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江宏玲 《工程质量》2022,40(3):91-93
以高层住宅建筑工程为研究对象,基于深入分析表明住宅外墙预留孔洞、外墙施工缝、外窗四周、外保温粘贴层内相互串通的空间、飘窗或空调板下口等是导致外墙渗漏的重要原因,指出解决住宅外墙渗漏问题的有效对策主要有两种,一是充分发挥外保温体系的防水性能;二是消除外墙渗漏薄弱点.  相似文献   

随着新型砌体材料在建筑外墙上的广泛使用,及外墙外保温在国内使用时间并不长,施工工艺不是特别成熟,因此外墙渗漏水问题就尤为突出。本文从节点处理的角度简要介绍了外墙主要部位节点渗水原因及相关防水处理措施,重点针对外墙砌体、外窗周边、阳台、雨篷、飘窗等外挑板根部阴角、穿外墙管洞口、女儿墙顶部几个最常见部位的渗水成因进行了具体分析,并从设计、施工方面分别提出了具体的预防措施。  相似文献   

近几年,郑州市的住宅设计也追随全国的设计风潮,住宅外窗的设计也出现很多新的形式。飘窗就是近年来住宅使用较多的外窗形式。飘窗也叫凸窗,在住宅中一般高1.5m~2m,宽12m~18m,伸出一般为0.5m或0.6m。飘窗由于向外凸出,在窗户洞口面积不变的情况下扩大了窗户的视野范围,景观面积增大,并且窗台还有实际的功能。但是飘窗也增加了外墙与窗户构造的复杂性,为建筑节能带来了新问题。  相似文献   

冯克勤 《建筑技术》2007,38(10):768-770
按照北京市建筑标准图“墙身-外墙外保温(节能65%)”做法施工的外墙外保温层是可以达到节能65%指标的,但前提是保温材料必须始终保持干燥状态和封闭,它应是防水的,不能受潮和被水浸湿。外墙外保温层除主体墙面应按图集及规程要求认真操作外,特别要注意各细部的处理,如门窗口缝隙的密封、女儿墙、雨罩等处防水层收头的防水。  相似文献   

王树森 《建筑工人》2008,(12):16-17
业主杨小姐因青睐漂亮的外飘窗。购买了某小区的房屋。但入住后的冬季却发现,外飘窗上部的混凝土顶板经常凝结很多水珠,顶板表面潮湿、发霉,在本来美观的装饰面上,留下一道道黄色的水印。杨小姐很是疑惑,忙向物业公司报修。物业人员勘察现场后,在飘窗顶板的外表面加了一层保温材料并做好防水,稍待干燥后,又对顶板的表面重新粉刷。此后,未再出现水珠凝结现象,  相似文献   

外墙渗漏原因及治理要点王新民陶乐1前言随着各地高层建筑及大跨度、多样化建筑群的迅猛崛起,近几年来,建筑物外墙渗漏现象日益增多,要求系统治理外墙渗漏的呼声也越来越高。1993至1997年的五年中,笔者一直从事高层及大型建筑群外墙渗漏的防水补强工作,面积...  相似文献   

“欧陆风情”、“北美小镇”、“现代城”这些风格迥异的建筑,几乎都有着共同的设计元素——视野开阔的外飘窗、超大面积的落地窗。由于受到市场的追捧,外飘窗、落地窗近年来在我国的房地产项目中盛行一时。2004年底。天津八成在建楼盘项目都是“外飘窗”、“落地窗”设计。  相似文献   

贾伟  王国安 《山西建筑》2004,30(22):55-56
从外墙的渗漏机理、渗漏厚因、治理建议、外墙抗渗修复方法等方面对住宅外墙防水防潮的治理进行了分析,阐述了外墙防水防潮的成因和治理方法,通过具体工程实践,取得了良好的施工效果。  相似文献   

古国敬 《广东建材》2006,(5):115-116
外墙饰面砖工程的防水问题现已成为建筑防水的一大问题,特别是铝合金窗和条形饰面砖外墙。建筑物外墙凡是东或南面贴了条形砖及装了铝合金窗更易出现渗漏,是目前外墙严重漏水的“最忧”组合。下面就建筑物的外墙渗漏谈谈笔者的看法。  相似文献   

通过总结3种常见外窗构造做法(预装法、后装法、传统后装法)的优缺点,研究了预制混凝土外墙外窗防水设计形式、淋水试验以及密封胶定期维护方法,旨在通过构造防水与材料防水相结合,改善预制混凝土外墙外窗的防水质量。  相似文献   

对混凝土小型空心砌块砌体墙的抗剪性能进行了研究,建立了不同高宽比的混凝土小型空心砌块砌体墙有限元分析模型。对不同的高宽比的砌块砌体墙在不同的竖向荷载作用下的水平抗剪性能进行了数值分析,计算了墙体的水平开裂荷载和破坏荷载,模拟了墙体从开裂到破坏的全过程,分析了不同的竖向荷载和不同的高宽比对墙体水平抗剪性能的影响。墙体受竖向荷载和水平荷载共同作用是工程中常遇到的一种受力状态,研究砌块砌体墙在这种受力状态下的开裂过程和破坏以及高宽比对墙体的开裂与破坏的影响,对于丰富砌体结构的基本理论和工程设计具有较大意义。  相似文献   

首先,简述了加筋土挡墙比天然地基及普通挡土墙具有更好的抗震性能,对加筋土挡墙抗震性能的主要影响因素进行了综述,包括:筋材长度和筋材层间距、回填土性质、地震系数等。同时也指出,加筋土挡墙在地震烈度较大时也会发生破坏。最后,根据对加筋土挡墙抗震性能研究的结果指出,可以通过进一步的研究来定量评价加筋土挡墙的抗震能力,同时了解地震过程中的筋土耦合问题,综合考虑水平地震加速度(ah)和竖向地震加速度(av)对加筋土抗震性能的影响。  相似文献   

为研究现浇混凝土填充外墙对剪力墙结构抗震性能的影响,完成了10个采用不同做法和不同形式填充墙的足尺墙体试件和2个无填充墙对比试件的拟静力试验。结果表明:填充墙与主体结构之间采用聚苯板条分隔做法和PVC板条分隔做法时,填充墙对主体结构的影响基本一致,均一定程度上改变了主体结构破坏过程及最终破坏形态,对于PVC板条分隔做法的试件,其破坏时的延性好于聚苯板条分隔做法的试件;填充墙增大了试件的承载能力,对于聚苯板条分隔做法的试件,其峰值荷载为无填充墙试件的1.37~3.31倍,两种做法填充墙试件的峰值荷载大小相当;填充墙减小了试件的变形能力,对于极限位移角,聚苯板条分隔做法的试件为无填充墙试件的20%~65%,PVC板条分隔做法的试件的变形能力明显大于聚苯板条分隔做法的试件;除聚苯板条分隔做法的结构洞墙试件外,其余试件的极限位移角均满足剪力墙结构抗震变形能力要求;填充墙显著增大了试件弹性及弹塑性阶段的刚度。基于试验结果,建议结构计算时合理考虑填充墙的不利影响,工程中尽量避免采用结构洞填充墙,对填充墙部位的结构构件及填充墙采取一定的加强措施。  相似文献   

为研究现浇混凝土填充外墙对剪力墙结构抗震性能的影响,完成了10个采用不同做法和不同形式填充墙的足尺墙体试件和2个无填充墙对比试件的拟静力试验。结果表明:填充墙与主体结构之间采用聚苯板条分隔做法和PVC板条分隔做法时,填充墙对主体结构的影响基本一致,均一定程度上改变了主体结构破坏过程及最终破坏形态,对于PVC板条分隔做法的试件,其破坏时的延性好于聚苯板条分隔做法的试件;填充墙增大了试件的承载能力,对于聚苯板条分隔做法的试件,其峰值荷载为无填充墙试件的1.37~3.31倍,两种做法填充墙试件的峰值荷载大小相当;填充墙减小了试件的变形能力,对于极限位移角,聚苯板条分隔做法的试件为无填充墙试件的20%~65%,PVC板条分隔做法的试件的变形能力明显大于聚苯板条分隔做法的试件;除聚苯板条分隔做法的结构洞墙试件外,其余试件的极限位移角均满足剪力墙结构抗震变形能力要求;填充墙显著增大了试件弹性及弹塑性阶段的刚度。基于试验结果,建议结构计算时合理考虑填充墙的不利影响,工程中尽量避免采用结构洞填充墙,对填充墙部位的结构构件及填充墙采取一定的加强措施。  相似文献   

Axially loaded reinforced concrete (RC) walls in tilt‐up structures can be supported top and bottom only by floors or roof structures. However, RC walls are often combined to form I‐, C‐, T‐, and L‐shapes to make efficient use of the building area in multi‐storey buildings. With these configurations, walls may also be laterally supported on either or both sides by interconnecting walls. While many researchers have investigated the behaviours of RC walls, either in one‐way action or two‐way action supported on four sides with and without openings, limited research has been conducted on two‐way action walls supported on three sides (TW3S). As such, this paper experimentally and numerically investigates the behaviour of TW3S walls. Details of the 12 half‐scale walls tested, including experimental setup, failure loads, crack patterns, and load‐deflection characteristics, are reported. In addition, the Finite Element Method using ABAQUS software for investigating the behaviour of TW3S walls is described in detail. Finally, due to the conservative nature of code design equations and there being limited available methods for predicting the ultimate load of TW3S walls with openings, a rigid‐plastic approach has been proposed in this study to evaluate the failure load of TW3S walls.  相似文献   

The selection of retaining walls supporting deep excavations for building basements on various factors such as soil types, permissible movements, construction methods, material and equipment availability etc. For excavations in soft soils, rigid walls such as diaphragm walls and contiguous bored pile walls are commonly used as they are more effective than the more flexible walls such as sheet pile walls, in limiting soil movements to an acceptable level. For excavations in stiff soils, the relative merits for the rigid and flexible walls become less clear. This paper compares the performance and cost-effectiveness of rigid and flexible walls. The relative merits between the rigid and flexible wall systems are discussed.  相似文献   

文章主要讨论了无筋墙体和带构造柱墙体的高厚比验算方法,研究后发现,无筋墙体的高厚比比带构造柱墙体的高厚比要小,承重墙体高厚比比非承重墙体要小;墙体开洞后刚度和稳定性都会削弱,高厚比比整截面墙要小,墙体增加壁柱后刚度和稳定性都会增强,高厚比比整截面墙要大。  相似文献   

Durability of rammed earth walls exposed for 20 years to natural weathering   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents a study on the durability of different types of stabilised and unstabilised rammed earth walls. These rammed earth walls were constructed and exposed for 20 years to natural weathering, in a wet continental climate. None of these walls have shown complete collapse to date. A method to measure the rammed earth walls erosion by stereo-photogrammetry has been developed. The result shows that the mean erosion depth of the studied walls is about 2 mm (0.5% wall thickness) in the case of rammed earth wall stabilised with 5% by dry weight of hydraulic lime and about 6.4 mm (1.6% wall thickness) in the case of unstabilised rammed earth walls. The stabilisation enables to not use any plaster to protect the walls. In the case of the unstabilised rammed earth walls, an extrapolated lifetime longer than 60 years can be assessed. This shows a potential for the use of unstabilised rammed earth in the similar climatic conditions with this study. The method of stereo-photogrammetry used to measure the erosion of rammed earth walls on site may also help to calibrate and develop more pertinent laboratory test to assess the durability of rammed earth wall.  相似文献   

竖向荷载引起的地基总沉降及差异沉降是超高层结构设计中需重点考虑的技术难点。为提高基础刚度,减小差异沉降以及提高底板抗冲切承载能力,除基础能直接支承在基岩上的情况外,国内高度500 m左右的超高层均布置有地下室翼墙。中国国际丝路中心大厦建筑高度498 m,地上101层,地下4层,是否布置翼墙成为地下室设计的重点。针对该项目建筑平面布局,布置翼墙会严重影响地下室使用功能;同时,翼墙本身工程造价大且施工复杂。为此,对比分析了翼墙布置与否的两种模型的自振周期及位移角等指标差异,研究了翼墙开洞与否以及不布置翼墙三种情况下不同桩长方案对底板差异沉降的影响,验算了不布置翼墙情况下底板抗冲切及受弯承载力,并分析了上部结构收缩徐变、底板长期刚度折减对底板影响以及底板变形对核心筒内力影响。结果表明:设置地下室翼墙对结构整体指标影响很小;不布置翼墙,通过调整外框部分桩长,可以使底板差异沉降、底板及核心筒墙承载力均满足要求。为此,该项目未布置地下室翼墙具有可行性,且经济合理。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2006,46(6):793-804
The 2005 Fukuoka-ken Seiho-oki earthquake caused heavy damage to residential areas at the Genkai-jima Island. A field survey was carried out to investigate the damage of retaining walls in the residential areas. From the survey of 218 retaining walls, it appeared that 83% of the retaining walls were damaged and 61% of the whole lost their functions (collapsed or distorted/cracked). Especially in masonry retaining walls using natural rocks and boulders, the damage was serious. The damage features of dry masonry retaining walls (collapsed: 62%) and wet masonry retaining walls (collapsed: 25%) were different, and the difference in the earthquake-resistant capacity between the two retaining walls became obvious. Moreover, it appeared that most of the residential houses are built on transitions of cut slopes and fill embankments. It seems that this condition is one of a great factor which causes the heavy damage. Only 17% of the retaining walls escaped from any damage. Furthermore, to evaluate the collapse mechanism of masonry retaining walls during earthquake, a theoretical model based on the earth pressure theory was proposed. Through the theoretical considerations, it became possible to quantitatively evaluate the stability of the masonry retaining walls.  相似文献   

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