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为明晰不同点火方式对汽油机稀薄燃烧特性的影响规律,在一款排量为0.5L的研究型单缸机上试验研究了传统火花塞和主动预燃室两种不同点火方式下发动机燃烧及排放特性,探索主动预燃室拓展稀薄燃烧极限的多种影响因素。研究结果表明,稀薄燃烧可有效降低油耗,提高发动机热效率。传统点火线圈的稀燃极限处于过量空气系数1.5附近,最高指示热效率为45.0%,而采用主动预燃室系统后,稀燃极限可进一步拓展,过量空气系数可达2.0,指示热效率提升至46.5%,氮氧化物排放比采用传统火花塞点火技术时降低约88%;主动预燃室匹配高压缩比14.80的燃烧系统,可进一步拓展稀燃极限至过量空气系数2.1,指示热效率可达48.0%,氮氧化物排放继续降低,在过量空气系数采用2.1时NO_x排放最低可达58×10~(-6)。  相似文献   

基于一台单缸汽油发动机,设计了主动预燃室系统,试验了预燃室混合气状态对燃烧及排放的影响,通过对比不同点火能量的火花塞点火和预燃室点火,明确预燃室射流点火对燃烧过程影响机理.结果表明:随着预燃室内喷油量的增加,颗粒物数量(PN)排放增加;预燃室内浓混合气能改善燃烧相位、加快燃烧速度,提高点火性能,但预燃室内当量比附近的混合气有更大的节油潜力.当全局过量空气系数φglobal小于1.4时,预燃室点火燃油消耗率恶化;当φglobal大于1.4时,预燃室改善热效率的能力开始凸显.当预燃室中燃油量占总循环油量的分数为2%时,预燃室点火能将稀燃极限扩展至φglobal为2.1,在φglobal为1.8时总指示热效率达到48.5%的最大值.  相似文献   

基于一台四冲程单缸发动机开展预燃室湍流射流点火(turbulent jet ignition,TJI)甲醇发动机燃烧特性、性能表现和排放特性的试验研究。结果表明,TJI燃烧模式燃烧速率较快,放热率(heat release rate,HRR)峰值明显较高,且具有更短的滞燃期和燃烧持续期。随着过量空气系数变大,缸内压力和放热率峰值变小,TJI和火花塞点火(spark ignition,SI)燃烧模式滞燃期和燃烧持续期均变长。此外,TJI燃烧模式可有效提升甲醇发动机的稀薄燃烧稳定性,可将稀燃极限拓展至过量空气系数2.0。TJI燃烧模式下平均指示压力略低于SI模式;然而对于过量空气系数大于1.1的稀燃工况,TJI燃烧模式指示燃油消耗率更低,在过量空气系数1.3时低于570 g/(k W·h),说明其具有更好的燃油经济性。TJI燃烧模式下氮氧化物排放量明显低于SI燃烧模式,过量空气系数1.1时降低约37.2%,并且在过量空气系数大于1.3的极稀燃工况具有相对较低的甲醛CH2O和碳氢化合物排放。  相似文献   

湍流射流点火(Turbulent Jet Ignition,TJI)是一种有效的燃烧增强技术,可提供更高的点火能量,使发动机稳定着火,且可以提高燃烧压力和燃烧速率,缩短燃烧持续期,是实现发动机稀薄燃烧的有效手段。基于一台带有预燃室的点燃式单缸试验机,开展了TJI模式下天然气发动机性能的试验研究。首先,研究了不同过量空气系数下TJI对天然气发动机动力性能、排放性能及燃烧特性的影响,并与火花塞点火(Spark Ignition,SI)模式进行对比;其次,在稀燃条件下分别探究了进气增压和预燃室喷氢对天然气发动机动力性、经济性及燃烧过程的优化作用。结果表明:TJI的使用可有效拓展天然气发动机的稀燃极限,且燃烧滞燃期和燃烧持续期均更短,放热率更高;过量空气系数1.5为甲烷TJI最佳稀燃工况,此时燃油消耗率最低,且可实现氮氧化物近零排放;此外,采用进气增压的方式可以提高TJI发动机在高负荷下的经济性;TJI模式下,相较于预燃室喷甲烷,预燃室喷氢气可进一步缩短滞燃期和燃烧持续期,提高放热率,达到提升TJI性能的效果。  相似文献   

为了研究预燃室点火技术的稀燃点火能力及预燃室点火技术对发动机性能的影响,用热力学单缸机试验的方法对比研究了不同点火方式的点火能力,并研究了预燃室点火条件下,进排气相位、滚流气道、预燃室设计对发动机性能的影响。研究结果表明:与传统的火花塞点火线圈点火方式相比,主动预燃室点火能量大,能稳定点燃λ>2.4的均质稀燃混合气,有效拓展稀燃极限;在预燃室点火条件下,通过优化进排气相位和滚流气道,结合合理的预燃室设计参数及发动机工况点的优化能提升热效率,试验测试已实现52.5%的指示热效率。  相似文献   

通过计算流体动力学数值模拟,探索点燃型预燃室在大缸径(320mm)甲醇发动机上的应用效果,计算了过量空气系数和点火正时对燃烧和性能的影响。结果表明,点燃型预燃室发动机的燃烧放热过程先缓后急,热效率较高,NOx排放很低,SOx排放为零,不经后处理即可满足国际海事组织Tier Ⅲ排放法规。随着缸内过量空气系数的增加,缸内压力、压力升高率、声响强度和NOx排放均显著降低,指示热效率先升后降,在过量空气系数为2.4时达到最高值49.2%;随着点火正时的延迟,缸内压力、压力升高率、声响强度、指示热效率逐渐下降,NOx排放先减后增。基于计算结果,提出了一种燃烧控制策略:在平均有效压力低于1.8MPa时控制缸内过量空气系数为2.4并匹配较早的点火正时,在平均有效压力高于1.8MPa时控制过量空气系数为2.1并匹配较晚的点火正时。采用该策略可使部分负荷热效率最佳,且整机具有较高的动力性。  相似文献   

通过计算流体动力学数值模拟,探索点燃型预燃室在大缸径(320mm)甲醇发动机上的应用效果,计算了过量空气系数和点火正时对燃烧和性能的影响。结果表明,点燃型预燃室发动机的燃烧放热过程先缓后急,热效率较高,NO_x排放很低,SO_x排放为零,不经后处理即可满足国际海事组织TierⅢ排放法规。随着缸内过量空气系数的增加,缸内压力、压力升高率、声响强度和NO_x排放均显著降低,指示热效率先升后降,在过量空气系数为2.4时达到最高值49.2%;随着点火正时的延迟,缸内压力、压力升高率、声响强度、指示热效率逐渐下降,NO_x排放先减后增。基于计算结果,提出了一种燃烧控制策略:在平均有效压力低于1.8MPa时控制缸内过量空气系数为2.4并匹配较早的点火正时,在平均有效压力高于1.8MPa时控制过量空气系数为2.1并匹配较晚的点火正时。采用该策略可使部分负荷热效率最佳,且整机具有较高的动力性。  相似文献   

为解决大缸径气体机燃烧不稳定问题,在大缸径气体机上进行普通火花塞、预燃室式火花塞性能对比试验,及3种预燃室式火花塞对气体机性能影响的对比试验。结果表明:采用预燃室式火花塞可以拓展气体机稀燃极限,大幅提高发动机燃烧稳定性,平均指示压力波动率和最大缸内爆发压力波动率降低约45%,缸内燃烧速度加快,热效率提高约0.5%,涡前排气温度降低约15℃;预燃室式火花塞喷孔直径和数量对气体机燃烧的滞燃期影响较大,较小的喷孔直径更有利于缩短滞燃期,增大喷孔直径导致失火率上升,喷孔数量对失火率影响较小,喷孔直径和数量对燃烧持续期、燃气消耗率和NOx排放影响较小。  相似文献   

基于单缸试验机研究了过量空气系数对射流点火发动机性能的影响。通过分析发动机性能曲线、缸内燃烧情况及爆震特性探究射流点火最佳运行区间,并与火花点火燃烧方式进行对比。结果表明,射流点火可以有效提升瞬时放热率并拓展发动机稀燃极限,缩短缸内混合气滞燃期与燃烧持续期,同时燃油经济性有一定提升。在稀燃条件下氮氧化物排放极低。爆震方面,随着点火提前角增大,射流火焰的多点点火效应会在缸内产生明显压力震荡,继续增大点火提前角会诱导末端混合气自燃。因此射流点火爆震缸压表现为两阶段压力震荡,爆震因子集中性高。提升过量空气系数可以降低射流点火爆震因子幅值,使发动机工作在轻微爆震或无爆震状态。  相似文献   

针对某小型单缸汽油机进行了LPG化改造,介绍了系统的组成并开发了发动机试验控制系统用于LPG发动机稀薄燃烧技术的研究.研究结果表明:不同的燃烧室形式对稀燃热效率和NOx排放水平具有重要影响,在稀燃状态下直口碗型燃烧室比浅碗型燃烧室的排放性和经济性好.发动机的转速、负荷、压缩比、点火提前角以及火花塞间隙等运转或结构参数是影响LPG发动机稀燃极限的主要因素,负荷和转速提高以及压缩比和火花塞间隙增加,均使稀燃界限拓宽;合理的点火提前角也有利于稀限拓宽;通过对各参数的优化可以拓展LPG发动机的稀燃极限,在保持LPG发动机低排放的情况下可将发动机的动力性基本恢复到原汽油机的水平.  相似文献   

The pre-chamber spark ignition system is a promising advanced ignition system adopted for lean burn spark ignition engines as it enables stable combustion and enhances engine efficiency. The performance of the PCSI system is governed by the turbulent flame jet ejected from the pre-chamber, which is influenced by the pre-chamber geometrical parameters and the operating conditions. Hence, the current study aims to understand the effects of pre-chamber volume, nozzle hole diameter, equivalence ratio, and initial chamber pressure on the combustion and flame jet characteristics of hydrogen-air mixture in a passive PCSI system. Pre-chamber with different nozzle hole diameters (1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm, and 4 mm) and volumes (2%, 4%, and 6% of the engine clearance volume) were selected and manufactured in-house. The experimental investigation of these pre-chamber configurations was carried out in a constant-volume combustion chamber with optical access. The flame development process was captured using a high-speed camera at a rate of 20000 fps, and the images were processed in MATLAB to obtain quantitative data. The combustion characteristics of hydrogen-air mixtures with the PCSI system improved when compared to the conventional SI system; however, the improvement was more significant for ultra-lean mixtures. Early start of combustion and shorter combustion duration were observed for PCSI – D2 and PCSI – D3 configurations, respectively and improved combustion and flame jet characteristics were also noted for these configurations. With the increase in pre-chamber volume, ignition energy associated with the flame jet increases, which reduces the combustion duration and the ignition lag.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of high hydrogen volumetric ratio of 55% on performance and emission characteristics in a turbocharged lean burn natural gas engine. The experimental data was conducted under various operating conditions including different spark timing, excess air ratio (lambda), and manifold pressure. It is found that the addition of hydrogen at a high volumetric ratio could significantly extend the lean burn limit, improve the engine lean burn ability, decrease burn duration, and yield higher thermal efficiency. The CO, CH4 emissions were reduced and NOx emission could be kept an acceptable low level with high hydrogen content under lean burn conditions when ignition timing were optimized.  相似文献   

胡春明  刘娜  李伟 《内燃机学报》2007,25(2):144-149
介绍了应用于高速单燃料LPG电喷发动机的高能双火花塞快速燃烧系统的组成及其在发动机稳态运行工况的稀燃研究。开发了发动机多通道瞬态燃烧分析系统用于LPG快速燃烧过程的研究,快速燃烧系统的同步、异步点火通过ECU及其控制策略的控制实现。试验结果表明:LPG混合气的火焰传播速度得到提高,LPG的燃烧稀限由过量空气系数1.25—1.4拓展为1.4—1.5;结合燃烧室和火花塞位置的优化,火焰传播距离被缩短以实现LPG稀混合气的快速燃烧。  相似文献   

Due to increasingly stringent fuel consumption and emission regulation, improving thermal efficiency and reducing particulate matter emissions are two main issues for next generation gasoline engine. Lean burn mode could greatly reduce pumping loss and decrease the fuel consumption of gasoline engines, although the burning rate is decreased by higher diluted intake air. In this study, dual injection stratified combustion mode is used to accelerate the burning rate of lean burn by increasing the fuel concentration near the spark plug. The effects of engine control parameters such as the excess air coefficient (Lambda), direct injection (DI) ratio, spark interval with DI, and DI timing on combustion, fuel consumption, gaseous emissions, and particulate emissions of a dual injection gasoline engine are studied. It is shown that the lean burn limit can be extended to Lambda= 1.8 with a low compression ratio of 10, while the fuel consumption can be obviously improved at Lambda= 1.4. There exists a spark window for dual injection stratified lean burn mode, in which the spark timing has a weak effect on combustion. With optimization of the control parameters, the brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) decreases 9.05% more than that of original stoichiometric combustion with DI as 2 bar brake mean effective pressure (BMEP) at a 2000 r/min engine speed. The NOx emissions before three-way catalyst (TWC) are 71.31% lower than that of the original engine while the particle number (PN) is 81.45% lower than the original engine. The dual injection stratified lean burn has a wide range of applications which can effectively reduce fuel consumption and particulate emissions. The BSFC reduction rate is higher than 5% and the PN reduction rate is more than 50% with the speed lower than 2400 r/min and the load lower than 5 bar.  相似文献   

Spark-less jet ignition pre-chambers are enablers of high efficiencies and load control by quantity of fuel injected when coupled with direct injection of main chamber fuel, thus permitting always lean burn bulk stratified combustion. Towards the end of the compression stroke, a small quantity of hydrogen is injected within the pre-chamber, where it mixes with the air entering from the main chamber. Combustion of the air and fuel mixture then starts within the pre-chamber because of the high temperature of the hot glow plug, and then jets of partially combusted hot gases enter the main chamber igniting there in the bulk, over multiple ignition points, lean stratified mixtures of air and fuel. The paper describes the operation of the spark-less jet ignition pre-chamber coupling CFD and CAE engine simulations to allow component selection and engine performance evaluation.  相似文献   

Because blending hydrogen with natural gas can allow the mixture to burn leaner, reducing the emission of nitrogen oxide (NOx), hydrogen blended with natural gas (HCNG) is a viable alternative to pure fossil fuels because of the effective reduction in total pollutant emissions and the increased engine efficiency.In this research, the performance and emission characteristics of an 11-L heavy duty lean burn engine using HCNG were examined, and an optimization strategy for the control of excess air ratio and of spark advance timing was assessed, in consideration of combustion stability. The thermal efficiency increased with the hydrogen addition, allowing stable combustion under leaner operating conditions. The efficiency of NOx reduction is closely related to the excess air ratio of the mixture and to the spark advance timing. With the optimization of excess air ratio and spark advance timing, HCNG can effectively reduce NOx as much as 80%.  相似文献   

采用“气道内二交燃油喷射”技术以实现汽油机稀混合气燃烧。将每循环所需燃油量分两部分喷射,一部分燃油为缸内提供均质稀混合气,另一部分燃油借助地气流动和适时喷射使混合气形成“局部分层”。在一台五气门汽油上实验证实,这种新喷油方式能够节油17%,比传统稀燃方式提高稀燃能力2个空燃比单位,并进一步降低HC和NOx排放浓度30%-50%,调节两部分喷油的分配比例,可自由控制火花塞周围混合气浓度及其它区域混合气的浓度。  相似文献   

Potential and knocking characteristics of a hydrogen-natural gas blend (HCNG) engine with a high compression ratio were examined from a commercial viewpoint since lean combustion with HCNG under a wide-open throttle (WOT) condition requires a high-charging-capacity turbocharger. Supercharging of intake air to extend the lean limit was investigated for a turbocharged, heavy-duty natural gas-fueled engine. Effects of compression ratio changes on fuel economy were assessed in terms of thermal efficiency and torque characteristics. Extension of the lean limit to an excess air ratio of 1.8 for an HCNG engine under WOT conditions is realizable using a supplementary supercharging system. Thermal efficiency improvement at high compression ratios is reduced under relatively rich mixture conditions because spark timing is retarded to avoid knocking. The excess air ratio corresponding to maximum thermal efficiency decreases to 1.6 for an HCNG engine due to the decrease in exhaust gas energy for intake-air charging.  相似文献   

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