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米根霉发酵甘薯淀粉制备L-乳酸研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以米根霉AS3.819的诱变株为菌种,甘薯淀粉为碳源,在摇瓶发酵工艺的基础上,利用10L发酵罐对该菌株产L-乳酸进行研究,探索出10L罐最适发酵条件为:装液量40%,搅拌转速400~650r/min,通气流量0.5~0.6L/(L·min),溶氧≥88%,温度32℃,pH5.0~5.5,消泡剂添加量0.1%左右。罐发酵结果得到L-乳酸累积浓度为99.54g/L,对原淀粉的转化率达77%,最高生物量7.2g/L,发酵周期70h。  相似文献   

米根霉具有较强的产淀粉糖化酶能力。本研究通过对米根霉液态发酵工艺条件的研究来提高其产糖化酶能力,为红曲黄酒纯种酿造技术奠定基础。以米根霉为出发菌株,大米液化液作为碳源进行摇瓶发酵,通过正交试验优化液态培养基配方,并通过单因素试验得出米根霉的培养条件。优化的摇瓶发酵最佳培养基为:液化液浓度50%,NH4Cl 5 g/L,KH2PO41 g/L,MgSO4·5H2O 0.3 g/L,FeSO4·7H2O 0.4 g/L,CaCO38 g/L;发酵条件为:初始pH6.0,装液量50 mL,摇床转速150r/min,接种量6%,发酵温度为32℃。该发酵条件下,菌株摇瓶发酵液的糖化酶活力达到196.6 U/mL±8.1 U/mL。  相似文献   

米根霉产糖化酶发酵条件的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以R.SCLG 0319菌株的糖化酶催化活性为指标,研究了发酵时间、温度、装液量、初始pH值及相关金属离子等因素对该菌株发酵产糖化酶活力的影响.结果表明,R.SCLG 0319菌株摇瓶发酵产糖化酶40h为宜,最适发酵温度30℃,装液量100mL/250mL,培养基初始pH值6.0;菌株对低浓度乙醇作用呈现依赖性,培养基中6%vol酒精度时酶活力达到135 U/mL,可耐12%vol酒精度,在高浓度乙醇作用下酶活力迅速下降;Cu2+、Ca2+ 和Mg2+呈现激活效应,其中Mg2+的效应最明显,酶活力增强50%,Fe2+、Zn2+ 和Mn2+呈现出抑制效应,其中Fe2+的抑制作用最大,酶活力降低近80%.  相似文献   

以橘皮为原料,以米根霉为生产菌株,采用固态发酵法生产纤维素酶。通过单因子试验分别考察了发酵培养基水分含量、接种量及培养时间三个重要因子对纤维素酶活力的影响,在此基础上,采用Box-Behnken设计对产酶工艺进行优化,利用Design Expert软件对试验数据进行回归拟合和方差分析,最终确定产酶最优工艺条件为:发酵培养基水分含量12.24 mL,接种量10.76%,培养时间72.64 h,在最优条件下所得纤维素酶的酶活力为464.33 U/g。  相似文献   

赵龙  蒋雪薇  盛灿梅  李萍  李慧 《食品与机械》2012,28(3):226-229,239
对玉米芯载体固定化米根霉R-1发酵L-乳酸的工艺条件进行研究。结果表明:玉米芯与葡萄糖的添加比例为1∶4,经L9(34)的正交设计优化,(NH4)2SO4、KH2PO4、Mg-SO4、ZnSO4质量浓度分别3,0.3,0.4,0.2g/L,经48h发酵,L-乳酸积累量达到32.23g/L,葡萄糖对L-乳酸转化率达80.58%。  相似文献   

姜绍通  吴学凤  刘靖  刘模  杜威 《食品科学》2009,30(9):124-128
为了选择米根霉半连续发酵产L-乳酸工艺参数,通过单因素试验和正交试验,对接种量、CaCO3添加时间、温度、装液量及转速进行了优化,并采用培养基重复发酵,建立米根霉半连续发酵工艺。其中摇瓶半连续发酵条件为:孢子接种量4%,种子接种量10%,发酵开始时添加CaCO3,装液量为20%~30%,0~36h时发酵温度28~30℃、36~72h时发酵温度32~34℃,转速200r/min。7L磁力搅拌发酵罐半连续发酵工艺条件为:搅拌转速为300r/min,通气量为1.25L/(L·min),温度为32℃。发酵罐重复发酵稳定,产L-乳酸最高达到86%。为米根霉半连续发酵产L-乳酸的工业化生产提供了研究基础。  相似文献   

固定化米根霉电渗析发酵生产L—乳酸的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
研究了海藻酸钙包埋法固定米根霉在三相流化床反应器中电渗析发酵生产L-乳酸的工艺华用电渗可及时除去发酵过程中生成的L-乳酸,解除产物抑制。使发酵得以继续进行,间歇电渗析发酵产酸速度为8-11g,得率0.69g/g。连续补料电渗析发酵产酸速度13.0g’,得度0.74g/g。  相似文献   

通过正交试验研究米根霉AS3.819利用葡萄糖发酵生产L-乳酸时,发酵培养基中葡萄糖、(NH4)2SO4、KH2PO4、ZnSO4·7H2O、MgSO4对发酵的影响.确定的最佳发酵培养基组成:葡萄糖80 g/L、(NH4)2SO4 2 g/L、KH2PO4 0.3 g/L、ZnSO4·7H2O 0.05 g/L、MgSO40.3 g/L.在此培养基组中平均发酵产L-乳酸61.5g/L,对葡萄糖的平均转化率为76.9%.初步建立米根霉AS3.819利用葡萄糖发酵生产L-乳酸的动力学模型,并通过发酵动力学试验获得到模型参数,对培养基中初始葡萄糖质量浓度分别为72、74g/L的发酵过程进行预报.结果表明,建立的动力学模型能较好地描述米根霉发酵生产L-乳酸的过程:L-乳酸的生成机制是以生长机制为主的混合动力学机制.  相似文献   

聚氨酯泡沫固定化米根霉发酵L-乳酸的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对软质聚氨酯泡沫吸附固定化米根霉发酵生产L-乳酸进行了研究,确定了种子培养方式。与单纯固定化发酵相比,采用游离茵丝方式进行种子培养,然后在发酵培养基中添加适量软质聚氨酯泡沫的固定化发酵方式,发挥了固定化发酵和自聚集形成小茵球发酵的双重优点,产酸量得到提高。  相似文献   

以培养基配方(糖化液、蛋白胨、酵母膏、麦芽粉添加量)和培养条件(培养温度、pH、培养时间、接种量)的单因素试验结果为 依据,选取糖化液质量分数、培养时间、pH和培养温度4因素,以发酵液中L-乳酸含量为评价指标,基于Box-Behnken试验设计响应面 法优化了米根霉发酵木薯淀粉产L-乳酸的发酵工艺参数。 结果表明,最优发酵工艺参数为糖化液26%、蛋白胨6 g/L、酵母浸膏4 g/L、 麦芽粉10 g/L、KH2PO4 0.3 g/L、MgSO·4 7H2O 0.4 g/L、ZnSO4·7H2O 0.3 g/L、CaCO3 45 g/L、培养时间80 h、培养温度29 ℃、初始pH 5.5、接 种量6%。 该优化条件下,发酵液中L-乳酸的含量可达84.33 g/L,发酵液中葡萄糖对L-乳酸的转化率为71.34%,其光学纯度为75.62%, 比旋光度为+2.12。  相似文献   

The glucosamine content of Rhizopus oligosporus NRRL 2710 mycelium grown in different media was determined. In Sabouraud dextrose broth the glucosamine content ranged from 51 g (kg dry biomass)(-1) for mycelial pellets less than 5 mm diameter to 107 g kg(-1) for pellets 16-35 mm diameter. Mycelium grown on Sabouraud dextrose agar contained 111 g glucosamine (kg dry biomass)(-1) while that grown on soymilk agar, used to simulate growth on soybeans in tempe, contained 82 g kg(-1). The estimation of glucosamine was reproducible, with a mean coefficient of variation of 4% for mycelial pellets and 11% for mycelium from agar media. It is suggested that a conversion factor of 12 g dry biomass (g glucosamine)(-1) is applicable to determine fungal biomass in tempe fermentation.  相似文献   

Microbiological profiles of peanut and soybean misos containing 6 and 12% NaCl and kojis prepared with Aspergillus oryzae and Rhizopus oligosporus were monitored over a 90-day period of fermentation. Although total plate counts in misos containing R. oligosporus koji fluctuated while counts in misos containing A. oryzae koji remained constant during the fermentation period, the final microbial populations in sixteen test formulae were similar to the initial counts. Mold populations in mists containing two types of kojis declined similarly during fermentation. There was little difference in populations of Saccharomyces rouxii in misos containing the two types of mold kojis during the first month of fermentation; however, higher numbers of S. rouxii were noted in mitis containing R. oligosporus koji compared to those containing A. oryzae koji during later stages of fermentation. The final pH values of misos were similar, even though misos containing A. oryzae koji had a larger magnitude of drop in pH than did misos containing R. oligosporus koji over the 90-day test period.  相似文献   

文章以米根霉Rhizopus oryzae NCU1011为发酵菌种,采用酱类固态发酵法生产豆渣甜酱。利用单因素优化试验及正交试验,研究豆渣初始水分含量、接种量、发酵时间对豆渣中还原糖、氨基酸态氮含量和感官品质的影响,确定米根霉发酵生产豆渣甜酱的最佳发酵工艺参数为:接种量2.75%、豆渣初始水分含量70%、发酵时间28 h,所得发酵豆渣甜酱中氨基酸态氮、还原糖和可溶性膳食纤维的含量分别提高到0.25%、5.05%、10.5%,口感细腻爽滑,发酵风味浓郁,其营养和食用价值提高,是一种营养丰富、口感风味俱佳的新型高纤维甜酱调味品。  相似文献   

Studies were made to determine and compare physical and chemical changes occurring during 90 days of fermentation of miso-like products containing peanuts and soybeans as well as a combination of these oilseeds. Two koji molds (Aspergillus oryzae and Rhizopus oligosporus) and two levels of NaCl (6 and 12%) were evaluated. The L color values decreased more rapidly in misos containing A. oryzae koji compared to misos containing R. oligosporus koji and changes occurred earlier in low-salt formulae than in high-salt formulae. The type of mold koji had no apparent effect on changes in viscosity. The free fatty acid content of misos increased dramatically during the first 4 days of fermentation. Misos containing A. oryzae koji had higher soluble nitrogen and free amino acid content in the final product than did those containing R. oligosporus kojis. Peanut miso products had higher soluble nitrogen contents than did respective soybean products; however, the type of oilseed had little effect on accumulation of free amino acids.  相似文献   

PER values determined for corn gluten meal (CGM) and CGM fermented with Aspergillus oryzae NRRL 1988 were not significantly different (P > 0.05) and both diets failed to meet maintenance requirements of rats. In order to characterize some of the changes that occur during fungal fermentation, CGM was also fermented for 4 days at 28°C with A. oryzae NRRL 1988 and NRRL 506 and Rhizopus oligosporus NRRL 2710 and NRRL 2549, respectively. Proteolytic activity, pH, and nitrogen content increased rapidly between 20 and 70 hr for all the fungi. Decreases in some amino acids were observed, possibly due to their catabolism by the molds. Lysine as a proportion of total essential amino acids released by pepsin and pancreatin in vitro was increased as a result of these fungal fermentations.  相似文献   

采用经高碘酸钠活化的葡聚糖修饰米根霉脂肪酶,以获得具有较高酸解催化活性的脂肪酶。研究反应时间、反应pH值、还原剂浓度及葡聚糖质量分数对化学修饰效果的影响,并利用Box-Behnken设计法及响应面优化法对米根霉脂肪酶的化学修饰条件进行优化,当反应pH值为7.63、反应时间为15.53 h、还原剂浓度为0.20 mol/L、葡聚糖质量分数为0.3%时,脂肪酶酸解率可达到最高值37.28%。在40 ℃最适温度条件下,修饰酶的活性是原酶的2.2 倍,且经化学修饰后脂肪酶的稳定性有显著提高。  相似文献   

葡萄糖淀粉酶是米根霉在淀粉质培养基中诱导分泌的一类胞外酶,其表达对米根霉转化淀粉生成L-乳酸的效率,以及L-乳酸分批发酵周期的长短有很大影响。本文对米根霉葡萄糖淀粉酶进行分离纯化,并研究其酶学性质,结论如下:经硫酸铵盐析、透析脱盐、Sephadex G-100柱层析等纯化步骤,葡萄糖淀粉酶比活力提高23倍。SDS-PAGE显示纯化后的酶为一条带,相对分子量约75.5kD。该酶以可溶性淀粉为底物时最适催化反应pH值为4.0~6.0,最适催化反应温度为40-50℃,在50℃下保持稳定。钙离了和锰离子对该酶活力有一定的增强作用,而铅离子和亚铁离子对其活力有明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   

以米根霉突变株mut-A、mut-B为亲本,采用双亲灭活标记筛选融合子,对亲本灭活条件、原生质体电融合条件进行了研究。实验结果表明,0.6mol/L山梨醇溶液为最适的渗透压缓冲液,mut-A、mut-B的灭活条件分别为50℃加热6min及紫外照射180s。原生质体在电场中排队所需的细胞浓度为1×107/mL,交变电场电压为8V;最佳的电融合参数为直流脉冲电压260V,脉冲持续时间40μs,脉冲次数2次;最高融合率可达7.29±0.71%。  相似文献   

Bitter and sweet apricot seeds are by-products of the apricot processing industry. Bitter seeds, in particular, contain toxic levels of the cyanogenic substance amygdalin. Tempe was made from both kinds of seeds. The bitter seeds contain antimicrobial substances which must be removed by leaching and boiling prior to tempe fermentation. Apricot seed tempe had an agreeable taste. It contained approx. 21% (w/w) crude protein, 52% (w/w) crude fat, 1.5% (w/w) crude fibre and 25.5% (w/w) carbohydrates based on dry matter. The extent of biological acidification during soaking prior to fungal inoculation was inadequate to prevent growth of Bacillus cereus, and requires further optimisation. Bitter seeds were detoxified by the tempe process (approx. 70% of total cyanide was removed). However, additional improvement of the detoxification process is required to obtain a completely safe product.  相似文献   

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