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随着风能、太阳能等可再生能源的不断发展,储能作为影响其发展的关键技术越来越受到人们的关注。在储能领域,锂离子电池以高能量密度、长循环寿命、高电压等诸多优点在电子领域已得到广泛的应用,并成为未来电动汽车动力电池的最佳选择。但因锂资源储量有限、分布不均匀,而且原材料成本比较高,所以锂离子电池在电网大规模储能方面的应用遇到了瓶颈。与锂相比,钠不但具有与锂相似的物理化学性质,更具有资源丰富、分布广泛、原料成本低廉等优势。近些年室温钠离子电池再次引起了人们的研究兴趣,特别是在电网储能方面表现出极大的应用潜力。虽然目前已报道了多种钠离子电池电极材料,但大都离实用化以及进一步产业化尚有一定的距离。本文重点介绍一些性能较为突出的室温钠离子电池电极材料,并指出要实现钠离子电池的产业化,需要开发空气中稳定、高安全、高容量、高倍率、循环稳定、低成本的新型正、负极材料。  相似文献   

随着人们对新能源和环境的重视,锂离子电池的应用逐渐扩展到电动汽车和储能领域,这势必增加了锂资源的使用和消耗.在锂资源日益紧缺的形势下,锂离子电池原材料成本必然难以降低,使其在大规模储能中的应用受到限制.而室温钠离子电池由于其资源丰富,成本低,能量转换效率高,循环寿命长,维护费用低等诸多优势已成为目前研究的热点.本文对室温钠离子电池材料选择和原材料成本进行了分析,并与当前常用的锂离子电池体系进行对比,从电池经济性角度表明室温钠离子电池是大规模储能领域的优秀备选电池.  相似文献   

文章提出了一种光伏电力混合储能系统的能量管理控制策略,主要应用于含有光伏电源(Photovoltaic,PV)、电池能量存储(Battery Energy Storage, BES)和交流负载的发电网络系统中。该策略能够充分利用电力系统中组合架构之间的连接关系,有效缓解了目前电网中BES系统存在的过充电、欠充电等问题,并将充放电电流控制在一个相对稳定的范围内,延长了电池的使用寿命。分别在含有传统铅酸和锂离子电池的混合能量系统中使用6 kVA电源转换器进行实验,结果证明了所提出的能量管理策略的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

现有的储能电池管理系统大都是从电动汽车电池管理系统直接引用过来的,其管理的电池容量小,功能单一,实时性较差.兆瓦级储能系统由大容量电池串联,对电池系统管理效率提出了新要求.为解决这一问题,提出了一种3层分层式储能电池管理系统.对底层BMU,中层BCMS和顶层BAMS从硬件和软件设计两方面做了详细地介绍.分层式储能电池管理系统具有检测与计算,电池单体均衡管理,高压管理,统计存储,充放电管理,报警功能和通信.  相似文献   

以梯次利用于储能系统的退役动力电池为研究对象,提出一种梯次利用电池组合安全评估方法,采用梯次利用电池厂家、种类、测试等多维数据,通过熵权-TOPSIS法及层次分析法对梯次利用电池安全性能进行综合评估与算例分析。研究结果表明:对拟采用不同厂家、批次、种类退役动力电池构建的储能系统,该方法可对其中的梯次电池进行有效安全评估,有助于选用安全性更高的梯次电池来构建储能系统,进一步提升系统安全性,符合梯次利用储能系统大规模推广建设的现实需要。  相似文献   

锂离子电池具有高的能量密度,而超级电容器则以高功率密度和长循环寿命为突出优势。电容型锂离子电池是在锂离子电池的正极中加入部分电容炭材料,在不显著降低能量密度的情况下,大幅度改善锂离子电池的功率特性和循环寿命,从而实现电容与电池技术的融合。本文综述了国内外近年来在电容型锂离子电池领域的最新研究进展,介绍了主要的电容型锂离子电池体系及其性能特点,并对其未来发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

The environmental impact of both the vanadium redox battery (vanadium battery) and the lead-acid battery for use in stationary applications has been evaluated using a life cycle assessment approach. In this study, the calculated environmental impact was lower for the vanadium battery than for the lead-acid one. The net energy storage efficiency of the vanadium battery was greater due to lower primary energy needs during the life cycle. Favourable characteristics such as long cycle-life, good availability of resources and recycling ability justify the development and commercialisation of the vanadium battery.  相似文献   

大规模储能技术是实现可再生能源并网和普及应用的核心技术,也是发展能源互联网、分布式发电、电力辅助调频、离网供电、安全备用电源等领域的关键使能技术。液流电池是一类新兴的大规模储能技术,经过近几年的快速发展,已经具备规模应用的竞争力。液流电池具备安全性好、单个循环储能时间长、功率/容量独立设计、储能容量大和寿命长等特点。目前液流电池成本偏高,高成本制约了液流电池储能技术大规模商业化应用。针对这一行业"痛点"问题,本文通过创新型的电池堆结构、新型关键材料和工艺研究,将液流电池堆功率密度提高2~4倍,实现电池堆的小型化,有效提高关键部件利用率,有望将液流电池系统成本降低20%~30%。  相似文献   

The development of fault diagnosis of Li-ion batteries used in electric vehicles is vital. In this perspective, the present work conducted a comprehensive study for the evaluation of coupled and interactive influence of charging ratio, number of cycles, and voltage on the discharge capacity of Li-ion batteries to predict the life of battery. The charging-discharging experimental tests on Li-ion batteries have been performed. The data such as charging ratio, number of cycles, voltage, and discharge capacity of Li-ion batteries are measured. Machine learning approach of neural networks is then applied on the obtained data to compute the effects, normal distribution, parametric analysis, and sensitivity analysis of the input parameters on the capacity of battery. It can be noticed that discharge capacity increased with an increase in full voltage. Further, it has been observed from the sensitivity analysis that the full voltage is most relevant parameters to the capacity of the battery. Additionally, scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM/EDS) of the electrodes before and after experiments have been performed, to investigate the elemental dissolution due to the charging/discharging cycles. The findings and analysis from the proposed study shall facilitate experts in making decisions on the remaining life and charging capacity of the battery.  相似文献   

由于电动汽车快速充电站大功率快速充电的特性会对电网的稳定造成冲击,因此考虑在电动车快速充电站中配置电池储能系统(BESS),对充电站负荷进行削峰填谷,从而减少充电站变压器配置容量、缓解大功率快速充电对电网的不利影响。考虑到目前我国大量退役动力电池亟待回收利用的现状,结合梯次利用电池储能系统,建立了基于电动汽车快速充电站整体成本与收益的经济性评估模型,以快速充电站年净收益最大为目标函数,采用改进的遗传算法对模型优化求解。结合算例对快速充电站不配置储能、配置常规电池储能和配置梯次电池储能等不同情况进行了经济性评估,并综合考虑经济性与储能削减负荷的效果,确定了梯次电池储能系统最优容量配置方案。  相似文献   

储能技术在太阳能、风能等可再生能源发电、智能电网/微网建设等方面有着广阔的应用前景。铅酸电池具有价格低、较高电压、性能稳定、宽工作温度范围等优势,占据着固定储能市场的主导地位。但在智能电网、混合动力车的实际应用中,电池必须在不同的充电状态下操作,特别是在高倍率部分荷电模式。在这种操作模式下,硫酸盐沉积物积聚在电极表面,限制了铅酸电池的容量和循环寿命。铅碳电池是由铅酸电池和超级电容器组合形成的新型储能装置,它抑制了放电过程中负极板表面硫酸盐的不均匀分布和充电时较早的析氢现象,具有铅酸电池高能量和超级电容器高功率的优点,在部分荷电态大功率充放电状态具有较高的循环寿命,适合高倍率循环和瞬间脉冲放电等工作状态。本文介绍了铅碳电池的基本概念及原理,并对铅碳电池储能技术的发展历程和现状进行了总结。  相似文献   

发展高比能动力锂离子电池是新能源汽车,特别是纯电动汽车实现长续航里程的关键手段之一,然而,随着电池能量密度的不断提高,电池的循环寿命和安全性能就会受到影响。本文以能量密度300W·h/Kg单体电池为对象,从材料体系的选择、电芯结构设计以及系统安全防护措施等多维度展开论述,探究了高安全高比能动力锂离子电池系统技术路线。  相似文献   

Developing green energy solutions has become crucial to society. However, to develop a clean and renewable energy system, significant developments must be made, not only in energy conversion technologies (such as solar panels and wind turbines) but also regarding the feasibility and capabilities of stationary electrical energy storage (EES) systems. Many types of EES systems have been considered such as pumped hydroelectric storage (PHS), compressed air energy storage (CAES), flywheels, and electrochemical storage. Among them, electrochemical storage such as battery has the advantage of being more efficient compared to other candidates, because it is more suitable in terms of the scalability, efficiency, lifetime, discharge time, and weight and/or mobility of the system. Currently, rechargeable lithium ion batteries (LIBs) are the most successful portable electricity storage devices, but their use is limited to small electronic equipment. Using LIBs to store large amounts of electrical energy in stationary applications is limited, not only by performance but also by cost. Thus, a viable battery technology that can store large amounts of electrical energy in stationary applications is needed. In this review, well-developed and recent progress on the chemistry and design of batteries, as well as their effects on the electrochemical performance, is summarized and compared. In addition, the challenges that are yet to be solved and the possibilities for further improvements are explored.  相似文献   

飞轮储能系统将能量储存在高速旋转的飞轮转子中,具有高功率密度,无环境污染,使用寿命长,运行温度范围广,充放电次数无限制等优点,已获得了广泛的应用.将多台模块化的飞轮储能单元并联起来组成飞轮阵列储能系统,是获得大容量,高功率储能的解决方案.文章首先论述了飞轮阵列储能系统的国内外发展现状与要解决的关键问题, 然后详细给出了飞轮阵列储能系统的设计方法,并联拓扑结构与控制策略.随着飞轮储能单元并联技术的逐渐成熟,飞轮阵列储能系统应用领域将逐步扩展到电力系统调频,间歇式可再生能源发电等领域,并将在提高电网对可再生能源的接纳能力等方面发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

于璐  张辉  田培根  肖曦  吴岩  张凯 《太阳能学报》2022,43(5):461-467
为提高梯次利用电池可重构储能系统的安全性,提出一种梯次利用电池可重构储能系统电池的多级在线安全评估方法。该方法采用可重构储能系统中电池单体、模组的电压、温度等实时监测数据,建立电池及模组的安全评估模型,通过熵权-TOPSIS法对电池电热安全进行量化评估。安全评估方法可在线量化采用不同厂家、批次、种类退役动力电池可重构储能系统的安全状态,依据评估结果实现模组和单体的二级安全预警,完成模组级和单体级的安全风险定位。依据在线安全评估结果,可对梯次利用电池储能系统及时进行拓扑重构、能量调度和温度管理,有效提升系统的安全性,促进梯次利用电池在储能系统中的规模化应用,符合梯次利用储能系统大规模推广建设的现实需要。  相似文献   

储能技术的研究开发现状及展望   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
储能系统在稳定电网、利用可再生能源方面起着重要作用。介绍了各种储能方式及其特点.综述了大型储能技术的研究开发状况,其中氧化还原液流电池具有成本低、效率高、寿命长等优点,商业化前景看好。  相似文献   

张宇  张华民 《新能源进展》2013,1(1):106-113
全钒液流电池因其安全可靠、使用寿命长、环境友好、电池均匀性好、可实时直接监测其充放电状态等特点,已成为规模储能技术领域的首选技术之一。本文对储能技术的研究背景、储能在电力系统中的作用进行了分析,并重点对全钒液流电池储能技术在电力系统中的应用进行了概述。  相似文献   

针对某电动公交车退役LiFePO4动力电池,测试了电池的容量、直流内阻、常温下的储存性能,进而测试电池的倍率充放电性能、高低温特性和循环性能,分析了新旧电池相关参数的差异及变化规律;在此基础上,重组电池模组,测试其循环性能;最后集成了1MW·h梯次利用电池储能系统并参与风电平滑。结果显示,该动力电池容量衰退初始容量75%左右时,直流内阻只有小幅增加,电池常温下的储存性能、倍率性能、高低温性能下降不显著,电池单体和模块的循环性能良好,显示出该退役LiFePO4电池具有较好的梯次利用价值。  相似文献   

Electric vehicles equipped with lithium-ion batteries face a huge challenge, and the fact that battery life is very much affected by the temperature conditions of their operating environment, the heat reduces battery life cycle and time and increases the likelihood of thermal degradation and explosion. This problem has forced engineers to cool the battery. The methods used to cool the battery includes a cool water method (passing water or a dielectric fluid from the battery pack), cooling air (blowing air into the battery compartment by the fan), using a refrigeration system (such as cooling screens), and the use of phase-change material (PCM). In this research after reviewing and referring to valid authorities, it was found that PCMs are superior to all three other cooling systems because the air-conditioning system is not very desirable due to the high-temperature gradient between the battery cells. Also, cooling and refrigeration systems with refrigerant gases will also cost a very high cost on the electric car. The results of the studies showed that the cooling the battery using the PCM creates a similar temperature profile between the batteries in the battery pack, the temperature gradient is much smaller than the air cooler and cool water, and the final cost will be much lower. Also, it performs more efficiently in high-speed road dynamics and increases the battery life of an electric car or electric hybrid.  相似文献   

Electrochemical energy storage systems are considered as one of the most viable solutions to realize large-scale utilization of renewable energy. Among the various electrochemical energy storage systems, flow batteries have increasingly attracted global attention due to their flexible structural design, high efficiencies, long operating life cycle, and independently tunable power and energy storage capacity. Although promising, a number of challenges including the high cost of flow battery materials hinder the broad market penetration of flow battery technology. Polymer electrolyte membrane, as a key component in flow batteries providing pathways for charge carriers transport and preventing electrolytes crossover, takes over 25% of the entire cost of the battery system. Apparently, the membrane not only plays pivotal roles in the operation characteristics of a flow battery, but also largely influences the financial cost of the battery system. To provide insights and better understanding of membranes towards enhancing their performance and cost-effectiveness, we therefore present recent advances and research outcomes on the development of polymer electrolyte membranes as well as their applications in flow batteries, particularly all-vanadium redox flow batteries. Various aspects of polymer electrolyte membranes including functional requirements, characterization methods, materials screening and preparation strategies, transport mechanisms, and commercialization progress are presented. Finally, perspectives for future trends on research and development of polymer electrolyte membranes with relevance to flow batteries are highlighted.  相似文献   

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