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5G作为国家发展战略将促进全社会的创新发展,它的超大带宽、超低时延、超级连接能力将会给各行各业带来新的发展机遇,将促进各行各业的融合创新发展。5G高速率的实现,将给视频的传播提供新的高速通道,广播电视作为视频领域的领军者,必将引领融合媒体传播的创新发展。论文将简要探讨5G技术及其场景下融媒体传播技术的创新应用。  相似文献   

移动电子商务在中国的发展将迎来一个快速发展时期,市场推动因素、产业链结构和市场主体服务模式将发生重要变化。预计围绕用户数量、运营能力、商家资源和模式创新四大焦点的竞争将日益激烈;硬件和技术对产业的推动趋弱,产业发展将主要依赖品牌和服务;LBS、综合信息服务等运营与服务模式的创新将成为移动电子商务平台发展的重中之重;移动电子商务产业链整合将继续深入。  相似文献   

随着科技的发展,在不远的将来,具有通信能力和处理能力的物品将更加普及,物品的通信和处理能力也将得到更加广泛的加强与提升。而且这种能力的提升将不仅仅局限在性能领域,而是向着多种功能、多种用途的方向来发展。所以可以断言,未来的世界将向着物品更加紧密、更加便捷的互通互联方向发展。在上面所提到的这种技术发展背景下,本章将致力于罗列支撑物联网(IoT)发展的各种最为重要的关键技术,明确这些技术在研究过程  相似文献   

随着计算机科学与技术的发展,信息化成为了当今世界的潮流.而会计信息化建设伴随着计算机科学的发展将会向更高层次发展,以人工智能为代表的计算机技术将会大大减少会计信息处理时间减少人力与物力,同时也有更多的可能保证会计信息的正确性与完整性,人工智能发展将进一步推动会计信息化建设.  相似文献   

邬贺铨 《物联网技术》2012,(5):17-18,20
移动互联网与云计算、物联网、社交网络结合将掀起网络技术和业务运用的新浪潮,应该将这些技术联系在一起来看。物联网是互联网应用的拓展,是信息化的新发展,物联网成为未来网络发展的重要特征,未来网络将扩展感知范围的领域。信息通信技术会助力物联网的发展,物联网与移动互联网和下一代互联网将相伴而行。  相似文献   

中国软件市场现状扫描与前景分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪的社会将是一个信息化的社会,信息技术尤其是软件技术将是发展最为迅速的技术,与其相关的软件产业将是最具潜力和发展前景的“绿色工业”,将给人类社会的经济、政治、文化等各方面带来深刻的变化和影响。一、 2000年中国软件市场发展的外部环境2000年,中国软件市场的发展环境得到了进一步的改善,软件企业面临着更好的发展机遇。从软件产业发展的政策环境看,2000年政府在改善软件企业发展环境、采取措施大力鼓励和支持软件产业的发展方面又有了实质性的进展。2000年6月,国务院发布了关于《鼓励软件产业和集成电路产业发展的若干政策》,…  相似文献   

电子信息产业的发展规律决定了其基本特征与发展现状,反过来,这些基本特征和现状将对电子信息产业产生更深远的影响。未来电子信息产业的关键技术和市场需求将会随LSI的发展速度变缓而出现新的转折点,电子信息产品的需求也将从追求方便性而延伸到娱乐性和流行性,以及面向公众普遍意识到的环境、资源等全球性问题,这些转折点和新的发展方向将会为电子信息产业创造更多的社会价值。  相似文献   

上海发展移动互联网产业,将聚焦移动互联网和各类智能终端、行业应用的深度融合。移动互联网已成为当今世界发展最快、市场潜力最大、前景最诱人的新兴业务之一,业已成为推动我国信息产业发展乃至整个国民经济发展的新的增长点。上海发展移动互联网产业,将聚焦移动  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,我国的建筑智能化建设得到了一定的发展,但是仅仅局限于初级阶段,在发展的过程中,出现了很多的问题,特别是项目的管理问题,本文将建筑智能化系统工程项目管理进行了阐述,将智能化系统在我国的发展现状进行了分析,并将现状中出现的问题进行了探讨,并给出了一些治理的意见,希望能帮助建筑智能化系统的发展。  相似文献   

随着虚拟化技术与存储技术的不断发展,云计算技术已经取得了飞速的发展,已经从理论走向实际应用,并将引领信息技术的新的革命,云计算将给企业信息化带来难得的发展机遇,并将加速企业信息化建设,文章通过阐述云计算的概念及应用分类,研究云计算在企业信息化建设中的应用及其优势。  相似文献   

Inserting instrumentation code in a program is an effective technique for detecting, recording, and measuring many aspects of a program's performance. Instrumentation code can be added at any stage of the compilation process by specially-modified system tools such as a compiler or linker or by new tools from a measurement system. For several reasons, adding instrumentation code after the compilation process—by rewriting the executable file—presents fewer complications and leads to more complete measurements. This paper describes the difficulties in adding code to executable files that arose in developing the profiling and tracing tools qp and qpt. The techniques used by these tools to instrument programs on MIPS and SPARC processors are applicable in other instrumentation systems running on many processors and operating systems. In addition, many difficulties could have been avoided with minor changes to compilers and executable file formats. These changes would simplify this approach to measuring program performance and make it more generally useful.  相似文献   

Hand-arm vibration measurements are necessary for vibration exposure risk assessment and for the determination of vibration emission values in hand-guided machines. It has been reported that there is a high degree of uncertainty associated with this kind of measurement. The main goal of the present work is to investigate which factors cause uncertainty in hand-arm vibration evaluation and how much they contribute to the total uncertainty of the measurements. Some experiments were carried out in order to evaluate separately the factors relating to instrumentation and the methods of fixing accelerometers. The experiments were performed with handles belonging to real machines while being handheld by an operator. The results of this investigation show that the fixing method and the accelerometer behaviour are the two main sources of uncertainty. The total uncertainty of the measurements in this work, considering both instrumentation and fixing method, reaches up to 8% of the values measured. It is concluded that the adaptors for fixing the accelerometer with metallic stripe hose clips cause less uncertainty than handheld adaptors and should therefore be used as the first option.

Relevance to industry

A good accuracy in hand-arm measurements is the key for a correct assessment of the risk of developing HAVS (Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome). Knowledge of the uncertainty factors will help the technicians who carry out the measurements to improve their quality.  相似文献   

航天器海上测量船是搭载着船载测控系统的海上平台,主要完成对目标的海上测控任务。测量船在新建之时或大修之后均要对搭载的测控系统进行标校,主要是进行海上合作目标校飞。海上校飞过程中锚泊状态下天线对塔相位标校必不可少,对此进行研究有助于提高锚泊状态下对塔相位标校过程的认识,提升船载测控系统的标校精度。研究过程首先分析了我国测量船所采用的差模双通道单脉冲雷达的跟踪原理和天线对塔校相原理,然后再结合锚泊状态下大型海上测量船的运动规律,建立了船体运动对锚泊状态下对塔校相精度影响的数学模型,最后在远场条件下对数学模型进行了的仿真,分析了测量船锚泊时不同运动模式对相位标校的影响,并进一步给出了锚泊状态下船载测控天线对塔校相的建议。  相似文献   

Sensor validation in biomedical applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

滕斌  田方正 《测控技术》2007,26(4):11-13
在对国内机载测试系统研制工作现状进行分析的基础上,指出了现有机载测试系统研制方式所存在的不足之处,同时对国外通用机载测试系统的发展现状进行了分析,在此基础上,提出了一种基于USB的新型分布式通用机载测试系统,并对该系统的组成、特点与功能作了简要介绍.  相似文献   

十八世纪六十年代,第一次工业革命在英国发生,第一次工业革命不止是在英国社会工业上的一次变革,更代表着世界科学技术的一次重大变革.科学技术在不断发展,而在科学技术日益发达的当今社会,科学家开创了一个现代科技发达的社会,而传感器则是现代科技的领先者.对众多学科技术有着重大影响的一门高新技术.传感器的种类颇多、而且各类传感器是各具特点,选择的时候应该根据实际测量情况抉择,而设计一种合格的电感式传感器的要求也是很高的,由于各类传感器有着细微上的差别所以顾客购买时还需要注意一些事项.电感式位移传感器的发展迅速,现在广泛应用于各种测量检测仪器上.  相似文献   

This paper describes an approach to carry out performance analysis of parallel embedded applications. The approach is based on measurement, but in addition, the idea of driving the measurement process (application instrumentation and monitoring) by a behavioral model is introduced. Using this model, highly comprehensible performance information can be collected. The whole approach is based on this behavioral model, one instrumentation method and two tools, one for monitoring and the other for visualization and analysis. Each of these is briefly described, and the steps to carry out performance analysis using them are clearly defined. They are explained by means of a case study. Finally, one method to evaluate the intrusiveness of the monitoring approach is proposed, and the intrusiveness results for the case study are presented.  相似文献   

虚拟仪器的未来   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
自从National Instruments公司率先提出虚拟仪器概念至今已有15年。在这15年里,虚拟仪器技术得到了迅速的发展,今天,全世界的工程师和科学家们正在成千上万个应用系统中使用“虚拟仪器”,从而达到了缩短开发时间,提高产品品质并降低生产成本的共同目的,同时,虚拟仪器技术也正在趋于成熟和完善,伴随着互联网技术,无线传输技术和商用科技的发展,虚拟仪器技术也将会推向新水平。  相似文献   

信息时代的工业仪表与控制系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
如何以信息化带动工业化?这是新世纪工业战线中带有紧迫性的战略课题,而真正落实却离不开自动化。工业仪表与控制系统是工业自动化的基础和必备条件,对工业化和信息化起着关键和决定性作用。中对当前我国工业仪表与控制系统产业发展的几个重要技术:综合自动化系统技术、工厂软件技术、工业以太网技术、工业仪表的智能技术以及工业仪表的应用工程技术等作了概要阐述。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a performance tools interface for OpenMP, similar in spirit to the MPI profiling interface in its intent to define a clear and portable API that makes OpenMP execution events visible to runtime performance tools. We present our design using a source-level instrumentation approach based on OpenMP directive rewriting. Rules to instrument each directive and their combination are applied to generate calls to the interface consistent with directive semantics and to pass context information (e.g., source code locations) in a portable and efficient way. Our proposed OpenMP performance API further allows user functions and arbitrary code regions to be marked and performance measurement to be controlled using new OpenMP directives. To prototype the proposed OpenMP performance interface, we have developed compatible performance libraries for the Expert automatic event trace analyzer [17, 18] and the TAU performance analysis framework [13]. The directive instrumentation transformations we define are implemented in a source-to-source translation tool called OPARI. Application examples are presented for both Expert and TAU to show the OpenMP performance interface and OPARI instrumentation tool in operation. When used together with the MPI profiling interface (as the examples also demonstrate), our proposed approach provides a portable and robust solution to performance analysis of OpenMP and mixed-mode (OpenMP+MPI) applications.  相似文献   

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