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目的 评估恩诺沙星、氟苯尼考和泰万菌素在鸡蛋中的残留消除规律。方法 将80羽高产海兰褐蛋鸡随机等分成4组, 对照组饲喂基础日粮, 恩诺沙星组、氟苯尼考组和泰万菌素组分别经混饲给予相应药物, 每日1次, 连续给药5 d, 停药19 d, 检测各枚鸡蛋中相应药物及其主要代谢产物的残留量。结果 恩诺沙星及其主要代谢产物环丙沙星与氟苯尼考及其主要代谢产物氟苯尼考胺可迅速残留于鸡蛋中, 残留物分别以恩诺沙星原型和氟苯尼考原型为主, 且其残留蓄积期都超过19 d。泰万菌素及其主要代谢产物3-乙酰胺基泰万菌素在鸡蛋中的残留总量低于最大允许残留限量, 且平均残留蓄积期为7 d, 3-乙酰胺基泰万菌素占总残留量的50%以上。结论 恩诺沙星和氟苯尼考在海兰褐品系鸡蛋中残留消除周期超过19 d, 在对后备蛋鸡、肉蛋兼用鸡给药时需严格控制用法用量。在适用情况下, 可优先选择平均残留消除周期相对较短的泰万菌素。  相似文献   

李娜 《食品安全导刊》2020,(6):114-114,116
采用液质联合检测方法检测鸡肉中氟苯尼考及氟苯尼考胺残留量,利用碱性乙酸乙酯等完成色谱及质谱条件优化处理,完成电喷雾离子源正负模式切换,检测出其中的氟苯尼考及氟苯尼考胺残留量,并通过不同水平的加标处理,观察回收率。该检测方法较为简便,具有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

目的 建立时间分辨荧光免疫分析法同时快速检测禽蛋中氟苯尼考、氟苯尼考胺的分析方法。方法 采用乙腈对禽蛋中氟苯尼考和氟苯尼考胺进行提取,并用二氯乙酸酐将提取液中的氟苯尼考胺衍生化为氟苯尼考,最后用时间分辨荧光免疫分析技术对氟苯尼考总量进行快速检测。结果 衍生试剂二氯乙酸酐体积分数为3%时,氟苯尼考胺生成氟苯尼考含量最高,副产物最少。氟苯尼考及氟苯尼考胺检出限为10μg/kg。灵敏度、特异性和相对准确度为100%,假阴性率和假阳性率均为0%。另外,采用本研究建立的时间分辨荧光免疫分析技术对市售禽蛋样品进行检测,其结果与食品安全国家标准检测结果基本一致。结论 本方法前处理简单、快速,检测成本低、结果准确可靠,适合基层日常监管,重大活动食品安全的现场快速筛查、快速检测,提高检测效率。  相似文献   

氟苯尼考在鸡蛋和蛋鸡组织中的残留规律及预测模型建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柏雪  陈宇  赵立军  张静 《食品科学》2021,42(13):26-33
氟苯尼考是一种被广泛应用于动物养殖过程中的抗生素药物,可能残留于畜产品中,被人类长期食用会对机体造成耐药性、免疫抑制等不良影响。本实验旨在探讨蛋鸡摄入不同剂量氟苯尼考后,鸡蛋及各组织中氟苯尼考及其代谢产物氟苯尼考胺的清除规律,建立残留预测数学模型。本实验选取处于产蛋高峰期的罗曼粉壳蛋鸡250 只(350 日龄、体质量(1.97±0.07)kg),随机分为5 组,每组50 只,分别给予氟苯尼考0(对照)、30、60、120、240 mg/(kg mb·d),连续给药5 d。采用液相色谱-串联质谱法测定不同休药时间点蛋黄、蛋清、卵黄、肌肉、肝脏中氟苯尼考及其代谢产物氟苯尼考胺的残留含量。结果表明:休药1~3 d时,240 mg/(kg mb·d)剂量组蛋鸡产蛋率与其他处理组相比显著降低(P<0.05),休药4 d后恢复至对照组水平;氟苯尼考及其代谢产物氟苯尼考胺在产蛋鸡组织中残留含量分布:蛋黄>卵黄>蛋清>肝脏>肌肉;不同组织残留氟苯尼考及氟苯尼消除所需休药时间:肝脏<肌肉<蛋清<蛋黄<卵黄;氟苯尼考给药剂量和休药时间对残留含量影响高度显著(P<0.001),且给药剂量与休药时间互作效应高度显著(P<0.001)。休药时间、给药剂量和残留含量之间呈现二元二次回归关系(P<0.001)。为达到《中国兽药典(2015年版)》所规定的氟苯尼考给药剂量范围(40~60 mg/(kg mb·d)),肌肉等组织需休药1 d、蛋清蛋黄需休药13 d、卵黄需休药21 d。  相似文献   

目的:为了探索开产前蛋鸡使用氟苯尼考后产蛋前期鸡蛋中氟苯尼考的残留规律,评估氟苯尼考对鸡蛋安全性的影响,评价其食用风险。方法:蛋鸡开产前不同时间预防性投喂氟苯尼考后测定鸡蛋中氟苯尼考残留量。结果:给药期间鸡蛋中氟苯尼考和氟苯尼考胺的残留量逐渐升高可达到峰值,或停药后1 d达到峰值,最大残留量出现在第4组为515.86 μg/kg。停药后5 d,鸡蛋中氟苯尼考和氟苯尼考胺的残留总量基本小于100 μg/kg。随着蛋鸡日龄的增长,产蛋率逐渐升高,停药后10~14 d鸡蛋中氟苯尼考和氟苯尼考胺残留量低于检出限。结论:对照实验各组鸡蛋中的检出是氟苯尼考和氟苯尼考胺的浓度总和,开产前23 d使用氟苯尼考,开产后所产鸡蛋对成人和婴儿都是安全的。  相似文献   

目的 建立液相色谱-串联质谱法检测蜂蜜中氟苯尼考及其代谢物残留量的分析方法.方法 样品经氨化乙酸乙酯提取,通过DPC-2固相萃取柱净化,采用Poroshell 120 EC-C18柱分离,以10 mmol/L乙酸铵溶液-乙腈为流动相进行梯度洗脱,电喷雾正/负离子切换,多反应监测模式检测,同位素内标法定量.结果 氟苯尼考...  相似文献   

建立了气相色谱飞行时间质谱法同时检测鸡蛋中氟苯尼考和氟苯尼考胺的残留。样品经氨化乙酸乙酯提取,采用气相色谱飞行时间质谱法测定。试验结果表明:在2~100 ng/mL的范围内,线性良好,氟苯尼考R2=0.999,氟苯尼考胺R2=0.998;该方法两种物质的检出限为0.5μg/kg;在0.5、1.5、10.0μg/kg的3个水平,氟苯尼考及氟苯尼考胺的回收率在86.4%~119.4%,相对标准偏差RSD(n=3)为2.9%~7.1%,该方法简单、快速、高效,可用于鸡蛋中氟苯尼考及氟苯尼考胺的同时测定。  相似文献   

建立同时测定鱼肉中氟苯尼考和氟苯尼考胺的液质联用检测方法(HPLC-MS/MS)。样品采用碱性乙酸乙酯提取,正己烷脱脂,电喷雾离子源正负模式切换,多反应监测(MRM),内标法定量。检出限分别为氟苯尼考1μg/kg,氟苯尼考胺5μg/kg。低、中、高3 水平的加标回收率在87.0%~110.4% 之间,相对标准偏差均小于6.2%。该方法前处理简便快速,分s 析速度快,灵敏度高。  相似文献   

A novel chemiluminescent immunoassay utilising two types of primary antibodies (murine monoclonal antibody and rabbit polyclonal antibody) and two types of horseradish peroxidase–labelled secondary antibodies was established for simultaneously detecting multiple amphenicol residues in ham sausage. After combining the extract procedure of the target amphenicol into one simplified method, this hybrid chemiluminescent immunoassay could screen chloramphenicol (CAP), florfenicol (FF) and its metabolite florfenicol amine (FFA) at the same time by adding the corresponding secondary antibody. Ham sausage samples were analysed by using this hybrid immunoassay, with LODs of CAP being 0.01 μg kg?1, of FF being 2.8 μg kg?1 and of FFA being 3.0 μg kg?1. The applicability of the proposed method has been validated by determining CAP, FF and FFA in ham sausage samples with satisfactory results. Good recoveries and high correlation with traditional enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and LC-MS/MS results illustrated that the developed hybrid chemiluminescent immunoassay could screen high-throughput ultra-trace amphenicol residues effectively at one time.  相似文献   

A simple, reliable and sensitive liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry-based confirmatory method was redeveloped and validated for the simultaneous determination of chloramphenicol, thiamphenicol, florfenicol and florfenicol amine in chicken muscles. The analytes were extracted from minced chicken muscle with acetonitrile and ammoniated water mixture. A second extraction with ethyl acetate was followed by evaporation and dissolution of the residue in ammoniated methanol before defatting with n-hexane. Finally, the extract was further cleaned up by dispersive solid phase extraction using C-18 end-capped dispersive material. The validation protocol was adapted from the European Commission Decision 2002/657/EC and all the performance characteristics were successfully satisfied. The recoveries of all the analytes were found to be in the range of 86.4–108.1% and the precision values, within day and between days, ranged from 2.7% to 11% and 4.4% to 16.3%, respectively. The method was tested in various incurred samples and applied to analyse a wide range of random poultry market samples (n = 120) collected from three cities of the Punjab, Pakistan. Chloramphenicol and florfenicol residues were detected at low levels in less than 11% of the samples. Chloramphenicol was detected only in 4 samples with the concentration range of 0.17–0.477 µg kg–1, whereas the levels of florfenicol/florfenicol amine residues detected in 9 samples ranged from 8.7 to 32.8 µg kg–1. Moreover, most of the florfenicol residues were identified as tissue bound, extractable only after strong acid hydrolysis.  相似文献   

目的建立超高效液相色谱-串联质谱准确测定鸡肉、鸡蛋中氟苯尼考和氟苯尼考胺残留的分析方法。方法鸡肉和鸡蛋样品加入D5-氯霉素内标,经氨化乙酸乙酯混合溶液超声离心提取,提取液减压蒸馏浓缩后,C18固相萃取柱净化处理,采用超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法对氟苯尼考和氟苯尼考胺同时进行检测。结果氟苯尼考线性范围为0.2~20μg/L,检出限为1.0μg/kg,定量限为3.0μg/kg,方法回收率为88.0%~108.0%,相对标准偏差为4.7%~6.4%;氟苯尼考胺线性范围为0.2~20μg/L,检出限为1.0μg/kg,定量限为3.0μg/kg,方法回收率为76.0%~93.1%,相对标准偏差为4.1%~7.2%。结论本方法精确、重现性好,适用于鸡肉、鸡蛋中氟苯尼考和氟苯尼考胺残留量的测定。  相似文献   


Violative residues of florfenicol (FF) in porcine edible tissues pose a potential risk for human health. In this study, urine was selected as target matrix for routine residue monitoring of FF in pig, and a thin layer chromatography (TLC)-high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method was developed for simultaneously determining FF and florfenicol amine (FFA) in porcine urine. The urine samples were extracted with ethyl acetate under alkaline environment. The extracts were enriched through evaporation, purified by TLC and analysed by HPLC at 225 nm. A Waters Symmetry C18 column was used for the separation of the two analytes. The mobile phase was acetonitrile-phosphate buffer mixtures (33.3: 66.7, v/v), and was pumped at 0.6 mL/min. The TLC-HPLC method was well validated and successfully applied to residue depletion study. Good analytical specificity was confirmed by the lack of interfering peaks at the retention times of FF and FFA. The standard curves showed good linearity (FF: y = 143064x – 1045.3, r= 0.9999; FFA: y = 275826x + 1888.8, r= 0.9999) over the range of 0.0625–8 μg/mL. The precision ranged from 0.83% to 11.66% and 2.19% to 8.75% for intraday and interday determination, respectively. The corresponding accuracy ranged from ?13.38% to 10.78% and ?12.15% to 7.14%, respectively. The limits of quantification (LOQs) for FF and FFA were 0.125 μg/mL. The residue depletion study showed that the concentrations of FF and FFA in urine were higher than those in edible tissues at three time points. This method was reliable, simple and cost efficient, and could be used to monitor FF residues in porcine edible tissue without slaughtering animals. TLC showed excellent purification efficiency and is expected to solve matrix interferences in veterinary drug residue analysis.  相似文献   

目的 建立Captiva EMR-Lipid直通式固相萃取净化,超高效液相串联三重四级杆质谱检测鸡蛋内氯霉素类药物残留的技术。方法 样品用氨化乙腈提取,提取液经Captiva EMR-Lipid柱净化,通过电喷雾离子源,正负离子同时扫描的多反应监测模式进行检测,用内标法定量。结果 在线性范围0.03~6.0μg/L内,3种化合物相关系数(r)皆在0.995以上,检出限氟苯尼考胺(FFA)、氟苯尼考(FF)与氯霉素(CAP)分别是0.04、0.01与0.02μg/kg,定量限分别是0.12、0.03与0.06μg/kg,回收率范围在92.3%~109.6%之间,相对标准偏差(n=6)范围为1.4%~8.2%。结论 此法易于操作,可实现较高准确度,适用于测定鸡蛋内FFA、FF与CAP残留。  相似文献   

目的 采用超高效液相色谱-串联质谱(UPLC-MS/MS)内标法对水产品中氟苯尼考及其代谢产物氟苯尼考胺的残留量进行测量不确定度评定。方法 用实验室自建立的检测方法,根据JJF 1059.1-2012《测量不确定度的评定与表示》等相关理论,通过建立数学模型,分析各不确定度来源,并进行量化。结果 当氟苯尼考含量为11.0μg/kg时,其扩展不确定度为1.09μg/kg(k=2);当氟苯尼考胺含量为7.25μg/kg时,其扩展不确定度为0.94μg/kg(k=2)。结论 在确定的实验条件下,本方法的不确定度主要来自标准溶液配制和曲线拟合。  相似文献   

目的在实际大池塘养殖模式下,研究氟苯尼考(florfenicol,FF)及其代谢产物在斑点叉尾鮰(Letaurus以下简称鮰)体内药代动力学。方法选择4口标准化池塘(2300 m~2/口),养殖密度按每666.67 m~2投放鱼苗1000尾投放,设3个实验组和1个对照组。实验组分别以1.25、2.50、5.00 g/kg 3个剂量水平在鮰饲料中添加FF,每天投喂饲料4 kg(一次投入),对照组投喂不含FF的等量饲料。连续投喂5 d后,分别于首次投药后的第1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、11、14、30、60、90和170 d采集鮰肌肉、肝脏及血液,采用高效液相色谱-串联质谱法(high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry,HPLC-MS/MS)检测FF及氟苯尼考胺(florfenicol amine,FFA)含量,采用PKSolver药动学药效学数据处理软件V2.0的药动学房室模型拟合方法分析药时数据。结果 FF在鮰血液中的药代动力学特征符合一级吸收一室模型,而在肝脏及肌肉中均符合一级吸收二室模型,FFA在不同组织中均符合一级吸收二室模型。结论 FF在鮰体内主要以原型的方式代谢消除,分布广泛且FF消除速率远高于FFA,肝脏可作为残留分析的靶组织。  相似文献   

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