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辛颂旭 《能源与环境》2013,(6):42-43,46
我国太阳能资源丰富,光伏发电发展潜力巨大。在国家价格、财税等政策的大力支持下,我国分布式光伏发电将迎来快速发展时期。德国、美国、西班牙等国是世界上分布式光伏发展的典范,在分布式光伏发展的并网管理、技术标准、政策机制、电网建设等方面积累了丰富的经验。建议充分借鉴国际经验,促进我国分布式光伏的可持续发展。  相似文献   

结合苏州当前分布式电源接入电网项目的情况,总结了分布式电源发展的一些态势和规律,从继电保护、短路电流、谐波污染、无功平衡、经济运行等方面分析了光伏发电并网对电网的影响,分析了分布式电源并网运行后对原有电网管理制度带来的冲击,提出了在分布式电源并网利用中,电网公司作为重要的参与者和“补贴”方,应思考参与各方合作共赢的机制,确保分布式电源并网利用的高效安全以及可持续性.  相似文献   

一政策支持机制(一)按分布式光伏发电项目的发电量给予补贴。自发自用电量和多余上网电量均按照统一标准补贴(暂按补贴期限20年测算,以国家价格主管的文件为准),中央财政不再给予项目投资补贴;在国家补贴标准之外,地方政府可给予项目投资补贴或增加度电补贴。(二)用户从电网购电执行正常的用电价格政策,多余光伏发电量上网,由电网企业按照当地脱硫燃煤火电标杆电价收购。(三)对光伏发电的发电量、多余光伏发电量上网电量,由电网企业负责计量、统计,并据此按照国家规定的度电补贴标准按月转拨国家补贴资金。  相似文献   

正山西省近日出台《鼓励工业企业建设分布式光伏发电项目实施方案(试行)》,鼓励工业企业与光伏制造企业合作建设分布式光伏发电项目,推动山西光伏产业做大做强。根据《方案》,鼓励工业企业按照"自发自用、余量上网,电网调节"的发电方式,建设分布式光伏发电系统。工业企业用户负责消纳所发电量,可按所发光伏电量电价优惠等方式合作,具体由双方协商议定,  相似文献   

正山东省2018年光伏上网电价为0.75元/kWh山东省物价局近日发布2018年山东省光伏上网电价:1光伏电站2018年1月1日以后纳入财政补贴年度规模管理的光伏电站,上网电价为0.75元/kWh(含税,下同)。2分布式光伏发电项目1)2018年1月1日起投运的"自发自用、余量上网"模式的分布式光伏发电项目,全电量补贴标准为0.37元/kWh。2)2018年1月1日起投运的"全额上网"模式的分布式光伏发电项目,上网电价为0.75元/kWh。3"光伏扶贫"项目纳入国家年度建设规模的村级电站(0.5 MW  相似文献   

力挺光伏产业,国务院出台六大救市政策 6月14日,国务院总理李克强主持召开国务院常务会议,产业政策引导,促进合理布局,提出支持光伏产业发展六大新政:一是加强规划和电应用;二是电网企业要保障配套电网与光伏发电项目同步建设投产,优先安排光伏发电计划,全额收购所发电量;三是完善光伏发电电价支持政策,制定光伏电站分区域上网标杆电价,扩大可再生能源基金规模,保障对分布式光伏发电按电量补贴的资金及时发放到位;四是鼓励金融机构采取措施缓解光伏制造企业融资困难;五是支持关键材料及设备的技术研发和产业化,加强光伏产业标准和规范建设;六是鼓励企业兼并重组、做优做强,抑制产能盲目扩张。  相似文献   

即将出台《关于完善光伏发电价格政策通知》受到各方关注,何时出台、如何补贴是其中的焦点,对于其征求意见稿,各方提出了不同的意见。《意见稿》与期待存在差距近日,国家发展改革委向部分政府机构、相关光伏发电企业下发《关于完善光伏发电价格政策通知》征求意见稿(以下简称《意见稿》),《意见稿》一方面对电网企业提出了要求,电网企业"要积极为光伏发电项目提供必要的并网接入、计量等电网服务,及时与光伏发电企业按规定结算电价。同时,要及时计量和审核光伏发电项目的发电量  相似文献   

西班牙光伏激励政策的走势和分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡润青 《太阳能》2009,(8):8-10
一 光伏激励政策和市场走势 西班牙2004年通过了43612004号法令,从2005年开始实施可再生能源固定上网电价政策,光伏发电系统的固定上网电价为0.44∈/kWh,有效期25年.由于西班牙太阳能资源丰富,年均辐照度为1700kWh/m2,远大于中欧的太阳能年均辐照度1000kWh/m2.虽然西班牙光伏发电的上网电价低于德国光伏上网电价,但在西班牙投资光伏发电项目的收益率远高于在德国的收益率.  相似文献   

与常规能源发电相比,目前光伏发电电价还不具备竞争优势,制定一个合理的上网电价是推动我国光伏产业健康发展的关键。上网电价取决于光伏电站的建设和运营成本,而影响光伏电站投资成本的因素很多,如太阳能辐射量、器件和设备价格、电站规模、项目融资方式、贷款利率、政府补贴额定等,很难制定出统一的上网电价。本文从具体实例出发,在云南某地拟建一个10MW的单晶硅并网光伏电站,将辐射量、设备价格、电站规模及财务参数等因素都具体化,从电站的建设到运行,考虑所有影响投资成本的因素来计算建设成本。然后利用财务分析中的净现值法、内涵报酬率法、项目回收期法三种方法分析计算相应的较为合理的光伏发电上网电价,比较三种方法得到的结果,讨论不同因素对电价的影响效果。  相似文献   

详细介绍了制定光伏上网电价政策所弓I发的思考,并分析了我国光伏发电并网由于受到并网技术和没有国家标准统一规范的限制,造成电网安全稳定运行的影响及对整体光伏行业发展的影响。  相似文献   

China has recently become a dominant player in the solar photovoltaic (PV) industry, producing more than one-third of the global supply of solar cells in 2008. However, as of 2008, less than 1% of global installations were based in China. Recently, the government has stated its grand ambitions of expanding the share of electricity derived from solar power. As part of this initiative, policy makers are currently in the process of drafting a feed-in tariff policy to support the development of the solar energy market. In this paper, we aim to calculate what the level of such a tariff should be. We develop a closed form equation for the cost of PV, and use forecasts on prices of solar systems to derive an optimal feed-in tariff, including a digression rate. The focus is on the potential of residential and small scale commercial solar PV installations. We show that the cost of small scale PV in China has decreased rapidly during the period 2005–2009. Our analysis also shows that optimal feed-in tariffs vary widely between regions within China, and that grid parity could be reached in large parts of the country depending on the expected escalation in electricity prices.  相似文献   

The Chinese government has made an important effort to diversify the country's energy mix and exploit different sources of renewable energy. Although China's installed wind power capacity has undergone a dramatic expansion over the past six years, the electricity generated from wind power has not increased as expected. Meanwhile, operational risks, such as high generation cost, mismatch between capacity and generation, intermittent wind power generation, power grid construction lag, deficient policy, and operation mechanism, have become increasingly prominent. If not controlled, these risks will negatively affect wind power development in China. Therefore, this paper established a quantitative analysis model of wind power operation management risk from two aspects, feed-in tariff and grid electricity (electricity being connected to the grid), based on an analysis of wind power operation management risk in China. Moreover, this study quantitatively assessed the risk of the operational management of a wind farm in Inner Mongolia. Finally, corresponding risk control strategies for the healthy development of wind power generation in China were proposed.  相似文献   

The feed-in tariff policy is widely used to promote the development of renewable energy. China also adopts feed-in tariff policy to attract greater investment in solar photovoltaic power generation. This study employs real options method to assess the optimal levels of feed-in tariffs in 30 provinces of China. The uncertainties in CO2 price and investment cost are considered. A method that integrates the backward dynamic programming algorithm and Least-Squares Monte Carlo method is used to solve the model. The results demonstrate that the feed-in tariffs of 30 provinces range from 0.68 RMB/kWh to 1.71 RMB/kWh, and the average level is 1.01 RMB/kWh. On this basis, we find that the levels of sub-regional feed-in tariff announced in 2013 are no longer appropriate and should be adjusted as soon as possible. We have also identified the implications of technological progress and carbon emission trading schemes, as well as the importance of strengthening electricity transmission. It has been suggested that the Chinese government takes diverse measures, including increasing research and development investment, establishing and improving a nationwide carbon emission trading scheme and accelerating the construction of electricity-transmission infrastructure, to reduce the required feed-in tariff and promote the development of solar photovoltaic power generation.  相似文献   

The fixed feed-in tariff under the Renewable Energy Sources Act in Germany particularly encourages photovoltaic systems with the highest possible annual yield, regardless of their temporal generation profile. Consequently, a large part of the installed photovoltaic systems in Germany have a southern orientation. This paper examines how the optional German market premium scheme incentivizes the installation of photovoltaic systems with a more demand-oriented electricity production. For this purpose, the measure ‘energy yield elasticity (of market value)’ was developed and calculated by using historical market data. The results show that some of the plant orientations that are deviating from the southern reference could have led to an increase in the market value in the last few years. However, these would not have been high enough to more than compensate for the financial losses that were formed as a result of the annual energy yield declines. The merit order effect could change this situation in the future.  相似文献   

Serbian government has recently introduced the system of feed-in tariffs for electricity generated from renewable sources. The proposed feed-in tariff for photovoltaic electricity is set to 0.23 €/kWh paid for 12 years, with the PV electricity produced after the first 12 years being sold at the grid electricity market price for the rest of the plant lifetime. Although such FIT could have been justified by the small, average retail grid electricity price of just 0.054 €/kWh for Serbian households, the investment appraisal of a real case of 2.82 kWp PV power plant in two Serbian cities of Zlatibor and Negotin, clearly illustrates that the proposed FIT framework is not sufficient to attract investments into PV in Serbia. In the second part of the paper, we have analyzed alternative, more reasonable feed-in tarrif frameworks, with the goal of selecting those able to sustain the PV adoption and diffusion in Serbia.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the impacts of the growth of renewable energy production and German nuclear phase-out on the electricity transmission systems in Central Europe. The principal concern is the significant disparity between the growth of renewable production and the pace at which new transmission lines for the transport of electricity have been built, especially in Germany. This imbalance profoundly endangers the system stability and reliability in the whole region. The assessment of these impacts on the transmission grid is analysed by the direct current load flow model ELMOD. Two development scenarios for the year 2025 are evaluated by 3 representative weeks. The results illustrate the issue from three different perspectives. First, the distribution of loads in the grids is shown. Second, hourly patterns during particular weeks are analysed. Third, a geographical decomposition is made, and problematic regions are identified. The high solar or wind power generation decrease the periods of very low transmission load and increase the mid- and high load on the transmission lines. High solar feed-in has less detrimental impacts on the transmission grid than high wind feed-in. High wind feed-in burdens the transmission lines in the north-south direction in Germany and water-pump-storage areas in Austria.  相似文献   

The developments of battery storage technology together with photovoltaic (PV) roof-top systems might lead to far-reaching changes in the electricity demand structures and flexibility of households. The implications are supposed to affect the generation mix of utilities, distribution grid utilization, and electricity price. Using a techno-economic optimization model of a household system, we endogenously dimension PV system and stationary battery storage (SBS). The results of the reference scenario show positive net present values (NPV) for PV systems of approx. 500–1,800 EUR/kWp and NPV for SBS of approx. 150–500 EUR/kWh. Main influences are the demand of the households, self-consumption rates, investment costs, and electricity prices. We integrate electric vehicles (EV) with different charging strategies and find increasing NPV of the PV system and self-consumption of approx. 70%. With further declining system prices for solar energy storage and increasing electricity prices, PV systems and SBS can be profitable in Germany from 2018 on even without a guaranteed feed-in tariff or subsidies. Grid utilization substantially changes by households with EV and PV-SBS. We discuss effects of different incentives and electricity tariff options (e. g. load limits or additional demand charges). Concluding, solar energy storage systems will bring substantial changes to electricity sales.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to review the feed-in tariffs introduced and now are being implemented in different states and territories of Australia for the grid-connected small-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. A further objective is to take a closer look at the production cost of these solar PV systems to compare with the introduced feed-in tariffs. The review results show that the gap between production cost of PV electricity and the feed-in tariff is relatively high, particularly in those states, were feed-in tariff based on net metering is implemented.  相似文献   

This paper examines how the effectiveness of feed-in tariffs for distributed generators, producing renewable electricity, depends on industry structure, i.e., vertical integration vs. unbundling. A stylized analytical model with a monopolist and a competitive fringe (distributed generators) will be developed to analyze the impact of feed-in tariffs on renewable power production. The vertically integrated monopolist maximizes profits by setting the electricity price for residual demand and a network access charge incurred by the fringe. The fringe receives a fixed feed-in tariff per unit of electricity produced. Under vertical integration, a rise in the feed-in tariff induces the monopolist to raise access charges for fringe firms and skim part of their additional income. This partially offsets the supply increase of the fringe firms stimulated by the feed-in tariff. However, in the case of effective unbundling with an externally set access charge, there is no possibility for the monopolist to extract part of the fringe's profit. Then, the feed-in tariff fully accrues to the competitive fringe, and its supply will further increase. This setting will be extended to horizontal expansion when the monopolist also enters the renewable production segment. The effects on prices and output will be derived and compared.  相似文献   

中国光伏产业发展现状及若干问题的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李雷  郭焱 《中外能源》2010,15(9):38-42
中国已成为世界第二大能源消费国,能源供应安全形势严峻,发展以光伏为代表的新能源产业受到人们的广泛重视。近年来中国光伏产业实现了跨越式发展,截至2009年,我国已开工建设多晶硅项目26个,计划产能6×104t,实际投产项目16个,形成产能2×104t,当年实际产量16000t左右,但仍不能满足国内需求;全国已有近70家硅锭、硅片生产企业,年产量25000t左右;太阳能电池年产量已达4100MWP,出货量达到4011MWP,稳居世界第一。从2009年开始,国内光伏装机容量有了一个较大幅度的攀升,截至2009年,我国太阳能光伏电站累计安装容量为300MWP。然而在产业发展过程中也出现了对外依存度高、电价政策模糊、产业认识分歧过大以及行业内耗等问题,影响了我国光伏产业的可持续发展。当前,应该积极转变产业发展战略,着重开发国内市场,出台长效的光伏上网定价机制,统一业界认识,并且积极发挥行业组织的协调功能和行业自律作用,进一步推动我国光伏产业向前发展。  相似文献   

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