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Large‐scale fabrication of organic solar cells requires an active layer with high thickness tolerability and the use of environment‐friendly solvents. Thick films with high‐performance can be achieved via a ternary strategy studied herein. The ternary system consists of one polymer donor, one small molecule donor, and one fullerene acceptor. The small molecule enhances the crystallinity and face‐on orientation of the active layer, leading to improved thickness tolerability compared with that of a polymer‐fullerene binary system. An active layer with 270 nm thickness exhibits an average power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 10.78%, while the PCE is less than 8% with such thick film for binary system. Furthermore, large‐area devices are successfully fabricated using polyethylene terephthalate (PET)/Silver gride or indium tin oxide (ITO)‐based transparent flexible substrates. The product shows a high PCE of 8.28% with an area of 1.25 cm2 for a single cell and 5.18% for a 20 cm2 module. This study demonstrates that ternary organic solar cells exhibit great potential for large‐scale fabrication and future applications.  相似文献   

With the rapid advance of organic photovoltaic materials, the energy level structure, active layer morphology, and fabrication procedure of organic solar cells (OSCs) are changed significantly. Thus, the photoelectronic properties of many traditional electrode interlayers have become unsuitable for modifying new active layers; this limits the further enhancement in OSC efficiencies. Herein, a new design strategy of tailoring the end-capping unit, ITIC, to develop a cathode interlayer (CIL) material for achieving high power conversion efficiency (PCE) in OSCs is demonstrated. The excellent electron accepting capacity, suitable energy level, and good film-forming ability endow the S-3 molecule with an outstanding electron extraction property. A device with S-3 shows a PCE of 16.6%, which is among the top values in the field of OSCs. More importantly, it is demonstrated that the electrostatic potential difference between the CIL molecule and the polymer donor plays a crucial role in promoting exciton dissociation at the CIL/active layer interface, contributing to additional charge generation; this is crucial for enhancement of the current density. The results of this work not only develop a new design strategy for high-performance CIL, but also demonstrate a reliable approach of density functional theory (DFT) calculation to predict the effect of the CIL chemical structure on exciton dissociation in OSCs.  相似文献   

A ternary structure has been demonstrated as being an effective strategy to realize high power conversion efficiency (PCE) in organic solar cells (OSCs); however, general materials selection rules still remain incompletely understood. In this work, two nonfullerene small‐molecule acceptors 3TP3T‐4F and 3TP3T‐IC are synthesized and incorporated as a third component in PM6:Y6 binary blends. The photovoltaic behaviors in the resultant ternary OSCs differ significantly, despite the comparable energy levels. It is found that incorporation of 15% 3TP3T‐4F into the PM6:Y6 blend results in facilitating exciton dissociation, increasing charge transport, and reducing trap‐assisted recombination. All these features are responsible for the enlarged PCE of 16.7% (certified as 16.2%) in the PM6:Y6:3TP3T‐4F ternary OSCs, higher than that (15.6%) in the 3TP3T‐IC containing ternary devices. The performance differences are mainly ascribed to the compatibility between the third component and the host materials. The 3TP3T‐4F guest acceptor exhibits an excellent compatibility with Y6, tending to form well‐mixed phases in the ternary blend without disrupting the favored bicontinuous transport networks, whereas 3TP3T‐IC displays a morphological incompatibility with Y6. This work highlights the importance of considering the compatibility for materials selection toward high‐efficiency ternary organic OSCs.  相似文献   

High‐performance ternary organic solar cells are fabricated by using a wide‐bandgap polymer donor (bithienyl‐benzodithiophene‐alt‐fluorobenzotriazole copolymer, J52) and two well‐miscible nonfullerene acceptors, methyl‐modified nonfullerene acceptor (IT‐M) and 2,2′‐((2Z ,2′Z )‐((5,5′‐(4,4,9,9‐tetrakis(4‐hexylphenyl)‐4,9‐dihydros‐indaceno[1,2‐b :5,6‐b ′]dithiophene‐2,7‐diyl)bis(4‐((2‐ethylhexyl)oxy)thiophene‐5,2‐diyl))bis(methanylylidene))bis(3‐oxo‐2,3‐dihydro‐1H ‐indene‐2,1‐diylidene))dimalononitrile (IEICO). The two acceptors with complementary absorption spectra and similar lowest unoccupied molecular orbital levels show excellent compatibility in the blend due to their very similar chemical structures. Consequently, the obtained ternary organic solar cells (OSC) exhibits a high efficiency of 11.1%, with an enhanced short‐circuit current density of 19.7 mA cm?2 and a fill factor of 0.668. In this ternary system, broadened absorption, similar output voltages, and compatible morphology are achieved simultaneously, demonstrating a promising strategy to further improve the performance of ternary OSCs.  相似文献   

Fabricating solar cells with tandem structure is an efficient way to broaden the photon response range without further increasing the thermalization loss in the system. In this work, a tandem organic solar cell (TOSC) based on highly efficient nonfullerene acceptors (NFAs) with series connection type is demonstrated. To meet the different demands of front and rear sub‐cells, two NFAs named F‐M and NOBDT with a whole absorption range from 300 to 900 nm are designed, when blended with wide bandgap polymer poly[(2,6‐(4,8‐bis(5‐(2‐ethylhexyl)thiophen‐2‐yl)‐benzo[1,2‐b:4,5‐b′]dithiophene))‐alt‐(5,5‐(1′,3′‐di‐2‐thienyl‐5′,7′‐bis(2‐ethylhexyl)benzo[1′,2′‐c:4′,5′‐c′]dithiophene‐4,8‐dione))] (PBDB‐T) and narrow bandgap polymer PTB7‐Th, respectively, the PBDB‐T: F‐M system exhibits a high Voc of 0.98 V and the PTB7‐Th: NOBDT system shows a remarkable Jsc of 19.16 mA cm?2, which demonstrate their potential in the TOSCs. With the guidance of optical simulation, by systematically optimizing the thickness of each layer in the TOSC, an outstanding power conversion efficiency of 14.11%, with a Voc of 1.71 V, a Jsc of 11.72 mA cm?2, and a satisfactory fill factor of 0.70 is achieved; this result is one of the top efficiencies reported to date in the field of organic solar cells.  相似文献   

Ternary heterojunction strategies appear to be an efficient approach to improve the efficiency of organic solar cells (OSCs) through harvesting more sunlight. Ternary OSCs are fabricated by employing wide bandgap polymer donor (PM6), narrow bandgap nonfullerene acceptor (Y6), and PC71BM as the third component to tune the light absorption and morphologies of the blend films. A record power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 16.67% (certified as 16.0%) on rigid substrate is achieved in an optimized PM6:Y6:PC71BM blend ratio of 1:1:0.2. The introduction of PC71BM endows the blend with enhanced absorption in the range of 300–500 nm and optimises interpenetrating morphologies to promote photogenerated charge dissociation and extraction. More importantly, a PCE of 14.06% for flexible ITO‐free ternary OSCs is obtained based on this ternary heterojunction system, which is the highest PCE reported for flexible state‐of‐the‐art OSCs. A very promising ternary heterojunction strategy to develop highly efficient rigid and flexible OSCs is presented.  相似文献   

An all‐small‐molecule ternary solar cell is achieved with a power conversion efficiency of 10.48% by incorporating phenyl‐C71‐butyric‐acid‐methyl ester (PC71BM) into a nonfullerene binary system. The addition of PC71BM is found to modulate the film morphology by improving the domain purity and decreasing the domain size. This modulation facilitates charge generation and suppresses charge recombination, as manifested by the significantly enhanced short‐circuit current density and fill factor. The results correlate the domain characteristics with the device performance and offer new insight from the perspective of morphology modulation for constructing efficient ternary devices.  相似文献   

A fused hexacyclic electron acceptor, IHIC, based on strong electron‐donating group dithienocyclopentathieno[3,2‐b ]thiophene flanked by strong electron‐withdrawing group 1,1‐dicyanomethylene‐3‐indanone, is designed, synthesized, and applied in semitransparent organic solar cells (ST‐OSCs). IHIC exhibits strong near‐infrared absorption with extinction coefficients of up to 1.6 × 105m ?1 cm?1, a narrow optical bandgap of 1.38 eV, and a high electron mobility of 2.4 × 10?3 cm2 V?1 s?1. The ST‐OSCs based on blends of a narrow‐bandgap polymer donor PTB7‐Th and narrow‐bandgap IHIC acceptor exhibit a champion power conversion efficiency of 9.77% with an average visible transmittance of 36% and excellent device stability; this efficiency is much higher than any single‐junction and tandem ST‐OSCs reported in the literature.  相似文献   

In this work, highly efficient ternary‐blend organic solar cells (TB‐OSCs) are reported based on a low‐bandgap copolymer of PTB7‐Th, a medium‐bandgap copolymer of PBDB‐T, and a wide‐bandgap small molecule of SFBRCN. The ternary‐blend layer exhibits a good complementary absorption in the range of 300–800 nm, in which PTB7‐Th and PBDB‐T have excellent miscibility with each other and a desirable phase separation with SFBRCN. In such devices, there exist multiple energy transfer pathways from PBDB‐T to PTB7‐Th, and from SFBRCN to the above two polymer donors. The hole‐back transfer from PTB7‐Th to PBDB‐T and multiple electron transfers between the acceptor and the donor materials are also observed for elevating the whole device performance. After systematically optimizing the weight ratio of PBDB‐T:PTB7‐Th:SFBRCN, a champion power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 12.27% is finally achieved with an open‐circuit voltage (V oc) of 0.93 V, a short‐circuit current density (J sc) of 17.86 mA cm?2, and a fill factor of 73.9%, which is the highest value for the ternary OSCs reported so far. Importantly, the TB‐OSCs exhibit a broad composition tolerance with a high PCE over 10% throughout the whole blend ratios.  相似文献   

High efficiency, excellent stability, and air processability are all important factors to consider in endeavoring to push forward the real‐world application of organic solar cells. Herein, an air‐processed inverted photovoltaic device built upon a low‐bandgap, air‐stable, phenanthridinone‐based ter‐polymer (C150H218N6O6S4)n (PDPPPTD) and [6,6]‐phenyl‐C61‐butyric acid methyl ester (PC61BM) without involving any additive engineering processes yields a high efficiency of 6.34%. The PDPPPTD/PC61BM devices also exhibit superior thermal stability and photo‐stability as well as long‐term stability in ambient atmosphere without any device encapsulation, which show less performance decay as compared to most of the reported organic solar cells. In view of their great potential, solvent additive engineering via adding p‐anisaldehyde (AA) is attempted, leading to a further improved efficiency of 7.41%, one of the highest efficiencies for all air‐processed and stable organic photovoltaic devices. Moreover, the device stability under different ambient conditions is also further improved with the AA additive engineering. Various characterizations are conducted to probe the structural, morphology, and chemical information in order to correlate the structure with photovoltaic performance. This work paves a way for developing a new generation of air‐processable organic solar cells for possible commercial application.  相似文献   

In this work, a SnO2/ZnO bilayered electron transporting layer (ETL) aimed to achieve low energy loss and large open‐circuit voltage (Voc) for high‐efficiency all‐inorganic CsPbI2Br perovskite solar cells (PVSCs) is introduced. The high‐quality CsPbI2Br film with regular crystal grains and full coverage can be realized on the SnO2/ZnO surface. The higher‐lying conduction band minimum of ZnO facilitates desirable cascade energy level alignment between the perovskite and SnO2/ZnO bilayered ETL with superior electron extraction capability, resulting in a suppressed interfacial trap‐assisted recombination with lower charge recombination rate and greater charge extraction efficiency. The as‐optimized all‐inorganic PVSC delivers a high Voc of 1.23 V and power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 14.6%, which is one of the best efficiencies reported for the Cs‐based all‐inorganic PVSCs to date. More importantly, decent thermal stability with only 20% PCE loss is demonstrated for the SnO2/ZnO‐based CsPbI2Br PVSCs after being heated at 85 °C for 300 h. These findings provide important interface design insights that will be crucial to further improve the efficiency of all‐inorganic PVSCs in the future.  相似文献   

Fullerene‐free OSCs employing n‐type small molecules or polymers as the acceptors have recently experienced a rapid rise with efficiencies exceeding 12%. Owing to the good optoelectronic and morphological tunabilities, non‐fullerene acceptors exhibit great potential for realizing high‐performance and practical OSCs. In this Review, recent exciting progress made in developing highly efficient non‐fullerene acceptors is summarized, mainly correlating factors like absorption, energy loss and morphology of new materials to their correspondent photovoltaic performance.  相似文献   

To make organic solar cells (OSCs) more competitive in the diverse photovoltaic cell technologies, it is very important to demonstrate that OSCs can achieve very good efficiencies and that their cost can be reduced. Here, a pair of nonfullerene small‐molecule acceptors, IT‐2Cl and IT‐4Cl, is designed and synthesized by introducing easy‐synthesis chlorine substituents onto the indacenodithieno[3,2‐b]thiophene units. The unique feature of the large dipole moment of the C? Cl bond enhances the intermolecular charge‐transfer effect between the donor–acceptor structures, and thus expands the absorption and down shifts the molecular energy levels. Meanwhile, the introduction of C? Cl also causes more pronounced molecular stacking, which also helps to expand the absorption spectrum. Both of the designed OSCs devices based on two acceptors can deliver a power conversion efficiency (PCE) greater than 13% when blended with a polymer donor with a low‐lying highest occupied molecular orbital level. In addition, since IT‐2Cl and IT‐4Cl have very good compatibility, a ternary OSC device integrating these two acceptors is also fabricated and obtains a PCE greater than 14%. Chlorination demonstrates effective ability in enhancing the device performance and facile synthesis route, which both deserve further exploitation in the modification of photovoltaic materials.  相似文献   

Efficient organic solar cells (OSCs) are fabricated using polymer PM6 as donor, and IPTBO‐4Cl and MF1 as acceptors. The power conversion efficiency (PCE) of IPTBO‐4Cl based and MF1 based binary OSCs individually arrive to 14.94% and 12.07%, exhibiting markedly different short circuit current density (JSC) of 23.18 mA cm?2 versus 17.01 mA cm?2, fill factor (FF) of 72.17% versus 78.18% and similar open circuit voltage (VOC) of 0.893 V versus 0.908 V. The two acceptors, IPTBO‐4Cl and MF1, have similar lowest unoccupied molecular orbital levels, which is beneficial for efficient electron transport in the ternary active layer. The PCE of optimized ternary OSCs arrives to 15.74% by incorporating 30 wt% MF1 in acceptors, resulting from the simultaneously increased JSC of 23.20 mA cm?2, VOC of 0.897 V, and FF of 75.64% in comparison with IPTBO‐4Cl based binary OSCs. The gradually increased FFs of ternary OSCs indicate the well‐optimized phase separation and molecular arrangement with MF1 as morphology regulator. This work may provide a new viewpoint for selecting an appropriate third component to achieve efficient ternary OSCs from materials and photovoltaic parameters of two binary OSCs.  相似文献   

Inspired by the remarkable promotion of power conversion efficiency (PCE), commercial applications of organic photovoltaics (OPVs) can be foreseen in near future. One of the most promising applications is semitransparent (ST) solar cells that can be utilized in value‐added applications such as energy‐harvesting windows. However, the single‐junction STOPVs utilizing fullerene acceptors show relatively low PCEs of 4%–6% due to the limited sunlight absorption because it is a dilemma that more photons need to be harvested in UV–vis–near‐infrared (NIR) region to generate high photocurrent, which leads to the significant reduction of device transparency. This study describes the development of a new small‐bandgap electron‐acceptor material ATT‐2, which shows a strong NIR absorption between 600 and 940 nm with an E gopt of 1.32 eV. By combining with PTB7‐Th, the as‐cast OPVs yield PCEs of up to 9.58% with a fill factor of 0.63, an open‐circuit voltage of 0.73 V, and a very high short‐circuit current of 20.75 mA cm?2. Owing to the favorable complementary absorption of low‐bangap PTB7‐Th and small‐bandgap ATT‐2 in NIR region, the proof‐of‐concept STOPVs show the highest PCE of 7.7% so far reported for single‐junction STOPVs with a high transparency of 37%.  相似文献   

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