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Mechanisms by which weak electromagnetic fields may affect biological systems are of current interest because of their potential health effects. Lednev has proposed an ion parametric resonance hypothesis (Lednev, 1991, Bioelectromagnetics, 12:71-75), which predicts that when the ac, frequency of a combined dc-ac magnetic field equals the cyclotron frequency of calcium, the affinity of calcium for calcium-binding proteins such as calmodulin will be markedly affected. The present study evaluated Lednev's theory using two independent systems, each sensitive to changes in the affinity of calcium for calmodulin. One of the systems used was the calcium/calmodulin-dependent activation of myosin light chain kinase, a system similar to that previously used by Lednev. The other system monitored optical changes in the binding of a fluorescent peptide to the calcium/calmodulin complex. Each system was exposed to a 20.9 microT static field superimposed on a 20.9 microT sinusoidal field over a narrow frequency range centered at 16 Hz, the cyclotron frequency of the unhydrated calcium ion. In contrast to Lednev's predictions, no significant effect of combined dc-ac magnetic fields on calcium/calmodulin interactions was indicated in either experimental system.  相似文献   

An anthropomorphic Rando phantom was used to compare radiation doses sustained during helical and conventional axial CT of the pelvis. The values obtained with the Rando phantom were validated against cadaveric phantoms, and show good agreement. For the authors' particular CT unit, helical scanning was found to deliver a lower radiation dose than conventional axial scanning. This was most prominent at 1.0-s tube rotation times (average dose ratio 1.24). For realistic scanning parameters and exposure factors, the ratio of radiation dose to pelvic organs can be expected to lie in the range of 40-100 mGy. The whole-body effective dose (ED) depends on selection of scanning parameters and patients anatomy. In a favourable case scenario, the ED for CT scanning of the pelvis in a male can be expected to be between 10 and 20 mSv if the scrotum is not included in the radiation field, while the ED in a female will be approximately 20 mSv. An examination of scatter radiation fall-off curves from a single slice shows that the spread of scatter radiation is only marginally affected by slice thickness. A total of 10-12 cm of human soft tissue acts as a good barrier against internal scattered radiation. The use of such scatter fall-off curves, together with manufacturers' dosimetry specifications, allows a fast estimate of absorbed dose.  相似文献   

Different species of ciliates (Paramecium biaurelia, Loxodes striatus, Tetrahymena thermophila) have been taken as model systems to study the effects of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (50 Hz, 0.5-2.0 mT) on the cellular level. A dose-dependent increase in the mean swimming velocity and a decrease in the linearity of cell tracks were observed in all wild-type cells. In contrast, field-exposure did not increase the number of directional turns of the Paramecium tetraurelia pawn mutant (d4-500r), which is characterized by defective Ca2+-channels. The described changes indicate a direct effect of low frequency electromagnetic fields on the transport mechanisms of the cell membrane for ions controlling the motile activity of cilia.  相似文献   

Exposure to a 50/60-Hz electromagnetic field can decrease the nocturnal production of melatonin in rodents. Melatonin is considered to be a marker of circadian rhythms, and abnormalities in its secretion are associated with clinical disorders, including fatigue, sleep disruption, mood swings, impaired performance, and depression, which are consequences of desynchronisation. Interestingly, some epidemiological studies have been reported finding most of these clinical disorders in individuals living or working in an environment exposed to electromagnetic fields. This experiment was designed to look for the possible effects of acute exposure (9 hours) to 50-Hz linearly polarized magnetic fields (10 mu T) on the pineal function. Thirty-two young men (20-30 years old) were divided into two groups (control group, i.e., sham-exposed: 16 subjects; exposed group: 16 subjects). All subjects participated in two 24-hour experiments to evaluate the effects of both continuous and intermittent exposure to linearly polarized magnetic fields. They were synchronized with a diurnal activity from 08:00 to 23:00 and nocturnal rest. The experiment lasted two months (mid-February to mid-April). The subjects were exposed to the magnetic fields (generated by three Helmholtz coils per bed) from 23:00 to 08:00, while lying down. Blood samples were collected during each session at 3-hour intervals from 11:00 to 20:00 and hourly from 22:00 to 08:00. Total urine was collected every 3 hours from 08:00 to 23:00 and once during the night, from 23:00 to 08:00. The levels of serum melatonin and its metabolite in urine (6-sulfatoxymelatonin) in exposed men did not differ significantly from those in control (sham-exposed) subjects. This study shows that nocturnal acute exposure to either continuous or intermittent 50-Hz linearly polarized magnetic fields of 10 mu T does not affect melatonin secretion in humans.  相似文献   

The application of nerve growth factor (NGF) to primary adrenal medulla chromaffin cell cultures induces phenotypic changes characterized mainly by the presence of neurites. A similar effect has been seen when these cells are stimulated by extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELFMF). In this study, newborn rat chromaffin cells were cultured and subjected to NGF or ELFMF in order to compare their histological and ultrastructural characteristics. Cells cultured in the presence of NGF developed cytoplasmic projections and their distal ends showed growth cones as well as filopodia. With scanning and transmission electron microscopy, an increased submembranous electron density was observed in the nuclei of cells as well as irregular, wavy neuritic projections with a moderate number of varicosities, as well as the prevalence of intermediate filaments among the cytoskeleton components. Cells stimulated with ELFMF presented straighter neuritic extensions with a greater number of varicosities. With the transmission electron microscope, numerous neurotubules were observed, both in the cell soma and in their neuritic extensions. In both groups, growth cones were clearly identified by their ultrastructural characteristics. The differences seen in the cytoskeleton of cells stimulated with NGF or ELFMF suggest differential stimulation mechanisms possibly determining the biochemical, electrophysiological, and morphological characteristics in both types of cell cultures.  相似文献   

Electric (E) fields induced near metal implants by MRI switched-gradient magnetic fields are calculated by a new equivalent-circuit numerical technique. Induced E-field results are found for a metallic spinal-fusion implant consisting of two thin wires connected to the metallic case of a current generator as well as for its subsections: a bare U-shaped wire, an insulated U-shaped wire, a cut insulated wire, and a generator. The presence of the metallic implants perturbs the E field significantly. Near the ends of the bare U-shaped wire, the E field is 89.7 times larger than in the absence of the wire. The greatest E field concentration occurs near the ends of the cut insulated wire, where the E field is 196.7 times greater than in the absence of the wire. In all cases, the perturbation of the induced E field by the implanted wire is highly localized within a few diameters of the wire.  相似文献   

Some properties of induced electric fields in cell culture media produced by vertical circularly polarized magnetic fields are examined. The described geometry is not advantageous for determining effects that may be attributable to induced electric fields or currents.  相似文献   

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