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漆画在今天作为一种纯粹的艺术形式,被越来越多的人所熟知和喜爱。其独特的语言形式和审美取向有着无限的可能性与创造力。它特殊的质料语言形成了多种类型的抽象造型元素,这些抽象造型元素造就了漆画中别具一格的形式语言,而漆画语言的这种特点,也正是抽象形式在漆画创作中别具表现力的原因。于自身材料的特性自然绝妙的去发生适于漆画表现的图式特征使得漆画语言具有了无可比拟的抽象表现力。  相似文献   

现代漆画材质语言"物性"的突破是现代漆画观念的转变。这个转变是"漆器式"图式向漆画图式的转变;是以造型为目的的图式向质料语言的图式的转变。它是从"质料之美"出发不再依赖于图像表达的转变;它是对"质料之美"的深度挖掘,且由质料语言呈现独具审美价值的图式。这些转变是对现代艺术表现方法的另一种补充。  相似文献   

几何元素是造型艺术中常见的表现手法,在现代视觉设计中具有重要的作用。几何元素的形式美从本质上讲就是变化与统一的协调关系。几何造型的形态语言和其它语言形式一样,都是为了表达设计者对周围事物的认识和内心情感的一种方式。它反映了人们生活上求安的心理需求和审美的趣味性进而成为全球华人共同的视觉语言符号。  相似文献   

PMD是在微机上实现的3维几何造型系统。本文给出了PMD系统的总体结构,在描述了造型过程中的抽象数据模型以及3维造型命令语言ML的基础上,详细讨论了PMD系统的造型处理过程以及真实感图形的绘制技术。  相似文献   

传统造型观念是中国传统艺术的一个重要组成部分,它作为一种民族文化和视觉美感的研究形式,是不容被忽视的。本文通过对传统造型观念在造型手法与特点等方面的分析,找出它在艺术形式和表现手法上对现代图形设计的影响。并进一步论述中国传统造型观念对于图形设计的现实意义.从而说明传承与发扬我们的传统文化,把其精神元素融入图形设计中,必定会使图形设计与国际化视觉语言进行有机结合,这是中国现代设计的必由之路。  相似文献   

本文从目前产品设计发展趋势角度出发,结合光的物理特性,重点阐述光元素作为视觉造型语言在产品设计中应用。以此来丰富产品造型语汇,扩展光元素的使用领域.  相似文献   

中国漆画有着悠久的历史,数千年来,形成了自己独特的个性和风貌。新时期以来,特别是上世纪70年代以后,漆画作者走出传统漆画的桎梏,把新的观念引入到现代漆画领域中来,无论是从内容、材质到形式都有了极大的变革,使漆画题材的内容更具广泛性、表现手法更具多样性。这种变革使中国漆画以一种新的现代美术样式去传承和创新着中国传统的漆画艺术。  相似文献   

文章总结造型设计实践项目中具有普遍意义的经验和方法,为工业设计初学者提供创意方向和方法指导,为设计学科中的理论与实践的结合提出了具有参考价值的新方案。通过经验总结法和案例分析法,提炼项目中获得的经验和方法,并通过实践案例佐证文中观点。总结出关键词深度融入产品造型、运用设计语言表达创意和产品特征符合其行业特点的三大造型设计经验;总结出根据关键词确定造型语言元素、通过设计手法组织造型语言元素、产品风格再次呼应关键词、整体造型符合审美规则的造型设计四步曲。  相似文献   

金属着色工艺在现代工业技术的条件下已经发展到了很高的水平,有了技术的支撑,金属的固有色可以轻易得到改变,这就为现代首饰设计中各种金属的运用提供了自由空间,从此,色彩在现代首饰设计中真正扮演了主角,真正成为了现代首饰艺术中的关键造型因素,极大地丰富了现代首饰艺术的造型语言和表现力。  相似文献   

中国动画从它的产生起就与中国绘画艺术有着紧密的联系。极其重视对中国绘画的借鉴和探索,从中寻找审美语言、造型风格和艺术符号;具有几千年历史的中国绘画语言在造型、色彩、写意抒情、构图等诸多方面影响着中国动画的创作。中国的水墨动画片之所以能打动人。正因为其中的国画元素极大地丰富了动画设计的形式与内涵。使人耳目一新,从而取得了巨大成功。具体分析中国水墨动画片中国画元素的巧妙运用,就要从中国传统哲学及绘画观念来深入探讨研究。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to unify some of the existing approaches to defining modal logics for coalgebras, from the point of view of constructing the languages employed by these logics. An abstract framework for defining languages for coalgebras from so-called language constructors, corresponding to one-step unfoldings of the coalgebraic structure, is introduced, and a method for deriving expressive languages for coalgebras from suitable choices for the language constructors is described. Moreover, it is shown that the derivation of such languages by means of language constructors is well-behaved w.r.t. various forms of composition between coalgebraic types.  相似文献   

一个可视知识查询语言CAOBS/VKQL   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍的CAOBS/VKQL是一个可视知识查询语言,它以灵活,直观,方便的图形操纵方式提供给用户访问、查询知识库的强大能力。该语文的查询模型以RIKOM知识模型为基础,用户通过构造查询图来表达查询要求。  相似文献   

Hybrid languages   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Hybrid languages have both modal and first-order characteristics: a Kripke semantics, and explicit variable binding apparatus. This paper motivates the development of hybrid languages, sketches their history, and examines the expressive power of three hybrid binders. We show that all three binders give rise to languages strictly weaker than the corresponding first-order language, that full first-order expressivity can be gained by adding the universal modality, and that all three binders can force the existence of infinite models and have undecidable satisfiability problems.  相似文献   

Many industrial verification teams are developing suitable event-sequence languages for hardware verification. Such languages must be expressive, designer friendly, and hardware specific, as well as efficient to verify. While the formal verification community has formal models for assessing the efficiency of an event-sequence language, none of these models also accounts for designer friendliness. We propose an intermediate language for event sequences that addresses both concerns. The language achieves usability through a correlation to timing diagrams; its efficiency arises from its mapping into deterministic weak automata. We present the language, relate it to existing event-sequence languages, and prove its relationship to deterministic weak automata. These results indicate that timing diagrams can become more expressive while remaining more efficient for symbolic model checking than LTL.  相似文献   

Abstract interpretation [6] has been long regarded as a promising optimization and analysis technique for high-level languages. In this article, we describe an implementation of aconcurrent abstract interpreter. The interpreter evaluates programs written in an expressive parallel language that supports dynamic process creation, first-class locations, list data structures and higher-order procedures. Synchronization in the input language is mediated via first-class shared locations. The analysis computes intra- and inter-threadcontrol anddataflow information. The interpreter is implemented on top of Sting [12], a multi-threaded dialect of Scheme that serves as a high-level operating system for modern programming languages.  相似文献   

Declarative languages such as Miranda and Prolog have often been used to prototype specifications written in the formal notation of VDM, but they have no destructive assignment commands thus making it difficult to model VDM state changes. Imperative languages like C and Pascal allow state changes to be modelled naturally but lack the expressive power to make prototyping feasible. ABC, on the other hand, is a simple yet very powerful imperative language that has a great expressive power making it suitable as a prototyping language. This paper describes the process of translating VDM specifications into ABC programs.  相似文献   

During the last decade, the integration of functional and logic languages has received widespread attraction for the purpose of offering two different programming styles in one system simultaneously. The main goal is to incorporate the characteristics of the two paradigms coherently, without degrading the performance of the whole system. However, few languages have achieved this goal. Some of them, even though they have a rich set of functions, perform poorly. Others are efficient, but lose some important facilities. The paper proposes a functional logic language Lazy Aflog and its abstract machine FWAM-II as an expressive and efficient mechanism for this incorporation. Lazy Aflog is an extension of logic language in which functions are reduced in the extended unification, called E-unification with lazy evaluation. This extended unification allows Lazy Aflog to process infinite data structures and higher-order functions naturally. FWAM-II is an extension of the Warren Abstract Machine (WAM) in which the instructions and run-time structures to provide the suspension/reactivation of functional closure are added. These facilities enable FWAM-II to support not only resolution but also infinite data structures and higher-order functions efficiently. In addition, the experimental results show that Lazy Aflog and FWAM-II could be a good compromise between expressiveness and efficiency of the integration.  相似文献   

Zahn  C.T.  Jr. 《Computer》1975,8(6):63-64
I adopt the point of view that an ideal language contains features well-matched to the abstract concepts which the problem-solving programmer uses in his own thinking. I also assume that the modifiability of programs is of paramount importance. The features below are not necessarily listed in order of importance; an ideal general-purpose programming language should probably have all of them because each one encourages a more systematic structured writing of programs. Most of these features are contained in some form in at least one implemented language, but unfortunately the best known and most used languages contain few of them.  相似文献   

Non-deterministic data types: models and implementations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The model theoretic basis for (abstract) data types is generalized from algebras to multi-algebr as in order to cope with non-deterministic operations. A programming oriented definition and a model theoretic criterion (called simulation) for implementation of data types are given. To justify the criterion w.r.t. the definition, an abstract framework linking denotational semantics of programming languages and model theory of data types is set up. A set of constraints on a programming language semantics are derived which guarantee that simulation implies implementation. It is argued that any language supporting data abstraction does fulfill these constraints. As an example a simple but expressive language L is defined and it is formally proved that L does conform to these restrictions.  相似文献   

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