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我国作为水产养殖和消费总量第一大国,水产品引发的过敏问题越来越受到关注,近些年来,因食用水产品而导致的过敏事件日益增多。该研究综述了近年来热加工技术(蒸、煮、高温压力)、非热加工技术(超高压、低温等离子体、超声波和辐照)以及两种加工技术联用对水产品过敏原消减的研究,指出热加工技术主要通过使蛋白质变性来消减过敏原的致敏性,非热加工技术则通过掩盖或破坏过敏原抗原表位来消减过敏原致敏性,为低致敏性水产品开发提供了重要基础和技术参考。不断探究过敏原诱导过敏反应发生的机理,加快推进低致敏性水产品加工技术在实际生产中的应用,有利于控制和降低水产品过敏所带来的风险。  相似文献   

水产品过敏原的研究现状和展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水产品作为人类食物的重要来源之一,其市场和消费群体不断扩大。与此同时,由水产品引发的食物过敏也日益增多,在联合国粮农组织公布的八大类过敏食物中,水产品就占了两大类。水产品过敏原有小清蛋白(Parvalbumin)、鱼卵蛋白(如鲑鱼的硫酸鱼精蛋白)和胶原蛋白(Collagen)、原肌球蛋白(Tropomyosin,TM)、精氨酸激酶(Arginine kinase)、肌球蛋白轻链(Myosin light chain)、肌钙结合蛋白(Sarcoplasmic calcium binding pro-tein)、血蓝蛋白亚基(Hemocyanin subunits)等。基于此,本文重点概述了国内外水产品过敏原及其加工脱敏技术的研究现状,以及今后水产品过敏原研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

近年来,随着水产品的消费量逐年增长,食用水产品引起的过敏问题也日渐增多。在全球范围内,食物过敏是世界公共卫生关注的重点问题,因此通过食品加工技术来开发出低致敏或无致敏的食品对过敏人群健康具有重要意义。本文对水产品过敏原加工消减技术研究进展进行了概述,简要介绍了水产品的主要过敏原,详细介绍了不同食品加工技术对水产品过敏原致敏性的影响,分析了低致敏水产品的研究现状及发展趋势,以期为低致敏性水产品的研发提供指导方向。  相似文献   

水产品在人类营养和健康中扮演重要角色。随着水产养殖业和国际贸易的发展,其市场和消费群体不断增多;由此水产品引发的过敏问题也逐渐增多,已成为世界性的重大食品安全问题之一。水产品的主要过敏原是小清蛋白(parvalbumin)和原肌球蛋白(tropomyosin,TM);另外,卵清蛋白、胶原蛋白(collagen)、精氨酸激酶(arginine kinase)、肌球蛋白轻链(myosin light chain)、肌钙结合蛋白(sarcoplasmic calcium binding pro-tein)等过敏原也扮演重要角色。基于此本文综述了水产品过敏原致敏机制、过敏原的种类、水产品致敏性的消减方法,并展望了水产品过敏原今后的研究方向和发展趋势。  相似文献   

水产品因鲜美的味道和丰富的营养而深受消费者青睐。水产品属于联合国粮农组织和世界卫生组织认定的过敏食物,其在加工、运输、贮藏过程中有可能受到外来过敏原的污染,由此引起的食品安全问题日益严峻,严重制约了行业的发展。明确水产食品中的过敏原,并利用适当的检测技术进行检测、监控,有利于预防水产食物过敏疾病的发生。本文概述水产食品中的主要过敏原,以及基于基因水平的核酸检测技术、蛋白水平的免疫检测技术及质谱检测技术研究进展,为丰富水产品过敏原及其检测手段提供理论依据。  相似文献   

水产品因其营养丰富,越来越受消费者喜爱。近年来,随着水产品产量和消费量逐年增加,水产品引发的食物过敏也日益增多,已经成为一个食品安全问题。随着食品加工技术及生物技术的提高,人们对过敏原性质的研究及过敏原分离纯化方法不断深入,利用食品加工技术降低食物过敏原致敏性越来越受到大家的关注。低致敏性食品是水产品开发的一个重要方向,很多研究学者对如何降低水产品致敏性进行了深入的研究。本文对水产品过敏原消减技术研究进展进行了概述,简单介绍了水产品过敏的现状及主要过敏原,详细介绍了最常用的5种消除方法,分析了低致敏水产品的发展趋势,以期为低致敏性食品开发提供理论指导。  相似文献   

甲壳类水产品味道鲜美,营养丰富,广受消费者喜爱,但可诱发机体产生严重过敏反应,甚至危及生命,已成为全球范围内日益严重的食品安全问题。概述了目前已鉴定的甲壳类水产品过敏原的结构和免疫性质,及其致敏性消减技术原理和研究进展;已报道的甲壳类水产品过敏原有原肌球蛋白、精氨酸激酶、肌质钙结合蛋白、肌球蛋白轻链、磷酸丙糖异构酶和血蓝蛋白等,其中原肌球蛋白为甲壳类水产品的主要过敏原,可与72%~98%的甲壳类食品过敏患者血清产生特异性IgE反应。利用物理加工消减甲壳类水产品过敏原致敏性,主要通过传统热处理、微波、超高压、低温等离子体和辐照等物理作用力诱导蛋白质变性,进而破坏蛋白质的致敏性表位;酸处理和糖基化等化学修饰消减技术可以通过改变过敏原结构、形成新化学键等方式掩盖或直接破坏致敏性表位;酶处理和发酵处理等生物修饰消减技术则直接降解过敏原致敏性表位。未来仍需要通过过敏表位的靶向消减、多种消减技术协同、动物与人体试验开展,探究过敏原结构和表位修饰的影响机制,推进过敏原消减技术的实际应用,为低敏甚至脱敏甲壳类食品的研发提供参考。  相似文献   

随着食用玉米的人群越来越广泛,玉米过敏问题日渐凸显。对玉米过敏的有效防御被人们所重视,加工通过改变过敏原的蛋白结构可以使过敏原致敏性降低。其中食品加工对过敏原致敏性的研究主要集中在热处理方面;然而各种非热方法,如微波、超高压等食品加工新技术,在降低食品的致敏性方面也有广阔的应用前景。相比来说非热方法通常是有利的,它们能够保留在热处理过程中经常改变的感官特性,如营养成分和风味。本文综述了玉米过敏原研究现状,总结了玉米中的过敏原,描述了对食物进行热处理和非热处理在改变食物过敏原反应性方面的作用,并且提出多种加工方式联合使用来降低玉米过敏原致敏性的未来研究方向,为玉米过敏的防御提供参考。  相似文献   

花生是世界粮农组织(FAO)认证的八大过敏食物之一,花生可导致严重的过敏反应,甚至危及生命。由于花生作为食物配料有广泛的应用,人们对花生过敏越来越关注。本文对加工后花生过敏原蛋白结构变化与性质变化之间的关系研究进行了综述,为探索加工定向改变花生过敏原蛋白的结构和性质提供方向。  相似文献   

花生过敏可导致某些人群严重的食品安全问题。过敏患者只能通过避免食用含有花生过敏原成分的食物来避免过敏。但是,食品在生产加工、储存、运输、销售过程中有可能被过敏原污染。因此,确定各类加工食品中是否含有花生过敏原成分,对于预防食用者发生花生过敏反应具有重要意义。花生中已确定的过敏原蛋白有13种(Ara h 1~Ara h 13)。本文综述了花生中过敏原蛋白的结构信息,当前流行的提取方法,以及各种定性定量的检测方法,总结了各种方法的优缺点。同时对建立一种具有特异性强、灵敏度高、定量准确的花生致敏蛋白检测方法的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

The effect of reuterin and high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) processing at 450 MPa for 5 min on the inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes and the characteristics of cold-smoked salmon during 35 days at 4 and 10 °C were investigated. The growth rate of the pathogen was reduced by reuterin addition and a synergistic antimicrobial effect against L. monocytogenes was recorded when the biopreservative was applied in combination with HHP at 450 MPa for 5 min. This combined treatment prevented the pathogen recovery observed with individual treatments and delayed the spoilage of smoked salmon maintaining total viable counts under 3.5 log units during 35 days of storage at 4 °C. All treatments assayed induced changes in lightness (L*) and redness (a*), resulting in a brighter appearance of smoked salmon, whereas no modifications were recorded in shear strength values immediately after treatments. Moreover, reuterin and HHP treatments, individually or in combination, avoided the formation of biogenic amines during the 35 days of storage at 4 and 10 °C. The addition of reuterin in combination with HHP at 450 MPa for 5 min might be applied as a hurdle technology to improve the safety and extend the shelf life of lightly preserved seafood products, such as cold-smoked salmon.  相似文献   

The protein secondary structure modifications and digestibility of red abalone muscle subjected to high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) treatments (200, 300, 400, and 500 MPa for 5 min) were evaluated. The protein structure was analysed by Fourier-Transformed Infrared spectroscopy. Protein digestibility was evaluated based on the degree of hydrolysis (DH) and peptide size distributions under in vitro gastrointestinal conditions. The intermolecular β-sheet structure was disrupted at 200 MPa, compensated by the formation of the intramolecular β-sheet. At 300 and 400 MPa, the β-sheet structure can fold on itself from the interactions that stabilize the protein structure. The 310-helix structure was significantly looser at 300 MPa. Structural modifications were accompanied by β-turn formation at 300, 400, and 500 MPa. In vitro gastrointestinal digestion is improved by HHP independently of pressure level. The results suggest that high pressure improve the DH of red abalone as a consequence of β-sheet and β-turn conformations changes.Industrial relevanceThe seafood industry uses high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) technology to reduce undesirable sensory changes and preserve the functional and nutritional properties of compounds. The HHP experiments contributed to unravel the impact of the different level pressure on digestibility. HHP treatment can change the secondary structures of proteins and improve the protein digestibility as function the pressure level. The results of this study provide valuable information for the potential application of HHP on the development of red abalone with high-nutritional value.  相似文献   

超高压作为一种新型的食品非热加工技术, 处理过程温度低、对食品营养成分破坏小,能在有效杀菌的同时显著提升加工食品品质,是未来食品加工技术发展的热点方向。近年来,超高压技术被广泛应用于食品加工,并在国内外实现了商业化应用。杀菌作为超高压加工食品过程中最重要的环节,是保证食品安全、延长产品货架期的关键点,因此一直是本领域研究的重点。本文介绍了超高压技术的设备和作用原理, 总结了超高压或超高压联合其他手段对微生物营养体、细菌芽孢、真菌孢子及病毒的杀灭效果和杀菌机制, 归纳了超高压杀菌中存在的杀菌机制不清、缺乏杀菌指示菌以及深休眠芽孢等问题, 以期为进一步完善超高压杀菌理论、推动超高压技术在食品加工中的产业化应用指明方向。  相似文献   

The effect of high hydrostatic pressure at 500 MPa/10 min (HHP1), 550 MPa/10 min (HHP2) and 600 MPa/5 min (HHP3) on the microbiological, physicochemical, antioxidant and sensory characteristics of a fermented pomegranate (FP) beverage, stored for 42 days (4 ± 1 °C), was evaluated. The FP beverage was also pasteurized at 63 °C/30 min (VAT) and 72 °C/15 s (HTST). The high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) and VAT pasteurized beverages did not show microbial growth (<10 CFU/mL) throughout 42 days of storage. The physicochemical characteristics were not affected (p > 0.05) by HHP or pasteurization. Color of the samples showed significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) in all HHP processed and pasteurized beverages. Antioxidant activity, total phenolic compounds, flavonoids and anthocyanins increased slightly after HHP processing. Antioxidants decreased throughout the storage in all treatments. Both HHP processed and pasteurized beverages were well accepted by average consumers when evaluated using a 9-points hedonic scale.Industrial relevanceThe high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) improves the microbiological, antioxidant and sensorial stability of fermented pomegranate beverages during storage. The HHP is more common for processing fruit juices than for fermented beverages; therefore, it can be expanded to the fermented beverages industry, which could modify the today usual thermal processing methods and, or the addition of preservatives, that are not natural, for delivering high quality and healthier pomegranate fermented beverages to consumers.  相似文献   

高静压处理对黄桃罐头微生物和质构的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以黄桃罐头为试材,研究了高静压处理的杀菌效果,并用质地多面分析(TPA)方法,对高静压造成黄桃质构的变化进行分析。结果表明,400MPa下处理25min即可杀灭所有细菌,300MPa下处理15min就能杀灭所有霉菌和酵母菌。高静压处理(600MPa,5min)后黄桃罐头的硬度、凝聚性和咀嚼性与未处理无显著差异,但显著好于热处理。高静压技术能使黄桃罐头达到商业无菌,并保持良好质构。  相似文献   

Various strategies have been employed to enhance starch property, including thermal processing, chemical modification. The application of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) may be a complementary, synergistic, or an additive starch enhancement technique. While most current applications of HHP are in starch processing, over 25 starches had been investigated by HHP, which can induce gelatinization and modification of some starches. Different starch responds differently to high pressure depending on the pressure range, starch source, pressurization temperature and time, different solvent and starch concentration. We have re‐examined the information on the various factors that influence the HHP‐induced structure, gelatinization, retrogradation, and modification of starches from different plant sources, with an emphasis on the HHP‐induced gelatinization. The compiled evidence of high pressure starch enhancement in this paper indicates that HHP is an effective technology with potential for greater utilization in starch application.  相似文献   

以发酵石榴汁为研究对象,分别用超高压(High hydrostatic pressure,HHP,600 MPa/10 min)和热处理(Thermal processing,TP,65 ℃/20 min)进行杀菌,比较处理前、后及4 ℃贮藏期间发酵石榴汁各理化指标的变化。结果表明,经超高压和热处理后,发酵石榴汁中菌落总数小于10 CFU/mL,且菌落总数在贮藏结束时小于100 CFU/mL,符合行业标准要求;pH、可滴定酸(Titratable acidity,TA)和可溶性固形物含量(Total soluble solids,TSS)在两种处理前、后均无显著变化(p>0.05),在贮藏期内pH、TSS无显著变化(p>0.05),而TA显著下降(p<0.05);超高压处理后的样品具有更高的总酚、花色苷、总黄酮和抗氧化活性;在贮藏过程中,总酚、花色苷、总黄酮含量和抗氧化活性均呈下降趋势,超高压处理能更好地保持样品的总酚、花色苷和抗氧化活性,而热处理组能更好地控制样品中总黄酮的损失;与未处理组相比,超高压和热处理对发酵石榴汁色泽的影响较小,贮藏期间热处理组的色泽变化程度高于超高压处理组。结论:超高压处理的发酵石榴汁在总酚、总黄酮、花色苷和抗氧化性等品质方面优于热处理组。  相似文献   

The consecutive combinations of nisin with high hydrostatic pressure (nisin-HHP) and ultrasound with high hydrostatic pressure (US-HHP) were explored to achieve enhanced microbial inactivation in liquid whole egg processing. The HHP processing conditions were fixed to either 250 MPa for 886 s or 300 MPa for 200 s at the treatment temperature of 5 °C, which have been determined as the optimum HHP processing conditions considering egg protein coagulation and microbial inactivation kinetics. Between the two types of combinations, the nisin-HHP combination showed more promising results. The addition of nisin prior to pressure treatments significantly increased the lethal effects of HHP against Listeria seeligeri up to 5 log cycles. Because the individual effects of each nisin and HHP on the Listeria were almost negligible, the Listeria reductions are considered to be due to the synergistic action of nisin and HHP. However, the combination of nisin-HHP on E. coli showed exactly the same degree of inactivation by HHP alone, which supports protection mechanism of gram negative bacteria against the action of nisin. The US-HHP combination caused no reductions of Listeria and only a slightly increased inactivation of E. coli under the experimental conditions.  相似文献   

High hydrostatic pressure (HHP), used alone or with other processes, is an emerging technology increasingly used in the food industry to improve microbial safety, and the functionality and bioactive properties of food products. HHP provides a way to reduce energy requirements for food processing and may contribute to improved energy efficiency in the food industry. Hen egg is used by the food industry to formulate many food products. To improve the microbiological safety of egg and egg‐derived products, HHP processing is an attractive alternative to heat‐ pasteurization and a potential technology. However, HHP treatment induces structural modifications of egg components (such as proteins) which could positively or negatively affect the physicochemical and functional properties of egg‐derived products. Improving our knowledge regarding the potential of HHP in the egg industry will add value to the final food products and increase profitability for egg producers and the food industry.  相似文献   

Wild Lonicera caerulea berries were subjected to five different high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) treatments (which resemble the conditions of active component extraction and commercial sterilization). The content of anthocyanins and total phenolics increased by 6.84% and 14.35% (p < 0.05), respectively after treatment at 200 MPa for 5 and 10 min. As HHP increased, a higher loss of active component was observed. The total phenolic contents did not differ significantly between the control and the 400 MPa/20 min treated group (p > 0.05); HHP processing demonstrated better sterilization effect but severely destroyed enzymes. Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POD) activity were activated at lower HHP, such as 200 MPa, and decreased at 400–600 MPa. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) maintained good stability under HHP processing. The antioxidant capacities of anthocyanins extracts of wild L. caerulea berry were evaluated by 3 different methods (DPPH assay, oxygen radical absorbance capacity assay, and cellular antioxidant activity assay).Industrial RelevanceFactors such as color, luster, and nutrition often affect consumer choice in food. However, the color and nutrition of foods tend to be destroyed during processing and storage. The demand for healthier and more nutritious food while retaining the color and flavor after processing highlights the need to develop novel and gentler technologies for fruit processing. Recently, high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) technologies have been used in different branches of the food industry. In the present study, the content of active component in blue honeysuckle fruit pulps such as anthocyanins and polyphenols showed tendency to increase and then decrease with increasing pressure at room temperature. Five different HHP treatment groups (resembling the conditions of active component extraction conditions and commercial sterilization) were compared to the control (fresh fruit) and heat-treated group to determine the effects of HHP processing on L. caerulea berry pulps. The aim of this study was to investigate the changes in active component particularly the content and composition of anthocyanins under different high-pressure treatment at room temperature; the color and physicochemical indexes were also analyzed at the same conditions. Low HHP for a long period of time (400 MPa/20 min) demonstrated better results than that with high HHP for a short time (600 MPa/10 min), as indicated by the higher contents of anthocyanins and phenols and stronger antioxidant capacities. Therefore, Low HHP conditions can be used as an auxiliary means of active component extraction. The conditions of HHP processing at low HHP for a long period of time (400 MPa/20 min) can be altered to retain active components during food processing.  相似文献   

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