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营造滨水公共空间——通州运河城市段设计探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
作为古运河的终点和新北京城市发展重地,京杭大运河北京通州运河城市段的景观规划直接影响城市区域发展,在尊重京杭大运河的历史文化和保护生态环境、发展京杭大运河通州区域原有自然生态的前提下,提炼运河历史文化的设计元素,为北京展现一个现代城市滨水空间,是整个项目的重要宗旨。作为首先实施的一期工程,北京通州运河文化广场实践了“大景观”的设计理念,从项目的总体布局入手,按照生态和景观的原则布局建筑和道路,运用丰富的设计手法,创造了一个有文化底蕴的现代城市滨水景观环境,项目建成后被选为2008奥运火炬接力途经景点。  相似文献   

作为南通市第一运河的起点和南通市港闸区发展重地,通吕运河——船闸东路段景观规划直接影响着城市区域的发展。在尊重通吕运河的历史文化和保护生态环境的前提下,提炼运河历史文化的设计元素,为南通展现一个现代城市滨水空间,是整个项目的重要宗旨。该文通过研究运河文化的内涵,结合南通市船闸东路——通吕运河景观设计实例,详细讨论了运河文化元素在城市滨水景观的应用。  相似文献   

<正>在景观设计中,植物雕塑是其中的有机组成部分。不管是在的街头,还是在公园里,都有植物雕塑的身影。这些植物雕塑不但美化了环境,而且还给人们带来了愉悦的感受。下文主要围绕植物雕塑在园林园艺景观空间中的应用进行探究。1植物雕塑的相关概述1.1主要概念植物雕塑指用各式各样的植物精心修剪而成的姿态各异的艺术形象,又被人们称为绿色雕塑。它将园林艺术与雕塑艺术有机结合在一起,巧妙将以下几个主题融合到环境之中,人;  相似文献   

绿色街道——道路雨水管理的景观学方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
绿色街道作为一种道路雨水管理的景观学方法在国外已经进行了大量实践应用。首先分析了城市道路雨水问题,阐述了绿色街道的概念与实践发展历程;其次提出了绿色街道景观设计包含的5个层次与3个步骤;最后对绿色街道景观设计应用的雨水种植沟、雨水种植池、路牙石扩展池、雨水渗透园与透水性铺装5种基本雨水管理景观设施以及绿色街道景观需要详细设计处理的雨水流入、雨水流落差、街道人行流线、街道雨水流向、雨水溢流、雨水景观植物、植物种植基质7方面内容进行了全面论述。  相似文献   

滨水绿地的有限立地条件制约了植物运用,通过研究滨水绿地的植物多样性情况,探索植物多样性对植物景观的影响,能够帮助城市滨水绿地兼顾植物景观设计与生态效益。选取上海代表性滨水绿地徐汇滨江,实地调研14块样地,测算了样地的植物多样性指标,运用美景度评价(Scenic Beauty Estimation,SBE)法进行景观评价,利用Spearman相关性分析二者的关联性。结果表明,徐汇滨江的植物多样性偏低,乔木物种多样性高于灌木;景观评价多为正向;景观效果与垂直层数、总物种数、灌木物种数、总Simpson指数、总丰富度、灌木丰富度呈现正相关。最后提出滨水绿地景观和植物多样性同步提升的建议:进一步丰富植物配置与造景层次,增加灌木应用,保证基本的植物生长与养护。  相似文献   

唐艳红 《风景园林》2007,(2):105-109
通州运河城市段作为古运河的终点和新北京城市发展重地,其景观设计直接影响城市区域发展,“大景观”的理念在此项目中得到实践和体现。风景园林师通过运河两岸的景观规划与设计直接参与主导了城市的区域规划设计,并运用了尊重地方历史文化和生态环境的设计手法,在保护、发展通州运河区域原有的自然生态的同时,提炼运河历史上水文化的设计元素,通过把车行道路远离水岸、人行路引近邻水等一系列具体的规划设计手法,力求为北京展现一个现代的滨水景观环境。  相似文献   

城市滨水景观是城市公共开放空间的重要组成部分,融入了运河文化的滨水景观可为城市带来无限的生机与活力,提升整座城市的形象与品味,使之变得更加耐人寻味。通过通吕运河景观设计项目,介绍了整个设计中运用各种方式将运河文化渗入滨河景观,从而打造南通市通州区独有的滨水景观,从而为今后运河滨水景观设计提供一些新思路。  相似文献   

青岛奥林匹克雕塑文化园位于青岛市城阳区绿色中轴线的南端,作为公园绿地系统的重要组成部分,是兼具植物观赏、名花展示及开展植物绿色文化科普教育等主要功能的大型公园.其植物种类丰富、配置合理、景观宜人、生态功能显著、植物景观特色鲜明,对木本植物景观的营造进行评析,分析讨论木本植物景观的空间、生态、季相等方面的设计,以期为青岛地区的公园植物景观设计提供参考,为更深入地研究植物景观提供借鉴.  相似文献   

植物是园林中最重要的元素,在水资源急剧减少的当前,雨水公园的建设不仅能够创建独特的景观效果、一定程度上缓解城市雨洪压力,降低园林绿地的管理养护成本,是未来城市园林景观发展的重点方向。本文从雨水公园的概念出发,探讨了城市中建设雨水公园中如何选择合适的植物种植,希望能为我国海绵城市、绿色城市的发展做出一定的贡献。  相似文献   

2008北京奥林匹克运动会国家主体育场(鸟巢)环境设计以"绿色奥运、科技奥运、人文奥运"三大理念为指导,通过保留现场树木、选取乡土植物、采用环保型病虫害防治措施等体现绿色景观;通过采用雨水收集和中水利用的节水措施、数码控制喷灌系统、数字化高效率的综合检票系统等体现科技景观;通过植物配置、以人为本的设计策略、完善周到的无障碍设施等体现人文景观,最终形成了与体育场的结构肌理合二为一的良好的景观效果。  相似文献   

A solar cooker based on a parabolic trough collector with thermal energy storage (TES) was investigated. In this experimental set-up, solar radiations were focused on the absorber tube and the collected heat was transferred to the solar cooker by natural circulation (thermosiphon) of the working fluid. The water and thermal oil (engine oil) were used separately as working fluids. Acetanilide was used as the TES material in the solar cooker. In day time, the phase change material (PCM) stored heat as well as transferred it to the cooking pot. In evening time, the stored energy by PCM was used to cook the food. The cooking process was carried out with different foods and with variation in the quantity of food. It was found that the temperature of thermal oil was 10–24°C higher than water as the working fluid. The system was able to cook the food twice a day and the rate of evening cooking was higher as compared with noon cooking. Using thermal oil as the working fluid, the quantity of heat stored by PCM was increased by an amount of 19.45–30.38% as compared with water.  相似文献   

A discrete element method (DEM) model was used to simulate the development of compaction-induced stress in a granular base course, with and without geogrid reinforcement. The granular base course was modeled as a mixture of uniformly sized triangular particles. The geogrid was modeled as a series of equally spaced balls that interact with each other through long-range interaction contacts. The long-range interaction contact was also used to simulate a deformable subgrade. The compactor was modeled as a solid cylinder rolling at a constant speed. The DEM model shows that the geogrid-reinforced granular base course gains additional compaction-induced stress due to the residual tensile stress developed in the geogrid. The residual tensile stress in the geogrid increases with the number of compaction passes. Parametric analyses were also conducted to assess the effects of geogrid stiffness and subgrade modulus on the compaction-induced stress.  相似文献   

The effect of courtyards as microclimate modifiers on the sustainability of traditional houses in a region with BWks mesoclimate in Iran was explored. The principle behind traditional Iranian courtyards was investigated to identify the most influential physical–environmental character-istics that can effectively improve energy efficiency in contemporary residential buildings. A field study was performed to analyze various physical elements of six valuable traditional courtyard houses located in a region with BWks mesoclimate in Iran. These elements included the orientation, extension, rotation angle, dimensions, and proportions of enclosed and open spaces, as well as physical bodies (opaquewalls), transparent surfaces (openings), and natural elements (waterandsoil). Results showed that most of the studied Iranian courtyards were particularly designed to enable orientation, dimension, and proportion to act as microclimate modifiers. All survey-based data were summarized and integrated to propose a physical–environmental design model for courtyards as a useful energy-efficient strategy for contem-porary sustainable housing in a region with BWks mesoclimate. The proposed model can be generalized to all design cases located in areas with similar climatic conditions.  相似文献   

This study aims to explore the ways of involving children with autism in participatory product design processes. Due to the impaired skills of children with autism, a key aspect of the process is to gain an understanding of the nature of the disorder and how these children interact with their social and material surroundings as well as their daily life problems. Considering this, a case study was conducted with children with autism, their parents and teachers, and also industrial design students in a public special education centre in ?zmir, Turkey. The design task was to reconsider the conventional trampoline design with respect to the needs of the sample group and the special education centre as well as the benefits it provides. The task was based on the patterns of behaviours, actions and movement. Observations, interviews and questionnaires were carried out, as well as collaborative meetings and discussion meetings. Through the case study, the findings provided insights into conducting a participatory process with children with autism, the roles of the participants, and the interaction and communication among them. Furthermore, participants’ attitude towards participatory design, the potential benefits of the design process, and innovations to benefit children with autism were explained.  相似文献   

圆管截面桁梁极限承载力试验研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
进行了上弦杆为钢管混凝土、上下弦杆均为钢管混凝土的桁梁试件和空钢管桁梁试件的对比试验研究。研究结果表明,弦杆钢管内填充混凝土可提高弦杆的抗压、抗弯和径向刚度,改变节点失效模式,提高节点强度和刚度;弦杆为钢管混凝土的桁梁试件与空钢管桁梁试件一样,结构破坏均是因节点失效引起的;由于弦杆管内填充混凝土提高了节点的强度和刚度,不仅受压的上弦杆而且受拉的下弦杆管内填充混凝土,都会提高圆管截面桁梁试件的整体承载力。最后对管节点的承载力和桁梁试件整体承载力进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The use of sulphorhodamine B, a known red fluorescent dye as a quantitative tracer in hydrological studies related to wastewaters has been proved experimentally. The interference in the accuracy of fluorescence readings owing to dissolved or suspended contaminants in wastewaters, especially at low concentrations of dye, was solved by successive filtering and eluting of the sample through a sep-pack C-18. The sulphorhodamine B, which is concentrated by displacement with small volumes of methanol, was thus retained. Volumes were then read with an fluorescence spectrophotometer. The procedure was demonstrated to be valid for use with sewers, stabilization ponds and wastewaters for concentrations as low as 5 × 10−7 g litre−1.  相似文献   

基于模型的积分算法为新近提出的一类同时具有无条件稳定及显式两种特性的积分算法。为了更加深入地了解该类算法的计算流程及计算效果,使用一种基于模型的积分算法对钢框架进行地震作用下的非线性时程分析。采用基于刚度的纤维梁柱单元来建立钢框架的有限元模型,并采用基于模型的积分算法求解结构运动方程,详细地给出了分析步骤。根据美国规范,设计了一个四层钢框架。利用Matlab/Simulink编制了有限元数值仿真平台,建立了钢框架的有限元模型。同时,使用OpenSees软件建立了相同的结构模型,并采用Newmark常平均加速度法。OpenSees模型的分析结果作为参照。结果表明:在使用基于模型的积分算法时,不需要迭代。此外,即便积分时间步长较大时,基于模型的积分算法依然具有较高的精度。  相似文献   

Data from literature suggests that a significant percentage of bakers develop occupational asthma and chronic obstructive bronchitis, the primary reason for this being the strong allergenic properties of flour. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of bronchial hyperactivity in bakers, as well as to correlate bronchial hyperactivity with positive skin tests and atopy. A group of 100 bakers (54 males and 46 females) employed in bread production for an average of 14.8 +/- 8.8 years, were examined from 1996 to 1999. Bronchial challenge tests with methacholine (cumulative dose of 4 mg) and flour were performed. It was considered positive if a FEV1 reduction of at least 20% from normal values had occurred. Additionally, skin prick tests were performed with wheat flour extracts, as well as standard environmental inhalation allergens. Total IgE were assessed using the ELISA method. Results showed that 11% of bakers demonstrated a positive methacholine test, 2% of bakers responded to the specific bronchial challenge test with wheat flour. The skin prick test with wheat flour was positive in 15% of bakers, while the same test using standard inhalation allergens was positive in 12% of bakers. Atopic status was found in 18% of bakers. The frequency of positive methacholine test was 33% in bakers with atopic status, compared to 6.1% (P < 0.01) in those without atopic status. Among the bakers who displayed a positive skin test to wheat flour, specific bronchial challenge test with flour was positive in two (13.3%) bakers, while no response to the bronchial challenge test with flour was observed in bakers with negative skin test. This is in agreement with known results.  相似文献   

Damage in a reinforced concrete column subjected to long-term elevated temperature (approximately 150°C) was studied by conducting detail inspection as well as finite element analysis. The damage information was collected through visual inspection, non-destructive tests, coring, and chemical analysis. Inspection results illustrated more damage level in the portion exposed to high temperature. Chemical analysis as well as cracking patterns indicated that the damage was not the same as the damage caused by fire attack and was not caused by chloride penetration, carbonation or sulphate attack. The mechanism of the damage was clarified by using finite element analysis with a condition of sudden drop of surface temperature. It was found from the analysis that cracking can be induced on the surface of the column due to temperature gradient if there is a substantial surface temperature drop.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of testing 16 specimens, 12 of which as columns under different eccentricities and four as beams under four point loading regime. All 16 specimens were circular in cross section and were made of reinforced concrete. Four specimens served as reference specimens and were just made of reinforced concrete. The next four specimens were wrapped with carbon fibre reinforced polymers (CFRP). The next four specimens had steel fibres added to the concrete. The final four specimens were reinforced with steel fibres and wrapped with CFRP. From each group of specimens, one specimen was tested as a column under a concentric load, the second specimen was tested as a column under 25 mm eccentricity, the third specimen was tested as a column under 50 mm eccentricity, and the final specimen was tested as a beam under four point loading regime. The experimental programme proved that the introduction of fibres as well as wrapping the specimens with FRP improve the properties of concrete, especially its ductility.  相似文献   

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