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1 INTRODUCTIONImperialSmeltingProcess (ISP) ,isaprocessavailableforproductionofzincandlead .Atpresent,about 13operatingISPsmeltersproduceabout 13%ofglobalzincandlead[1] .ButISPisasignificantcontributortoindustrialgreenhouseandacidityemis sionsduetoitshighenergyconsumption .Althoughcellemissionshavebeenreducedconsiderablyinre centyears ,thegrowingglobalconcernonenviron mentalissuesisimposingpressureontherelatedcom paniestoreducetheiremissions .Becauseofthelargenumberoffeedstreams ,by…  相似文献   

采用生命周期评价分析方法对水力发电系统的温室气体排放系数进行研究,建立温室气体排放的生命周期清单,并与燃煤发电系统进行比较.对水电站从材料和能源消耗、大坝建设、运输、电厂运行等过程的输入和排放进行分析的结果表明,每生产1kWh的电量,水力发电生命周期的温室气体总排放为19.24g CO2当量,而燃煤发电1kWh的排放量在1 000g CO2当量左右,说明水力发电在温室气体减排方面的优势十分显著.  相似文献   

钢铁产品生命周期影响评价方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在综合分析国际上生命周期影响评价方法的基础上,结合钢铁产品生命周期过程的环境特点,建立了钢铁产品生命周期影响评价方法,包括影响类型选取、特征化模型选取、及其特征化结果说明.该方法应用于宝钢电镀锌产品的评价,得出资源消耗、气候变化、能源消耗、酸化是最主要的4种影响类型,动力、烧结、和炼铁工序是环境影响最为重要的工序.本研究为钢铁产品的生态设计和开发提供了方法.  相似文献   

生命周期评价及其在废物管理中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据ISO14040-43所提供的信息,介绍了生命周期评价(LCA)的4个阶段,即:目标和范围的界定、清单分析、生命周期影响评价和结果与讨论,并引用一个具体的实例说明LCA在废物管理中的应用。  相似文献   

为得到钢材的环境负荷,基于生命周期评价方法对中国典型钢铁企业中不同流程中的各工序,系统、定量地分析评价环境负荷.采用GaBi 4.3软件提供的CML2001环境影响分类方法,将各工序的环境影响进行分类,并根据特征化因子,分析生产1 t钢材产生的环境影响.分析结果表明:长流程生产过程主要的环境影响是焦化、烧结、高炉炼铁和废钢回收环节产生的水生生态毒性、人体毒性、化石能源耗竭和矿产资源耗竭等.其中,长流程的炼钢过程对气候变化、人体毒性、水生生态毒性和固体废弃物的影响较大,分别约占该类型总环境影响值的30%,95%,50%和90%;短流程生产过程主要的环境影响为铁水和电炉炼钢过程产生的气候变化、酸化和光化学臭氧形成等.该研究结果可为钢铁企业调整两种不同流程提供一定的理论依据,有助于准确发现生产过程中各环节节能降耗、降低环境负荷的潜力所在,从而有利于钢铁企业对生产流程进行改进或优化.  相似文献   

生命周期清单不确定性分析的主要数据选择   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
生命周期清单的不确定性的分析,直接影响到生命周期评价结果的可靠性.而生命周期清单中数据量大,不可能定量地分析每个数据的不确定性,所以必须要对生命周期清单数据进行选择,找出对结果不确定性影响大的关键数据进行定量分析.文中提出的选择方法从输入数据对清单结果贡献大小和数据的不确定性大小两个方面考虑,分别对二者进行量化,然后根据分级二维象限图进行判断,选择出需要重点分析的数据.最后将该方法应用于某燃煤电厂的生命周期清单不确定性分析的主要数据选择.  相似文献   

为了降低生命周期评价(life cycle assessment,简称LCA)方法中海量基础数据与评价对象数据的收集与处理难度,提高评估的效率与可靠性,以Visual Basic.net为平台,开发出适用于中国本土的LCA软件《生命周期分析系统V1.0》.软件中集成了目前国内最大的LCA基础数据库,实现了LCA方法中各有关业务职能的自动处理,并在一些关键环节具有较高的灵活度,使软件可以处理各种复杂的评估系统,缩短了评价周期,有利于推动LCA方法在实际生产中的广泛应用.  相似文献   

废水处理环境影响负荷的生命周期评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
废水处理过程产生废气、废渣等二次污染的问题已经引起了越来越多的关注.为了表征该过程的环境影响,做出科学的管理决策,以哈尔滨某制药废水处理工艺为例,采用生命周期评价(LCA)方法,定量研究了废水处理全过程的环境影响负荷.在影响评价阶段,运用改进的层次分析法(AHP)确定评价指标的权重.加权评价的结果表明:该废水处理过程对不可再生资源的消耗影响最大,随后依次是填埋空间的消耗、潜在健康影响、全球变暖潜能值、水体富营养化、酸化潜值、气溶胶潜值、光化学烟雾潜值.最后根据评价结果提出减少资源消耗和污染物排放等改善措施,使废水处理发挥更大的环境效益.  相似文献   

造纸工业正面临着环境污染严重、资源消耗高等难题,同时缺少量化潜在环境影响的有效方法。水足迹分析法被应用于多种污水处理方案,开展清单和环境影响层面的量化分析。结果显示,污水未处置方案的水足迹影响最大,达到36.4 m3。污水处理技术改进前后,水足迹影响变化明显。技改前的水足迹影响为4.82 m3,技改后减少到1.52 m3。其中,技改后的污水处置与污泥热解气化方案的水足迹值最低(0.87 m3)。在技改后方案中,直接水足迹流程对水生富营养化和水稀缺影响贡献显著。下水污泥处置环节是致癌性影响非致癌性影响和淡水生态毒性影响的关键流程。此外,化学药品、电、盐酸的消耗等流程水足迹产生一定影响。优化淡水资源的利用、提高化学药品的使用效率有助于减少造纸行业水足迹。  相似文献   

造纸工业正面临着环境污染严重、资源消耗高等难题,同时缺少量化潜在环境影响的有效方法。水足迹分析法被应用于多种污水处理方案,开展清单和环境影响层面的量化分析。结果显示,污水未处置方案的水足迹影响最大,达到36.4 m3。污水处理技术改进前后,水足迹影响变化明显。技改前的水足迹影响为4.82 m3,技改后减少到1.52 m3。其中,技改后的污水处置与污泥热解气化方案的水足迹值最低(0.87 m3)。在技改后方案中,直接水足迹流程对水生富营养化和水稀缺影响贡献显著。下水污泥处置环节是致癌性影响非致癌性影响和淡水生态毒性影响的关键流程。此外,化学药品、电、盐酸的消耗等流程水足迹产生一定影响。优化淡水资源的利用、提高化学药品的使用效率有助于减少造纸行业水足迹。  相似文献   

The availability of resources for economic activities differs between regions, and the importance of the resources is consequently observed to be different within regions compared to a global scale. With the current situation in Chinese mining industry and its statistic characteristics, the characterization procedures of abiotic resource in life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) have demonstrated certain limita-tions in the Chinese materials industry. The aim of this paper is to propose new characterization and normalization factors for abiotic resource depletion categories such as metals and non-renewable en- ergy resources in a Chinese context. The actual production of abiotic resources calculated by a modi- fied model is compared to the reserve base in line with the new national standard to determine char- acterization factors in equivalence units, with antimony as the reference mineral. The normalization factors are based on the total base reserves of the most important minerals in China. A case study on primary magnesium production using the Pidgeon process is used to compare LCIA results for abiotic resource categories that are between current LCIA factors and the new Chinese factors. These factors not only reflect the importance of abiotic resource with respect to region-specific resource depletion, but also can compare with the global factors.  相似文献   

建立电力变压器的全寿命周期成本模型,是提高电网资产管理效率的重要手段。以全寿命周期理论为指导,考虑了资金随时间的动态变化,将环境成本和预防性试验成本新增到全寿命周期成本模型中,并完善其他环节的模型,建立了更为精细、全面的变压器全寿命周期成本模型。同时,提出了综合敏感性分析方法,该方法在考虑敏感性系数的同时,将参数量值的作用也体现在其中。结合实际算例,对变压器全寿命周期各成本进行比例分析,通过传统敏感性分析与综合敏感性分析结果的对比,验证了综合敏感性分析方法的科学合理性及优越性,对于实际工程中的变压器成本管控有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Life-cycle assessment (LCA) is environmental evaluation of products, materials, and processes over their life cycle. Truncation uncertainty and corresponding uncertainty are main problems occurred in process life cycle assessment (PLCA) modeling and economic input-output life cycle assessment (EIOLCA) modeling. Through combination of these two modelings in different life cycle stage and use of an uncertainty reduction strategy, a hybrid life cycle assessment modeling method was proposed in this study. Case studies were presented on gasoline-powered motorbikes (M-bike) and electricity-powered electric bike (E-bike). Web-based software was developed to analyze process environmental impacts. Results show that the largest part of life cycle energy (LCE) is consumed at use stage. Less energy is consumed in life cycle of E-bike than that of M-bike. GWP (Global Warming Potential), CO (Carbon Monoxide), PM10 (particulate matter) emission of M-bike are higher than that of E-bike, especially at use stage, AP (acidification Potential) emission of E-bike is higher than that of M-bike. Comprehensively, E-bike is energy efficient and less emitting, and better choice for urban private transportation.  相似文献   

Life-cycle assessment (LCA) is environmental evaluation of products, materials, and processes over their life cycle. Truncation uncertainty and corresponding uncertainty are main problems occurred in process life cycle assessment (PLCA) modeling and economic input-output life cycle assessment (EIOLCA) modeling. Through combination of these two modelings in different life cycle stage and use of an uncertainty reduction strategy, a hybrid life cycle assessment modeling method was proposed in this study. Case studies were presented on gasoline-powered motorbikes (M-bike) and electricity-powered electric bike (E-bike). Web-based software was developed to analyze process environmental impacts. Results show that the largest part of life cycle energy (LCE) is consumed at use stage. Less energy is consumed in life cycle of E-bike than that of M-bike. GWP (Global Warming Potential), CO (Carbon Monoxide), PM10 (particulate matter) emission of M-bike are higher than that of E-bike, especially at use stage, AP (acidification Potential) emission of E-bike is higher than that of M-bike. Comprehensively, E-bike is energy efficient and less emitting, and better choice for urban private transportation. Foundation item: Project (G-0205-06347) supported by David and Lucile Packard Foundation in Partnership with the US Energy Foundation; Project (ICA4-2002-10023) supported by European Union  相似文献   

基于西安咸阳国际机场货运中心空调系统,利用生命周期理论和层次分析法针对能源高效利用途径进行了研究。针对生命周期方法和层次分析法应用于建筑能源进行了深入分析,结合实际案例数据进行了生命周期清单分析,数据来源与所提模型紧密结合,基于层次分析法框架性模型,以空调工程各种资源的消耗值和各种环境影响潜值分析为例,量化剖析了如何利用全生命周期影响评价对耗能项目进行评价。结合案例数据的生命周期评价提出了能源利用评价层次模型,并针对模型给出了从全生命周期角度调整建立能源利用过程监控与评价等建议。  相似文献   

针对现有建筑环境性能分析方法的主要不足,基于客观环境和生命周期性环境影响观点,应用[火用]方法分析建筑造成的3种环境影响:能源消耗、资源消耗和污染排放。建立了建筑生命周期环境影响[火用]分析通用模型,提出了用建筑环境影响炯足迹来评价建筑发展的环境可持续性。对重庆某住宅案例分析的结果表明,建筑使用阶段环境影响占到88%,能源消耗和能源消耗引起的环境问题分别占到约75%和24%,该建筑在50年的生命周期中,每m2建筑面积需要169m2的全球平均生产力的土地承担它造成的环境影响。  相似文献   

The experimental tests of tensile for lead-free solder Sn-3.5Ag were performed for the general work temperatures range from 11 to 90 °C and strain rate range from 5×10−5 to 2×10−2 s−1, and its stress—strain curves were compared to those of solder Sn-37Pb. The parameters in Anand model for solder Sn-3.5Ag were fitted based on experimental data and nonlinear fitting method, and its validity was checked by means of experimental data. Furthermore, the Anand model was used in the FEM analysis to evaluate solder joint thermal cycle reliability. The results show that solder Sn-3.5Ag has a better creep resistance than solder Sn-37Pb. The maximum stress is located at the upper right corner of the outmost solder joint from the symmetric center, and thermal fatigue life is predicted to be 3.796×104 cycles under the calculated conditions. Foundation item: Project(50376076) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China  相似文献   

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