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离开英伦已近半年。本以为不列颠的记忆会被天那边的海水稀释变淡,可它却一次次萦绕在我的梦里。印象深刻的是去年十二月去苏格兰。下火车时,天刚刚亮。刚下过雪,站台上依然能感受到凛冽的风,湿漉漉的城市笼罩在乌云底下。虽说是苏格兰首府,爱丁堡并不算大。城堡修筑在火山岩之上,逼仄嶙岣。远处大海,雾气缭绕看不真切。行人匆忙,也有旅人从容不迫,端着相机轮流拍照留影。  相似文献   

2008年9月15日,雷曼兄弟的倒台,揭开金融危机的面纱。危机中,中国有色金属行业苦苦奋斗,为行业而战,为企业的生存和发展而战。回望这一年,不同的金属品种走出各自的"人生轨迹"。在此一周年之际,以寥寥数语"祭奠"它们各自的喜悲。不管基本面好也罢,令人叹息也罢,都已经过去了。"数风流金属,还看今朝"。  相似文献   

国内铅价终于在冶炼厂的期待中上涨到13000元。大多数冶炼厂面对现在的价格而言实在没办法感觉到高兴。因为就原料而言,这个价格还不到现在的矿源成本。特别是在近期LME铅价的快速上涨背景下,国内的铅价仍不能让冶炼厂走出高成本的阴影。抱着对看好后市的无限期待,一些冶炼厂惜售心态加重。而对于投机于市场获利的贸易商更是借机收购,以便于在看好之后获得较好的价差收益。  相似文献   

新能源广泛应用的最大障碍之一是能量的储存问题。电池显得体积笨重,而且充电比较缓慢。氢能源可以从电解水中得到,还可用于燃料电池,但是操作起来,风险较大。镁,有可能成为新能源的一种替代品。我们知道金属镁活性非常大,并且含有大量能量。少量的镁条,迅速燃烧,便可以释放出大量白色烟雾。研究者们现在正在试图寻找更好的方法以从镁当中分解出能量。  相似文献   

一台5500t锻压机最近在ScotForge,SpringGrove,Ⅲ.安装成功,此锻压机被称为是世界上最大的两立柱开门式锻模液压机。此锻压机不仅可以锻造重达80000磅的部件。同时还具备了其它许多新的功能。可进行锻造的材料的材质扩展到了不锈钢、钛、销及镍。它同样可以生产更加复杂的部件,如中心凸轮、法兰及桁架腹杆构件。借助计算机模型软件及锻压机的大型“锻压窗口”。可以锻造出非常精确的成品。另外,采用反向冲压工艺可以生产薄壁空心部件及封闭式圆柱。  相似文献   

进入5月以后,基本金属市场的波动变得相当巨大。其波动的幅度与频率都超过了大部分投资者所能忍受的范围。因此,市场变得人心惶惶,更多的投资者采取了观望的态度。造成市场如此波动的主要原因是近期的经济前景不甚明朗,而生产供需方面也没有实质性的改变。从技术上来看则是市场在经历了疯狂4月的快速上涨以后,面临调整的压力。但由于目前市场的流动性太差,因此造成了价格的巨幅波动。诚然,当前的基本金属市场可能正如巴菲特所说的那样充满了泡沫。但我们应该看到推动本轮牛市行情的基本因子并没有随着行情的上涨有所改变。过去几个月里需求…  相似文献   

采矿业是澳大利亚最主要的工业部门。进入新世纪以来,澳大利亚经历了一个"矿业繁荣期"。本次矿业繁荣期大致可分为缓慢发展期、飞速增长期和回落复苏期三个阶段。通过对本次矿业繁荣期的回顾,可以获得一些有益的启示。澳大利亚拥有丰富的矿产资源,被誉为"坐在矿车上的国家"。采矿业为澳大利亚最主要的工业部门。铝土矿、铅、镍、银、铀、锌、钽的探明经济储量居  相似文献   

赖心 《冶金分析》2002,22(2):1-1
高纯三氧化二锑 (商品名锑白 )作为集成电路板的阻燃剂 ,其中杂质的含量是重要指标之一。微量氯的测定 ,传统的方法大都采用硫氰酸汞比色法和比浊法。硫氰酸汞比色法 ,虽然灵敏度高 ,但精密度相对差 ,而且试剂空白高 ,带来的环境污染也较大。比浊法的灵敏度虽然比硫氰酸汞比色法低 ,但精密度好 ,方法简单快捷 ,而且其它共存离子的影响小等优点。本文参考文献[1 ,2 ] ,采用酒石酸溶液溶样 ,同时络合锑消除干扰。选择丙三醇为稳定剂 ,比浊法测定三氧化二锑中微量的氯。获得了较满意的分析结果。此方法手续简单快速 ,实用可行。1 实验部分1 1…  相似文献   

“天价酒”事件造成如此大影响,有一点非常重要:中石化是央企。作为央企,中石化的消费,用的都是国家的钱。国有企业的资产是属于国家的,属于人民的储蓄,一旦国家需要使用即可动用。“这几年我国财政增收幅度较大,但不会永远这么大。中国还会面临老年社会的问题,到那个时候需要钱,我相信这笔资产可以发挥很大的作用。”国资委有关领导人在国新办发布会上表示。  相似文献   

惟楚有才,于斯为盛。自古以来,湖湘多才俊。湖南作为楚文化的发祥地之一,培育出了许多的英雄儿女。出自湖南双峰龙田的大写意花鸟画家王憨山,在20世纪末带着他的作品进入了人们的视线。憨山先生的艺术风格集"简略、粗矿、刚直、清新"于一身。而正是这独特的艺术风格吸引了观众的眼球,打动了观者的心灵,同时也为当时的花鸟画坛注入了一股新的活力。  相似文献   

This paper presents comprehensive and practical engineering review (not mathematics or computer science paper) of the observed behavior of the two types of slabs that have been used for the bottom floor slabs, at grade and underground, of buildings in the United States and overseas. The typical design of the slab-on-grade (SOG) built in the United States is described. The design requires only nominal reinforcing steel, but modern day design also requires ground preparation and improvement as necessary, including underslab perforated drainage pipe network embedded in the granular subbase, riser pipes, and a series of pumps. Sealing at all slab isolation joints and waterproofing membrane or water barrier system are provided for water tightness. The framed slab is supported directly on the building framing and on the building foundation. The design can accommodate the soil and underground water pressure and in itself is watertight as the slab is cast monolithically with the structural walls and footings. The behavior of the SOG depends so much on the behavior (soil properties) of the soil strata on which the slab is resting on. It is sensitive to the variation of the soil conditions at and around building foundations, leading to uneven bumpy and cracked slab and leaking basement. These were demonstrated in the report of short- and long-term performances of various projects in Thailand and United States in the past 25 years. The paper refers to various analysis and design techniques that may be used to improve the design of both the SOG and the framed slab for serviceability and economy. It is concluded that both types of slabs may be selected to suit the functions and serviceability requirements of the buildings. The SOG requires less concrete and reinforcement than those for the framed slab counterpart, but when all other factors are considered including additional underslab drainage and pump system, operating, and long-term performance and maintenance, the overall costs of both slabs may not be far apart, yet the performance and integrity of the framed slab will certainly be superior.  相似文献   

The formation and geomorphic evolution of the Jiuduansha Shoal are investigated over the past 50 years in this paper. The sedimentary processes, formation, and geomorphic evolution of the Jiuduansha Shoal in the Yangtze River Estuary, eastern China, are analyzed based on digitized sea maps from 1945 to 2001, satellite images from 1975 to 2001, and field survey data in the spring-neap tidal cycle in the dry and flood seasons in 2003. The suspended sediment concentration and hydrodynamics of the North Passage and South Passage during the dry and flood seasons in the spring-neap tidal cycle in 2003 were investigated, and relations between the North Passage and South Passage of the Jiuduansha Shoal are analyzed. Results show that seasonal and spring-neap tidal cycle variations in sediment and water discharge from the drainage basin correspond to erosion and deposition on the Jiuduansha Shoal. The results and data can provide useful information for the management of the Yangtze River Estuary and restoration of the estuarine tidal flat ecology.  相似文献   

根据长期的设计工作经验和生产实践,针对铜萃取电积工艺设计的相关问题进行探讨,并提出适用的设计方案。其中,工艺部分包括铜萃取电积工艺方案的确定、萃取剂的选用、相连续的控制等;设备及厂房布置部分探讨了设备和管路的适宜材质,溶液池容积和结构形式、设备选择和厂房布置方式;根据车间生产介质的性质采用相应的消防方式;最后介绍了该工艺的投资成本及技术经济指标。  相似文献   

施灿涛  吴秀婷  朱涛 《钢铁》2021,56(9):50-55
 为了研究数据在钢铁行业的生态化利用问题,介绍了中国钢铁行业发展面临的新形势,以及新发展阶段对钢铁企业的新型能力要求,阐述了钢铁行业存在的问题及发展趋势,分析了钢铁行业数据资源特点及数字赋能基础,数据要素与土地、劳动力、资本、技术等传统生产要素不断交叉融合,从提升企业核心竞争力、优化行业资源配置、支撑政府行业治理3个层面,总结了钢铁行业数据发力的重点领域,提出以基于区块链的“数字基建”构建行业新型信用体系,支撑钢铁内涵式发展。  相似文献   

This paper presents the use of the trial load method and the block element method with elastoviscoplastic discontinuities for analysis of arch dams. The arch dam is considered as an arch-cantilever system and the foundation as a block element system. With the displacement compatibility condition at the contact surface of the dam and the foundation (including abutment), the governing equations of the arch dam and foundation are established. These methods are used for the analysis of the double curvature arch dam with complex geology conditions of the Xiaowan Hydroelectric Project in China. The deformation and stress states in both the dam body and the foundation are determined. Furthermore, the stability safety factors of the foundation and the abutment are calculated at the same time, which allows for an optimal design of the arch dam considering the strength, the deformation and the stability of the dam and foundation.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of a comprehensive composite beam-column fiber element for large displacement nonlinear inelastic analysis of concrete-filled steel tube (CFT) columns. The bond/slip formulation represents the interaction between concrete and steel over the entire contact surface between the two materials. Thus, the modeling accounts for the two factors that cause the slippage between steel shell and concrete core. The first factor is the difference between axial elongation of the steel shell and the concrete core, and the second is the difference between curvatures in the cross section for the concrete core and the steel shell. These effects are integrated over the perimeter and are added to the virtual work expression of the basic element. Furthermore, the constitutive models employed for concrete and steel are based on the results of a recent study and include the confinement and biaxial effects. A 13 degree of freedom (DOF) element with three nodes, which has five DOF per end node and three DOF on the middle node, has been chosen. The quadratic Lagrangian shape functions for axial deformation and the quartic Hermitian shape functions for the transverse directions are used. The model is implemented to analyze several CFT columns under constant concentric axial load and cyclic lateral load. The effect of semi- and perfect bond is investigated and compared with experiments. Good correlation has been found between experimental results and theoretical analyses. The results show that the use of a studded or ribbed steel shell causes greater ultimate strength and higher dissipation of energy than the columns with nonstudded steel shells.  相似文献   

This paper presents the test results of reinforced concrete slabs strengthened with prestressed and gradually anchored carbon fiber–reinforced polymer (CFRP) strips under monotonic and cyclic loading. To take full advantage of the externally bonded CFRP technique, it is beneficial to apply the laminates in a prestressed state, which relieves the stress in the steel reinforcement and reduces crack widths and deflection. The aim of the monotonic tests was to determine the strengthening efficiency of the new prestressing technique and to investigate serviceability and ultimate states. The cyclic tests were performed to identify the fatigue behavior of the strengthened slabs and to investigate the influence of long-term cyclic loading and elevated temperature on the bond properties of the prestressed CFRP laminates and the ductility and flexural strength of the strengthened slabs. A nonlinear analytical model of reinforced concrete members strengthened with passive and prestressed CFRP strips under static loading is proposed in the paper. A comparison of the experimental and predicted results reveals an excellent agreement in the full range of loading.  相似文献   

A fluid-filled cylindrical cavern of circular cross section in a homogeneous infinite fluid-saturated polycristalline (salt) formation subjected to isotropic stress is set under internal pressure that differs from the confining pressure. The fluid in the cavern and in the mixture is treated as ideal and the solid as elastic. The state of stress that is established as a consequence of an outside pressure and a cavern pressure serves as the reference state. Perturbing the cavern pressure induces small changes in the solid and fluid densities and in the solid displacements. We compute these and other fields as functions of the radial distance from the cavern center and show that, depending on the relative stress levels, the (salt) formation experiences either a dilatation or a compaction that is highly concentrated in a thin boundary layer near the cavern wall and tapers off as one moves away from it. The amount of dilatation/compaction of the cylindrical wall and the thickness of the boundary layer grow with an increase in the difference between the referential confining pressure and the pressure in the cavern.  相似文献   

高健 《冶金分析》2021,41(1):55-62
明确物相变化是剖析钛渣酸解机理和改进酸解工艺的关键点之一。综合应用化学分析、X射线衍射(XRD)分析、矿物解离分析以及扫描电镜形貌分析对某74钛渣酸解过程中主要物相的含量、形貌变化以及Ti、Si两种元素的含量及赋存变化进行了研究。结果表明:钛渣主要由黑钛石和辉石组成,酸解过程中黑钛石含量逐渐减小,辉石含量逐渐增加;反应过程中,酸主要以扩散的形式渗透到黑钛石颗粒表面及内部孔缝,从而分解黑钛石;酸解前后,辉石形貌无明显变化,但随反应深入,其解离度逐步提高;钛渣中Ti元素主要赋存于黑钛石中,Si元素主要赋存于辉石中,部分赋存于黑钛石和黑钛石-辉石混合物中,反应过程中Ti元素主要由黑钛石向TiOSO4迁移,部分迁移至黑钛石-辉石混合物中;Si元素迁移并主要富集于辉石以及黑钛石-辉石混合物中。  相似文献   

火炮身管用钢决定了身管类武器的使用性能,影响火炮的作战持续性与机动性。通过对国内外火炮身管用钢合金成分体系、制造工艺流程、材料主要性能指标总结分析,指出当前国内外炮钢主要牌号、性能水平以及存在高温性能不足的问题。通过调研国内外火炮用钢最新研究成果以及身管武器整体技术需求,总结和展望了火炮身管用钢的研究现状和发展趋势,针对大口径火炮研制高强韧炮钢以减轻壁厚和质量,针对中小口径速射火炮研制耐烧蚀性能炮钢以提高使用寿命。  相似文献   

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