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口腔齿科手机是HBV、HCV、HIV等血液传播性疾病和消化道传染病的传播媒介.采用激光泵浦光源在辐射过程中产生的瞬间高温、丰富的光谱分布的强光作为载体,对齿科手机进行快速、彻底、无损伤的消毒灭菌.  相似文献   

中国较早的一家外资牙科连锁诊所——瑞尔齿科(Arrail Dental)的创始人和总裁。在中美天津史克制药有限公司任职八年之后,邹萁芳于1992年申请赴美国沃顿商学院学习,之后回国创办了他的企业。瑞尔齿科创立于1999年,目前已经是一家颇具声誉的高档牙科服务机构,在北京、上海及深圳设有十家诊所,公司拥有100名牙科医生,为日益富裕的国内中产阶级提供服务。  相似文献   

邹箕芳(Robert Zou): 中国第一家外资牙科连锁诊所——瑞尔齿科(Arrail Denta)的创始人和总裁。在中美天津史克制药有限公司任职八年之后,邹其芳于1992年申习,之后回国创办了他的企业。瑞尔齿科创立于1999年。目前已经是一家颇具声誉的高档牙科服务机构,在北京、上海及深圳设有十家诊所。公司拥有100名牙科医生,为日益富裕的国内中产阶级提供服务。  相似文献   

手机已不再是单纯的语音通信工具,目前大部分的手机都还可以集手机音乐、手机游戏、手机阅读、手机报纸、手机电视、手机钱包等多种应用功能于一身,手机支付也成为了一种满足用户需要的重要应用功能。同时,急速增长的移动电子商务交易作为手机支付发展的根本动力,促使手机支付的产业链日益成熟。本文将从手机支付的分类、商业模式、发展现状、存在的问题等方面进行分析,并提出一些发展建议。  相似文献   

现在使用手机的人越来越多,市面上的手机也多种多样,有智能手机、音乐手机、商务手机,有学生手机、女士手机、男性手机。唯独专门针对老年人的手机产品少得可怜,这就让大家在为老人选购合适的手机时感到无从下手。其实老年人更需要交流,对儿女们的惦念、与朋友们的联络都使手机成为必备的通讯工具。  相似文献   

王涛 《通信世界》2009,(39):M0002-M0002
本刊从中国联通华盛总部获悉,联通iPhone即将上市,十一假期期间联通网上营业厅首批预定已突破一万部。据悉,联通版iPhone内置了“Wo”服务,包含了手机资讯、手机直播、手机音乐、手机生活、手机邮箱、视频点播、手机书城、手机证券、手机报和手机营业厅等功能。  相似文献   

徐俭 《电视工程》2006,(3):16-19
本文主要从手机电视技术实现方式、DVB-H广播技术标准、DVB-H手机电视系统结构、手机电视典型业务及其特点、手机电视面临的问题、手机电视发展策略、手机电视运营模式等方面,就手机电视技术要点与业务运营问题进行分析和论述。  相似文献   

手机输入法与手机操作系统、手机浏览器、搜索引擎并称3G时代“四大武器”。它同时也是移动互联网的三大入口(手机输入法、手机浏览器、手机(M)之一,具有举足轻重的战略地位。据悉,过去手机输入法都是手机内置的,用户没有选择权,然而现在用户自主下载更具人性化设计的手机输入法已成为可能。国内比较成功的输入法如搜狗拼音输入法、A4输入法、活码输入法等,纷纷借机发力手机输入法领域。  相似文献   

本文主要从手机电视技术实现方式、DVB-H广播技术标准、DVB—H手机电视系统结构、手机电视典型业务及其特点、手机电视面临的问题、手机电视发展策略、手机电视运营模式等方面,就手机电视技术要点与业务运营问题进行分析和论述。  相似文献   

手机电视芯片商用情况及发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,手机电视业务在全球非常热门。开展手机电视业务,手机必须添加调谐器、解调器、解码器等模块,接收和处理电视信号,对手机的体积和功耗提出了巨大挑战。采用特殊的手机电视终端芯片可以解决问题,是顺利开展手机电视业务的必要条件。集成单芯片手机电视终端,双模、多模芯片手机电视终端,接收模块集成于SD存储卡内的手机电视终端均已开始商用。未来,体积小、功耗低的手机电视芯片的应用,将会大大促进手机电视业务的普及。  相似文献   

近年来学者们对激光在口腔治疗领域中的应用做了大量研究,而Er,Cr:YSGG激光作为一项较为新颖的技术也备受瞩目,现就Er,Cr:YSGG激光在口腔临床各专业的已有应用及未来的发展趋势做一综述。  相似文献   

分析了小型手枪式 CO_2激光切割汽化各种皮肤赘生物时分别所需的激光光斑及激光功率密度。从原理上探讨适于切割、汽化的手枪式 CO_2激光器瞄准头,并给出设计方案及数据。  相似文献   

Tooth staining and biofilm formation are major challenges for dental healthcare around the world. Herein, a bifunctional photodynamic dental therapy (PDDT) strategy is designed based on zwitterion-modified porphyrin (ZMP) prepared by the conjugation of protoporphyrin IX (PP) and a superhydrophilic zwitterion moiety for tooth whitening and biofilm eradication. The electron donor–acceptor structure and water solubility of ZMP increases its reactive oxygen species output to ≈8 times compared with PP under purple light irradiation. Results show that this new strategy can not only nondestructively whiten teeth by degrading the chromogen, but also eradicate ≈95% of the biofilm by disintegrating the extracellular polymeric substances. This study highlights the superiority of ZMP as a photosensitizer and opens new avenues in exploring PDDT for clinical dentistry to whiten teeth and treat biofilm-induced dental diseases.  相似文献   

目的:探讨二氧化碳激光脉冲式治疗鼻中隔出血的效果和可行性。方法:分别采用二氧化碳激光器的不同激光刀头(输出功率2~3瓦或3~4瓦)脉冲式封闭静脉性和动脉性出血点。结果:58例患者,随访一到六个月,显效40例(69%),有效15例(26%),无效3例(5%)。结论:二氧化碳激光治疗鼻中隔出血疗效确切,治疗方法安全简便、痛苦小、费用低、值得应用推广。  相似文献   

Dental caries is a common disease caused by plaque biofilms, which are important pathogenic factors in many diseases. When hosts are overexposed to dietary sugars, pathogens such as Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) and other cariogenic bacteria, metabolically assemble an extracellular matrix rich in exopolysaccharides to form a disease-causing biofilm, in which the microenvironment is characterized by regional hypoxia, low pH, and nutritional deprivation. Current antimicrobials with inadequate penetration and a lack of pathogens targeting the biofilm do not degrade the protective matrix within the biofilm. In this study, a guanidine and galactose decorated nanophotosensitizer with oxygen self-sufficient capability, p(GF/GEF)-I, is developed to enhance the permeability of biofilms by positively charging the particle surface and easily binding to the bacteria within the membrane through electrostatic interactions. 90% of the biofilm on enamel surface is eliminated after treatment with p(GF/GEF)-I under laser irradiation. Notably, the nanophotosensitizer inhibits the recolonization of dental biofilms by S. mutans, preventing secondary infections. Furthermore, dental caries in a rodent model are reduced with exposure to nanophotosensitizer. p(GF/GEF)-I is a significantly higher efficacy without damaging the surrounding soft tissue. With further development and optimization, p(GF/GEF)-I shows significant potential as a phototherapeutic agent for the treatment of biofilm-induced diseases.  相似文献   

560~600 nm黄绿色激光是共焦显微镜、流式细胞术、皮肤和牙科医疗、皮肤美容、精密光谱学、大气激光雷达、激光多普勒测速和其他生物成像设备的理想光源,它也是激光治疗复杂眼科疾病和癌症的最佳光源。非线性频率变换技术(和频与倍频)是获得高效、稳定、紧凑黄绿光激光器是一种有效可行的方法。本文综述了基于准相位匹配PPLN、PPMgLN晶体的黄绿激光器各个类型、输出参数、性能以及发展趋势。  相似文献   

激光磨削术治疗痤疮瘢痕的临床应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的总结超脉冲CO  相似文献   

第三磨牙是发育和萌出最晚的牙齿,也是退化倾向主要体现的牙齿。临床上第三磨牙的阻生最为常见。容易引发冠周炎、龋齿、颞下颌关节疾病等病症。目前通常采用致畸治疗或外科手术拔除。而新的研究表明,可能可以通过第三磨牙阻萌从根本避免第三磨牙带来的麻烦,特别是通过激光局部热效应破坏第三磨牙牙胚区域组织来阻止其产生,已经在实验中得到证实。本文通过对相关文献的分析,以期为临床对第三磨牙拔除治疗以及未来第三磨牙阻萌治疗发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Tooth morphogenesis is a well-known developmental system related to epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. In mice, the dental epithelium has the potential to induce tooth formation prior to the bud stage, whereas this potential shifts to the dental mesenchyme from the dental epithelium. The reaggregation of mesenchymal tissue leads to previous memories of individual cells being reset, which is useful for studying the predetermination of mesenchyme. Here, the mesenchyme was triturated into single cells after separation of the epithelium and the mesenchyme. These single cells were repelleted and combined with the epithelium. The reaggregated tooth was transplanted into a mice kidney capsule. In order to investigate the essential functions of both the dental epithelium and the dental mesenchyme regarding their mutual interaction, a reaggregation system was introduced using the late bud stage of the mouse first molar. Amelogenin expression was examined to confirm the cytodifferentiation in the reaggregated tooth. The results showed that a new tooth formed after reaggregating the dental mesenchyme. This tooth contained enamel, dentin, dentinal tubules and dental pulp. The inner enamel epithelium of the reaggregated tooth differentiated into ameloblasts. Immunohistochemistry for amelogenin was observed both in the ameloblasts and the enamel. However, the structure of the enamel was different from that of the normal tooth, with the thickness of the predentin becoming wider. These findings suggest that reaggregated dental mesenchyme cells can produce a tooth. The fate of dental epithelium was not affected by reaggregated dental mesenchyme, although the dental mesenchyme appears to lose the information from the dental epithelium.  相似文献   

To quickly obtain accurate 3D data of dental cast model, this paper proposes a 3D reconstruction method for dental cast model based on structured light. This method combines the structured light with the motor turntable to obtain a group of 3D data for the dental cast model from multiple angles, and automatically registers the dental 3D data from multiple angles through the ball calibration of turntable. Compared with the real data of the dental cast model, the maximum error of the 3D reconstruction results in this paper is 0.115 mm. The reconstruction time of this process is about 130 s. The experimental results show that the method has high precision and high scanning speed for the 3D reconstruction of the dental cast model.  相似文献   

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