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为了研究加工工艺及配方对姜母鸭感官品质及货架期的影响,解决姜母鸭不能在常温条件下长时间保存的问题,在姜母鸭生产过程中用8%质量分数的食盐水腌制,添加0.4%防腐剂双乙酸钠和0.2%迷迭香提取物,并采用44℃条件下干燥4h,聚偏二氯乙烯(PVDC)复合彩袋包装,在20min-30min-20min/116℃、0.15MPa条件下高温杀菌.结果表明:该加工工艺及配方能保证姜母鸭不仅具有较好的感官品质,而且在常温下流通6个月内不变质.  相似文献   

:Sensory shelf lives of Argentine commercial stirred yogurts of different compositions stored at 10 °C were studied. Variations were as follows: fat‐free and whole‐fat, and vanilla and strawberry flavors. Yogurts were tested between 0 and 84 d of storage by consumers who expressed their acceptance or rejection of each sample; yogurts also were measured overall, as well as their attribute acceptability, with a hedonic scale. Survival analysis statistics were used to estimate shelf lives. Considering 25% of consumers rejecting the product, shelf lives were between 28 and 41 d; thus, a unique shelf life for this product does not seem reasonable. A log‐linear model and a direct quantile comparison formula were introduced to analyze the effect of formulation on rejection time distributions and shelf life values, respectively. Overall, fat‐free yogurts had lower shelf lives than whole‐fat yogurts.  相似文献   

Sensory shelf lives of commercial Spanish yogurts stored at 10 °C were studied. Yogurts were strawberry flavored and differed in fat content (free and whole‐fat) and consistency (stirred and set‐style). Yogurts were tested between 0 and 90 d of storage by consumers who expressed acceptance or rejection of each sample and measured overall and attribute acceptability on a 9‐point hedonic scale. Survival analysis statistics were used to estimate sensory shelf lives. Considering 25% of consumers rejecting the product, shelf lives varied from 38 to 69 d, depending on the composition, so if useful life were to be established using sensory criteria, a single shelf life for yogurt would not appear to be very appropriate. A log‐linear model and a direct quantile comparison formula were introduced to analyze the effect of formulation on rejection time distributions and shelf life values, respectively. Fat‐free yogurts had shorter shelf lives than whole‐fat yogurts. Acceptability of yogurts measured on a 9‐point hedonic scale varied less than percentage rejection over the storage times.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The effects of 0.5 and 1.0 kGy gamma irradiation on microbial and sensory characteristics of diced celery were compared to conventional treatments such as acidification, blanching, and chlorination. Aerobic plate counts for the irradiated celery did not exceed 107 CFU/g, in contrast, the acidified, blanched, chlorinated, and control samples surpassed aerobic microbial counts of 108 CFU/g in 22, 19, 12, and 8 d, respectively. Importantly, the 1.0-kGy treatment eliminated inoculated Listeria monocytogenes and E. coli. While the acidified and blanched samples had significantly different sensory profiles compared to the other treatments, the irradiated samples maintained their color, texture, and aroma longer and were preferred in the sensory tests. The sensory shelf life of the 1.0-kGy-treated celery was 29 d compared to 22 d for the control, chlorinated, and 0.5 kGy, and 15 d for the acidified and blanched celery.  相似文献   

Fresh‐cut spinach was treated with citric acid and ascorbic acid solutions and packaged in monooriented polypropylene (OPP) bags or low density polyethylene (LDPE) bags. Sensory attributes, chlorophyll retention, and weight loss were evaluated throughout refrigerated storage. Mathematical models were developed to analyze and predict the effect of the citric acid and ascorbic acid concentrations and storage time on off‐odor development, general appearance, wilting, browning, and color. Sensory attributes of fresh‐cut spinach decreased with storage time. Type of film affected off‐odor development, but did not influence visual sensory attributes. Chemical treatment and type of packaging film did not affect chlorophyll retention. Both types of packaging film controlled weight loss.  相似文献   

为有效控制无核葡萄干的霉菌,采用2、4、6、8、10 kGy的电子束对无核葡萄干进行辐照处理。同时,根据相关的标准,以色泽(权重为30%)、滋味(权重为35%)、气味(权重为35%)为评价指标,制订无核葡萄干的感官评价标准,并按此标准对辐照处理后的无核葡萄干进行感官品质评价。结果表明:经2 kGy辐照的样品感官评价结果与对照组无明显差异;经4、6、8、10 kGy辐照的样品感官评价结果低于对照组;无核葡萄干经6 kGy辐照,可杀灭100%的霉菌。  相似文献   

目的:研究电子束辐照对泥蚶微生物数量及其感官质量的影响。方法:泥蚶经不同剂量电子束处理,测定辐照后及冷藏期间菌落总数、大肠菌群及其感官评分。结果:电子束辐照能有效地杀灭泥蚶中的微生物,经过0、1、3、5、7、9kGy 不同剂量处理,泥蚶的菌落总数逐步下降,当泥蚶的初始菌落总数为3.10 × 105CFU/g时, D10=3.12kGy;泥蚶的感官质量与辐照剂量有关,经过7、9kGy 剂量处理后样品产生令人不愉快的异味。结论:结合辐照后及冷藏期泥蚶的微生物和感官指标,泥蚶电子束冷杀菌的适宜剂量为3~5kGy,经3~5kGy 处理后,泥蚶的货架期由对照组的5d 延长至15~19d。  相似文献   

Shelf Life of Sunflower Kernels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One raw and two oil roasted samples of sunflower kernels packaged in paper bags and in two types of low oxygen atmosphere pouches were stored at 5, 21 and 38°C. Quality of the stored samples was monitored by an expert sensory panel, peroxide, hexanal, free fatty acids and moisture determinations. Liking ratings, obtained with 99 consumers after 24 wk storage, were used to select end points for expert sensory ratings. The shelf life for roasted sunflower kernels was greater than 12 month when stored in nitrogen flushed pouches and as low as 8 wks when exposed to air at 38°C. Hexanal was a better index for shelf life of roasted sunflower kernels than was peroxide. The shelf life of raw sunflower kernels was > 12 month in packages providing some moisture but no oxygen protection.  相似文献   

采用电子眼、电子鼻、电子舌等感官评价技术,结合货架期加速实验(ASLT)的阿伦尼乌斯公式(Arrhenius)模型,建立无乳糖超高温灭菌乳(UHT乳)的货架期预测模型。将无乳糖UHT乳分别贮存于37、27、4℃下,以色泽、气味、滋味为主要指标,在不同的贮存温度下,综合分析无乳糖UHT乳品质与贮存时间之间的变化,并应用Arrhenius公式建立货架期模型。结果表明:37、27℃下贮存的无乳糖UHT乳色泽的发生显著性变化(P<0.05)的时间为24、33 d;苦味发生显著性变化(P<0.05)的时间为24、27 d;而贮存60 d气味无显著性变化(P>0.05)。4℃下贮存60 d的无乳糖UHT乳色泽、气味、滋味均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。以苦味为指标,利用Arrhenius公式拟合的货架期模型为:t=0.109×e-5.1882。选取37、27℃验证模型准确性,与实际货架期之间的误差分别为9.5%、12.5%,误差较小。用此公式计算4℃下无乳糖UHT乳货架期为71 d。因此,以感官指标为依据建立货架期预测模型可预测无乳糖UHT乳的货架期。  相似文献   

本论文研究了发芽处理对米糕的抗老化作用,采用全质构、DSC和感官分析比较了不同发芽时间糙米粉单独或按不同比例混配制得糙米糕的老化特性,并分析了糙米发芽过程中主要成分的变化规律。结果表明:发芽处理抑制米糕老化的作用随发芽时间的延长而增加,不同发芽时间糙米粉按特定的比例混配能进一步增强其抗老化效果。发芽2 d和发芽3 d的糙米粉按1:2的质量比例混配时抗老化效果最佳。糙米发芽后淀粉的降解导致其总淀粉、直链和支链淀粉含量的显著降低(发芽0~4 d,总淀粉、直链和支链淀粉含量分别从77.26%、4.08%和73.18%下降到46.77%、2.56%和44.21%)以及糊精和小分子糖含量的增加(发芽0~4 d,还原糖含量从0.98%增加到8.22%)是发芽处理延缓米糕老化的重要原因。此外,蛋白和脂肪等成分的变化及各组分的交互作用都可能影响最终产品的回生速率,还需进一步实验验证。  相似文献   

为研究X射线辐照对冷鲜猪肉品质的影响。该实验用0.1~1.0 kGy梯度的辐照剂量对纯培养细菌、冷鲜猪肉进行处理,评估不同辐照剂量和贮藏时间下微生物、理化指标和感官特性的变化。结果表明:微生物菌落数随辐照剂量的增加而减少。纯培养大肠杆菌和单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌的D10值分别为0.177 kGy和0.180 kGy。0.6 kGy X射线辐照处理时,纯培养细菌菌落数显著(p<0.05)减少3.0 log值以上;人工接种细菌菌落数显著(p<0.05)减少2.0 log值以上。1.0 kGy辐照处理冷鲜猪肉,固有微生物菌落数显著(p<0.05)减少2.0 log值以上;货架期从原来的4 d延长到9 d;贮藏前期感官评分无显著(p>0.05)差异,后期感官评分下降缓慢;与对照相比TVB-N和pH值的上升速率在贮藏期内显著降低(p<0.05);辐照后冷鲜猪肉TBA值有所增加,但在贮藏中对照组TBA值上升速率大于辐照组。综合考虑,1.0 kGy X射线辐照处理冷鲜猪肉,在保证冷鲜猪肉符合国家食品安全标准规定的同时将货架期延长了 4~5 d,为冷鲜猪肉的辐照保鲜技术提供科学依据。  相似文献   

冷藏养殖大黄鱼品质变化特征和货架期预测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭全友  许钟  杨宪时 《食品科学》2006,27(4):237-240
本文研究了养殖大黄鱼0、5℃冷藏过程中微生物、化学、感官品质变化,用修正的Gompertz方程描述细菌生长情况,结合TVBN和感官品质指标确定货架期并用指数腐败货架期模型加以验证。研究结果表明0、5℃冷藏货架期分别为408h和252h,货架期终点细菌总数分别为7.37±0.04、7.26±0.07lgCFU/g,TVBN分别为31.16±0.64、27.32±0.76mg/100g。用指数腐败方程预测3﹑5℃冷藏大黄鱼货架期,预测值和实测值的相对误差为5.6%~-14.9%,显示该方程可以快速可靠地实时预测0~5℃有氧冷藏大黄鱼的鲜度和剩余货架期。  相似文献   

A total of 18 farmed turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) were slaughtered over 4 successive weeks in November 2012 and stored in polystyrene boxes with ice until analyzed. The fish were stored between 1 and 22 d and presented to a taste panel and further analyzed for quality index method (QIM), microbiological analysis by real‐time quantitative PCR (qPCR), taste, pH, color by computer imaging, protein denaturation with differential scanner calorimeter (DSC), texture hardness, and shear force. Results show small, but significant changes in physical and visual attributes such as texture and color. No gaping was observed. Only small changes in texture were observed explained by lack of myosin denaturation. The fillets became more white and yellow during storage, whereas the major changes occurred during the 1st week. A panel evaluating QIM and taste could not distinguish major differences in appearance and taste and over 15 d storage period, but were able to quantify the age by smell. Analysis of microorganisms on the epidermis displayed growth of Carnobacterium maltaromaticum, potentially inhibiting growth of other spoilage bacteria. Fish stored for 22 d were rejected by the taste panel caused by a stale smell and taste, but not bitter or rancid. It is concluded that turbot has a shelf life of at least 16 d.  相似文献   

Retort pouch pears in syrup were developed for a military ration. Processing variables were: syrup pH (4.0 and 3.5) and processing temperature (88°C and 96°C). Periodic sensory and biochemical/instrumental analyses were conducted during storage at 4, 21 and 38°C. pH had the most effect on quality measures. Bivariate correlations from Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis indicated high positive relationships between the first PLS factor and sensory and analytical determinations: color quality, overall quality, pear flavor intensity, Hunter L, ascorbic acid and sucrose. Pears at pH 4.0, processed at either temperature, met minimum military shelf life requirements at 21° or 38°C.  相似文献   

蒋慧亮  顾玉  杨絮  展跃平  周震宇  杨綮 《食品工业科技》2020,41(24):272-276,285
为探究电子束辐照对蚌肉保鲜效果及品质的影响,对0~9 kGy不同剂量电子束辐照处理的蚌肉进行冰藏试验。结果表明:电子束辐照处理能减少蚌肉中的菌落总数,延缓挥发性盐基氮(TVB-N)值的增加。1、3、5、7和9 kGy剂量的电子束辐照处理的蚌肉货架期分别延长了6、10、12、13和13 d。但5~9 kGy剂量辐照对感官评价、菌落总数、TVB-N及货架期的影响差距不大。电子束辐照在一定程度上加速蚌肉脂肪氧化,且电子束辐照剂量越大,硫代巴比妥酸值(TBA)上升越快,最大值越大。同时7~9 kGy剂量电子束辐照后蚌肉中各类氨基酸的含量有不同程度的降低。综合考虑,5 kGy剂量电子束辐照处理对蚌肉的保鲜效果较优。  相似文献   

Fresh produce, like fruits and vegetables, are important sources of nutrients and health‐promoting compounds. However, incidences of foodborne outbreaks associated with fresh produce often occur; it is thus important to develop and expand decay‐control technologies that can not only maintain the quality but can also control the biological hazards in postharvest, processing, and storage to extend their shelf life. It is under such a situation that plasma‐mediated treatments have been developed as a novel nonthermal processing tool, offering many advantages and attracting much interest from researchers and the food industry. This review summarizes recent developments of cold plasma technology and associated activated water for shelf life extension of fresh produce. An overview of plasma generation and its physical–chemical properties as well as methods for improving plasma efficiency are first presented. Details of using the technology as a nonthermal agent in inhibiting spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms, inactivating enzymes, and modifying the barrier properties or imparting specific functionalities of packaging materials to extend shelf life of food produce are then reviewed, and the effects of cold plasma‐mediated treatment on microstructure and quality attributes of fresh produce are discussed. Future prospects and research gaps of cold plasma are finally elucidated. The review shows that atmospheric plasma‐mediated treatments in various gas mixtures can significantly inhibit microorganisms, inactive enzyme, and modify packaging materials, leading to shelf life extension of fresh produce. The quality attributes of treated produce are not compromised but improved. Therefore, plasma‐mediated treatment has great potential and values for its application in the food industry.  相似文献   

Survival Analysis Applied to Sensory Shelf Life of Foods   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
G. Hough    K. Langohr    G. Gómez    A. Curia 《Journal of food science》2003,68(1):359-362
ABSTRACT: Survival analysis concepts to be used in sensory shelf life studies were introduced, together with the equations necessary for calculations. The survival function was defined as the probability of consumers accepting a product beyond a certain storage time. Censoring phenomena, a key concept in survival analysis, was defined and has been shown to occur in sensory shelf‐life data. Concepts and calculations were applied to a data set obtained from 50 consumers who each tasted seven yogurt samples with different storage times, answering “yes” or “no” to whether they would consume the samples. From this censored data set, nonparametric and parametric models were obtained that allowed shelf‐life estimations.  相似文献   

该研究探讨了哈茨木霉菌剂处理对网纹甜瓜货架期品质的影响。研究在网纹甜瓜种植过程中,对甜瓜根部施用哈茨木霉菌剂4次(每次剂量为0.1 g/m2),以根部施用清水为对照组,比较果实在10 ℃冷库中贮藏第0、5、10和15 d的感官得分、颜色、质构、口味和抗氧化能力等品质特征。结果表明:哈茨木霉处理后果肉的口感甜糯,质地均一,果实最佳赏味期较对照组延长约4 d;哈茨木霉处理组果实可溶性固形物含量和Vc含量分别比对照组提高15.20%和64.58%;哈茨木霉组的ORAC值达到667.80 (µmol/L)/100 g,比对照组提高了10.05%,果实的抗氧化能力显著性提高;并且哈茨木霉处理使果皮硬度提高1.75倍,延缓果肉的软化现象,使果实更加便适于贮藏和运输。因此,种植过程中在根部追施哈茨木霉菌剂有利于提高网纹甜瓜货架期品质。  相似文献   

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