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Clinical experience with soft synthetic pessary in the conservative treatment of genital prolapse is discussed. No local inflammation or laceration of the vagina, or cervix was seen.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Our purpose was to study the efficacy, safety, and acceptability of a new estradiol-releasing (6.5 to 9.5 micrograms per 24 hours) silicone rubber vaginal ring compared with Ovesterin 0.5 mg estriol vaginal pessaries. STUDY DESIGN: Gynecologic clinical status, vaginal pH, cytologic characteristics, and occurrence of bacteriuria were determined before starting and after 3 and 12 weeks of treatment in 146 postmenopausal women. RESULTS: Both treatments alleviated the subjective and objective symptoms of estrogen deficiency excellently, and both were equally effective at restoring the vaginal pH to levels normally seen in fertile women (< 5.5). Vaginal cytologic studies showed a significant difference in maturation value in favor of the estradiol-releasing silicone rubber vaginal ring, as measured by the pathologist's assessment of the proliferation of the vaginal mucosa. A total of 77% of users were classified as responders, compared with 39% in the pessary group. Both treatments were well accepted. The administration of the pessary was associated with a significantly higher (p < 0.001) incidence of discomfort than that of the ring, which was given better (p < 0.001) rating by the patients at the 12-week visit. A strong preference (p < 0.001) for the ring was shown by patients with previous experience with pessaries. CONCLUSION: Treatment of urogenital symptoms in postmenopausal women with an estradiol-releasing vaginal ring is shown to be an effective and safe method, exhibiting advantages over treatment with estriol vaginal pessaries.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the results of a policy of tailored conservative surgical management for young women with stage I ovarian carcinomas. DESIGN: Retrospective study. PARTICIPANTS: Ninety-nine women aged 40 years or younger who underwent either primary surgery in our department or were referred after primary surgery performed elsewhere. METHODS: Of the 99 women in our study, 56 underwent fertility-sparing surgery and 43 more radical surgery. Minimal requirements for conservative management were adequate staging and complete information about the therapeutic options. Factors important in the choice of the treatment were, age, wish to preserve fertility, histologic type and grade, and the stage of the tumour. RESULTS: Conservative treatment was conducted in 84% of nulliparous and in 33% of parous women; 62% of grade 1 tumours, 48% of grade 2, and 50% of grade 3 were treated conservatively. With a median follow up of seven years, we observed five recurrences (9%) of carcinoma in women treated conservatively and five (12%) in those treated more radically. Two women (one in each treatment arm) were saved after recurrence. Two recurrences after conservative surgery involved the residual ovary (3.6%). Two women developed borderline tumour in the contralateral ovary and both were treated by surgery. CONCLUSION: After adequate staging and accurate information is given to the patient, conservative treatment may be safe in some women with early ovarian cancer. The risk of recurrence in the contralateral ovary is low. Conservative surgery may be also considered in some Stage I grade 3 tumours and in some women with stage JC tumours.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The vaginal pessary has been utilized previously in patients with cervical incompetence, resulting in improvement in pregnancy outcome. The mechanical advantages generated by the vaginal lever pessary could theoretically be applied to patients in preterm labor with low station of the presenting part to prevent cervical dilatation. CASES: One patient with twins and two with triplet pregnancies presented in preterm labor with advanced cervical dilatation and low fetal station. They were treated with tocolytic drugs, and a vaginal lever pessary was placed. The gestational age at delivery was delayed with the addition of the vaginal pessary. Based on previous experience with these difficult cases, it was judged that the use of the pessary achieved a delay in delivery that would not have occurred without the device. CONCLUSION: Vaginal pessaries can be used as mechanical adjuvants in the treatment of preterm labor. These devices work by altering the pressure dynamics on the cervix and lower uterine segment. They may also help limit cervical change by preventing engagement of the presenting part into the maternal pelvis. In these cases, a vaginal pessary appears to be beneficial in delaying delivery in multiple gestations presenting with advanced cervical dilatation and low station of the presenting part.  相似文献   

Hysterectomy is the second most commonly performed major operation in the United States. Approximately one in three women will have this operation, resulting in 590,000 procedures per year. The most common indications for hysterectomy are leiomyomata uteri, abnormal uterine bleeding, endometriosis, pelvic pain, and pelvic organ prolapse. Although hysterectomy is an appropriate therapeutic option for some women with these conditions, in many instances less radical alternatives may be offered. Leiomyomata may be managed expectantly if symptoms are not bothersome; for women with troubling leiomyomata symptoms, alternatives to hysterectomy include: endoscopic removal or destruction of myomas, arterial embolization, or hormonal therapy to inhibit or modify bleeding. Endometriosis and abnormal uterine bleeding of leiomyomata are both amenable to hormonal therapy. Pelvic pain is most effectively approached with a thorough evaluation (particularly for nongynecologic illness), with specific therapy directed at the cause of the pain. Pelvic organ prolapse may respond symptomatically to pelvic floor exercises, or to the use of a pessary. After alternatives to removal of the uterus are discussed, the informed woman may decide that hysterectomy is the option best suited to her. It is unusual for hysterectomy to be her only option.  相似文献   

Attention in this discussion of the management of the adolescent girl exposed "in utero" to diethylstilbestrol (DES) is directed to the following: history; scope of the problem; pathogenesis/embryology; management; future fertility; squamous cell carcinoma; and male factors. In the late 1940s and early 1950s, estrogen deficiency was thought to play a role in the high fetal death rate among pregnant diabetic women. DES was 1st used in diabetics and soon thereafter in patients who were threatening to miscarry, who had previous stillbirths, and previous spontaneous abortions. Estrogens were used by some physicians through the late 1960s. In 1970 Herbst and Scully reported 7 carcinomas of the vagina in young women. On careful review, it was found that the mothers of these young women with clear-cell cancer had been treated with DES at various stages of their pregnancies. Subsequent investigation led to the discovery of the condition of vaginal adenosis in many young women exposed "in utero" to DES. It is estimated that 80-90% of patients exposed to intrauterine DES will show gross and microscopic evidence of vaginal and cervical adenosis. It is now felt by most authorities that adenosis coexists with the clear-cell cancer rather than preceding the tumor. A clear-cell tumor registry has been established and, to date, over 400 cases have been registered. The age-range of DES-exposed clear-cell carcinoma is between 7 and 31 years of age. The care of a girl exposed to DES begins when the physician is informed that the patient's mother either received the medication or there was any possibility of such medication. If bleeding occurs before the menarche, the patient should be hospitalized and examined under anesthesia. In the women of menstrual age, management has been somewhat controversial. The use of the colposcope has allowed careful initial examination of the cervix and vagina as well as providing an excellent means of follow-up. The colposcope has been very helpful in delineating the changes caused by DES. There are numerous gross findings that represent adenosis. These include the cervical changes of the "cockscomb" or anterior cervical ridge or "hood," a cervix within a cervix, and a hermicervix. With the colposcope, the areas of adenosis are seen as grape-like projections which, on biopsy, represent columnar epithelium. Areas of metaplastic squamous tissue are easily identified. On occasion dysplasia can occur in areas of adenosis. Of equal importance is the digital examination of the vagina. At this time it is felt that adenosis requires no other treatment than observations. The treatment of clear-cell carcinoma of the vagina or cervix is best determined by a gynecologic oncologist. 80% of DES patients have had live births.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The main purpose of our study was to identify the patient characteristics of women undergoing hysterectomy and to estimate the proportion of hysterectomies that could be done vaginally by recognized surgical techniques. STUDY DESIGN: The records of 500 women who underwent hysterectomy were reviewed. The characteristics of patients without an absolute contraindication to vaginal hysterectomy were analyzed. RESULTS: Overall, 96 (19.2%) of our study group underwent vaginal hysterectomy. A total of 382 (76.4%) women were judged not to have an absolute contraindication to this route. The most frequent characteristics of this group were lack of uterine prolapse (76.4%), a myomatous uterus (44.5%), and a need for oophorectomy (43.2%). We did not exclude women who did not have significant uterine prolapse or a history of pelvic surgery or pelvic tenderness and we included those requiring oophorectomy or with a uterine size up to that of 14 weeks' gestation; with these criteria more than two thirds of the entire study population could undergo vaginal surgery. CONCLUSIONS: To maximize the proportion of hysterectomies performed vaginally, gynecologists need to be familiar with surgical techniques for dealing with nonprolapsed uteri, uterine leiomyomas, and vaginal oophorectomy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was performed to evaluate the frequency of postdeglutitive aspiration in lateral hypopharyngeal pouches and to correlate postdeglutitive aspiration to pouch size and dynamics. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two radiologists retrospectively analyzed 325 videofluorography examinations of patients swallowing. The 325 patients were 22-81 years old, 173 men and 152 women. Patients who had undergone surgery of the hypopharynx were excluded from the study. All pouches found on videofluorography were classified into grade I, II, or III. Because iodinated contrast agent had been used initially, patients who had no or minimal aspiration underwent a second imaging examination using high-density barium. RESULTS: Of the 325 patients, 118 had lateral hypopharyngeal pouches: 77 bilateral and 41 unilateral. Postdeglutitive aspiration was diagnosed in 14 (56%) of the 25 grade III pouches and in two (3%) ot the 58 grade II pouches. Aspiration was not seen in any of the 112 grade I pouches. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of postdeglutitive aspiration is high in patients who have grade III pouches. To date, no appropriate conservative treatment has been described; however, in severe cases surgery is warranted.  相似文献   

A renaissance of conservative treatment for urinary incontinence and descensus is taking place presently in the German speaking area for pre-surgical improvement of tissue quality as well as for long-term-treatment replacing or postponing surgery. Modern pessaries (shape and material), a more intense and pathophysiological well-founded physiotherapy as well as the support of treatment by electrostimulation and its completion by adequate hormone substitution lead to a successful conservative treatment. "Gesundheitsstrukturreform" (reformatory measures of the German Public Health System), "Fallpauschalen" (flat-rate tariff of treatment by the case) and "Praxisbudgets" (budgets for out-clinic-treatment by the case, also a form of flat-rate tariff) lead to a restriction in prescribing necessary conservative treatment or preventive measures. Assigning the patient to surgical treatment is therefore in large parts favoured (treatment costs are then charged to clinic budgets). On the basis of the presented exemplary cost analysis completed by data on subjective effectiveness, acceptance and evaluation of efforts for patient and doctor we want to show that it is not either method that has to be considered in the treatment but both. Besides we have to treat the patient sequentially-conservative treatment in most cases first, especially in younger women. Conservative treatment thereby offers the possibility to delay or postpone surgery, a very meaningful option offered regarding the relatively poor results of surgery especially in cases of recurrent disease.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The optimal management of low grade Papanicolaou (Pap) smear abnormalities remains controversial. This center's experience with recommending cytologic follow-up for women with atypical cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS) or low grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL) was reviewed to determine outcome and patient/physician compliance. METHODS: The records were reviewed on women with Pap smears reported as either ASCUS (320) or LSIL (112) who did not have a history of dysplasia. The cytologic and colposcopic follow-up for a 2-year period was obtained from the laboratory data base that includes the colposcopy and cancer referrals for this region. Repeat Pap smear in 6 months was recommended. If patients subsequently demonstrated high grade SIL (HSIL) or persistent ASCUS or LSIL over three time intervals, colposcopic evaluation was recommended. RESULTS: The outcome was determined by the most significant diagnosis among the follow-up Pap smears or colposcopic biopsies. 29% of patients were lost to follow-up. Of the remaining patients, 70.5% reverted to normal or benign cellular changes, 25.3% persisted as ASCUS or LSIL, and 5.2% progressed to HSIL. The majority of patients (68%) were referred for colposcopy for persistent mildly abnormal Pap smears. The timing of referral ranged from 3-30 months. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that cytologic follow-up of women with low grade Pap smear abnormalities will identify a large number whose smears will regress to normal. A small but significant proportion of women showed subsequent HSIL. Most HSIL was detected within 1 year of the initial abnormal Pap smear and the majority of intervening Pap smears also were abnormal. Approximately one third of patients did not have follow-up within the study system and their outcome was uncertain. Although the recommendations are standard, patterns of follow-up and referral to colposcopy varied widely, suggesting that the guidelines need to be reinforced to both patients and physicians. [See editorial on pages 1-4, this issue.]  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Choice of treatment in localised prostate cancer has been hampered by a lack of unbiased, representative data on outcome. Most existing data have come from small cohorts at specialised academic centres; precise overall and cancer-grade-specific data are not available, and the data are subject to differential staging bias. Randomised clinical trials have been undertaken, but the results will not be available for another decade. We have carried out a large population-based study to ascertain overall and prostate-cancer-specific survival in men treated by prostatectomy, radiotherapy, or conservative management. METHODS: Data for 59,876 cancer-registry patients aged 50-79 were analysed. We examined the effect of differential staging of prostate cancer by analysing the data both by intention to treat and by treatment received. Estimated survival was calculated by the Kaplan-Meier method. FINDINGS: By the intention-to-treat approach, 10-year prostate-cancer-specific survival for grade 1 cancer was 94% (95% CI 91-95) after prostatectomy, 90% (87-92) after radiotherapy, and 93% (91-94) after conservative management. The corresponding survival figures in grade 2 cancers were 87% (85-89), 76% (72-79), and 77% (74-80); those in grade 3 cancer were 67% (62-71), 53% (47-58), and 45% (40-51). Although the intention-to-treat and treatment-received analyses yielded similar results for radiotherapy and conservative management, the 10-year disease-specific survival after prostatectomy differed substantially (83% [81-84] by intention to treat vs 89% [87-91] by treatment received). INTERPRETATION: The overall and cancer-grade-specific survival found in this study differ substantially from those in previous studies. Previous studies that used a treatment-received approach have generally overestimated the benefits of radical prostatectomy. We found that grade 3 tumours are highly aggressive irrespective of stage.  相似文献   

The most frequently used method for second trimester termination of pregnancy is administration of gemeprost (16, 16-dimethyl-trans delta 2-prostaglandin E1methyl ester) as a vaginal pessary. This provides a safe and effective method for achieving abortion. The current prescribing advice is to insert the pessaries into the posterior vaginal fornix every 3 hours. This study compares this to a 6-hourly regimen. The median abortion interval in the 6-hour group was shorter than the 3-hour group (15 versus 16 hours respectively) but the cumulative abortion rates were similar (98% in the 3-hour group and 91.8% in the 6-hour group). The 6-hour group required a significantly lower total dose of gemeprost to induce abortion. There was no difference in the rates of side-effects in the 2 groups but those receiving pessaries every 6 hours required less analgesia. This study finds no advantage in giving gemeprost every 3 hours.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Surgical ligation is an option in the management of patients with painful varicocele. Little objective data exist addressing the effectiveness of this treatment. We reviewed records from 58 patients who underwent varicocele ligation at our institution from January 1985 to May 1996 to establish success of surgical ligation of the painful varicocele. MATERIALS AND METHODS: ICD-9 billing codes were used to identify all patients who had undergone varicocele ligation for pain since 1985. We documented patient age, grade and location of varicocele, duration and quality of pain, response to conservative therapy and surgical approach to ligation. Telephone interviews and chart reviews were conducted to determine resolution of pain, complications of the procedure and if the patient would choose surgery again. RESULTS: We obtained followup on 35 of the 58 painful varicocele patients (60%). Average patient age was 25.7 years (range 15 to 65). The varicocele was on the left side in 30 men and bilateral in 5. Of the patients 31 described the pain as a dull throbbing ache, 2 as sharp and 2 as a pulling sensation. Initial conservative therapy failed in all 35 men. Varicocele was grade III in 18 cases, grade II in 16 and grade I in 1. The inguinal or subinguinal approach was used in 24 patients, high ligation in 10 and laparoscopic repair in 1. In 30 patients there was (86%) complete resolution of pain postoperatively and 1 had partial resolution. Only 4 patients (11%) had persistent or worse symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: This retrospective review supports the conclusion that varicocele ligation is an effective treatment for painful varicocele in properly selected patients.  相似文献   

This prospective study assesses the prevalence of intrauterine adhesions among women undergoing secondary removal of placental remnants after delivery, or a repeat curettage for incomplete abortions, and evaluates risk factors associated with the presence of intrauterine adhesions. In 50 women, undergoing either a secondary removal of placental remnants more than 24 h after delivery, or a repeat curettage for incomplete abortions, ambulatory hysteroscopy was performed 3 months after the intervention. Intrauterine adhesions were found in 20 of the women (40%): five patients had Asherman's syndrome grade I, six had grade II, six had grade III and three had grade IV. In women with menstrual disorders a statistically significant 12-fold increased risk for Asherman's syndrome grade II-IV was found. Previous abortion as well as infection during surgery were associated with a mildly but non-significant increased risk. Based on our findings, hysteroscopy is recommended only in those patients who develop menstrual disorders, either after secondary intervention for placental remnants after delivery or after a repeat curettage.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to determine the correlation between genital prolapse and the outcome of the Burch colposuspension. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Fifty women with objectively proven recurrent incontinence after Burch colposuspension and 31 women, objectively continent after the colposuspension, were clinically examined with emphasis on genital prolapse. The preoperative vaginal profile of the women was estimated from the patient records. RESULTS: The preoperative vaginal profile demonstrated no significant differences in occurrence of prolapse components between the women who were continent after the colposuspension and those women who had recurrent incontinence. At the follow-up, rectocele and cystocele occurred with significantly higher frequencies among the women with recurrent urinary incontinence than among the women who were continent after the Burch colposuspension (80% and 46% vs. 42% and 10%; p<0.01). Enterocele and uterine/vaginal vault descent occurred in equal frequencies in the two groups. Independent of the outcome of the colposuspension, the women with rectocele were significantly younger than the women without rectocele (55 years vs. 63.5 years; p<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: The results imply an association between the occurrence of rectocele and cystocele and the outcome of the colposuspension. Different etiologies seem to exist for rectocele/cystocele, compared to enterocele or uterine/vaginal vault descent formation in women with stress urinary incontinence, operated upon with the Burch colposuspension.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To explore the epidemiology of uterovaginal and post-hysterectomy prolapse. DESIGN: Cohort study. SETTING: Seventeen large family planning clinics in England and Scotland. POPULATION: 17,032 women who attended family planning clinics between 1968 and 1974, aged between 25 and 39 years at study entry. METHODS: Annual follow up by interview, postal or telephone questionnaire until July 1994. Further details on all hospital admissions were obtained from the hospital discharge summaries. All women were flagged at time of recruitment in the NHS central registers. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: In-patient admission with diagnosis of prolapse (ICD codes 8th Revision 623.0-623-9). RESULTS: The incidence of hospital admission with prolapse is 2.04 per 1000 person-years of risk. Age, parity, calendar period and weight were significantly associated with risk of an inpatient admission with prolapse after adjustment for principal confounding factors. Significant trends were observed with regard to smoking status and obesity (Quetelet Index) at entry to the study and risk of prolapse. Social class, oral contraceptive use and height were not significantly associated with risk of prolapse. The incidence of prolapse which required surgical correction following hysterectomy was 3.6 per 1000 person-years of risk. The cumulative risk rises from 1% three years after a hysterectomy to 5% 15 years after hysterectomy. The risk of prolapse following hysterectomy is 5.5 times higher (95% CI 3.1-9.7) in women whose initial hysterectomy was for genital prolapse as opposed to other reasons. CONCLUSION: Among the potential risk factors that were investigated, parity shows much the strongest relation to prolapse.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Tubal herniation as a complication of hysterectomy is a rare phenomenon, markedly more frequent after vaginal hysterectomy. With the increasing use of the vaginal route, the ratio between tubal herniation after vaginal versus abdominal hysterectomy may exceed 3:1. CASE: We report two cases of tubal herniation into the vagina, one after vaginal hysterectomy and the other after total abdominal hysterectomy, in two patients, aged 36 and 37 years. CONCLUSION: A tubal prolapse in the vagina may be considered a hernia and occurs only if a communication exists between the peritoneal cavity and vaginal canal. It can be an early or late prolapse. Symptoms consist almost exclusively of persistent blood loss and/or leukorrhea, dyspareunia and chronic pelvic pain. Whether the abdominal or vaginal approach should be used in surgical correction of prolapsed tubes must be decided in each case according to the patient's individual characteristics. Both histologic pictures described merit careful attention, distinguishing between the terminal tubal segment and the more cranial tract (above the vaginal strangulation).  相似文献   

VR Jenkins 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,177(6):1337-43; discussion 1343-4
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the simplicity, safety, anatomic, and functional success of using the uterosacral ligaments for correction of significant complex uterine and vaginal vault prolapse by the vaginal route. STUDY DESIGN: Fifty women with uterine or vaginal vault prolapse with descent of the cervix or the vaginal vault to the introitus or greater were treated between 1993 and 1996 by the same surgeon with bilateral uterosacral ligament fixation to the vaginal cuff by the vaginal route. Included were patients with significant enterocele, cystourethrocele, rectocele, and stress urinary incontinence who had concomitant repair of coexisting pelvic support defects. An etiology of vaginal vault prolapse is discussed. RESULTS: Uterosacral ligaments were identified and used for successful vaginal vault suspension by the vaginal route in all 50 consecutive patients without subsequent failure or significant complications with a maximum follow-up of 4 years. One patient had recurrent stress urinary incontinence and two had asymptomatic cystoceles. Three patients had erosion of monofilament sutures at the vaginal apex. CONCLUSIONS: In these 50 patients with significant complex uterine or vaginal vault prolapse, uterosacral ligaments could always be identified and safely used for vaginal vault suspension by the vaginal route with no persistence or recurrence of vaginal vault prolapse 6 to 48 months after surgery. Excessive tension by the surgeon on tagged uterosacral ligaments at the time of hysterectomy may be an etiologic factor in vaginal vault prolapse.  相似文献   

DK Veronikis  DH Nichols  MM Wakamatsu 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,177(6):1305-13; discussion 1313-4
OBJECTIVE: Our aims were to compare several prolapse-reducing techniques during urodynamic evaluation and prospectively evaluate their usefulness in identifying the incidence of low urethral closure pressure in continent patients with massive prolapse. STUDY DESIGN: This preoperative, prospective, repeated-measures urodynamic study evaluated the maximum urethral closure pressure with the use of four different techniques in 30 consecutive continent patients with grade 4 prolapse at all vaginal sites. Twenty patients with grade 0 prolapse served as the control group. All patients from the prolapse group underwent surgical treatment and were followed up clinically for a minimum of 1 year. RESULTS: Use of the Scopette (Birchwood Laboratories, Eden Prairie, Minn.) reduction technique to reduce the prolapse in a linear orientation during multichannel urodynamics revealed a 56% incidence of low-pressure urethra and an overall genuine stress urinary incontinence of 83% in patients with massive pelvic organ prolapse but without clinical urinary incontinence. CONCLUSIONS: There may be an increased indication for sling urethropexy in patients with massive prolapse.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine differences between vaginally parous and nulliparous women presenting with urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. METHODS: Seven hundred forty eight consecutive referrals with urinary incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse, 62 of whom were nulliparous, were included in the analysis. Five hundred thirty-seven (72%) had urinary incontinence and 235 (31%) had at least stage III pelvic organ prolapse. Each subject had standard history, physical examination, and multichannel urodynamic testing. Differences between parous and nulliparous women were compared using parametric and nonparametric analysis of variance and the chi2 test with Yates correction where appropriate. RESULTS: The only significant demographic difference between the groups was that parous women had more previous continence and prolapse surgery. There were significant differences in distribution of diagnoses according to parity, with the nulliparas much less likely to have pelvic organ prolapse. Among incontinent women without prolapse, nulliparas were significantly more likely to have pure detrusor instability. Of those with pure genuine stress incontinence, nulliparas were older, had less anterior vaginal wall descent, less bladder neck mobility, narrower genital hiatus and perineal body measurements, and lower maximum urethral closure pressures. Of those with pure detrusor instability, the only difference was that nulliparas were significantly younger. For women with stage III pelvic organ prolapse or worse, no significant difference in any measured characteristic was noted. CONCLUSION: Nulliparous women were less likely to present with pelvic organ prolapse and those with urinary incontinence differed little from incontinent parous women.  相似文献   

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