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Ramp-up experiments by means of lower hydrid wave on HT-7 superconducting tokamak have been performed and analyzed.A ramp-up rate of over 300kA/s is obtained and a conversion efficiency of over 10% has been achieved during the ramp-up phases.The study of the dependence of conversion efficiency on plasma density shows that the conversion efficiency is affected by the driven current,which is mainly dominated by the competition of impurity concentration with wave accessibility condition.In addition,the effect of current profile may play an important role in determining the conversion efficiency.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionLower hybrid current drive (LHCD) has become aneffective method to maintain plasma current in a toka-mak. Plenty of experimental results on the HT-7 toka-mak also show that LHCD is an important auxiliarymeans to achieve steady state operation of the toka-mak and to obtain plasmas with improved confine-ments [1~4]. In the experiments, lower hybrid wave(LHW) with a frequency of 2.45 GHz is launched intothe plasma by an LHW antenna. Since the power spec-trum of the launched …  相似文献   

Modulation of lower hybrid current drive was used successfully to suppress MHD activity. This was achieved in discharges with MHD m = 2 tearing modes during the discharge conditions Ip = 110 kA, Bt = 1.75 T, ne0 - 1.1 ×1013 cm-3. The delivering time of LHCD pulse is less then 30 μs. The amplitude, interval and the period of LHCD modulation pulse can be adjusted very conveniently. The modulation LHCD can be delivered very fast at any time during the discharge. The modulation LHCD period was always much shorter than the plasma resistive time (Tη≈100 ms). So the profile of plasma current is changed much faster than the plasma resistive time. The different forms of LHCD modulating can be proved.  相似文献   

Measurements of boundary parameters and their fluctuations have been performed in ohmic (OH) plasma and Ion Bernstein Wave (IBW) and Lower Hybrid Current Drive (LHCD) enhanced confinement plasma using a pneumatically driven Langmuir probe array on HT-7 toka-maX. In the enhanced confinement plasma~ the gradients of electron density and temperature become higher and a transport barrier comes into being in the vicinity of the limiter. The boundary potential shows a clear modification in the same region. The fluctuation levels are significantly depressed and the coherences between fluctuations are reduced evidently in the enhanced plasma.Meanwhile, we obtained the spectral features and the poloidal phase velocity of fluctuations us-ing a two-point correlation technique and found obvious modifications of the turbulence and the poloidal flow. The results suggest that the improved confinement in the IBW and LHCD enhanced plasma is at least partially due to the modification of the boundary parameters and the suppression of the boundary fluctuations and fluctuation induced fluxes.  相似文献   

The Experiment of Modulated Toroidal Current on HT-7 and HT-6M Tokamak   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Experiments of Modulated Toroidal Current were done on the HT-6M tokamak and HT-7 superconducting tokamak. The toroidal current was modulated by programming the Ohmic heating field. Modulation of the plasma current has been used successfully to suppress MHD activity in discharges near the density limit where large MHD m = 2 tearing modes were suppressed by sufficiently large plasma current oscillations. The improved Ohmic confinement phase was observed during modulating toroidal current (MTC) on the Hefei Tokamak-6M (HT-6M) and Hefei superconducting Tokamak-7 (HT-7). A toroidal frequency-modulated current, induced by a modulated loop voltage, was added on the plasma equilibrium current. The ratio of A.C. amplitude of plasma current to the main plasma current △Ip/Ip is about 12% ~ 30%. The different formats of the frequency-modulated toroidal current were compared.  相似文献   

Investigation of the energy confinement in ohmic and lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) plasmas in HT-7 has been performed. In ohmic discharges at low densities the global energy confinement time rE increases almost linearly with the density, saturates at a critical density (2.5×10^13/cm^3 for HT-7) and is nearly constant at higher densities. The energy confinement time is in good agreement with the Neo-Alcator scaling law at different densities and currents. In the LHCD plasmas the global energy confinement time similar to that of the L-mode discharges has been observed to be in good agreement with the low confinement mode (L mode) scaling law of ITER89-P in higher electron density and plasma current.  相似文献   

The main topics concerning lower hybrid wave heating (LHH) and lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) in tokamak systems are presented. The inherent properties of tokamak systems give the ‘gap' filling on Brambilla's spectrum, which are conducive to LHCD, but, on the other hand, induce a consumption of wave energy by the trapped electrons, which reduce the current drive efficiency. The methods for the enhancement of the current drive efficiency may be derived from detailed analyses by drawing upon the ray tracing technology on toroidal geometry and the Fokker-Planck theory on velocity space.  相似文献   

In this paper a simple code has been developed to analyze power balance and qualitatively evaluate current profiles for discharges with lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) and ion Bernstein wave (IBW) heating in the HT-7 tokamak. Electron and ion thermal diffusivity, profiles of the bootstrap current density and total plasma current density can be estimated by this code using the experimental data. This code offers an easy and reasonable means to understand plasma transport in HT-7.  相似文献   

HT-72.45GHz低混杂波系统利用相控波导阵列将微波能量耦合到等离子体中。本工作基于二维线性耦合理论,主要利用Step+Ramp的等离子体密度剖面模型,详细分析了HT-7装置上各种关键参数(如边缘密度、密度梯度、相邻主波导相位差等)下低杂波波导阵列天线的耦合特性。分析表明,通过调节主波导之间-90°~90°的相差,天线的n谱可在1.93~3.15之间灵活调节;当天线口边缘密度为0.5×1018~2×1018m-3时,波导阵天线的反射系数可保持在5%以下,方向性系数很大;主波导之间相位差的改变对波导阵的驱动效率有很大影响。  相似文献   

This paper reports a new project - the poloidal field (PF) grid power supply system to replace the ac flywheel generator power supply system on the basis of the present running parameters of the HT-7 poloidal field and the short-circuit capacity of our transformer substation. The designed parameters of the PF grid power supply system have been verified to meet the requirements of the heating field (HF) and the vertical field (VF). In the meantime, in order to reduce the disturbance to the local power grid, the device of reactive power and harmonic current compensation has been added. Experimental results have confirmed the feasibility of the PF grid power supply system. Compared with the ac flywheel generator, the PF grid power supply system has the advantages of lower noise, precise control, convenient maintenance, simple operation and cost savings.  相似文献   

高压直流电源是电离室等核辐射探测器的关键部件。针对需要3 kV左右高压的电离室,本文研制了0~3 kV连续可调的低噪声、高效率、小体积及高稳定性的高压直流电源。该高压直流电源系统采用线性与开关混合模式设计,兼顾了转换效率与低噪声。核心部分升压转换部分采用线性罗耶谐振电路与高频变压器实现,保证足够低的高压电源输出纹波。罗耶谐振电路的供电电源则由边沿时间控制型超低噪声开关稳压器LT1534提供,从而实现了混合模式高压直流电源的设计。高压直流电源输出部分采用二阶RC滤波电路进一步降低了输出电压的纹波。实测输出电压范围为0~3 kV,静态功耗为0.4 W,3 kV输出时纹波为16.55 mV,由此可知该电源可用于低噪声的核辐射探测器供电场合。  相似文献   

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