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提升管和下行床在催化裂化过程中的比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在综合考虑流动、反应、传质的基础上,建立了适用于模拟提升管和下行床反应器中催化裂化过程的二维返混模型,并利用正交配置法进行数值求解,得到了各产物在两种反应器内的不同浓度分布规律。这处结果源于两者流动结构和混合状况的差异。和提升管相比,由于下行床内的气固两相流动更接近平推流,气固速度和颗粒浓度径向分布均匀,气固轴向返混小,因而可得到更高的汽油收率。  相似文献   

大型循环流化床流动结构分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
张明辉  钱震  余皓  魏飞  金涌 《化工学报》2003,54(2):182-187
采用双光路光纤密度探头和激光多普勒测速仪测量了内径418mm,高18m的大型循环流化床提升管和下行床中的瞬态颗粒浓度信号和颗粒速度信号.对瞬态颗粒浓度和颗粒速度的概率密度分布分析表明,下行床中存在着和提升管中不同的微观流动结构,在提升管内流动结构存在明显的两相:即颗粒团相和空穴相,两相的固含率分别为接近1-εmf和0.01~0.02.而在下行床中,虽然在边壁也存在着颗粒的团聚行为,但不能形成稳定的、固含接近于起始流化状态固含值的颗粒团相.这种流动结构的区别揭示了下行床中气固顺重力场运动和提升管逆重力场运动在流动机制上的差异.  相似文献   

CFB稀相段直长对颗粒内循环流动规律的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用光纤探头测定D1m射流循环流化床(半圆形)稀相区颗粒速度、颗粒浓度和颗粒流通量的径向分布规律,并考察了操作条件及其轴向的影响,实验结果表明,在循环流化床(CFB)中,颗粒流动在床层径向有较大的不均匀性,并呈明显的内循环流动结构,进而考察了影响其流动规律的,以期进一步理解循环流化床颗料流动机理,强化和改善反应器的设计操作。  相似文献   

The solid particle concentration distribution in the riser of a Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) is dilute at the center and dense near the wall because of the axial particle momentum exchange. In our study, the radial particle concentration distribution was investigated theoretically and experimentally. To assess the radial particle motion, a special flux probe was designed. We found that near the wall, the radial particle flux was much higher then the net axial particle flux, and that the measured radial profile of particle flux was similar to that of the particle concentration. The resulting radial flux is very valuable in developing a model of heat transfer between the gas-particle suspensions and the wall surface.  相似文献   

提升管-下行床耦合反应器内颗粒混合行为   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
刘会娥  杨艳辉  魏飞  金涌 《化工学报》2002,53(3):302-306
引 言循环流化床中气固两相的流动有两种不同的方式 :提升管中为气固并流上行的逆重力场运动 ,下行床中为气固并流下行的顺重力场运动 .其差异表现为提升管内颗粒浓度、速度以及气体速度在径向上严重的不均匀 ,颗粒浓度概率密度分布以及速度的瞬时信号都表明了颗粒团 -空穴两相结构的存在[1] ,一些研究[2 ,3] 还发现提升管中颗粒的停留时间分布 (RTD)曲线存在较大的拖尾甚至出现双峰 ,研究者认为提升管内存在弥散颗粒和颗粒团两种不同的混合机理 ;下行床则比提升管大大改善 ,气固速度、颗粒浓度沿径向分布要均匀得多 ,颗粒的RTD曲线…  相似文献   

本文在高8m,内径186mm 的循环流化床中采用 FCC 颗粒,利用 TSI 光纤激光多普勒测速仪测定了局部颗粒速度的径向分布,并获得了床层截面平均颗粒速度。实验结果表明:截面平均颗粒速度随操作气速的增大而增大,随固体循环速率的增大而略有减小。由实验数据回归得到了计算本实验条件下低密度速度的经验关联式。论文还从基本流体力学理论出发,在考虑颗粒加速运动的条件下,建立了一维气、固两相流模型,可以用于预测床层截面平均颗粒速度和空隙率的变化规律,模型计算结果和实验数据吻合较好。  相似文献   

循环流化床内颗粒的加速作用及气固两相间的动量交换   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据对气固两相流动特性的分析,表明在循环流化床提升管内,颗粒的加速运动及气固两相间的动量交换对床层各项参数具有明显的影响。由于颗粒聚集,减小了气固两相间的相互作用,使曳力系数小于单颗粒标准曳力系数(C_D/C_(DS)<1.0)。从而使颗粒具有较长的加速段,其加速压降在总压降中所占的分率不可忽略。考虑颗粒加速作用及由于颗粒聚集使气固两相相互作用力减小的事实后,用一维轴向稳态流动的模型可以获得截面平均空隙率、平均颗粒速度以及曳力系数等参数及其轴向分布规律,并与实验直接测定结果吻合很好。通过对大量数据的分析,表明C_D/C_(DS)可用下述经验关联式表示:C_D/C_(DS)=1.68(ε)~(0.253)(Re_(?)/Re_t)~(-1.213)(d_P/D)~(0.105)  相似文献   

This paper presents an experimental study on the radial and axial profiles of local particle velocity of flu-idized catalyst(FCC)particles in a circulating fluidized bed of 8000mm in height and 186mm in inside diameterwith a Fiber-Optic Probe Laser Doppler Velocimetry.It has been found that the radial profiles of local particlevelocity are parabolic,even in the centre region and steep in the region near the bed wall,and that the length ofparticle acceleration along the bed height is longer than expected.The following formula has been recommended to correlate the 1 ocal particle velocity with dilute gas-solidflow in the bed:where a,b,c and e are functions of radial positions.  相似文献   

气固循环流态化研究中常用的测试技术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文从颗粒浓度、气固速度以及气固混合行为三方面综合介绍了循环流化床研究中常用的各种测量技术,对其中比较常用和新兴的测量方法进行了较为详细的说明,以便于我国循环流态化领域辛勤工作 的研究者参考。  相似文献   

The dynamic characteristics of gas-solid flow patterns within a circulating fluidized riser have been investigated using an electrical capacitance tomography system. The tomograms show both an instantaneous and an average in time solids' distribution in the riser cross-section. The effects of gas superficial velocity and solids circulating fluxes on the flow behaviour were measured and the results compared with data from the existing literature.  相似文献   

A liquid-solid circulating fluidized bed (LSCFB) is operated at high liquid velocity, where particle entrainment is highly significant and between the conventional liquid fluidized bed and the dilute phase liquid transport regimes. LSCFB has potential applications in the fields of food processing, biochemical processing, and petrochemical and metallurgical processing. It is well known that the flow characteristics in a liquid-solid circulating fluidized bed are different from those of a conventional liquid-solid fluidized bed. The limited studies available in literature do not provide complete understanding of the flow structure in this typical regime.

In the present work, experiments were carried out in a 0.0762 m ID and 3 m height laboratory-scale liquid-solid circulating fluidized bed apparatus by using various solid particles and tap water as fluidizing medium. In the experimental setup, two distributors (specially designed) were used to monitor solid circulation rate in the riser. The effects of operating parameters, i.e., primary liquid flow rate in the riser (Up), solid circulation rate (Gs), and particle diameter (dp), were analyzed from the experimental data. Finally, a correlation was developed from the experimental data to estimate average solid holdup in the riser, and it was compared with present experimental and available data in the literature. They agree well with a maximum root-mean-square deviation of 7.83%.  相似文献   

快速流化床提升管中气固流动行为的非线性分析   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:1  
对φ100mm×16m、FCC固体颗粒的快速流化床提升管内环-核流动区局部颗粒含量脉动行为进行了非线性分析,用Kolmogorov熵表征了其气固流动行为.结果表明,Kolmogorov熵沿提升管环-核流动区径向有3个显著变化区域,以此为依据将提升管环-核流动区的气固流动行为沿径向分成3个流域:单颗粒随机运动控制的核心流域;单颗粒混沌控制的过渡流域;边壁控制的环形流域.同时,从颗粒对垂直气固流动系统中气固湍动程度影响的角度,解释了Kolmogorov熵的径向分布特征及其与流动结构的关系.  相似文献   

A computational fluid dynamics software (CFX) was modified for gas/particle flow systems and used to predict the flow parameters in the riser section of a circulating fluidized bed (CFB). Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) particles and air were used as the solids and gas phases, respectively. Two-dimensional, transient, isothermal flows were simulated for the continuous phase (air) and the dispersed phase (solid particles). Conservation equations of mass and momentum for each phase were solved using the finite volume numerical technique. Two-dimensional gas and particle flow profiles were obtained for the velocity, volume fraction, and pressure drop for each phase. Calculations showed that the inlet and exit conditions play a significant role in the overall mixing of the gas and particulate phases and in the establishment of the flow regime. The flow behavior was analyzed based on the different frequency of oscillations in the riser. Comparison of the calculated solids mass flux, solids density and pressure drop with the measured pilot-scale PSRI data (reported in this paper) showed a good agreement.  相似文献   

矩形错流移动床床内颗粒流速分布的考察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以矩形错流移动床床内颗粒流动为考察对象,在前人工作的基础上,明确了体积膨胀应力参数 k的物理意义,完善了床内颗粒应力分布的理论预测;并提出了颗粒间发生剪切滑移的理论判据,由此可对不同过床气速条件下床内颗粒流速分布区域的分界点作出理论预测。同时选择了与热态实验物料堆比重相近的小米和硅胶珠为冷态实验物料,在矩形错流移动床中实验考察了床内颗粒流速分布随过床气速的变化规律,结果表明,理论预测与实验相符较好,基于此提出了矩形错流移动床床内颗粒流速分布的预测方法  相似文献   

A comprehensive investigation was carried out to study hydrodynamics aspects of secondary air injection in circulating fluidized beds. This article presents modeling and results of computational fluid dynamics simulations of gas-solid flow in the riser section of a laboratory-scale (ID = 0.23 m, height = 7.6 m) circulating fluidized bed with a radial secondary air injector. The gas-solid flow model is based on the two-fluid (Eulerian-Eulerian) approach, where both gas and solids phases are treated as interpenetrating continua. A granular kinetic theory model is used to describe the solids phase stresses. The simulation results are compared with measured pressure drop and axial particle velocity profiles; reasonable agreement is obtained. Qualitatively, excellent agreement is obtained in predicting the increase in solids volume fraction below secondary air ports, the accumulation of solids around the center of the riser due to momentum of secondary air jets, and the absence of the solids down-flow near the wall above the secondary air injection ports, which are the prominent features of secondary air injection observed in the experiments.  相似文献   

A comprehensive investigation was carried out to study hydrodynamics aspects of secondary air injection in circulating fluidized beds. This article presents modeling and results of computational fluid dynamics simulations of gas-solid flow in the riser section of a laboratory-scale (ID = 0.23 m, height = 7.6 m) circulating fluidized bed with a radial secondary air injector. The gas-solid flow model is based on the two-fluid (Eulerian-Eulerian) approach, where both gas and solids phases are treated as interpenetrating continua. A granular kinetic theory model is used to describe the solids phase stresses. The simulation results are compared with measured pressure drop and axial particle velocity profiles; reasonable agreement is obtained. Qualitatively, excellent agreement is obtained in predicting the increase in solids volume fraction below secondary air ports, the accumulation of solids around the center of the riser due to momentum of secondary air jets, and the absence of the solids down-flow near the wall above the secondary air injection ports, which are the prominent features of secondary air injection observed in the experiments.  相似文献   

提升管内密相颗粒团的运动行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘会娥  魏飞  金涌 《化工学报》2003,54(11):1632-1635
引 言对提升管中的微观流动结构及气固微观流动行为的研究将有助于对提升管反应器特性的认识 ,并可为新型、高效流化床反应器的设计提供思路 .提升管反应器中颗粒存在严重的聚集现象 ,研究者发现[1~ 4 ] ,提升管中局部位置上固含率概率密度分布呈现双峰形式 ,双峰分别对应于低固含的稀相与颗粒密集的颗粒团 ,提升管中的微观相结构为稀相与密相颗粒团共存 .文献 [5 ]中对稀相中的颗粒的运动行为进行了定量的、详细的研究 ,作者通过对颗粒速度瞬时信号的分析 ,获得了颗粒速度概率密度分布 .提升管局部位置上颗粒速度的概率密度分布也呈现双…  相似文献   

钱诗智  陆继东 《化工学报》1996,47(6):706-711
采用反射式光导纤维探头对平壁和膜式壁面的循环流化床内的局部瞬态颗粒浓度进行测量,并应用时间序列分析方法对两种不同壁面几何结构的床内的动态特性进行分析.研究结果表明,循环流化床内存在明显的时空结构不均匀性,壁面的几何形状对壁面附近的气固流动特性存在显著的影响.  相似文献   

应用三维数值模拟的研究方法,考察了喷嘴射流速度与角度对提升管反应器内流动、传热及反应的影响。从数值模拟结果来看,同一角度下、一定范围内的射流速度对提升管内流动形态改变不大,对催化剂和油气浓度分布、气相组成浓度分布有一定影响,而角度变化对流动、反应都有较大影响,从本研究的范围来看,可以得出对不同的操作条件和装置存在最优喷嘴射流速度和角度的结论,射流角度应不超过45°,且45°时60m·s~(-1)的射流速度为优。  相似文献   

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