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IOMan:一种支持多操作系统远程启动和运行的I/O管理方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了降低用户使用和维护计算机系统的成本,基于透明计算模式提出了一种工作在局域网环境下的I/O管理方法:IOMan. IOMan只是用软件方法在客户端设置磁盘I/O重定向机制,按需动态下载数据,而不需要修改当前常用的操作系统如Windows的启动机制,也不影响其他I/O操作,能够支持多种操作系统的远程启动和应用程序的运行 . IOMan基于客户机/服务器模型,包括I/O Client和I/O Server两个部分,其中I/O Client工作在客户端,I/O Server工作在服务器端 . I/O Client通过重新定义访问磁盘的BIOS中断处理程序以及创建虚拟本地磁盘,将I/O请求发送给服务器;I/O Server响应客户端请求,读写服务器上存储的虚拟硬盘文件,然后以扇区形式将数据发送给I/O Client.  相似文献   

透明计算是一种将操作系统、应用程序和用户数据都作为资源存储在服务器端,资源以流块的方式调度到客户端执行的计算模式。针对透明计算系统中透明服务器端多用户的操作系统及应用程序资源冗余问题,设计并实现了一种基于BitMap的共享镜像存储管理方法BM-SISMS,该方法采用链式存储方法将系统数据和用户数据分离开来,多用户通过链式结构共享系统镜像,根据BitMap存储方法查找定位用户请求的各种资源。测试结果表明BM-SISMS方法能够完成多个客户端请求的实例操作系统加载和使用,在数据读写方面,BM-SISMS方法读数据速度约11.05 MB/s,写数据速度为4.01 MB/s,具有很高的性能,能够满足透明计算系统中镜像存储管理的需求。  相似文献   

目前微软客户端操作系统由于多方原因难以快速更新换代至最新版本。现有的局域网客户端大多仍安装的是单系统,如Win XP或Win7等,但许多应用软件只能用于某一平台,在更新的平台上由于兼容性问题导致不能正常运行。并且由于局域网大多采用标准的Client/Server模式,服务器端和客户端相对独立,使得维护起来更加困难。本文采用锐起公司的无盘BSD软件,将传统的Client/Server模式改为无盘模式,且将多个操作系统提供给客户端,在启动时进行选择。不仅解决了维护问题和应用问题,也可以将局域网平台的成本降低。  相似文献   

一、引言Client/Server是一种分布式的计算模式,与传统的基于主机的结构相比,具有较好的可伸缩性和较优的性价比。过去,Client/Server结构一般分为两层:客户端和服务器端,所有客户端各自实现自己的用户界面和应用逻辑。随着系统的不断扩展,这种两层的Client/Server模式逐渐暴露出它的缺陷,由于最终客户需求的千变万化,客户端可能会不堪重负,而客户端程序的过于庞大显然与分布式计算的思想背道而驰。解决上述问题的方案,就是采用多层的Client/Server结构。目前,通常按客户端、应用服务器端和DBMS服务器端三层,在这种结构中…  相似文献   

周尉 《网络与信息》2006,20(1):38-39
近年来,随着网络技术的飞速发展,如何高效、快捷地做好客户端的维护,已成了各种应用能否及时推广的瓶颈。瘦客户机/服务器模式是一种全新的Client/Serve体r系,它的特征是所有的软件运行、配置、数据存储、升级维护都在服务器端完成,软件完全在服务器上运行,客户机仅作为输入、输出的设备。它对客户机的硬件配置要求比较低,应用软件配置和日常维护管理集中化程度高,从而提高了系统管理员和用户的效率。WBT系统模式原理一、WBT运行原理WBT(Windows BasedTerminal,即Windows终端)是瘦客户机/服务器模式下的一种基于Windows操作系统平台…  相似文献   

在电子商务、工业制造领域中,具有海量存储与高I/O吞吐能力的数据存储服务器得到了广泛应用。数据存储服务器提供QoS支持对应用需求而言很重要,但是实践中却很少有数据存储服务器提供了QoS支持。提出了一种支持服务质量区分并对高优先级用户提供服务质量保证的存储服务区服务资源分配算法,由于对高优先级用户请求与低优先级用户请求采用了可变服务质量区分因子,因而算法在提供服务优先级区分与确保高优先级请求服务质量的同时,减小了低优先级请求的请求丢弃率,同时最大化了服务资源利用率。  相似文献   

为解决在现有透明计算系统中磁盘等设备的虚拟化,需要对操作系统进行修改才能在端计算机上运行的问题,提出透明计算系统中一种基于虚拟机技术的设备子系统。以Intel VT硬件级虚拟支持和Xen虚拟化技术为基础, 在全虚拟化的虚拟机上运行用户操作系统: 通过运行在管理域用户空间中设备模型的虚拟磁盘和网络驱动,将用户域访问磁盘和网络的I/O请求跨网络地重定向到服务器进行处理, 从而实现端计算机上多操作系统的远程运行。在VT硬件平台和Xen虚拟机监控器上实现了原型系统,验证了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

文章主要讨论了一个基于Client/Server模式的网络远程监控系统的设计与实现。该系统综合利用了数据采集技术、网络通信技术、多媒体技术以及面向对象技术,可以在安装客户端软件的机器上对安装服务器端软件的局域网计算机进行监控,一旦发现某计算机有违规的操作可能会引起网络安全问题,就可以马上对其进行强行锁定,甚至是关机或重启;还可以通过发消息与远程计算机进行互动。  相似文献   

Internet上的许多网络应用都是基于客户/服务器(Client/Server)模式。在该模式下,客户机上的应用程序将网络请求发往服务器进程,服务器响应该请求并将结果返回客户机,从而完成一次网络应用。在此,通常需先启动服务器进程,然后服务器进程以某种方式等待来自客户机的请求。按照其不同的工作原理,服务器进程可有不同的启  相似文献   

WBT(Windows Based Terminal,即Windows终端)是瘦客户机/服务器模式下的一种基于Windows Server操作系统平台的客户端设备。它具有字符终端和PC机绝大部分功能。应用程序的配置、管理、执行全都在服务器端进行,客户端仅作为一种输入输出设备。  相似文献   

谭成辉  杨磊  文建国  李肯立 《计算机工程》2011,37(5):270-272,275
设计并实现一个基于分级Cache的透明计算系统HCTS,在系统客户端和服务端采用两级缓存来提升I/O性能。在缓存的管理策略上,针对透明计算应用环境,以提高缓存命中率为主要目标,提出一种基于访问频率计数阈值的改进LRU置换算法LRU-AFS。测试结果表明,当网络环境中的客户主机数不断增加时,与普通透明计算系统TS相比,HCTS能够在减少网络流量的同时大幅缩短客户机启动时间,提高随机读写吞吐量。  相似文献   

基于iSCSI网络存储协议的映射SCSI磁盘启动方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章基于iSCSI网络存储协议研究开发了一种新的远程启动技术。首先扩展DHCP选项以便从应答包中获得iSCSI登录参数,针对扩展ROM运行特点,设计了一种简洁、高效、且对存储资源要求很少的iSCSI启动器,该策略基于数据收发共同维护同一个4KB的缓冲区,且严格按序执行命令发送和接收相应命令的响应,保证了原子性操作,不会出现发送缓冲和接收缓冲数据被覆盖现象。设计了磁盘访问重定向服务和引导连接向量,按上述方法开发设计了iSCSIBIOS并应用于无本地存储设备的刀片服务器上,真正做到网络启动和网络存储,便于安全管理和升级维护。  相似文献   

Dynamic batching policies for an on-demand video server   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
In a video-on-demand environment, continuous delivery of video streams to the clients is guaranteed by sufficient reserved network and server resources. This leads to a hard limit on the number of streams that a video server can deliver. Multiple client requests for the same video can be served with a single disk I/O stream by sending (multicasting) the same data blocks to multiple clients (with the multicast facility, if present in the system). This is achieved by batching (grouping) requests for the same video that arrive within a short time. We explore the role of customer-waiting time and reneging behavior in selecting the video to be multicast. We show that a first come, first served (FCFS) policy that schedules the video with the longest outstanding request can perform better than the maximum queue length (MQL) policy that chooses the video with the maximum number of outstanding requests. Additionally, multicasting is better exploited by scheduling playback of the most popular videos at predetermined, regular intervals (hence, termed FCFS-). If user reneging can be reduced by guaranteeing that a maximum waiting time will not be exceeded, then performance of FCFS- is further improved by selecting the regular playback intervals as this maximum waiting time. For an empirical workload, we demonstrate a substantial reduction (of the order of 60%) in the required server capacity by batching.  相似文献   

We propose a service replication framework for unreliable networks. The service exhibits the same consistency guarantees about the order of execution of operation requests as its non‐replicated implementation. Such guarantees are preserved in spite of server replica failure or network failure (either between server replicas or between a client and a server replica), and irrespective of when the failure occurs. Moreover, the service guarantees that in the case when a client sends an ‘update’ request multiple times, there is no risk that the request be executed multiple times. No hypotheses about the timing retransmission policy of clients are made, e.g. the very same request might even arrive at different server replicas simultaneously. All of these features make the proposed framework particularly suitable for interaction between remote programs, a scenario that is gaining increasing importance. We discuss a prototype implementation of our replication framework based on Tomcat, a very popular Java‐based Web server. The prototype comes into two flavors: replication of HTTP client session data and replication of a counter accessed as a Web service. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

由于虚拟环境多次I/O操作模拟的存在,运行在宿主服务器中的各虚拟客户机之间使用传统代理进行文件访问效率不高。为此,提出了基于VirtFS的共享文件空间技术。构建了虚拟客户机共享文件空间的系统架构,设计了虚拟磁盘操作映射机制,使用VirtFS框架提供的系统层接口,在宿主服务器中的VirtFS服务端截取和映射文件操作,直接将虚拟机文件系统的操作映射为对宿主服务器文件系统的操作。为了保障安全,彻底隔离用户域,实现分组共享。实验结果表明,采用该方法比现有代理方法文件读写效率分别提高9.7和5.7倍。  相似文献   

基于CORBA消息服务的容错机制研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
郭长国  周明辉  贾焰  邹鹏 《计算机学报》2002,25(10):1059-1064
CORBA逐渐成为面向对象分布式应用中间件的主要标准,但是CORBA当前没有为容错提供相应的机制,该文在比较各种容错方法的基础上,讨论了一种基于异步消息服务回调和查询模型的容错方法,该方法使服务对象的副本可以并行地处理客户请求,提高了容错的性能,该方法具有对服务对象透明,可以满足用户不同容错要求等特点,文中还给出了这种方法在为遗留应用增加容错能力时的应用实例。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new multicast scheme that is based on the client-initiated-with-prefetching (CIWP) and peer-to-peer (P2P) transfer of a partial multimedia stream. In the CIWP scheme, when a new client joins an ongoing multicast channel, the server has to create an extra unicast channel to retransmit the partial stream that has already been transmitted. However, the unicast channel consumes some of the I/O bandwidth of the server, as well as some of the network resources between the server and the client's Internet Service Provider (ISP). To solve this problem, we propose the use of the P2P transfer algorithm to deliver the partial stream from a client that has already joined the ongoing multicast session to the newcomer. This P2P transfer between clients is limited to clients belonging to the same ISP. To further improve the performance, a threshold is used to control the P2P transfer. We performed analytical studies to show that the proposed multicast scheme can reduce the consumption of the network resources of the server, by utilizing the client's disk space. We also performed various simulation studies to demonstrate the performance improvement in terms of the use of the server's bandwidth and the waiting time for the clients’ requests.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new scheme of I/O scheduling on storage servers of distributed/parallel file systems, for yielding better I/O performance. To this end, we first analyze read/write requests in the I/O queue of storage server (we name them block I/Os), by using our proposed technique of horizontal partition. Then, all block requests are supposed to be divided into multiple groups, on the basis of their offsets. This is to say, all requests related to the same chunk file will be grouped together, and then be satisfied within the same time slot between opening and closing the target chunk file on the storage server. As a result, the time resulted by completing block I/O requests can be significantly decreased, because of less file operations on the corresponding chunk files at the low-level file systems of server machines. Furthermore, we introduce an algorithm to rate a priority for each group of block I/O requests, and then the storage server dispatches groups of I/Os by following the priority order. Consequently, the applications having higher I/O priorities, e.g. they have less I/O operations and small size of involved data, can finish at a earlier time. We implement a prototype of this server-side scheduling in the PARTE file system, to demonstrate the feasibility and applicability of the proposed scheme. Experimental results show that the newly proposed scheme can achieve better I/O bandwidth and less I/O time, compared with the strategy of First Come First Served, as well as other server-side I/O scheduling approaches.  相似文献   

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