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该文提出了一种简单的呼叫接入平衡机制。接入平衡机制配合CAC使用可以保证各类呼叫平等地接入网络。并分析了在这种机制下当ATM网络中的业务流量接近满负荷时,宽带业务的呼叫对窄带业务呼叫的阻塞概率。分析表明,这种平衡机制可以避免一种呼叫排挤另一种呼叫的现象发生。分析的结论对于在实践中制定合理的呼叫接纳和拒绝策略具有实际意义。  相似文献   

桂洛宁  樊昌信 《通信学报》1994,15(5):113-120
在ATM网里业务阻塞控制是一个十分重要的问题,本文对一种缓冲漏桶业务阻塞控制算法在突发性业务输入情况下的性能进行了计算机模拟分析,模拟结构表明缓冲漏桶算法是一种适合于突发性业务的阻塞控制算法,文章在模拟结果的基础上给出了缓冲漏桶算法中参量选择的算法。  相似文献   

李大双  程蝉 《通信技术》1998,(1):27-30,63
文章提出了一种多速率来务环境下阻塞概率的分析模型和状态方程,得出了阻塞概率的计算公式,研究结果表明,对于CBR业务,STM方式对宽带业务的阻塞率低于ATM方式。  相似文献   

以ATM用户接入系统为背景,介绍呼叫接纳控制(CAC)的方法和工作过程。呼叫接纳控制是ATM网络流量控制的基础。呼叫接纳控制模块收到呼叫接纳请求后,根据新连接的流量和业务质量要求以及现有网络资源情况,决定是否接受这一新连接。如果接受,就通知网络为新连接分配网络把新连接的流量参数送交用法接受这一新连的妆。如果接受,就通知网络为新连接网络资源,同时把新连接的流量参数送交用法参数控制(UPC)模块进行流  相似文献   

Stal.  W 《电信快报》1996,(12):16-17
ATM阻塞控制:供需双方面临的实际问题WilliamStallings编者按本文简要介绍阻塞控制技术对ATM通信的重要性,以及该技术目前不成熟的状况。阻塞控制技术对基于异步转移模式(ATM)的通信网的成功运行至关重要。没有这种技术,来自用户节点的业务...  相似文献   

该文提出一种新型呼叫接纳控制算法.算法依概率对新连接申请进行接纳判决.接纳概率的计算取决于网络管理者制定的接纳控制策略。给出了算法的设计思想和规则描述。仿真结果验证了这种算法的有效性和可实现性。  相似文献   

黄生叶  叶梧  冯穗力 《通信学报》2002,23(11):122-128
数值计算结果表明:在巨型资源完全共享队列中,各类业务占用的服务员数之间具有近似的统计独立性。基于这种准独立性,可以将巨型资源完全共享系统划分为多个准独立且同构的含多种业务的子系统,从而整个系统的服务员占用数近似为正态分布,结合查表技术,提出一种计算大规模、多业务队列中呼叫阻塞概率的近拟方法。  相似文献   

本文首先建立ATM交换中呼叫阻塞与信元丢失间的相关数学模型,然后通过数值计算和仿真结果,定量地给出了呼叫阻塞及其占有起伏对信元丢失性能产生的影响。  相似文献   

针对WiMAX网络业务流的自相似特性,提出用M/Pareto模型来对网络业务流进行建模,通过M/Pareto模型和FBM业务流模型之间统计性质得到2个模型间的参数映射关系,推导出基于M/Pareto模型参数的有效带宽计算公式,据此设计出一个自相似接纳控制算法(SS-CAC)。该算法避免了通过测量的方法来获取FBM业务流模型中参数值,又适应了WiMAX网络流自相似这一特性,使得计算的有效带宽更加精确和方便,提高了系统资源利用率。仿真结果表明,该算法极大地提高网络的带宽利用率,降低了系统的呼叫阻塞率。  相似文献   

ATM网络中带有接入平衡机制的实时CAC算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍的CAC算法旨在使各种业务的呼叫能够平衡地接入ATM网络,降低算法的复杂程度,提高对呼叫的实时处理能力,同时提高网络资源的利用率。  相似文献   

Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) offers an efficient means of carrying a wide spectrum of BISDN traffic provided that network congestion is prevented. Unfortunately, efficient congestion control is difficult to achieve in integrated broadband networks, owing to the wide range of traffic characteristics and quality of service (QOS) requirements. We have implemented a network simulator that allows us to evaluate many proposed admission control schemes using many different traffic models. We present the results of several simulation studies, including one study of the performance of the admission control schemes in the presence of traffic sources that exhibit long-term dependence.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new method for calculating call blocking probabilities (CBPs) in a low Earth orbit satellite network that carries voice calls. The calculation of the CBPs uses the Erlang‐B formula, but the traffic intensity has been modified to take into the time and location in which the calls are made. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A node-by-node admission control and routing scheme for ATM networks is devised. The scheme is based on the subdivision of traffic into a number of classes, characterized by different performance requirements. At each network node, for all outgoing links, link capacity partitions are periodically assigned to the traffic classes, as the result of an optimization problem over a fixed time interval. Local access control rules compute the maximum number of connections of each class that a link can accept within the assigned capacity. Incoming call connection requests are forwarded in a hop-by-hop fashion. Each node traversed, first checks the presence of resources needed to accept a new connection and guarantee all quality of service (QoS) requirements. This is done by using the local access control rule. Then, it chooses the next node along the path on the basis of a distributed routing strategy. This minimizes a cost function accounting for local instantaneous information, as well as for aggregate information that is passed periodically among adjacent nodes. Two routing strategies are introduced. In the first scheme, a new call is rejected if, at a certain node along the path, there are not enough resources to guarantee QoS requirements, and no recovery mechanism is implemented. In the second scheme, an alternative path is looked for after the first failure. Simulation results are presented which show a comparison between the two proposed routing strategies. Comparison is also made between the proposed scheme and the other approaches. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文研究 ATM通信网络基于在线测量的呼叫允许接入控制问题。文章提出利用神经-模糊算法在线协调模糊规则中的参数,并在此基础上,实现了一种新的CAC机制。在确保服务质量的情况下,提高网络资源利用率,通过实例仿真表明了应用此种算法的可行性。  相似文献   

熊庆旭 《通信学报》2000,21(11):56-62
本文讨论了ATM网络交换节点的缓存器容量较大时,如何实现实时接入允许控制的问题。我们从大量的计算机模拟的结果中发现,对于符合负指数分布的马尔可夫ON/OFF单一类型或多类型信源,在信元及系统的其它参数保持不变的条件下,信元丢失概率和丢失率,只取决于缓存器容量与信元平均突发长度的比值。本文从“生灭过程”出发加以了证明。  相似文献   

In this paper a practical routing algorithm is proposed that increases the network throughput irrespective of the network traffic load. Its effectiveness is based on an efficient cost function which achieves a successful trade‐off between the use of the minimum‐hop routes and the application of the load‐balancing concept. Moreover, it employs the known Trunk Reservation notion according to a probability that increases linearly with the traffic load. This results in an effective compromise of the performance of the algorithm between light and heavy traffic loads. Finally, its simplicity and its suitability for a real‐time application render it as an efficient routing algorithm for ATM networks. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new method of traffic smoothing for frames of different video sources. We assume that each video source transmits frames at fixed intervals and that the network is free to decide the relative temporal spacing of video frames from different sources. This means that the time at which a given source begins to transmit its first frame is under the control of the network; however, after that, all frames from this source are transmitted at fixed intervals. We now address two questions. What are some reasonable policies for spacing the frames of video sources? What is the performance advantage of doing this? We propose three control policies (two heuristic and one based on an optimization problem via some Fourier analysis). These are compared against the case in which the video frames from different sources are randomly distributed (i.e. no control is exercised). We show that significant performance advantages accrue if one controls the temporal placement of the video frames from different sources.  相似文献   

本文首先在神经网络模型的基础上阐述神经网络在宽带ATM网中用于自适应的连接/呼叫接纳控制,最优化路由选择和信元调度的工作原理,然后给出仿真结果。  相似文献   

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