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正由国家金卡工程协调领导小组办公室主办、中国信息产业商会、中国电子贸促会协助主办的"2014中国国际物联网博览会"于2014年6月3日在北京展览馆隆重开幕。来自国家发改委、工信部、商务部、交通部、卫计委、住建部、民政部、科技部、财政部、公安部、农业部、人力资源和社会保障部、国家旅游局、广电总局等20多个部门;国家电网公司、铁道总公司、邮政总局、机械总会、轻工总会等行业的领导和代表;相关行业组织(协会、学会、商会)的代表;北京、上海、天津、广州、杭州、深圳、宁波、南京、成都、无锡、海南、  相似文献   

在各大IT网站、汽车媒体、GPS专业媒体上,现在能曝光的便携导航牌子不超过30个,以下就是我们搜集到的:Mio、新科、城际通、任我游、神行者、爱国者、向导神、奥可视、艾维特、万利达、VDO、黑剑、诺基亚、长虹领航者、E路航、麦哲  相似文献   

中国计算机学会理论计算机科学专业委员会成立于1983年,旨在促进计算机科学理论的普及和推广,推动全国范围内的学术交流,提高理论计算机科学研究的水平。自成立以来,先后在长沙、贵阳、重庆、广州、青岛、厦门、苏州、兰州、南宁、舟山、郑州、昆明、上海、西安、南昌、金华、福州、武汉、秦皇岛、长春和哈尔滨等地多次主办全国性的学术会议,  相似文献   

Windows下的网络工具比较常用的有ping、ipconfig、nslookup、netstat、tracert、ftp、telnet、nbtstat、route.  相似文献   

中国计算机学会理论计算机科学专业委员会成立于1983年,旨在促进计算机科学理论的普及和推广,推动全国范围内的学术交流,提高理论计算机科学研究的水平。自成立以来,先后在长沙、贵阳、重庆、广州、青岛、厦门、苏州、兰州、南宁、舟山、郑州、昆明、上海、西安、南昌、金华、福州、武汉、秦皇岛和长春等地多次主办全国性的学术会议,并出版了多本论文集。  相似文献   

魏德米勒作为电气联接领域的专家,在过程控制行业具有五十多年的经验,主要服务于石油、化工、天然气、冶金、水处理、水泥等各个分支领域,始终以安全、可靠、领先的优质产品和专业解决方案支持中国过程控制行业的高速发展。魏德米勒一直致力于为中国过程控制行业提供可靠、安全的产品和解决方案,魏德米勒提供的接线端子、接口单元、信号转换器、防浪涌保护器、防爆接线箱等产品已经遍及全球的过程控制行业的生产现场,并以可靠、安全、高性价比、不断创新而著称。  相似文献   

一、《中文信息学报》主要刊登中文信息的基础理论、应用技术、中文信息处理系统及设备、中文信息的自动输入和人工编码输入、汉字字形信息、自然语言处理、计算语言学及民族语言文字信息处理及网上信息处理等方面的研究论文、技术报告、综述、通讯、简报、国内外学术活动等。  相似文献   

国家商务部、中央编办、发展改革委、财政部、人民银行、税务总局、银监会2005年3月4日联合发布关于《深化流通体制改革试点方案的通知》。根据该通知,辽宁省、湖北省和厦门市、南京市、成都市、潍坊市、绵阳市共两省五市将进行深化流通体制改革试点。涉及的范围包括除粮食、棉花流通体制外的全部商业流通领域。  相似文献   

主要参考书:陈向群、杨芙清著,《操作系统教程》,北京大学出版社第 1 章  操作系统概述l 资源、资源管理的观点l 操作系统、操作系统的地位和作用、操作系统的特 征、操作系统的设计目标l 历史上著名的操作系统l 研究操作系统的观点l 操作系统分类(工作方式、特点、追求目标、与其 他类型的区别、吞吐量、时间片)第 2章 操作系统的硬件环境l CPU 状态、管态和目态、程序状态字l 存储体系l 缓冲技术l 中断系统l 中断、中断源、中断类型(强迫性中断[硬件故障中 断、程序性中断、时钟中断、控制台中断、输入输 出中断]、自愿性中断)l …  相似文献   

21世纪的门户时代,新浪、搜狐、网易、腾讯QQ、百度、凤凰网、央视七雄之间的称霸,决战于奥运之巅。2008年8月8日,第二十九届奥运会圣火在主体育场鸟巢点燃时,互联网多股力量间的争夺战也正式拉开帷幕。新浪、搜狐、网易、腾讯、百度、凤凰网、央视网七大门户以及各大视频网站,  相似文献   

Ever since the introduction of computers in development and engineering departments, design activities have been supported by computer methods in a growing number of design functions, in the interest of reducing development time and cost, and increasing the quality of the products. Computer Aided Design (CAD) — a generic term for these computerized tools — is recognized as a method for drastically reducing the development time of industrial products.CAD methods are currently being used during each of the various phases in the development activity. The introduction of these CAD tools for the various stages in the development cycle, however, was to a large extent effected in isolation, i.e. not as a “subset” of an overall concept. Lack of such a concept, with its inherent disciplines and compatibility aspects, has given rise to sub-optimal efficiency and effectivity. To remedy this situation, a generalized architecture for CAD has been developed. This architecture drastically reduced the large variety if input methods, combines all product data in one well-structured product file, supports all necessary design functions, assures the proper generation of technical documents, and above all, facilitates maximum efficiency by integrating the processes for various stages in the development cycle.The essentials of ARCADE will be described in this article, together with how the system is designed.The “ARCADE” way and method of working in an organization in which development, engineering, manufacturing, logistic and documentation departments are concerned with technical automation issues will, as such, be discussed.Benefits will, of course, also be elucidated.  相似文献   

The current study investigated inter-digit co-ordination and object-digit interaction during sustained object holding tasks by using five, six-component force/torque sensors. The sum of the individual finger normal forces and the thumb normal force showed a parallel variation with a mean median correlation coefficient of 0.941. The normal force traces demonstrated the lowest coefficient of variation (about 9% as averaged across digits) as compared with other force/torque traces. The sum for the variances of the normal forces of the index, middle, ring, and little fingers was about 50% of the variance of the summed normal force of the four fingers. Of the five digits, the thumb, index, middle, ring and little fingers accounted for 50.0, 15.4, 14.6, 11.7 and 7.3% of the total normal force; and 39.4, 9.9, 19.3, 14.0 and 17.5% of the total vertical shear force (i.e. the load), respectively. The ratios of the normal force to the resultant shear force were 2.6, 4.5, 1.8, 2.2 and 1.3 for the thumb, index, middle, ring and little finger, respectively. The centre of pressure migration area of a single digit at the object-digit surface during object holding ranged from 0.30 to 1.21 mm2. The current study reveals a number of detailed object-digit mechanics and multiple digits co-ordination principle. The results of this study may help to improve ergonomic designs that involve the usage of multiple digits.  相似文献   

We present a method for efficiently providing algebraic correctness proofs for communication systems. It is described in the setting of μCRL [J.F. Groote, A. Ponse, The syntax and semantics of μCRL, in: A. Ponse, C. Verhoef, S.F.M. van Vlijmen (Eds.), Algebra of Communicating Processes, Workshops in Computing, Springer, Berlin, 1994, pp. 26–62] which is, roughly, ACP [J.C.M. Baeten, W.P. Weijland, Process Algebra, Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 18, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1990, J.A. Bergstra, J.W. Klop, The algebra of recursively defined processes and the algebra of regular processes, in: Proceedings of the 11th ICALP, Antwerp, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 172, Springer, Berlin, 1984, pp. 82–95] extended with a formal treatment of the interaction between data and processes. The method incorporates assertional methods, such as invariants and simulations, in an algebraic framework, and centers around the idea that the state spaces of distributed systems are structured as a number of cones with focus points. As a result, it reduces a large part of algebraic protocol verification to the checking of a number of elementary facts concerning data parameters occurring in implementation and specification. The resulting method has been applied to various non-trivial case studies of which a number have been verified mechanically with the theorem checker PVS. In this paper the strategy is illustrated by several small examples and one larger example, the Concurrent Alternating Bit Protocol (CABP).  相似文献   

The Internet and Web technologies have originally been developed assuming an ideal world where all users are honorable. However, the dark side has emerged and bedeviled the world. This includes spam, malware, hacking, phishing, denial of service attacks, click fraud, invasion of privacy, defamation, frauds, violation of digital property rights, etc. The responses to the dark side of the Internet have included technologies, legislation, law enforcement, litigation, public awareness efforts, etc. In this paper, we explore and provide taxonomies of the causes and costs of the attacks, and types of responses to the attacks.  相似文献   

In this article, I outline how the interface of new media functions rhetorically as an exordium to engage users and to dispose them to persuasion. The modular, networked, and interactive nature of new media requires an interface: a central place of interaction for the technological, human, social, and cultural aspects of new media. I propose that the interface functions rhetorically through three modes of interactivity, including multi-directionality, manipulability, and presence. By understanding these modes of interactivity and how they function to create various degrees of interaction and engagement, we can begin to develop the analytic tools needed to increase critical awareness of the interface. A rhetorical understanding of the interface enables us and our students to see that the shape and design of the interface is not natural and inevitable. The design of the interface is a design of human experience and, as such, the interface becomes a locus of power. The modes of interactivity it deploys are capable of enabling empowerment and enacting rhetorical patterns of control.  相似文献   

仿生机器人是一类典型的多关节非线性欠驱动系统,其步态控制是一个非常具有挑战性的问题。对于该问题,传统的控制和规划方法需要针对具体的运动任务进行专门设计,需要耗费大量时间和精力,而且所设计出来的控制器往往没有通用性。基于数据驱动的强化学习方法能对不同的任务进行自主学习,且对不同的机器人和运动任务具有良好的通用性。因此,近年来这种基于强化学习的方法在仿生机器人运动步态控制方面获得了不少应用。针对这方面的研究,本文从问题形式化、策略表示方法和策略学习方法3个方面对现有的研究情况进行了分析和总结,总结了强化学习应用于仿生机器人步态控制中尚待解决的问题,并指出了后续的发展方向。  相似文献   

Subjective rating scales are widely used in almost every aspect of ergonomics research and practice for the assessment of workload, fatigue, usability, annoyance and comfort, and lesser known qualities such as urgency and presence, but are they truly scientific? This paper raises some of the key issues as a basis for debate. First, it is argued that all empirical observations, including those conventionally labelled as ‘objective’, are unavoidably subjective. Shared meaning between observers, or intersubjectivity, is the key criterion of scientific probity. The practical steps that can be taken to increase intersubjective agreement are discussed and the well-known sources of error and bias in human judgement reviewed. The role of conscious experience as a mechanism for appraising the environment and guiding behaviour has important implications for the interpretation of subjective reports. The view that psychometric measures do not conform to the requirements of truly ‘scientific’ measurement is discussed. Human judgement of subjective attributes is essentially ordinal and, unlike physical measures, can be matched to interval scales only with difficulty, but ordinal measures can be used successfully both to develop and test substantive theories using multivariate statistical techniques. Constructs such as fatigue are best understood as latent or inferred variables defined by a set of manifest or directly observed indicator variables. Both construct validity and predictive validity are viewed from this perspective and this helps to clarify several problems including the dissociation between measures of different aspects of a given construct, the question of whether physical (e.g. physiological) measures should be preferred to subjective measures and whether a single measure of constructs which are essentially multidimensional having both subjective and physical components is desirable. Finally, the fitness of subjective ratings to different purposes within the broad field of ergonomics research is discussed. For testing of competing hypotheses concerning the mechanisms underlying human performance, precise quantitative predictions are rarely needed. The same is frequently true of comparative evaluation of competing designs. In setting design standards, however, something approaching the level of measurement required for precise quantitative prediction is required, but this is difficult to achieve in practice. Although it may be possible to establish standards within restricted contexts, general standards for broadly conceived constructs such as workload are impractical owing to the requirement for representative sampling of tasks, work environments and personnel.  相似文献   

近年来,全球人工智能发展进入新一轮技术创新活跃期,新的理论、模型、算法快速迭代。本文从模型算法、软硬件实现以及技术形态等角度分析了当前全球人工智能技术的主要特征,总结了国内外人工智能前沿研究的一些创新热点和新动向,并从基础理论突破、底层计算模式创新、模型算法演进等方面,展望和探讨了未来人工智能技术进一步突破的几个可能趋势。  相似文献   

王芬  顾乃杰  黄增士 《计算机科学》2017,44(10):165-170
随着互联网的迅速发展,用户从系统获取的信息越来越多,访问系统的频率也在迅速增加。当大量客户端访问系统时,请求的响应时间也会大幅增加,传统关系型数据库已经无法满足用户的需求,而内存数据库在保证系统稳定的前提下,改善了用户体验,并得到了越来越广泛的应用。作为NoSQL内存数据库,Redis支持很多数据类型,适用于多种情况下的缓存与存储需求。文中主要介绍Redis集群,它是Redis的分布式实现,支持主从复制,也具有一定的容错性和线性可扩展性,当前使用Redis集群的网站有新浪微博、github等。虽然 Redis集群 应用广泛,但目前它在节点下线后会出现恢复时间长的现象,这与现有Redis集群的选举算法有关,即与Raft算法的实现有关。分析了Redis集群的可靠性,并优化了集群的选举算法。测试结果显示,在单个主节点下线50s内,优化后的集群都能成功恢复,比社区版本的集群提高了40%。  相似文献   

随着AI、5G、AR/VR等新技术的快速发展,内容类应用如电子商务、社交网络、短视频等层出不穷,导致信息过载问题日益严重。人工智能技术的发展推动了智能算法的爆炸式运用,作为智能算法的一种,推荐算法在大数据、应用场景和计算力的推动下,通过信息过滤技术,为用户提供适应兴趣及行为的个性化及高质量的推荐服务,逐步提高了用户的使用体验、内容分发效率,在一定程度上缓解了信息过载的问题。但推荐算法的潜在偏见、黑盒化特性及内容分发方式也逐渐带来了决策结果不公平性、不可解释性,信息茧房、侵犯用户隐私等安全挑战。如何提高推荐算法的可解释性、公平性、可信程度等越来越受到国内外政府监管部门、产业及学术界的重点关注,推荐系统和推荐算法也由此从发展期进入管制期。为此,本文针对新闻推荐领域,分析推荐算法的稿件画像、用户画像、推荐推送、反馈干预和人工复审等关键要素,围绕推荐算法生态的参与者,如内容生产者、受众、算法模型、新闻平台,从公平性、可解释性和抗抵赖性三个方面提出了一种新闻推荐算法可信评价体系,并进行定量或定性分析。公平性、可解释性和抗抵赖性是正相关关系,当公平性和抗抵赖性越强、可解释程度越高,新闻推荐算法的可信度越高。希望弥补新闻推荐算法领域的可信研究的空白,建立可信推荐算法生态,加速安全推荐系统的建立和推广,同时为智能算法可信研究提供参考,为智能算法的监管和治理提供思路。  相似文献   

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