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唐雯 《硅谷》2015,(1):204-205
该文简略概述了北镇市地质灾害现状,对其地质灾害隐患点的稳定性、危险性进行了初步评价,着重地分析了北镇市崩塌、滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害的形成条件和影响因素,为该地区今后开展地质灾害防治工作提供了参考。  相似文献   

矿产资源的开采集中在山区,地质条件会发生巨大变化,从而引发地质灾害,严重危害矿产企业和当地居民的生活环境,必须采取有效的措施防治。本文分析了矿山地质灾害类型,结合矿山地质特点,探讨了勘察地质灾害的方法和防治地质灾害的应对措施,以供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

孙钢  金衡建  杨剑 《硅谷》2011,(11):147-148
凤城市赛马煤矿经过几十年的开采,产生较严重的环境方面环境问题,如:地面塌陷、地面沉陷、地裂缝、和地下水位下降等。这些地质灾害给当地人民群众生活带来诸多的危害,为达到防灾减灾的目的,了解区内地质灾害发生的机制,本次工作尝试采用激电中梯、高密度、五极纵轴测深、大地层析电磁测深等方法圈定采空塌陷区范围、深度及空间位置均取得较好的效果,经过地面检查及深部钻探验证,与实际情况吻合较好。为今后查明采空塌陷区等方面地质灾害问题,提供范例。  相似文献   

++地区是位于我国北方的一个地质灾害多发的地区,其岩土体工程地质条件复杂,受自然应力作用及人类活动的影响,常发生地质灾害制约着当地经济的发展,同时对人民的生命财产也构成了很大的威胁。本文的工作就是以实发地质灾害为例,科学的评判地质灾害的危险度、易损性、风险性提出合理的防治措施和办法,以避免人员伤亡,减少财产损失。  相似文献   

辽宁省海城市位于辽宁省辽东半岛东南部,市区位于辽河下游,隶属于鞍山市管辖。地质灾害发育类型受地形地貌气候和人类活动的影响,在区内各部位各自具有不同自q特点,但总体上共有三种类型的地质灾害,一是人类工程活动主要是采矿引起的系列矿山地质灾害即崩塌、滑坡、采空塌陷;二是自然条件下引发的地质灾害主要是泥石流;三是地震引发的地质灾害包括地裂缝(砂土液化)、岩溶塌陷。本区以矿山开采引发的矿山地质灾害为主。  相似文献   

矿山开采需要地质学等相关科学理论体系作理论基础,并且借鉴以往的可靠性探究结果,对矿山的环境现状做一个深入准确的调查与分析,得出具有时效性和准确性的开采条件信息,其中包括地形地貌,气候气象特征,水文地质条件以及可能发生的地质灾害等等矿山建设环境。本篇文章从矿山建设中的水文地质条件人手,通过矿山周围区域的环境简况和矿山的地质构造特征两个方面来探究矿山建设水文地质条件的特征。并且对矿山的富水条件与状况也作了详细分析与阐述,基于这三方面的探讨,对矿山建设水文地质条件形成与发展作了全面充分的分析与讨论,希望能对相关人士起到参考与借鉴作用。  相似文献   

陕北黄土高原南缘主要存在一些小规模的小型黄土滑坡和黄土崩塌,拟建工程多纵跨北部黄土丘陵区和南部黄土塬两个次级地貌单元。北部黄土丘陵区沟谷深切,沟壁陡峭,地形地质条件复杂,是区内地质灾害较为发育的地区。本文对该区域内不同类型的地质灾害均提出了相应的防治措施,明确提出采用生物措施、工程措施等不同技术进行有效治理,以确保工程安全。  相似文献   

我国矿山种类繁多、分布广、户数多、规模小、富矿少、基础差,由于技术、管理、效益等原因,资源开发中的安全隐患相当严重,地质灾害频发,尤其是矿山闭矿留下的矿坑、塌陷、尾矿坝等给当地的人民生产生活带来很大的威胁。对矿山地质灾害必须予以足够的重视,灾害的治理需要从源头抓起,才能放患于未然。本文对产生地质灾害几种类型及防治措施作了简要的论述。  相似文献   

对某工程建设评估区内地质灾害进行危险性评估,针对建设项目可能遭受、引发或加剧的地质灾害,提出具体的防治措施和进一步工作建议,为建设项目减灾、防灾及建设用地审批提供科学依据。  相似文献   

本文通过对乌海市海勃湾区的地形、地貌、地层、地质构造的分析,依据地质灾害理论和已发生的地质灾害,论证了该地区地质灾害存在的条件及类型,提出了地质灾害分布的规律。  相似文献   

An increasing number of tunnels are being constructed with tunnel-boring machines (TBMs) due to the increased efficiency and shorter completion time resulting from their use. However, when a TBM encounters adverse geological conditions in the course of tunnel construction (e.g., karst caves, faults, or fractured zones), disasters such as water and mud inrush, collapse, or machine blockage may result, and may severely imperil construction safety. Therefore, the advance detection of adverse geology and water-bearing conditions in front of the tunnel face is of great importance. This paper uses the TBM tunneling of the water conveyance project from Songhua River as a case study in order to propose a comprehensive forward geological prospecting technical system that is suitable for TBM tunnel construction under complicated geological conditions. By combining geological analysis with forward geological prospecting using a three-dimensional (3D) induced polarization method and a 3D seismic method, a comprehensive forward geological prospecting technical system can accurately forecast water inrush geo-hazards or faults in front of the TBM tunnel face. In this way, disasters such as water and mud inrush, collapse, or machine blockage can be avoided. This prospecting technical system also has reference value for carrying out the forward prospecting of adverse geology for potential TBM tunneling and for ensuring that a TBM can work efficiently.  相似文献   

Evaporative rocks are known to have a high susceptibility to dissolution in fresh water. Substantial evidence all over the world has shown that the dissolution of evaporative rocks in the foundations of dams and basins can lead to unfortunate disasters. In a basin located in Iran, owing to dissolution of evaporative rock in the foundation on the south side, some hazardous events, such as unexpected subsidence, ground collapse, and water escape from the reservoir, have been reported. Comprehensive geological and geophysical surveys along with detailed geotechnical investigations were performed in order to assess the reasons. By analyzing the site investigation results, it is recognized that even though the foundation of the basin is composed of impervious marl layer, the dissolution of thin streaks of gypsum embedded inside the marl layer provides interconnected paths for the flow of water into the lower depths of the foundation in order to reach to halite layer located inside the marl. The geophysical survey results indicate that the zone with defects is limited to the specific area of the basin where the halite layer is located relatively near the ground surface. However, if the reservoir is filled completely again, the dissolution front may advance to other zones of the basin, and more area of the basin ground may be affected by subsidence and other relevant phenomena.  相似文献   

Given the complexity of power grids, the failure of any component may cause large-scale economic losses. Consequently, the quick recovery of power grids after disasters has become a new research direction. Considering the severity of power grid disasters, an improved power grid resilience measure and its corresponding importance measures are proposed. The recovery priority of failed components after a disaster is determined according to the influence of the failed components on the power grid resilience. Finally, based on the data from the 2019 Power Yearbook of each city in Shandong Province, China, the power grid resilience after a disaster is analyzed for two situations, namely, partial components failure and failure of all components. Result shows that the recovery priorities of components with different importance measures vary. The resilience evaluations under different repair conditions prove the feasibility of the proposed method.  相似文献   

乐山城市色彩与城市形象的构建经营   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杨芒 《包装工程》2011,32(22):8-11
对乐山城市色彩现状进行调研,分析了乐山城市色彩主要构成元素,结合乐山地质构成、气候条件、生态环境、传统建筑等因素的色彩规律,确定了乐山城市主体色彩,并在此基础上,以其他城市色彩为例,结合乐山山水旅游城市的特点,对乐山城市生态色彩打造提出建议,丰富乐山的旅游资源,同时对乐山城市色彩创建过程中出现的问题进行了关注。  相似文献   

肖力群 《爆破》2008,25(1):36-38
安托山美视电厂北侧山体地块经长期风化和附近岩石开挖爆破振动的影响,存在山体不稳定、滚石、溃坡等地质灾害隐患.通过梯段控制爆破开挖,配合大功率挖掘机开挖作业,同时采用综合性安全防护措施,安全、经济、高效地消除了这一地质灾害隐患,取得了良好的工程效益和显著的经济效益.  相似文献   

Extreme natural hazards, particularly the hydro-meteorological disasters, are emerging as a cause of major concern in the coastal regions of India and a few other developing countries. These have become more frequent in the recent past, and are taking a heavy toll of life and livelihoods. Low level of technology development in the rural areas together with social, economic and gender inequities enhance the vulnerability of the largely illiterate, unskilled, and resource-poor fishing, farming and landless labour communities. Their resilience to bounce back to pre-disaster level of normality is highly limited. For the planet Earth at crossroads, the imminent threat, however, is from a vicious spiral among environmental degradation, poverty and climate change-related natural disasters interacting in a mutually reinforcing manner. These, in turn, retard sustainable development, and also wipe out any small gains made thereof. To counter this unacceptable trend, the M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation has developed a biovillage paradigm and rural knowledge centres for ecotechnological and knowledge empowerment of the coastal communities at risk. Frontier science and technologies blended with traditional knowledge and ecological prudence result in ecotechnologies with pro-nature, pro-poor and pro-women orientation. The rural communities are given training and helped to develop capacity to adopt ecotechnologies for market-driven eco-enterprises. The modern information and communication-based rural knowledge centres largely operated by trained semi-literate young women provide time- and locale-specific information on weather, crop and animal husbandry, market trends and prices for local communities, healthcare, transport, education, etc. to the local communities. The ecotechnologies and time- and locale-specific information content development are need-based and chosen in a 'bottom-up' manner. The use of recombinant DNA technology for genetic shielding of agricultural crops for coastal regions against abiotic stress (induced by the water- and weather-related natural disasters), strengthens the foundations of sustainable agriculture undertaken by the resource-poor small farm families.  相似文献   

As a new growth point of the national economy, the tourism has increasingly become one of the most dynamic industries in the tertiary industry. The tourism industry cluster has attracted more and more attention, and promoting the competitiveness of the tourism industry is the key to the development of regional tourism Northwest Silk Road area has made an important contribution to the development of local tourism through regional cooperation and joint development. Based on the brief review of the related literature at home and abroad, 16 indicators are used to establish the tourism industry competitiveness evaluation model. Then using FA and Entropy TOPSIS, this paper has carried on the empirical research of the tourism competitiveness in northwest five provinces. These analysis provide some theory reference and basis for the future development in the tourism market of the Silk Road economic belt.  相似文献   

The term vulnerability is used as a measure of the damage suffered by a structure due to seismic activity. Vulnerability to ground movement is determined by the structure itself; therefore, the vulnerability of a system does not depend on the local seismic risk. This definition of vulnerability indicates that a structure may be vulnerable in spite of being located in a seismically safe area.Lifeline is an earthquake engineering term denoting those systems necessary for human life and urban function, without which large urban regions cannot exist. Lifelines basically convey food, water, fuel, energy, information, and other materials necessary for human existence from the production areas to the consuming urban areas. Prolonged disruption of lifelines such as the water supply or electric power for a city or urbanized region would inevitably lead to major economic losses, deteriorated public healt, and eventually population migration. Earthquakes are probably the most likely natural disaster that would lead to major lifeline disruption.The adequate operation of lifelines is vital for the economic development of regions under moderate to high seismic activity. After an earthquake, the proper operation of all vital systems is necessary, for instance hospitals for medical attention of the wounded and highways for communication and assistance for victims.In this work we apply the knowledge of pipeline vulnerability to the water supply system, telephone, gas, electricity, sanitary sewer pipelines (waste water), subway, and galleries systems in Barcelona.  相似文献   

张璐 《湖南包装》2020,(1):44-48
长沙是湘绣的发源地,集湘绣的研发、生产、销售于一体,拥有着独特的湘绣文化。太平街坐落于长沙市老城区南部,是一条商业繁荣、游客众多的文化老街,主要以销售长沙当地特产、传统手工艺品、特色小吃等为主,极具湖湘文化魅力,吸引了许多外来游客。笔者以太平街为研究范围,对太平街区域内的湘绣销售情况进行了问卷调查,调查显示,太平街区域内的湘绣产品销售情况与湘绣产品的种类和游客群的构成特征关系密切。基于上述调查结果,笔者对当下的长沙地区湘绣销售的前景和未来湘绣文化产品的推广,进行了分析并提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

为了解决在裂隙溶洞岩体条件下,散装炸药由于良好的流动性,容易发生炸药泄漏,形成安全隐患并影响爆破效果的问题。结合具有典型喀斯特地貌特征的贵阳龙洞堡机场三期扩建工程中露天爆破施工的实际情况,以检测数据为基础,提出了一种适用于不良地质条件的散装炸药施工新方法。设计前,对爆区采用地质雷达进行地质检测,探测地下溶洞等不良构造,基于探测数据有针对性的进行爆破设计;使用孔内摄像技术对炮孔内部条件进行检测,从而确定可能发生炸药泄漏的位置。在施工过程中,采用分段装药、包装炸药隔离、高强度聚乙烯膜柔性隔离等技术控制炸药泄漏。在龙洞堡机场扩建工程的露天爆破中应用结果表明,合理运用该技术,可以有效避免混装炸药因泄漏而流失,从而改善裂隙岩体条件的爆破效果。  相似文献   

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