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针对招生信息网站管理的需求,利用ASP技术设计开发了招生信息动态网站管理系统,简要说明了系统的主要功能,并对系统实现的几个关键技术如用ASP打开数据库的方法、系统权限管理、系统安全机制等进行了较深入的探讨。通过对招生信息动态网站管理系统的开发以及三年多的运行分析,ASP技术由于使用简单和开发周期短,非常适合中小型动态网站信息管理系统的开发。  相似文献   

张世龙  齐琳 《网友世界》2014,(15):51-51
学校网站是学校对外宣传的窗口,是信息发布、内部沟通、资源共享、学习办公的重要平台。网站建设质量的好坏程度,直接影响学校的招生、就业及对外形象等,可见其重要性。本文从学校网站建设过程中出现的问题及解决对策等方面阐述校园网站的建设。  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的快速发展,高校相继创办了属于自己的二级门户网站和各类专题网站。创建这些网站的目的为学校对外招生、信息发布等提供便捷,但大规模的网站集群建设运行会带来一定的管理难度和维护问题。ThinkPHP开发框架具有强大的功能,开发较为简单方便。基于此,针对高校的网站集群建设,采用ThinkPHP开发框架进行设计,并研究了建设方式和具体应用。  相似文献   

该文简单介绍如何运用Dreamweaver软件,制作静态网站。阐述了招生网站的设计与制作,以及网页设计中使用的技巧。经过验证,该网站展示和发布了学院2011年的招生信息,主要以图片的形式从多角度展示学院的各个方面,起到了宣传学院的作用;对于网页设计课程进行案例教学,具有一定的实用及参考价值。  相似文献   

关于高校利用校园网进行招生宣传的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校校园网络是高校进行招生宣传的重要途径之一,校园网建设直接关系到高校招生宣传的效果。文章探讨了校园网络建设要求、涵盖内容、信息交互及网站宣传等方面的相关问题。  相似文献   

基于ASP的招生就业网站信息管理系统的设计   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
针对招生就业信息管理的需求,利用ASP技术设计开发了招生就业网站信息管理系统,详细介绍了使用Power Designer建模工具进行信息管理系统数据库的设计,简要地说明了系统的主要功能,并对系统实现的几个关键技术如静态页面的生成、权限管理和安全性等进行了较为深入的探讨.通过对招生就业网站信息管理系统的开发以及两年多的安全运行的分析,ASP技术由于配置环境简单和开发周期短,很适合一些中小型动态网站信息管理系统的开发.  相似文献   

蒋世华 《福建电脑》2013,(12):119-120
随着使用智能手机访问互联网用户比例的增多,而高校又没有设计适合手机访问的WAP类型的招生网站,为满足用户随时随地查询招生信息的需求,提出设计基于Android的招生查询App。该App设计具有友好的用户界面,采用KSOAP技术完成手机端和服务器端的数据交互。  相似文献   

文章对高校学院二级网站建设及应用现状、发展及特点进行具体阐释,解析学院二级网站在建设过程中应用网页设计元素,针对学院网站特色建设需求,从网页设计技术与艺术设计相结合的角度,深度结合建设框架布局、栏目内容、色彩表现及风格创意等几个方面做深入分析和探讨,紧密结合高校数字化校园建设的实施,开展高校二级网站技术开发与艺术设计的交互融合应用.对网站进行艺术性美学设计,是网站建设显示自身艺术性,体现文化价值的重要方式,并为用户带来潜移默化的艺术熏陶,有效引导浏览者走进信息艺术空间.  相似文献   

在现代化的行业、产业发展中,网站充当了推广、经营的重要帮手。提供阐述行业网站的设计目标,深入分析了网站功能模块的设计,对网站开发工具进行了分析,重点研究了信息发布核心代码和产品推介互动交易管理功能。网站建设技术实用性强,具有较好的参考作用。  相似文献   

针对校园建设数字化信息化的需要,设计了一个基于JSP的网上报名系统。可实现学校招生报名过程中,招生部门招生信息的及时发布、考生报名信息的远程采集、招生管理人员招生信息的更新处理、报名考生与招生人员之间借助数字留言板的方便交流。  相似文献   

Lightner NJ 《Ergonomics》2003,46(1-3):153-168
Preferences for certain characteristics of an online shopping experience may be related to demographic data. This paper discusses the characteristics of that experience, demographic data and preferences by demographic group. The results of an online survey of 488 individuals in the United States indicate that respondents are generally satisfied with their online shopping experiences, with security, information quality and information quantity ranking first in importance overall. The sensory impact of a site ranked last overall of the seven characteristics measured. Preferences for these characteristics in e-commerce sites were differentiated by age, education and income. The sensory impact of sites became less important as respondents increased in age, income or education. As the income of respondents increased, the importance of the reputation of the vendor rose. Web site designers may incorporate these findings into the design of e-commerce sites in an attempt to increase the shopping satisfaction of their users. Results from the customer relationship management portion of the survey suggest that current push technologies and site personalization are not an effective means of achieving user satisfaction.  相似文献   

Preferences for certain characteristics of an online shopping experience may be related to demographic data. This paper discusses the characteristics of that experience, demographic data and preferences by demographic group. The results of an online survey of 488 individuals in the United States indicate that respondents are generally satisfied with their online shopping experiences, with security, information quality and information quantity ranking first in importance overall. The sensory impact of a site ranked last overall of the seven characteristics measured. Preferences for these characteristics in e-commerce sites were differentiated by age, education and income. The sensory impact of sites became less important as respondents increased in age, income or education. As the income of respondents increased, the importance of the reputation of the vendor rose. Web site designers may incorporate these findings into the design of e-commerce sites in an attempt to increase the shopping satisfaction of their users. Results from the customer relationship management portion of the survey suggest that current push technologies and site personalization are not an effective means of achieving user satisfaction.  相似文献   

Web网站安全技术研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
卜胜贤  李鹰 《微机发展》2004,14(5):87-89
信息安全是网络应用中的一个重要问题。网站是信息的发布中心,其数据库中存放有大量的供用户共享的重要信息,因此,网站的安全是网站建设和运行过程中应该充分考虑的重要问题。针对微软的因特网信息服务器(IIS)系统,该文从网站上运行的操作系统、信息发布平台(Web服务器)及信息之源(数据库)等几个方面研究了基于IIS的Web网站的安全问题,并结合目前的技术手段,阐述了构建Web网站应该采取的一些安全措施。在构建Web网站的实践中证明,这些安全措施是行之有效的。  相似文献   

This study proposes and tests a model of online information disclosure to commercial Web sites, which is an important component of e-commerce. Based on social exchange theory and research on self-disclosure in interpersonal contexts, the model emphasizes the role of trust and past online behavior in the disclosure of personal information to a commercial Web site created for this study. Data collected to test the model confirmed all predicted paths. A second aim of this exploratory research was to examine the nature and quality of online disclosure. Data show differences in online information disclosure depending on the characteristics of Internet users and the type of information requested from commercial Web sites.  相似文献   

Image-based abstraction (or summarization) of a Web site is the process of extracting the most characteristic (or important) images from it. The criteria for measuring the importance of images in Web sites are based on their frequency of occurrence, characteristics of their content and Web link information. As a case study, this work focuses on logo and trademark images. These are important characteristic signs of corporate Web sites or of products presented there. The proposed method incorporates machine learning for distinguishing logo and trademarks from images of other categories (e.g., landscapes, faces). Because the same logo or trademark may appear many times in various forms within the same Web site, duplicates are detected and only unique logo and trademark images are extracted. These images are then ranked by importance taking frequency of occurrence, image content and Web link information into account. The most important logos and trademarks are finally selected to form the image-based summary of a Web site. Evaluation results of the method on real Web sites are also presented. The method has been implemented and integrated into a fully automated image-based summarization system which is accessible on the Web (www.intelligence.tuc.gr/websummarization)  相似文献   

ASP是Microsoft提出的一种网络服务器端编程环境,已经成为开发动态网站重要、快速、有效的工具,ASP强大的功能使之成为一种优秀的服务器技术。随着网络技术的日益成熟,ASP技术在网络编程中也变得越来越重要。采用ASP作为主要开发工具,利用ADO技术对数据库进行访问和存取,构建了一个能实现查询和维护数据库资料的动态网站,实现了用户的查阅和管理员的维护等功能,对与数据库更有效、更安全结合与管理。  相似文献   

Toward Web-based application management systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
As Web technology spreads, the number, variety, and sophistication of Web based information services is literally exploding. While some effort has been put into managing a single, centrally controlled Web site, current Web technologies offer little help for managing Web based applications in-the-large. This is partly due to the distributed, heterogeneous, and open nature of such applications. The paper proposes a generic framework for managing Web based applications which addresses both semantic and managerial issues. Semantic issues are addressed through the inclusion of a domain model component in the framework which describes the kinds of information that are available. Management issues are treated through a framework which includes formally defined notions for an information model, information base consistency, transactions, and concurrency control. Thus, the proposed management system provides a semantically robust environment for Web based information services while allowing for Web source independence  相似文献   

黄晓  钟琴 《计算机仿真》2004,21(4):83-86
近年来万维网(World Wide Web)的广泛使用为人们访问大量的数据源提供了一种开放式的途径,而影响web数据访问的一个主要原因就是web页面之间以及web页面内部的信息都缺乏结构化。为了能更加有效的检索web数据,就有必要实现web页面结构化的管理。该文所提出的结构化的管理web页面分为两步:①将超文本标记语言(html)转换为扩展标记语言(xml);②分级导航检索。  相似文献   

如何有效地分析用户的需求,帮助用户从因特网的信息海洋中发现他们感兴趣的信息和资源.已经成为一项迫切而重要的课题。解决这些问题的一个途径,就是将传统的数据挖掘技术与Web结合起来,进行Web数据挖掘。其中的Web日志挖掘可以掌握用户在浏览站点时的行为,并且将挖掘出的用户访问模式应用于网站上,在改善Web站点的结构以及页面间的超链接结构,提高站点的服务质量等方面有重要的意义。  相似文献   

如何有效地分析用户的需求,帮助用户从因特网的信息海洋中发现他们感兴趣的信息和资源,已经成为一项迫切而重要的课题。解决这些问题的一个途径,就是将传统的数据挖掘技术与Web结合起来,进行Web数据挖掘。其中的Web日志挖掘可以掌握用户在浏览站点时的行为,并且将挖掘出的用户访问模式应用于网站上,在改善Web站点的结构以及页面间的超链接结构,提高站点的服务质量等方面有重要的意义。  相似文献   

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