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苹果成功了,最新的预测是五年内将成为全球第一个市值超过万亿美元的IT公司,整个IT界都试图解读它的每个动作,希望找到苹果成功的秘密。事实上,苹果每一代新产品发布,业界拆的拆,砸的砸,但对苹果成功的解读,无不停留于皮毛。一个人如果傲气四射,那还是年少气盛,成不了大事;而一个曾经傲气云天的人,经历折戟沉沙的挫折之后,变得谦逊卑恭,行事步步为营,那大家就得小心了。苹果历来给业界的印象是其产品创意连连,设计精妙,但我行我素,不听外界声音。艺术品般的设计,封闭的系统,极高的溢  相似文献   

绿色,大自然中最令人赏心悦目的颜色,纷繁的世界因为有了绿色而变得生机盎然,生活也因为有了绿色而充满勃勃生机,在人文化的社会生活中,绿色被赋予更多的含义。就如我们在引言中提到的生命、生机,在2008年的春季,绿色奥运让我们看到了中国的生机,绿色带给我们更多新的生命,就如同数码产品的更新换代,不断的推陈出新,一个个更加鲜活的产品出现在我们面前,带来希望,让我们看到2008年市场繁荣的先兆。  相似文献   

如果说眼睛是心灵的窗户,那么摄影无疑就是心灵的旅行。当我们为了应付考试疲于奔命,当我们为了求职生存屡败屡战,当我们固守在局促的办公空间,当我们穿梭在忙碌的都市……我们总想获得一双自由的翅膀,可以暂时卸下包袱,让身心在疲累中释放。于是,我们选择踏上新的旅途,可以是绿意盎然的郊野,可以是诱人的美食,可以是古道幽静的庙堂,也可以是活力四射的新兴都市。我们用力去呼吸,用心来感受生活的脉动,用相机写下一份属于自己的游记,也为我们的下一次努的积蓄能量!  相似文献   

毫无疑问,苹果公司深刻影响了当今财经媒体的话题。几乎每天,都有关于这家公司的各种传闻在四处蔓延,但是,有时候,不禁会想,新闻报道能不能更有创意一些呢?有时候,最重要的不是你知道的,而是你所不知道的。很可能的是,你注意到了苹果公司股价的大幅下跌——在过去的6个月中,下跌了25%以上——而且,似乎很显然的是,股票估价也很低。我们试图挖掘到一些非同寻常的内幕,比如,探究该公司第4季财报背后的真相,或者揭秘该  相似文献   

吴国兴:"在一般人看来,司法是严肃、冷冰冰的,但是我告诉你司法虽然带着强制性,但从来都不是冷冰冰的,相反它是温暖的。就拿幸福来说吧,如果没有严肃的法律,人人都为所欲为,那么你的权利怎么保障,你的幸福怎么来捍卫?我们的法律是严肃的,是带着强制性的,但是它的目的是为了保护我们的人民,是为了让老百姓过上幸福生活。法律是保障民生幸福的根本点,如果没有法律,那么我们的世界将处于一个无序的状态,在这种状态里,人民的生活是没有保障的,自然也谈不上幸福和幸福感了。"陈小平:"我经常这样告诉我身边的人。不管你走到哪,不管跟什么新闻,一定要做到认真严谨,这样才能得到大家的信任。而这种信任是通过长时间的努力累积起来的,并不是谁对你一时的感觉。站在省委书记旁边,他会觉得信任你;站在普通的工人、农民当中,他们也会感到你值得信赖,这就是一种幸福。"  相似文献   

千年田园诗 天府水码头——品读黄龙溪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄龙溪因龙得名,因龙而灵,龙佛、龙寺、龙灯、龙舟,构成丰富多彩的龙文化主题.俯瞰黄龙全镇,形态竟然酷似一条龙舟,浆声摇梦的黄龙溪,在流年的岁月里诠释着天府的富庶与从容,火龙飞舞的黄龙溪,在吉庆的图腾中传递龙的精灵,龙的神韵.  相似文献   

以远程数据传输及数据库连接为例,介绍了运用经典的PowerBuilder为开发工具,通过其丰富的数据库接口,客户/服务体系结构及可视化面向对象的编程方式,独特的数据窗口技术等特点,结合Sybase数据库实现远程数据处理的全过程,以WindowsNT操作系统为例,通过安装设置远程访问服务,网络IP地址,Sybase数据库地址,并以一个实用的管理软件,进行远距离的数据传输访问,分析了其适用性,总结了这种开发方式的可行性。  相似文献   

田园,牧场。风吹草低,恬静空旷;天低云重,水鸟成群;红火的气球代表梦想,而田园牧场间的那抹青春亮影更像是一只振振欲飞的蝴蝶,渴望破茧。美丽有很多种诠释,清纯,靓丽,性感,妖娆,并非所有的美女部可待得上这样的形容,可是杨婷婷是一个例外。她的美不是一眼就可以望到尽头的,可清新,亦可妖娆,像她的每一个角色,更像是她本人,可是她就是站在那里,嘴角绽放微笑,眼神清冽悠远,有期待,有梦想,还有我们都已经遗失了的那颗本真的心。  相似文献   

三千烦恼丝疯长,该修理一下了,走进那间街坊发廊,剪剪发,聊聊天,发丝落下,顿觉轻松了许多。而对于从事这项平凡工作的理发师傅,电影艺术家会为他们"修剪"出怎样的精彩呢?《缺席的人》坐等客人上门,洗剪吹,听客人或幽默或无趣的胡吹乱侃,每天重复,难免让人有些想法,《缺席的人》(The Man WhoWasn’t There)中的理发师埃迪便不满足于这种单调的生活,打算创业开干洗店,不料却陷入诈骗、勒索、谋杀、车祸的漩涡,这个沉默寡言的木讷理发师如何应对呢?埃迪温和本分,仿佛没有一点火气,甚至直觉妻子多丽丝与其老板戴夫有染也保持哑忍,只是,像《国产凌凌漆》里星爷一样嘴里经常叼着烟,一副既冷漠又心事重重的  相似文献   

对于HTC,有着深厚的感情,我的第一部智能机便是HTC,多普达838手机,之后的HTC Hero。时隔多年,还是一直青睐HTC,因为这源于HTC总是把用户的真实需求摆在首要的研发重点,一款人性化的数码产品,能给人带来不仅是事半功倍的办事效率,更是传承经典的艺术佳作。  相似文献   

It's last call for three CPR doings: for the Fall Meeting in Boston later this month, for three trainings, and for nominations for the 2007 CPR Awards. Also, CPR member options for signing up for free electronic copies of Alternatives  相似文献   

This paper compares several differential cable characteristics that were evaluated for multi-Gb/s data-rates for both data and clock paths for 1-10 m lengths. Time-domain measurements are shown for the unassembled and connectorized cables and for representative card-plus-cable signal paths and the performance limiting factors are highlighted. Techniques are shown for developing coupled-line models for odd and even excitations for all the components in a full chip-to-chip path in order to make realistic data-rate predictions  相似文献   

Two variations of a novel feeding technique for a wideband circularly polarized aperture-coupled microstrip antenna are described. Prototype designs for wideband linearly polarized elements are first presented, and then used for circularly polarized designs. Techniques used for design of the feed network are detailed, for both series feed and parallel feed versions. Experimental results are shown for each antenna, and results for the two designs are compared. The impedance and axial ratio bandwidths for these antennas are among the best yet achieved for microstrip antenna elements. Several design variations are also discussed  相似文献   

A technique for the analysis and design of noniterative algorithms for discrete-time, band-limited signal extrapolation is described. The approach involves modeling the extrapolation process as a linear, time-varying (LTV) system, or filter. Together with a previously developed Fourier theory for LTV systems, this model provides a frequency-domain transfer function representation for the extrapolation system. This representation serves as a powerful tool for characterizing and comparing the reconstruction properties of several well-known least squares optimal algorithms for band-limited extrapolation. Moreover, the frequency-domain setting provides a conceptually attractive means for understanding the process of extrapolation itself. Additionally, a least squares approximation methodology for designing LTV filters for band-limited extrapolation is developed. The design technique is shown to unify a broad class of algorithms for extrapolating discrete-time data and, further, to provide a means for designing new and improved extrapolation algorithms  相似文献   

Crosstalk between microstrip transmission lines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Methods for prediction of crosstalk between microstrip transmission lines are reviewed and simplified for the weak-coupling case. Classical coupled transmission line theory is used for uniform lines, and potential and induced EMF methods are used for crosstalk between nonuniform lines. It is shown that the potential method is equivalent to classical coupled transmission line theory for the case of uniform lines. An experiment was performed for uniform coupled microstrip lines for frequencies from 50 MHz to 5 GHz, and good agreement between theory and measurement was obtained for both near- and far-end crosstalk  相似文献   

In this paper, an equation for the error probability of M-ary frequency shift keying with limiter-discriminator detection in Nakagami fading channels for arbitrary m is derived. The authors do the same for selection combining with L diversity channels for integer m and for switch and stay combining with two diversity channels for m=1 (Rayleigh fading). The error probability for various values of m, L, frequency deviation, and filter bandwidth is computed  相似文献   

Rain attenuation measurements over New Delhi carried out with a microwave radiometer installed at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), New Delhi and operating on 11 GHz for a period of more than three years are presented. For 0.01 percent of time for the period June 1977-April 1978, the attenuation exceeded for the monsoon period is 14.0 dB whereas for the whole year, it exceeds 10.4 dB. During the winter for the same percentage of time, the attenuation exceeded 1.5 dB, whereas for March-April it exceeds 0.5 dB. For the period May 1978-June 1980, it is observed that for 0.01 percent of time the attenuation for the whole year exceeds 9.0 dB. During the winter for the same percentage of time, the attenuation exceeds 1.4 dB whereas for March-April it exceeds 0.4 dB. A comparison of attenuation over New Delhi and those reported elsewhere are discussed. Yearly and worst month time ratio over New Delhi are given also as the values reported for the European region. Comparison of the attenuation distribution and the rate of surface rainfall measured with a rapid-response rain gauge are also given. The comparison shows that for the monsoon period and for 0.01 percent of time, the attenuation value exceeded for 14 dB corresponds to the surface rainfall rate of 140 mm/h. For the monsoon of 1978, 1979, comparison shows that for 0.1 percent of time, the attenuation value exceeded for 9.0 dB corresponds to the surface rainfall rate of 90 mm/h. Variation of attenuation and effective path length for various rainfall rates and elevation angles are also given.  相似文献   

A method using Hermite polynomials is utilized for analyzing the outputs of νth-law devices for inputs of modulated Gaussian signals and zero-mean Gaussian noise. New results are developed for the output correlation functions, and techniques for obtaining closed-form expressions are pointed out. Output signal-to-noise ratios for various input carrier-to-noise-power ratios are calculated, and plots are shown for a single sinusoidal modulating signal. Results are derived to show the existence of a theoretical maximum for the output signal-to-noise ratio. The method can be directly applied for the case of general Fourier expandable signals modulating a Gaussian carrier.  相似文献   

In this paper, optimization algorithms for CMOS circuits are described, from the propagation delay time viewpoint. The propagation delay time for a CMOS in erter is calculated for a step function input. A classical model of I–V characteristics for a MOSFET and the worst case Sah model for inter-electrode capacitances of a MOSFET are used for this deduction.  相似文献   

Information Model for Resource of ASON Control Plane   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 Introduction Opticalnetworkshavebecomemorecomplicatedthanbefore ,andneednetworkmanagement.InASON ,theControlPlane (CP)isanewnetworkcomponent[1~ 3] ,inordertomanagethenewemergedresources ,anin formationmodelforCPisrequired . TheReferenceModelofOpenDistributedProcessing(RM ODP) providesanobjectorientedframeworkfordistributedmanagementsystemsthatallowsuser sdif ferentrequirementsformanagementapplications[4 ] .RM ODPhasprovideduswithanetworkmanagementviewpoint,anditprovidesfiveview…  相似文献   

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