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将共析钢在600-700℃的过冷奥氏体状态下进行单轴热压缩,获得了亚微米级别等轴铁素体 纳米级别弥散分布球化渗碳体的复相组织,其组织演变经历动态相变、片层渗碳体球化、铁素体动态再结晶和纳米级别渗碳体颗粒析出等过程.随着形变温度的降低,过冷度增加,相变动力学过程加快.片层渗碳体的球化程度由球化时间和球化速度控制,形变温度升高使渗碳体球化速度加快,但是相变开始时间及动力学延迟使得用于渗碳体球化和熟化的时间相应缩短,导致球化程度降低.铁素体再结晶和等轴化过程则主要受位错迁移、渗碳体颗粒钉扎的影响,形变温度升高导致较高的等轴化发展速度.  相似文献   

铁素体和贝氏体复相组织低碳钢的力学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了一种低碳钢的控轧控冷工艺,得到了铁素体和贝氏体复相组织.这种复相组织可分为仿晶界型铁素体/贝氏体组织(Ⅰ型)和等轴铁素体和均匀分布的贝氏体(Ⅱ型).这种低碳钢中贝氏体铁素体呈板条状,在Ⅰ型组织中还有较多的渗碳体.具有Ⅰ型组织的低碳钢的屈服强度超过了400 MPa,加工硬化指数大于0.35.用经验公式σ=Kεn可描述铁素体/贝氏体复相钢的流变曲线.  相似文献   

针对贝氏体研究中的超级贝氏体组织,设计了试验用钢70MnSi2CrMo,经低温等温处理,获得贝氏体铁素体+残余奥氏体的组织,利用X射线衍射XRD、扫描电子显微镜SEM、透射电子显微镜TEM等仪器对其进行相组成和形态的检测分析.结果表明:在马氏体转变开始温度Ms点稍上的中低温区等温处理,贝氏体铁素体沿γ相晶界转变,无碳化物析出;α相转变排碳导致成分起伏,α/γ交界处过冷奥氏体稳定性增加,难以转变成马氏体;贝氏体铁素体的转变特征、过饱和的碳浓度、高密度位错、以及纳米尺寸相界面和亚结构等,影响着超级贝氏体钢的力学性能.  相似文献   

与铌钒微合金化钢相比,钛微合金化钢有更低的成本,因此设计了一种低碳钛微合金化热轧高强钢,并利用扫描电镜(SEM)和透射电镜(TEM)等仪器研究了不同卷取温度对实验钢组织和性能的影响.结果表明:卷取温度对实验钢的组织与力学性能有较大的影响,300℃卷取时得到板条贝氏体和粒状贝氏体的混合组织,400和470℃卷取时得到粒状贝氏体组织;实验钢的屈服强度和抗拉强度均随卷取温度的升高呈现出先下降再上升的规律,延伸率呈现出先升高再下降的规律,分析认为力学性能的变化主要由相变强化、析出强化以及M-A岛的尺寸和形态共同决定;470℃卷取时实验钢有较好的综合力学性能,屈服强度和抗拉强度分别达到了700和865 MPa,延伸率达到了18.9%.  相似文献   

微观组织对贝氏体钢疲劳裂纹扩展行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究组织对疲劳裂纹扩展行为的影响,对3种不同贝氏体组织钢进行了疲劳裂纹扩展实验,并采用SEM和EBSD等方法对裂纹进行了分析.结果表明,板条贝氏体组织在近门槛区和稳定扩展区阻碍裂纹扩展的能力最强,具有最小的裂纹扩展速率.板条贝氏体组织中的大角度晶界使裂纹更容易发生偏折,导致断口表面粗糙度增加,裂纹扩展受到较强的粗糙度诱导裂纹闭合效应的作用.随着ΔK的增大,塑性诱导裂纹闭合效应取代粗糙度诱导裂纹闭合效应开始占据主导作用,是板条贝氏体组织中裂纹扩展速率对ΔK的变化较敏感的原因.  相似文献   

The effect of microstructure on the mechanical behaviour of a low carbon, low alloy steel was studied. The hot-rolled ferrite-pearlite showed low monotonic and cyclic strengths with high ductility in terms of true fracture strain and a high shreshold stress intensity. The quenched and tempered low carbon martensite showed high monotonic and cyclic strengths and high ductility. However, the threshold stress intensity was significantly lower than that of the ferrite-pearlite. Both the strength and threshold stress intensity of an austempered bainite and a duplex ferrite-martensite are greater than those of the hot-rolled ferrite-pearlite. At a same strength level, the ductility and the threshold stress intensity of the low carbon martensite are higher than those of a medium carbon martensite.  相似文献   

针对国内某钢厂最新研制的Q890高强钢,采用三种不同的热输入对其进行气体保护焊接,研究了不同热输入对焊缝金属组织、硬度及冲击韧性的影响.结果表明,3种热输入下,焊缝组织主要以板条贝氏体为主,并含有粒状贝氏体、少量的板条马氏体和残余奥氏体.随着热输入的增大,焊缝组织中贝氏体铁素体板条粗化,板条马氏体逐渐减少,而粒状贝氏体逐渐增多,部分残余奥氏体由薄膜状向块状转变;焊缝金属硬度随着热输入的增大而下降;焊缝金属的冲击韧性亦呈逐渐下降的趋势.  相似文献   

Development of an ultra-high-strength low-alloy NiSiCrCoMo steel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An ultra-high-strength low-alloy NiSiCrCoMo steel has been developed. The development work is part of a major programme at the Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory in the field of ultra-high-strength, high-fracture-toughness steels. In this context we undertook investigations to understand the effect of solute additions on the fracture behaviour of Armco iron and Fe-C alloys. We investigated Fe-Ni, Fe-Co, Fe-Si, Fe-Mo, Fe-C-Ni and Fe-C-Co alloys for mechanical behaviour. The report by Garrison (1986) on a Fe-C-Ni-Si-Cr alloy was an important pointer to a low-alloy, ultra-high-strength steel with high fracture toughness. The material we have now arrived at is a Fe-C-Ni-Si-Cr-Co-Mo steel with tensile, impact and fracture toughness properties matching those of maraging steel 250 grade in tonnage scale melts.  相似文献   

Heat-treatment processes to obtain carbide-free upper bainite, low bainite and low-temperature bainite in the 34MnSiCrAlNiMo medium-carbon steel were explored. Results show that in the steel bainite transformation mainly goes through three stages: short incubation, explosive nucleation and slow growth. When transformation temperature, T > Ms + 75 °C, upper bainite consisted of catenary bainitic ferrite and blocky retained austenite is obtained in the steel. When Ms + 10 °C < T < Ms + 75 °C, lower bainite is the main morphology composed of lath-like bainitic ferrite and flake-like retained austenite. When T < Ms + 10 °C, the lower bainite, also known as low-temperature bainite, is obtained, which contains much thinner lath-like bainitic ferrite and film-like retained austenite. Mechanical testing results show that the lower the transformation temperature is, the better comprehensive performance is. The low-temperature bainite has the very high tensile strength and impact toughness simultaneously. The lower bainite has lower tensile strength and higher impact toughness. The upper bainite has higher tensile strength and lower impact toughness. The big difference of the mechanical performance between these kinds of bainite is mainly caused by interface morphology, size, and phase interface structure of the bainitic ferrite and the retained austenite. Additionally, when the bainite transformation temperature is decreased, the high-angle misorientation fraction in packets of bainite ferrite plates is increased. High-angle misorientation between phase interfaces can prevent crack propagation, and thus improves impact toughness.  相似文献   


A high silicon cast steel was studied in the as-cast condition in order to characterise its solidification macrostructure and microsegregation. The steel, poured into 32?mm-keel-block-shaped moulds, has a coarse solidification structure and marked microsegregation, containing low-alloyed areas with a total alloy content (Cr?+?Mn?+?Si) of 2.3 wt-% and high-alloyed zones of 5.3 wt-%. The bainitic transformation behaviour at 300°C was studied at different austempering times. The bainitic reaction occurs at different rates within the specimen volume, because of its chemical heterogeneity. An austempering heat treatment leads to an inhomogeneous carbide-free bainitic microstructure with different phase amounts, morphologies and sizes. The heterogeneous distribution of sizes and chemical compositions of retained austenite is speculated to benefit mechanical properties.  相似文献   

为研究含铜钢在连续冷却过程中的析出行为,采用不同冷却速度及中间淬火温度获得不同的金相组织.利用金相显微镜和透射电镜研究不同组织对析出的影响.实验结果表明:当冷却后组织为铁素体时,随着铁素体的产生,在铁素体内产生第二相析出颗粒,当冷却产物为贝氏体及马氏体时,并未观察到第二相析出.当相变后产物为多种组织时,仅在铁素体中发现...  相似文献   

Microstructures throughout a 460 mm × 800 mm cross-section of non-quenched prehardened (NQP) steel for plastic mould were characterized by optical microscopy, scanning electronic microscopy and transmission electronic microscopy. Strength and hardness of the NQP steel block was also tested. It is found that mechanical properties at core are close to that at surface and hardness distributes between 37 and 40 HRC through the whole section. Grains at core are coarser and deformation bands are observed at surface, while microstructures both at core and at surface are composed of bainitic ferrite laths with high dislocation density and interlath cementite and/or residual austensite. Considering continuous cooling transformation of the NQP steel, the small variation in hardness throughout the section is caused by the main microstructure bainite which possesses high hardenability. Moreover, the differences of the lath widths and dislocation density in baintic ferrite lath make hardness at surface a little higher than that at core.  相似文献   

The present investigation is focused on evaluating the microstructure and mechanical properties of American Iron and Steel Institute 9255 high-silicon steel austempered at different temperatures and durations. Material characterisation was done using a scanning electron microscope and an X-ray diffractometer. Results show the bainite microstructure over a temperature range of 280–400°C. Bainite structure gains coarseness at higher temperatures at 360 and 400°C. A significant improvement in the tensile properties was observed for all austempered specimens; with a maximum tensile strength of 1852?MPa and elongation up to 35%. An excellent strain hardening response was observed from the samples austempered at temperatures of 360 and 400°C. Tensile properties were found to be superior at 15?min of austempering duration for all austempering temperatures.  相似文献   

为明确珠光体钢轨的疲劳裂纹扩展行为,测定U75V重轨钢轧态和热处理态两种条件下的三点弯曲疲劳裂纹扩展速率,采用光学显微镜、扫描电镜、EBSD对钢轨的微观组织、片层、断口形貌及裂纹扩展轨迹进行观察。结果表明:轧态和热处理态钢轨的疲劳辉纹平均间距分别为253,215 nm,轧态钢轨的疲劳断口呈现解理台阶与河流花样形貌,且河流花样趋于合并,而热处理态钢轨的疲劳断口呈现大量的解理台阶及较多的微裂纹和撕裂棱,河流花样以支流为主;热处理态钢轨的疲劳裂纹扩展速率远低于轧态,到达裂纹失稳阶段也较滞后;轧态和热处理态钢轨的疲劳裂纹扩展都是以穿晶断裂为主的穿晶断裂和沿晶断裂混合扩展方式进行,轧态和热处理态钢轨的珠光体片层间距分别为272,148 nm,其中热处理态钢轨的珠光体片层细密且方向多样,存在显著的珠光体团簇,裂纹扩展轨迹中出现较多的分支裂纹和裂纹桥接现象,对扩展起到阻碍作用,是热处理态钢轨抗疲劳裂纹扩展能力优于轧态的重要原因。  相似文献   


We analyze theoretically and experimentally solute redistribution in the dendritic solidification process and positive segregation during solidification of steel ingots. Positive segregation is mainly caused by liquid flow in the mushy zone. Changes in the liquid steel velocity are caused by the temperature gradient and by the increase in the solid fraction during solidification. The effects of buoyancy and of the change in the solid fraction on segregation intensity are analyzed. The relationships between the density change, liquid fraction and the steel composition are considered. Such elements as W, Ni, Mo and Cr decrease the effect of the density variations, i.e. they show smaller tendency to segregate. Based on the modeling and experimental results, coefficients are provided controlling the effects of chemical composition, secondary dendrite arm spacing and the solid fraction.  相似文献   

新型高耐磨性贝氏体铸钢的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了新型贝氏铸钢的组织,力学性能与奥氏体化温度之间的关系,探讨了这种铸钢的强韧化耐机制。试验结果表明,新型贝氏体铸钢具有优异的综合力学性能和高的耐磨性,是一种很好的抗磨材料。  相似文献   

为优高强度低焊接裂纹敏感性钢的力学性能,对其热轧态钢板进行了不同温度的回火实验.通过光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜观察了回火显微组织的演变特征,并结合相应的力学性能检测手段分析了不同回火温度下显微组织与力学性能的关系.结果表明,550℃回火后屈服强度和抗拉强度较热轧态强度分别提高了115和30 MPa,平均冲击功提高了...  相似文献   

HAZ microstructure simulation in welding of a ultra fine grain steel   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In the present work the evolution of grain structure in the weld HAZ (heat affected zone) under welding thermal cycle was simulated. Especially the grain growth in the HAZ of a SS400 ultra fine grain steel was investigated. An integrated 3-D Monte Carlo (MC) simulation system for grain growth of the weld HAZ was developed based on Microsoft Windows. The results indicate that MC simulation is an effective way to investigate the grain growth in weld HAZ. The method not only simulates the non-isothermal dynamics process of the grain growth in the weld HAZ, but also visualizes the austenite grains realistically. Moreover, the thermal pinning effect can be easily included in the simulation process. The grain sizes of the CGHAZ (coarse grain heat affected zone) obtained from MC simulation are basically in agreement with the experimental measurement of the real welded joints under different heat input. Furthermore, the simulation indicates that the grain growth degree is higher for the SS400 ultra fine grain steel compared to conventional steel. With the increase in the heat input, the grain growth of the CGHAZ rapidly increases. Because the activation energy of the grain growth is lower for the SS400 ultra fine grain steel, austenite grains can grow at a relatively lower temperature, hence the range of the CGHAZ becomes wider.  相似文献   

The paper reports on an investigation of the micromechanism of cleavage fracture in hypoeutectoid pearlitic R7T steel, commonly used for producing railway wheels. The steel possesses extensive Lüders deformation, which somewhat complicates finite element (FE) modelling and analyses of fracture behaviour. Standard Charpy V-notch specimens were used in order to analyse the fracture behaviour at quasistatic and impact loading. Finite element 3D calculations were performed and the elastic-plastic behaviour of notched bars up to the fracture was simulated. Detailed fractographic analysis was carried out on a number of Charpy V-notch specimens in order to investigate the origin site of cleavage fracture initiation and its distance from the notch root. The suitability of the three-criterion micromechanical model (Chen et al. Acta Materialia 51:1841–1855, 2003) for cleavage initiation was verified. The R7T steel under investigation exhibited a cleavage fracture stress of 1,837 MPa. Its independence on temperature evidenced the micromechanism of cleavage fracture to be microcrack propagation-controlled. For the investigated blunt-notched bend bars, an active volume exists ahead of the notch root in which pearlite colony-associated initiation sites are located. The cleavage fracture initiation of the steel is thus governed by the sites lying in the active volume. The active volume is determined by the values of three parameters. A plastic strain lying in interval from to (for the steel investigated from 0.033 to 0.108) is necessary to create a cleavage crack nucleus at any location within the active volume depending on the local pearlite properties. A stress triaxiality parameter ranging from h min to h max (from 0.93 to 1.39) is supposed to prevent the blunting process at the site of the cleavage nucleus. Once the main principal stress σ 1 exceeds the local cleavage fracture stress σ CFmin, an unstable global cleavage fracture occurs in a blunt-notched bar.  相似文献   

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