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一种基于双层窗口的概念漂移数据流分类算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数据流中概念漂移问题的研究已成为近年来流数据挖掘领域的研究热点之一. 已有的研究工作多依据单窗口中错误率的变化来检测概念漂移,难以适应不同类型的漂移. 为此, 本文提出一种新的基于双层窗口机制的数据流分类算法(Double-windows-based classification algorithm for concept drifting data streams, DWCDS),该算法采用随机决策树模型构建集成分类器, 利用双层窗口机制周期性地检测滑动窗口中流数据分布的变化,并动态地更新模型以适应概念漂移. 分析与实验结果表明: 该算法可以快速有效地跟踪检测含噪数据流中的概念漂移,且抗噪性能与分类精度显著提高.  相似文献   

赵强利  蒋艳凰  卢宇彤 《软件学报》2015,26(10):2567-2580
集成式数据流挖掘是对存在概念漂移的数据流进行学习的重要方法.针对传统集成式数据流挖掘存在的缺陷,将人类的回忆和遗忘机制引入到数据流挖掘中,提出基于记忆的数据流挖掘模型MDSM(memorizing based data stream mining).该模型将基分类器看作是系统获得的知识,通过"回忆与遗忘"机制,不仅使历史上有用的基分类器因记忆强度高而保存在"记忆库"中,提高预测的稳定性,而且从"记忆库"中选取当前分类效果好的基分类器参与集成预测,以提高对概念变化的适应能力.基于MDSM模型,提出了一种集成式数据流挖掘算法MAE(memorizing based adaptive ensemble),该算法利用Ebbinghaus遗忘曲线对系统的遗忘机制进行设计,并利用选择性集成来模拟人类的"回忆"机制.与4种典型的数据流挖掘算法进行比较,结果表明:MAE算法分类精度高,对概念漂移的整体适应能力强,尤其对重复出现的概念漂移以及实际应用中存在的复杂概念漂移具有很好的适应能力.不仅能够快速适应新的概念变化,并且能够有效抵御随机的概念波动对系统性能的影响.  相似文献   

基于多分类器的数据流中的概念漂移挖掘   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
数据流中概念漂移的检测是当前数据挖掘领域的重要研究分支, 近年来得到了广泛的关注. 本文提出了一种称为 M_ID4 的数据流挖掘算法. 它是在大容量数据流挖掘中, 通过尽量少的训练样本来实现概念漂移检测的快速方法. 利用多分类器综合技术, M_ID4 实现了数据流中概念漂移的增量式检测和挖掘. 实验结果表明, M_ID4 算法在处理数据流的概念漂移上表现出比已有同类算法更高的精确度和适应性.  相似文献   

一种基于混合集成方法的数据流概念漂移检测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,数据流分类问题研究受到了普遍关注,而漂移检测是其中一个重要的研究问题。已有的分类模型有单一集成模型和混合模型,其漂移检测机制多基于理想的分布假设。单一模型集成可能导致分类误差扩大,噪音环境下分类效果受到了一定影响,而混合集成模型多存在分类精度和时间性能难以两者兼顾的问题。为此,基于简单的WE集成框架,构建了基于决策树和bayes混合模型的集成分类方法 WE-DTB,并利用典型的概念漂移检测机制Hoeffding Bounds和μ检验来进行数据流环境下概念漂移的检测和分类。大量实验表明,WE-DTB能够有效检测概念漂移且具有较好的分类精度及时空性能。  相似文献   

Many applications track streaming data for actionable alerts, which may include, for example, network intrusions, transaction frauds, bio-surveilence abnormalities, and so forth. Some stream classification models are built for this purpose. Due to concept drifts, maintaining a model's up-to-dateness has become one of the most challenging tasks in mining data streams. State-of-the-art approaches, including both the incrementally updated classifiers and the ensemble classifiers, have proved that model update is a very costly process. In this paper, we show that reducing model granularity reduces the update cost, as models of fine granularity enable us to efficiently pinpoint local components in the model that are affected by the concept drift. It also enables us to derive new model components to reflect the current data distribution, thus avoiding expensive updates on a global scale. Furthermore, those actionable alerts being monitored are usually rare occurrences. The existing stream classifiers cannot handle this problem. We address this problem and show that the low-granularity classifier handles rare events on stream data with ease. Experiments on real and synthetic data show that our approach is able to maintain good prediction accuracy at a fraction of the model updating cost of state-of-the-art approaches.  相似文献   

It is challenging to use traditional data mining techniques to deal with real-time data stream classifications. Existing mining classifiers need to be updated frequently to adapt to the changes in data streams. To address this issue, in this paper we propose an adaptive ensemble approach for classification and novel class detection in concept drifting data streams. The proposed approach uses traditional mining classifiers and updates the ensemble model automatically so that it represents the most recent concepts in data streams. For novel class detection we consider the idea that data points belonging to the same class should be closer to each other and should be far apart from the data points belonging to other classes. If a data point is well separated from the existing data clusters, it is identified as a novel class instance. We tested the performance of this proposed stream classification model against that of existing mining algorithms using real benchmark datasets from UCI (University of California, Irvine) machine learning repository. The experimental results prove that our approach shows great flexibility and robustness in novel class detection in concept drifting and outperforms traditional classification models in challenging real-life data stream applications.  相似文献   

复杂数据流中所存在的概念漂移及不平衡问题降低了分类器的性能。传统的批量学习算法需要考虑内存以及运行时间等因素,在快速到达的海量数据流中性能并不突出,并且其中还包含着大量的漂移及类失衡现象,利用在线集成算法处理复杂数据流问题已经成为数据挖掘领域重要的研究课题。从集成策略的角度对bagging、boosting、stacking集成方法的在线版本进行了介绍与总结,并对比了不同模型之间的性能。首次对复杂数据流的在线集成分类算法进行了详细的总结与分析,从主动检测和被动自适应两个方面对概念漂移数据流检测与分类算法进行了介绍,从数据预处理和代价敏感两个方面介绍不平衡数据流,并分析了代表性算法的时空效率,之后对使用相同数据集的算法性能进行了对比。最后,针对复杂数据流在线集成分类研究领域的挑战提出了下一步研究方向。  相似文献   

提出了一种称为ICEA(incremental classification ensemble algorithm)的数据流挖掘算法.它利用集成分类器综合技术,实现了数据流中概念漂移的增量式检测和挖掘.实验结果表明,ICEA在处理数据流的快速概念漂移上表现出很高的精确度和较好的时间效率.  相似文献   

李燕  张玉红  胡学钢 《计算机科学》2010,37(12):138-142
具有概念漂移的含噪数据流的分类问题成为数据流挖掘领域研究的热点之一。提出了一种基于C4. 5和Naive I3ayes混合模型的数据流分类算法CDSMM。它以C4.5作为基分类器,采用朴素贝叶斯分类器过滤噪音,同时引入假设检验中的u检验方法检测概念漂移,动态更新模型。实验结果表明,CDSMM算法在处理带有噪音的概念漂移数据流时具有比同类算法更好的分类正确率。  相似文献   

近年来,数据流分类问题已经逐渐成为数据挖掘领域的一个研究热点,然而传统的数据流分类算法大多只能处理数据项已知并且为精确值的数据流,无法有效地应用于现实应用中普遍存在的不确定数据流。为建立适应数据不确定性的分类模型,提高不确定数据流分类准确率,提出一种针对不确定数据流的集成分类算法,该算法将不确定数据用区间及其概率分布函数表示,用C4.5决策树分类方法和朴素贝叶斯分类方法训练基分类器,在合理处理数据流中不确定性的同时,还能有效解决数据流中隐含的概念漂移问题。实验结果表明,所提算法在处理不确定数据流的分类时具有较好的鲁棒性,并且具有较高的分类准确率。  相似文献   

Data stream classification with artificial endocrine system   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Due to concept drifts, maintaining an up-to-date model is a challenging task for most of the current classification approaches used in data stream mining. Both the incremental classifiers and the ensemble classifiers spend most of their time in updating their temporary models and at the same time, a big sample buffer for training a classifier is necessary for most of them. These two drawbacks constrain further application in classifying a data stream. In this paper, we present a hormone based nearest neighbor classification algorithm for data stream classification, in which the classifier is updated every time a new record arrives. The records could be seen as locations in the feature space, and each location can accommodate only one endocrine cell. The classifier consists of endocrine cells on the boundaries of different classes. Every time a new record arrives, the cell that resides in the most unfit location will move to the new arrived record. In this way, the changing boundaries between different classes are recorded by the locations where endocrine cells reside in. The main advantages of the proposed method are the saving of the sample buffer and the improving of the classification accuracy. It is very important for conditions where the hardware resources are very expensive or the main memory is limited. Experiments on synthetic and real life data sets show that the proposed algorithm is able to classify data streams with less memory space and classification error.  相似文献   

在开放环境下,数据流具有数据高速生成、数据量无限和概念漂移等特性.在数据流分类任务中,利用人工标注产生大量训练数据的方式昂贵且不切实际.包含少量有标记样本和大量无标记样本且还带概念漂移的数据流给机器学习带来了极大挑战.然而,现有研究主要关注有监督的数据流分类,针对带概念漂移的数据流的半监督分类的研究尚未引起足够的重视....  相似文献   

基于相反分类器的数据流分类方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前挖掘概念流动的数据流已经成为研究的热点。概念流动的数据流分类在预防信用卡欺诈,网络入侵发现等应用中具有重要的应用。本文定义了一种相反分类器来从错误中学习,提出了训练一个集合分类器来对具有概念流动的数据流进行分类的算法IWB。通过在合成数据集和benchmark上的实验,与Weighted Baggging算法比较,表明我们的算法具有更高的准确度,更快地收敛到新的目标概念的性能。  相似文献   

The problem addressed in this study concerns mining data streams with concept drift. The goal of the article is to propose and validate a new approach to mining data streams with concept-drift using the ensemble classifier constructed from the one-class base classifiers. It is assumed that base classifiers of the proposed ensemble are induced from incoming chunks of the data stream. Each chunk consists of prototypes and information about whether the class prediction of these instances, carried-out at earlier steps, has been correct. Each data chunk can be updated by using the instance selection technique when new data arrive. When a new data chunk is formed, the ensemble model is also updated on the basis of weights assigned to each one-class classifier. In this article, two well-known instance-based learning algorithms—the CNN and the ENN—have been adopted to solve the one-class classification problems and, consequently, update the proposed classifier ensemble. The proposed approaches have been validated experimentally, and the computational experiment results are shown and discussed. The experiment results prove that the proposed approach using the ensemble classifier constructed from the one-class base classifiers with instance selection for chunk updating can outperform well-known approaches for data streams with concept drift.  相似文献   

作为一种典型的大数据,数据流具有连续、无限、概念漂移和快速到达等特点,因此传统的分类技术无法直接有效地应用于数据流挖掘。本文在经典的精度加权集成(Accuracy weighted ensemble,AWE)算法的基础上提出概念自适应快速决策树更新集成(Concept very fast decision tree update ensemble,CUE)算法。该算法不仅在基分类器的权重分配方面进行了改进,而且在解决数据块大小的敏感性问题以及增加基分类器之间的相异性方面,有明显的改善。实验表明在分类准确率上,CUE算法高于AWE算法。最后,提出聚类动态分类器选择(Dynamic classifier selection with clustering,DCSC)算法。该算法基于分类器动态选择的思想,没有繁琐的赋权值机制,所以时间效率较高。实验结果验证了DCSC算法的有效和高效性,并能有效地处理概念漂移。  相似文献   

This work aims to connect two rarely combined research directions, i.e., non-stationary data stream classification and data analysis with skewed class distributions. We propose a novel framework employing stratified bagging for training base classifiers to integrate data preprocessing and dynamic ensemble selection methods for imbalanced data stream classification. The proposed approach has been evaluated based on computer experiments carried out on 135 artificially generated data streams with various imbalance ratios, label noise levels, and types of concept drift as well as on two selected real streams. Four preprocessing techniques and two dynamic selection methods, used on both bagging classifiers and base estimators levels, were considered. Experimentation results showed that, for highly imbalanced data streams, dynamic ensemble selection coupled with data preprocessing could outperform online and chunk-based state-of-art methods.  相似文献   

自适应随机森林分类器在每个基础分类器上分别设置了警告探测器和漂移探测器,实例训练时常常会同时触发多个警告探测器,引起多棵背景树同步训练,使得运行所需的内存大、时间长。针对此问题,提出了一种改进的自适应随机森林集成分类算法,将概念漂移探测器设置在集成学习器端,移除各基础树端的漂移探测器,并根据集成器预测准确率确定需要训练的背景树的数量。用改进后的算法对较平衡的数据流进行分类,在保证分类性能的前提下,与改进前的算法相比,运行时间有所降低,消耗内存有所减少,能更快适应数据流中出现的概念漂移。  相似文献   

针对不平衡噪声数据流的分类问题,本文利用基于平均概率的集成分类器AP与抽样技术,提出了一种处理不平衡噪声数据流的集成分类器(IMDAP)模型。实验结果表明,该集成分类器更能适应存在概念漂移与噪声的不平衡数据流挖掘分类,其整体分类性能优于AP集成分类器模型,能明显提升少数类的分类精度,并且具有与AP相近的时间复杂度。  相似文献   

Recent research shows that rule based models perform well while classifying large data sets such as data streams with concept drifts. A genetic algorithm is a strong rule based classification algorithm which is used only for mining static small data sets. If the genetic algorithm can be made scalable and adaptable by reducing its I/O intensity, it will become an efficient and effective tool for mining large data sets like data streams. In this paper a scalable and adaptable online genetic algorithm is proposed to mine classification rules for the data streams with concept drifts. Since the data streams are generated continuously in a rapid rate, the proposed method does not use a fixed static data set for fitness calculation. Instead, it extracts a small snapshot of the training example from the current part of data stream whenever data is required for the fitness calculation. The proposed method also builds rules for all the classes separately in a parallel independent iterative manner. This makes the proposed method scalable to the data streams and also adaptable to the concept drifts that occur in the data stream in a fast and more natural way without storing the whole stream or a part of the stream in a compressed form as done by the other rule based algorithms. The results of the proposed method are comparable with the other standard methods which are used for mining the data streams.  相似文献   

数据流分类是数据挖掘领域的重要研究任务之一,已有的数据流分类算法大多是在有标记数据集上进行训练,而实际应用领域数据流中有标记的数据数量极少。为解决这一问题,可通过人工标注的方式获取标记数据,但人工标注昂贵且耗时。考虑到未标记数据的数量极大且隐含大量信息,因此在保证精度的前提下,为利用这些未标记数据的信息,本文提出了一种基于Tri-training的数据流集成分类算法。该算法采用滑动窗口机制将数据流分块,在前k块含有未标记数据和标记数据的数据集上使用Tri-training训练基分类器,通过迭代的加权投票方式不断更新分类器直到所有未标记数据都被打上标记,并利用k个Tri-training集成模型对第k+1块数据进行预测,丢弃分类错误率高的分类器并在当前数据块上重建新分类器从而更新当前模型。在10个UCI数据集上的实验结果表明:与经典算法相比,本文提出的算法在含80%未标记数据的数据流上的分类精度有显著提高。  相似文献   

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