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作为地域辽阔、气候多样的多民族国家,中国在经济发展和文化传承上形成了各具特色的地域文化传统和风俗习惯。建筑和建筑装饰元素的发展也根源于地域。吉祥图案是民族文化的物质载体,记录和表现民族文化历史。在中国传统建筑和园林中吉祥图案装饰内容和形式丰富多彩,丰富民族文化审美观念,渗透着不同时期人们的思想和精神寄托。文章以天津传统民居石家大院为例,从地域文化的发展对民居建筑装饰艺术特色的视角来进行研究,分析传统建筑装饰吉祥图案的应用及传统装饰吉祥图案的文化内涵。  相似文献   

陕南与陕北的传统民居虽然同处陕西文化和民族文化这一大的背景下,却有很多不同之处,门窗是民居建筑装饰的重点,其装饰图案的差异更是明显,本文从两地民居的门窗结构入手,通过对装饰图案的基本特征进行比较分析,探讨两地传统民居建筑中门窗装饰图案的差异。  相似文献   

湘南民居作为中国传统民居的一部分,由于其独特的地理环境呈现出鲜明的地域特色和深厚的传统文化精神。而附着在湘南民居建筑之上的装饰木雕艺术,因深受中国传统文化、地域多元文化及地理环境等因素的影响,以丰富多彩的艺术形式、质朴率真的表现手法、博大精深的传统文化内涵而成为地域性传统优秀文化艺术的代表。  相似文献   

根据地理分布特征对湖北传统民居建筑风格、空间布局等进行分析探讨,展示了传统民居建筑空间形态和艺术特色、文化元素,这些传统民居都遵循古典建筑礼制,建筑结构和技术与当地地理位置和气候相适宜,融入浓郁的地域民族特色,同时采用了几千年积累的砖雕、木雕、彩绘等传统装饰技艺。  相似文献   

凤凰古镇传统民居拥有非常悠久的历史,其民居建筑装饰纹样在漫长的发展历程中,因为地域、民族、以及商业文化等种种因素,形成了自己鲜明的艺术特色,表现出深远的文化与社会意义。本文从楚文化内涵、雕饰的祈愿意境、鲜明的商业特征等方面分析了装饰纹样的文化渊源;从图意结合,符号化、造型的程式化、线的组合等方面分析了其形式特征。  相似文献   

民居建筑是在特定文化空间与特定地理环境内产生的独特文化现象。是民族智慧与审美的结晶。民居建筑的规模、结构、装饰的形成演变,是其民族文化发展历程的缩影。建筑与民族文化之间是互为因果的关系。"黑瓦白墙"作为江南传统民居中具有代表性的古典建筑风格,尤具有独特的文化内涵。本文以此为立足点,透过文化属性与地理环境等因素来探析江南传统民居建筑色彩的成因。  相似文献   

窑洞作为独具特色的陕北传统民居建筑,有着其悠久的历史和文化底蕴。而依附于窑洞之上的建筑装饰纹样,无不体现了黄土高原的文化特色和民族风情。本文通过对陕北古老文化和多民族融合的历史环境概述,浅析其装饰纹样的历史成因,从而为该地区古建装饰纹样研究做参考。  相似文献   

文章对浙江台州地区的古民居历史文化背景、建筑空间形态及装饰艺术的传承演变进行分析,通过大量实例调研,充分结合实际案例阐述台州传统村落古民居在建筑规模、布局、构造、材料、装饰等方面的特点,从而揭示民居特色所反映的地域文化。旨在探讨传统民居的价值要素,为台州传统民居的保护利用提出可实施策略。  相似文献   

传统民居建筑的表现形式除建筑结构本身的变化外,在很大程度上依赖于装饰图案的修饰和美化,装饰图案赋予朴素的建筑外观以形式美感、社会、文化、民俗、宗教意义的表现。党家村传统民居的装饰图案具有较高的物质实用价值,同时又成为满足精神需求的形象载体。  相似文献   

传统民居建筑装饰纹样的造型不是对生活中事物自然造型的模仿,而是人们在长期生活实践中对自然造型深刻认识和理解的基础上,在创作过程中融入自己的审美而形成的。由于特殊的地域环境和丰富的民俗文化,陕西关中传统民居建筑装饰纹样形成了简单明了、以少胜多、以简代繁的写意性表现手法,体现出古拙、气势恢宏的图案风格。  相似文献   

This paper revisits the theory of human capital from a two-fold point view: (i) the accumulation mechanism deriving from the need to select an appropriate mix of material and non-material goods, and (ii) the concept of human capital as a condition to select effectively the quality and quantity of cultural consumption necessary to achieve sustained growth. The main conclusion of the paper is that designing an optimal growth path in the presence of cultural accumulation is likely to involve chaotic behavior and may require the planning of “binges”, abrupt withdrawals and successions of immoderate levels of consumption and abstinence.  相似文献   

文章分析了中国传统民居的实用价值和文化价值,从艺术审美、视觉呈现、使用环境三个方面指出了传统民居与产品之间的联系。在此基础上。从形态、空间布局、装饰物三个要素探讨了将中国传统民居元素应用到产品设计的方法。并论述了功能性、审美性、时代性的设计原则,以指导产品设计的实践,提高产品的文化内涵,增强产品的竞争力。  相似文献   

乔达摩悉达多在公元前586年至公元前485年间创立了佛教。"佛"即"自觉、觉他、觉行圆满"之意。始于东汉佛教在中国境内广泛流传,它在建筑、雕塑、工艺品、绘画、装饰图案等方面都为我们留下了众多艺术珍宝,它对中国的设计艺术无论在表现形式还是在文化传承上都产生了极其重要的影响。  相似文献   

We estimate a dynamic network technology where new knowledge in the form of publications in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) is an intermediate product. Knowledge is produced in the first stage of production and is used in the second stage of production to produce a final output of real consumption, which equals gross domestic product minus investment spending on physical capital minus research and development expenditures. Knowledge also spills over between producers as it becomes disseminated. The two stages of production are linked between periods as investments in research capital and physical capital enhance future production possibilities. Our model combines several theories of production: dynamic data envelopment analysis (DEA) and two‐stage network DEA. Using pooled data on 53 countries during 1999–2012, the model estimates indicate that dynamic efficiency averages about 70%. Countries could increase final consumption by about 25% via greater technical efficiency in production and by another 5% via an optimal intertemporal reallocation of investment spending.  相似文献   

Drawing on the concept of organisational behaviour, this research augments the concepts of social capital theory and organisational culture with one pioneering precursor and mediator, the sense of well-being, to develop an integrative understanding of the factors affecting individuals' knowledge-sharing behaviour within the more complex context of the virtual organisation of Taiwanese Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs). A field survey of 131 employees from the selected virtual organisation was analysed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to examine the outcomes empirically. Our research offers a persuasive body of evidence supporting the notion that increasing employees' sense of well-being can successfully form a bridge that can connect social capital tendency, organisational culture and employees' knowledge-sharing behaviour. Surprisingly, and contrary to common belief, the integrated model shows that social capital tendency seems to play a more important role than organisational culture in affecting employees' sense of well-being within the virtual organisation in a Chinese cultural context. Consequently, this research reveals the subtle interplay of employees' sense of well-being, social capital tendency, organisational culture and knowledge-sharing behaviour, while the in-depth analysis provides strong support for knowledge management research and practice.  相似文献   

文章通过分析永州古民居建筑石雕装饰的艺术特色,以及建筑石雕的造型特点、雕刻工艺和装饰特点,进而分析永州建筑石雕装饰的文化内涵。因其具备的历史性、地域性、文化性、审美性特点承载着永州古民居建筑石雕装饰的艺术形态,它为当代环境艺术设计的传承与发展之路具备了丰富的素材。  相似文献   


Many social media users include #-signs before particular terms on social media – which is termed hashtagging. Recent research indicates that people tend to use the pound key for uncommon words, including ‘artistic’ words that are unlikely to serve functional purposes, and that cultural differences in hashtagging styles exist. The current study examines characteristics of hashtags and the impact of individual cultural values on hashtagging behaviour. Findings reveal four dimensions of hashtags, concluding that hashtags can be inspirational, structural, entertaining, and artistic. Second, findings show that hashtags are used to structure content equally independent of cultural values. However, inspirational hashtags are common among users with collectivistic, uncertainty avoidant, and masculine cultural values. Moreover, collectivistic and masculine values are also associated with artistic hashtags – whereas uncertainty avoidance is related to entertaining hashtags. In addition, findings show that cultural values associated with power distance relate to a higher hashtagging intensity.  相似文献   

主观摄影艺术创作,其基础必须建立在个人的文化艺术修养和对世界的认知的基础上,通过对生活状态的真实感受,用相机这种独特的工具来记录艺术创作者思想和行为的结果,走符合自身成长和发展规律的摄影之路。  相似文献   

中国狮文化艺术是华夏先哲们引进外来文化的杰出创造,狮文化艺术与龙文化艺术的撞击、交融与合璧是形成和促进中外民族传统文化艺术发展的重要基石,本文将从狮文化的历史演变、文化背景、造型特点、社会功能四个方面对六朝至唐时期的石狮形象的中国化现象进行探讨。  相似文献   

中国茶文化历史悠久,茶的诞生也带来了其他许多文化的产生。紫砂壶文化就是拌之而产生的。本文从紫砂壶论述了其造型的来源、形式分类以及其造型的艺术风格,让人们认识到历史背景和人文环境对产品设计中的重要性。  相似文献   

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