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讨论了核保卫的内涵及其与核保障、核安全之间的关系,阐述了我国核保卫工作的现状以及建立核保卫法律框架体系的必要性和基础,对如何建立核保卫法律框架及执行主体的确定给出了建议.  相似文献   

在核能利用领域,核安全和核安保一直是国际社会积极推进的两大安全议题。积极推进核安全与核安保文化的建设是当前我国国家核安全治理的必然要求。核安全文化与核安保文化在最终目的、运行基础和实施载体上存在着一致性;在政策支持、监管设计、组织责任、管理活动和员工行为等层面存在着不可分割性,从而为两个文化体系的互利共生和协同运行提供了可行性。  相似文献   

张会 《中国核电》2014,(3):280-285
中国在第三届核安全峰会上首次提出四个"并重"的核安全观,并作出了四个坚定不移的庄严承诺,以加强中国以及全球的核安保。中国应进一步建立一个完整、可靠以及有效的核安保制度,确保有能力和有效地防范各种恐怖主义和刑事犯罪行为,以及对国内所有核材料和核设施所可能带来的威胁。文章建议采取一些措施进一步加强和完善中国现有的核安保制度,包括更新和明确基准设计威胁的要求,更新与执行有关核安保法规,培育和发展核安保文化,平衡核安保成本,以及进一步加强和深化国际合作。  相似文献   

核安保以防范核材料非法窃取使用和核恐怖袭击为主要任务,是国家安全的重要组成部分。近年来,随着技术的发展进步、制造成本的持续下降、应用模式的不断增加,无人机的消费迅速走强。这导致无人机可获得性不断提高,无人机侵入敏感设施的事件时有发生。无人机对核设施等关键基础设施安全的影响,给核材料、核设施的安保带来了挑战,引发了业界的...  相似文献   


A security issue on nuclear facilities will give a significant effect on national security, economy, public health, or the combination among them. The evaluation of physical security effectiveness is done by considering it as a probability that the system will defeat an adversary at a particular time. This research examined the effectiveness of Physical Protection Systems (PPS) of a nuclear research reactor in Indonesia, as a role model facility. Three possible adversary scenarios were assessed. Estimation of Adversary Sequence Interruption model was implemented to assess the physical security system. The estimation of the effectiveness of physical-cybersecurity combination was done by Bounding Analysis Approach. The effectiveness of security system with cyber system working properly was assessed and compared with the system receiving cyber attacked. The results showed that the system effectiveness is high (0.839, 0.949, and 0.837, respectively). The results showed that the assessment method is effective to examine whether a security element is working effectively or not in such facility. This work will be useful as base guidelines for nuclear regulatory body and licensee for the application and evaluation of PPS and provision of countermeasure strategies in RSG GAS, and for further benefit, it can be used by nuclear facilities.  相似文献   

我国核电产业发展的铀资源保障   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叙述了国内外铀资源的探明储量、供应能力、消耗量等情况,根据我国核电发展的现状和未来核电发展的规划,分析了我国核电发展的铀资源保障情况,提出了铀资源保障的有关建议。  相似文献   

解释了核安全监管有效性的基本含义,简要追溯了监管有效性问题的发展历程,论述了核安全监管有效性的重要意义,调研了国际社会在监管有效性方面的研究和实践,讨论了影响监管有效性的外部因素,分析得出了监管有效性的基本要素包括监管的独立性、监管的范围和任务、监管规则、监管工作所能支配的资源、监管过程和监管能力等。分析了我国核安全监管面临的主要问题,并提出了加强监管有效性的建议。  相似文献   

对我国和美国核电厂流出物的监测和排放管理要求进行了对比分析,指出我国在法规标准方面需要进行修订和完善之处,提出参考借鉴美国的经验对我国核电厂流出物监测和排放管理要求进行规范的建议。  相似文献   

Nuclear safety, nuclear security and nuclear safeguards regimes have not historically developed at the same pace and surely have not reached the same level of maturity. Nevertheless, these aspects are of special relevance in the current global nuclear energy context when considering the numerous countries that have and will have the legitimate ambition to start a nuclear energy production programme without any or scarce previous nuclear safety, security and safeguards cultures.The future development of nuclear energy exploitation will depend more and more on the convergence of decisions from governments, from the nuclear industry, from utilities, from private and institutional investors as well as from the level of acceptance by the public opinion.Following an in-depth state-of-the-art analysis and literature search, a methodological approach focussed on the safety and security connections is presented, as it seems a field where more commonalities and operational aspects could be possibly found and exploited.  相似文献   

以典型核安全级分布式控制系统(DCS)为例,应用故障模式与脆弱性影响分析(FMVEA)技术评估功能安全与信息安全的兼容性,并采用事件树和风险分析相结合的方法给出功能安全与信息安全协同解决方案,最终得到核安全级DCS功能安全与信息安全一体化防护措施。一体化防护措施实践结果表明,应用权衡技术得到信息安全措施,可以较好地兼容原有功能安全措施。因此,本研究建立的权衡技术可以应用于核安全级DCS信息安全设计工作。   相似文献   

The Brazilian nuclear program has reinforced the importance of improving the physical security of nuclear facilities located in this country. Thus, the present work proposes the development of a new tool that allows the user to make interactions inside a virtual environment, which simulates the nuclear facility's structure, in order to aid on planning action strategies to improve its security. For such, a virtual model of the Brazilian nuclear research center known as Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear (IEN), located on Ilha do Fundão – Rio de Janeiro was developed. It is defined as a 3D model with a high degree of fidelity to the real environment in which it is based. Inside this model, characters known as avatars can move and interact in real time. Situations that could affect invader's visibility and detection such as natural and artificial illumination, climate and shadows can be represented with realism. In addition, the tool has a virtual CCTV surveillance system that allows environment supervising. Thus, the system makes possible strategies simulation, allowing an evaluation of the performed procedures as well as assisting in the training of security personnel in nuclear and radioactive installations.  相似文献   


Transport of radioactive and nuclear material is highly regulated and transport safety regulations have been in effect for decades. International nuclear material transport security has been governed for many years on the basis of a binding international convention, the 'Convention for the physical protection of nuclear material', and its supporting document 'The physical protection of nuclear material and nuclear facilities' INFCIRC/225, revision 4 (corrected). On the other hand, transport security guidance for the radioactive material was published in 2008 by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as an implementing guide, 'Security in the transport of radioactive material', nuclear security series no. 9, and is just now being implemented in many countries. Experience in implementing the radioactive material transport security guidance is being gained by countries as they make decisions on which specific security provisions to require, provide training to their regulatory staff and licensees, and begin reviewing and approving transport security plans. This experience has led to the development of practical approaches that minimise impacts as the guidance is put into practice. The nuclear material transport security recommendations in INFCIRC/225 are in the process of being revised to update them to address the current threat environment and to incorporate recommendations based on the recent amendments made to the Convention. INFCIRC/225, revision 5 will be a recommendation level document in the IAEA nuclear security series of documents. The interface between the nuclear and radioactive material transport security documents is important in order to ensure that appropriate security measures, based on both the nuclear and radioactive properties of the material being transported, are defined and implemented. This paper provides up to date information on the development of the IAEA transport security documents and presents information on implementation of the radioactive material transport security recommendations. It explains how the documents interface with each other and provides examples of how they should both be used in defining transport security requirements for shipments.  相似文献   

廉冰  苏自强  康晶  王彦  顾志杰 《辐射防护》2020,40(5):443-449
我国的伴生放射性矿种类繁多、分布广泛、涉及行业多、辐射环境保护技术水平参差不齐。本文对现行核与辐射安全法律法规、铀矿及伴生放射性辐射环境监管现状进行了归纳总结,指出放射性污染防治政策不完善、部分条款不再适用、缺少配套条例、缺少配套标准导则等问题,并对相应的监管制度体系研究提出了建议。  相似文献   

核恐怖活动具有隐蔽性强、危害性大、涉及面广、成分复杂等特点,一旦发生就会造成严重的人员伤亡、财产损失和社会恐慌,为了防范核恐怖主义,做好核安保工作,针对重要交通关口、国际重大活动场所等核安保过程中核素识别速度较慢的问题,本文通过对核监测设施系统整体优化设计,研制先进的核电子学模块,自主设计竞争加权算法,并应用于智能核素识别技术算法的研究,实现低剂量率条件下混合核素的快速识别,成功研制出小型化、低功耗碲锌镉(CZT)便携式谱仪。研究结果表明,本仪器测试指标为:高于本底0.5 μSv/h时,单一核素137Cs识别时间为2 s内,混合核素(241Am、137Cs、60Co、133Ba、152Eu)识别时间为9 s内。可为核安保部门有效控制核恐怖分子提供智能快速探测技术。  相似文献   

本文分析了核与辐射安全标准的内涵和作用,论述了这类标准的定位及其与有关法规的关系,结合我国核与辐射安全标准应用的现状、存在的问题及需求,提出了构建我国核与辐射安全标准体系的总体架构设想,对建立和完善我国核与辐射安全标准体系提出了初步建议并进行了有益的探索.  相似文献   

简要介绍了我国核电厂维修相关的执照文件体系,以及核安全监管部门对核电厂维修活动的监管现状,同时分析了美国核管会在健全核电厂维修活动监管体系的过程中发布或认可的几个重要文件,并对完善我国核电厂维修监管体系提出了一点建议。  相似文献   

Recently, several accidents caused by cyber attacks on digital systems have been reported in the nuclear industry. To cope with such threats, regulatory agency and standardization organization have published several guidelines for nuclear power plants. However it is difficult to apply the requirements to research reactor facilities directly because the characteristics in terms of facility scale, purpose, and system design, are different from those of power plants. This paper suggests a graded approach to cyber security in a research reactor facility. It introduces cyber security activities for guarding digital systems of a reactor facility safely as a cyber security program based on the practices at a research reactor facility.  相似文献   

信息和网络技术在核电厂的广泛应用,给核安全带来了新的威胁与挑战。本文深入分析了核电厂的信息安全现状以及面临的主要威胁,总结归纳了IAEA和美国NRC针对核电系统信息安全的研究成果、具体措施以及法规标准,最后结合中国的实际情况分析提出了关于保障我国核电厂信息安全的若干建议,为我国进行核电厂信息安全相关的决策及政策法规研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

从国家能源安全与能源可持续发展的角度论述了核能的优势地位和作用,及核能在满足能源和电力安全供应需求、缓解生态环境污染和降低温室气体排放等方面的作用。讲述了中国能源安全和可持续发展面临的挑战和严峻形势,指出发展核能是中国优化能源结构的客观要求,是我国未来能源及电力安全供应的重要保证。阐明了发展核能是实现中国能源与电力可持续发展的必然选择,核能利用符合循环经济的原则。研究分析了核电发展对中国未来生态环境保护的贡献,并对中国核能发展提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

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