffee drinkers” (37%) and “not serious coffee drinkers” (10%). The “pure coffee lovers” prefer the more astringent, bitter, roasted, nutty and full-bodied flavour of the pure coffee samples. The less intense coffee flavour character, but higher sweetness and root flavour, typical of chicory blended instant coffee, were attributes that were preferred by the “coffee blend lovers”. The “general coffee drinkers” seem to consume coffee out of habit and are less concerned about the specific sensory properties of the coffee.  相似文献   

The term “sustainability” is based on three main pillars: environment, society and economy. To achieve sustainable development, agriculture is one of the main fields to be considered and it is key to address economic, environmental and ethical problems. Besides, consumers are increasingly demanding foods produced under sustainable practices and aiming to get involved in the process of enhancing food sustainability. Under such premises, a study was carried out with more than 3600 consumers in 6 countries (Brazil, China, India, Mexico, Spain and USA). Participants were asked questions organized in two main topics: general sustainability and willingness to pay on different food categories. In general, results showed that consumers thought that a sustainable product is “environmentally friendly”, “healthier”, has been grown using “few chemicals” and “have better quality”. More than 30% of consumers in the US and Spain were not willing to pay more for sustainable products. This percentage decreased to 20% in China, Mexico and Brazil and reached the lowest value in India (~14%). The main conclusion is that consumers are not fully aware of the importance of sustainability; in general, consumers tend to associate sustainable production with just organic farming and higher quality.  相似文献   

The term “nutty” has been used to describe a vast array of foods including many foods outside the realm of nuts. However, it is not clear if “nutty” is a single term or if it takes various forms, depending on the type of product. The objective of this study was to determine whether a single nutty term could be used to describe nuttiness in all food products or if additional terms were needed. More than 200 products with potential nutty flavor, including nuts, nut spreads, grains/cereals, seeds, beans/legumes, oils, cheeses, fish, and beverages, were studied. Five “nutty” concepts were found and described with terms, definitions, and references with intensity ratings: overall nutty, nutty-beany, nutty-buttery, nutty-grain-like, and nutty-woody. Four of those attributes, excluding overall nutty, were single concept attributes that described subgroups of nuttiness. Specific terms, such as peanut or almond, that describe a certain type of nut but are separate from the “nutty” character were excluded intentionally because they do not describe nutty, they describe an overall concept flavor beyond nutty. A second panel of trained assessors was used to review the lexicon. This panel used this lexicon to describe a set of 10 products (nuts, grains, beans, seeds, cheeses) and determine if any additional attributes were needed to describe nuttiness. All of the products displayed varying intensities of the nutty attributes and the panel found no additional terms for the “nutty” component were needed. The development and verification of the lexicon has real-world application because it can assist in product development and quality assurance when describing foods with a “nutty” attribute. These terms can be applied across all food categories and is not exclusive to characterizing nuts.  相似文献   

The methodological quality of published reviews of nutrition and cancer (2008–2009) and of the carcinogenicity of acrylamide (1999–2009) was systematically assessed. Each review was examined with respect to four characteristics: whether the purpose of the review was explicitly stated, whether a methods section (detailing the methods used to “weigh” the evidence) was included, whether “weight of evidence” methods were described elsewhere in the paper (e.g., in the discussion), and finally, whether references to recognized “weight of evidence” methods were included. In this study, ninety per cent of a systematically selected sample of recent reviews on nutrition and cancer published in 2008–2009 and 74% of reviews on acrylamide on cancer published in 1999–2009 were found to be methodologically troublesome or frankly unsound. Failure of peer review and editorial oversight are possible explanations, suggesting a broad lack of concern about this issue in the scientific community. If peer reviewers in the nutrition and cancer community do not require “weight of evidence” methods, then these methods may not appear in the published reviews. Similarly, if journal editors (or editorial policies) do not require methods sections in literature reviews, then these sections may not appear. The prerogative of the author(s) seems the most likely determinant of whether a systematic approach is used or not in nutrition and cancer reviews.  相似文献   

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