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郭苗 《电器评介》2014,(14):151-151
在我国的经济以及科技不断发展的背景下,我国的信息技术的发展也得到了很大程度上的进步,对于当前的高校信息化的建设也在一定的程度上得到了很好的发展,对于数字化校园的建设得到有效的加强从而实现资源以及信息的共享,这对于教学质量以及管理和科研等诸多方面的发展有着很好的促进作用。本文主要针对当下在云平台环境之下的数字化校园建设的相关问题进行深入的分析探究,希望能够对此领域的发展起到一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

本文的研究主要针对于当前网络游戏的类型的整合,应用图形学技术探寻网页游戏的开发。目前的游戏硬件发展完全能够满足游戏的发展,但是玩家的硬件升级趋势很难跟上这样的发展速度,尤其是需要更好的设备去运行优质的画面和故事的情节时;能否在现有的硬件基础上享受更多的游戏并感受游戏的乐趣是开发者一直在追寻的。基于网络平台构建游戏的环境扩展了游戏的形式,使得越来越多的人开始关注网页游戏的开发,本文将从为网页游戏的图像图形质量提高入手,兼顾游戏的虚拟互动性,使得网页游戏得到更大的发展。  相似文献   

温度,是对电机和电器的寿命在很大程度上产生影响的基本气候因素之一。导线温度的增加,能引起跟它接触的电气绝缘材料的温度的增加,而电气绝缘材料性能的好坏,在很大程度上是依赖于温度的。提高了的温度,能导致绝缘材料的物理和化学性能的变化,因而也就是导致它们的机械和电气性能的变化。 由于过高温度的作用,而引起的电器的损坏,常出现在超过了临介温度,因而对采用的材料的性能变化产生了影响或加速了其变化过程。对设备的寿命和可靠性有很大影响的是设备的构成元件的绝缘状况。  相似文献   

针对传统的轨道交通通信系统在不同建设阶段,采用的通信标准不一致。导致轨道交通通信网络无法实现信息共享的问题,设计并实现了基于HTML5的嵌入式移动智能终端的轨道交通通信系统。设计的基于嵌入式终端的硬件设计包括嵌入式终端的硬件选择,转换电路的设计、通信接口的设计和以太网扩展模块的选择,设计的基于HT-ML技术的软件系统包括通信信号的接收程序和信号的收发程序。仿真结果表明,相对于传统的通信系统,利用基于HTML5的嵌入式智能通信系统能够实现不同建设阶段的通信系统的兼容,为城市轨道交通的安全运行提供了保障。  相似文献   

严征 《中外电器》2014,(2):48-48,50
随着我国的大专院校教育的重要性日益增加,高等教育的大力推广,以及全面教育的认识不断地提高,人们也越来越关注大专教育,对传统的本科教育是一个重要的补充,我国现今的大专教育的管理方式和教学理念是有共同之处的,但也有其自身的不可替代的管理和教学的特殊性,因此,在教学中学生自主学习的能力也应该是不同的,大专院校的学生不同于本科院校的学生,他们更需要培养自主学习的能力。  相似文献   

我国的经济在飞速的发展,当然教育的模式和方法也必须改革,才能适应经济发展对人才的需求。在生物科学的教学中,要开展课程的探究式教学的模式。通过对生物科学的探究模式的学习,可以提高学生的科学的素养,培养学生探究真理和知识的能力和欲望。关于生物科学的探究模式,就是让学生在学习生物科学的过程中,自己主动地探究其中蕴含的知识。  相似文献   

随着科技的进步与发展,通信工程对我们生活的影响所占据的比重越来越大.伴随着信息化时代的到来,我们将对原来的通信工程开展全面升级是必须的,在以后的时间里,为了顺应时代的前进的步伐,我们国家的通信工程需要进行不断地升级改造.全文主要是对我国的智能化通信工程的升级改造的发展方向进行分析,为对我国的智能化通信工程的升级提供一些理论参考.  相似文献   

在铁氧体磁性材料的制造过程中,处处遇到各种粉末。各种粉末的特性对铁氧体磁性材料的生产工艺和产品的性能有很大的影响,所以充分了解粉末的物理性能和工艺特性是极其重要的。铁氧体粉末的物理性能包括粒度、粒度分布、粒子形状、粉末的比表面积、粉末的真密度以及粉末颗粒的晶格状态等。粉末的工艺性能用粉末的松装比重,粉末的流动性和粉末的压制性能来表征。  相似文献   

20年前在中国大地上开展的“实践是检验真理的唯一标准”的大讨论,冲破了“两个凡是”的思想束缚,揭开了解放思想的序幕,重新确立了党的“解放思想,实事求是”的思想路线,为具有划时代意义的党的十一届三中全会的召开做了充分的思想准备。从20年来改革开放所取得的巨大成就的实践经验来看,从阳宗海发电厂改革发展的  相似文献   

蒋涛 《电源技术应用》2012,(11):247+254
电力客户户号牌标准化的应用实践是目前需要很好的研究的一门课题。在电力客户的户号牌还没有一个具体的标准的情况下,对其进行一个新的方法的尝试,从而能够便于管理,也利于电力用户的用电方便,是很有意义的[1]。户号牌的作用是很重要的,具体可概括为优质服务的便民牌、用检抢修的定位牌和台区管理的标识牌。对户号牌进行标准化的定型,需要对其各个方面的问题进行研究。本文主要研究了电力客户户号牌的应用现状以及研究背景,对户号牌的作用进行了具体分析,并且就户号牌的改革进行了详细的阐述。通过本文的研究,希望为相关方面的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

For original article by C. Buccella and A. Orlandi see ibid., vol.39, no.2, p.368-73, Mar./Apr. 2003 and for discussion by B. J. C. Burrows see ibid., vol.42, no.2, p.535 Mar./Apr. 2005.  相似文献   

For original article and discussions see ibid., vol.42, no.1, p.134-45, Jan./Feb. 2006. The authors respond to discussion comments by C.M. Wellman (p.142), P.S. Hamer (p.143-4) and T.E. Neal (p.145).  相似文献   

用变汽温法检验300MW机组高中压缸中间轴封改造效果   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍利用变汽温法测量高中压缸中间轴封漏汽量的原理和方法,并列举了在某电厂300MW汽轮机高中压缸中间轴封改造前后的应用实例。提出可以用此方法测量高中压缸中间轴封改造前后的漏汽量,从而可以量化地检验轴封改造效果。  相似文献   

In recent years, the density gradient theory (DG) (M.G. Ancona and H.F. Tiersten 1987, Phys. Rev. B. 35(15): 7959–7965, M.G. Ancona 1990, Phys. Rev. B. 42: 1222) has been established as a viable alternative to the solution of the Schrödinger equation for solving problems such as charge density distribution in MOS inversion layers and MOS tunneling (M.G. Ancona 1998, J. Tech. CAD(11), M.G. Ancona et al. 2000, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 47: 1449). Primary advantages of the DG method over the Schrödinger method are flexibility in extending to multi-dimension and easiness in incorporating into the conventional drift-diffusion or hydrodynamic solver (C.S. Rafferty et al. 1998, Proc. SISPAD, p. 137, A. Wettstein et al. 2001, IEEE Trans. Elec. Dev. 48: 279). However, the DG term that represents the quantum effects is a singular perturbation term and requires special care for discretization (X. Wang 2001, Master's thesis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst). In this work, we examine the validity of the linear vs. the nonlinear discretization scheme and the effect of boundary conditions on the scheme used.  相似文献   

面向对象技术及其在电力系统中的应用   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
详细讨论了面向对象建模技术、面向对象方法学以及面向对象技术的优越性。重点介绍了面向对象技术在潮流计算、电力系统仿真、电力系统安全分析与控制、数据库、人机界面、人工智能、调度员培训仿真中的应用。  相似文献   

Inhaltsübersicht I. Ziel der Arbeit. —II. Das Grundmodell. —III. Das Grundpotential. —IV. Wirkung kleiner Inhomogenitäten: 1. Analyse des Innenbereiches; 2. Analyse des Außenbereiches. —V. Einfluß der Randschicht auf das Strömungsfeld. —VI. Zusammenfassung.Mit 33 Textabbildungen  相似文献   

C. Patak maintains that the motor analyzed by L. Xu et al. in the above-titled paper (see ibid., vol.26, no.2, p.229-36 (1990)) cannot operate as specified by the authors. R.M. Davis, in a separate discussion points out that the above-titled paper is based on earlier work by L. Xu and T.A. Lipo (1987, 1988) that had prompted him to publish a paper in which he reached a completely opposite conclusion, and that L. Xu et al. have neither noted nor referenced his work. In reply, L. Xu et al. point out that Patak has been misled by Fig. 4 of their paper and provide clarification. They also explain why they did not consider Davis's paper and rebut his arguments. They also note that the captions for Figs. 14 and 15 of their paper should be reversed  相似文献   

A computer-based technique is described which can accurately determine high-voltage AC resistive currents by obtaining the watts loss of the test specimen and dividing by the true r.m.s. (t.r.m.s.) value of the applied voltage Therefore, the normal concern for guarding against stray capacitive currents and for the exact repetition of test setup geometry on successive testing are not required for accurate measurements of AC resistive current. The watts loss calculation is based on the general formula for average watts so that the resistive current can be measured accurately with some harmonics of the fundamental present in both the test current and the supply voltage. A digital oscilloscope is used to acquire the test voltage and current so that special-purpose amplifiers are not required. The overall system accuracy is verified to less than ±1.21% of full-scale current. A microprocessor was used to compute the following parameters: average power, t.r.m.s. voltage, t.r.m.s. resistive current, t.r.m.s. capacitive current, total t.r.m.s. current, and the magnitude of calculated measurement error. The waveforms displayed are volt-ampere, voltage, and total current. An EHV aerial lift boom, a 115 kV station post insulator, and a metal-oxide surge arrester are evaluated using this technique to illustrate the measurement advantages  相似文献   

The benchmarks in cardiac pacing are identified, beginning with F. Steiner (1871), who rhythmically stimulated the chloroform-arrested hearts of 3 horses, 1 donkey, 10 dogs, 14 cats, and 8 rabbits. The chloroform-arrested heart in human subjects was paced by T. Greene in the following year (1872) in the UK. In 1882, H. Ziemssen in Germany applied cardiac pacing to a 42-year old woman who had a large defect in the anterior left chest wall subsequent to resection of an enchondroma. Intentional cardiac pacing did not occur until 1932, when A.A. Hyman in the US demonstrated that cardiac pacing could be clinically practical. Hyman made a batteryless pacemaker for delivery in induction shock stimuli (60-120/min) to the atria. His pacemaker was powered by a hand-wound, spring-driven generator which provided 6 min of pacemaking without rewinding. Closed-chest ventricular pacing was introduced in the US in 1952 by P.M. Zoll et al. Zoll (1956) also introduced closed-chest ventricular defibrillation. W.L. Weirich et al. (1958) demonstrated that direct-heart stimulation in closed-chest patients could be achieved with slender wire electrodes. S. Furman and J.B. Schwedel (1959) developed a monopolar catheter electrode for ventricular pacing in man. In the same year, W. Greatbatch and W.M. Chardack developed the implantable pacemaker.  相似文献   

As the subject matter is quite extensive only a few problems will be covered in this short presentation. I hope, however, to give you a clear picture of the in-company education and training system that will be described below. By following the instructions of the Chairman I hope I will be able to provide a basis for the ensuing discussion. This presentation is divided into the following subtopics. Section I. Organizational environment. Section II. Corporate view of continuing education. Section III. In-house educational opportunities. Section IV. External educational opportunities. Section V. Final remarks.  相似文献   

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