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The authors examined early psychopathology as a predictor of trajectories of drug use from ages 13-18 years. Six years of annual data were analyzed for 506 boys using a mixed effects polynomial growth curve model. They tested whether distinct measures of psychopathology and behavioral problems (i.e., attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, depression, and violence) assessed in early adolescence could prospectively predict level and change in alcohol and marijuana use. Higher levels of all of the types of psychopathology predicted higher levels of alcohol use, and higher levels of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder, and violence predicted higher levels of marijuana use. Only conduct disorder predicted linear growth in alcohol use, and none of the measures predicted growth in marijuana use. The results suggest that drug use prevention programs should target youths with early symptoms of psychopathology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Adolescents with substance use disorders (SUDs) smoke cigarettes more than youth in the general population. Little is known about changes in smoking patterns during and after outpatient SUD treatment. We examined whether receiving SUD treatment had a differential impact on cigarette smoking behaviors of mild (  相似文献   

This study tested the prediction that self-control would have buffering effects for adolescent substance use (tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana) with regard to 3 risk factors: family life events, adolescent life events, and peer substance use. Participants were a sample of public school students (N = 1,767) who were surveyed at 4 yearly intervals between 6th grade and 9th grade. Good self-control was assessed with multiple indicators (e.g., planning and problem solving). Results showed that the impact of all 3 risk factors on substance use was reduced among persons with higher scores on good self-control. Buffering was found in cross-sectional analyses with multiple regression and in longitudinal analyses in a latent growth model with time-varying covariates. Implications for addressing self-control in prevention programs are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors evaluated the effect of a brief tailored smoking control intervention delivered during basic military training on tobacco use in a population of military personnel (N = 33,215). Participants were randomized to either a tobacco use intervention (smoking cessation, smokeless tobacco use cessation, or prevention depending on tobacco use history) or a health education control condition. Results indicated that smokers who received intervention were 1.16 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.04, 1.30) times (7-day point prevalence) and 1.23 (95% CI = 1.07, 1.41) times (continuous abstinence) more likely to be abstinent than controls from smoking cigarettes at the 1-year follow-up (p p  相似文献   

The authors tested predictions, derived from a self-regulation model, about variables moderating the relationship between level of substance use (tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana) and problems associated with use. Data were from two independent studies of adolescents, with mean ages of 15.4 and 15.5 years (Ns=1,699 and 1,225). Factor analysis indicated correlated dimensions of control problems and conduct problems. Protective moderation was found for variables indexing good self-control; risk-enhancing moderation was found for variables indexing poor self-control. These effects were generally independent of deviance-prone attitudes and externalizing symptomatology. Multiple-group structural modeling indicated moderation occurred for paths from life stress and coping motives and for paths from level to control and conduct problems. Moderation effects were also found for parental variables, peer variables, and academic competence. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A population of 337 male Stanford Graduate School of Business, Master of Business Administration (MBA) alumni was analyzed for association between executive success criteria and socioeconomic origin measured by father's occupation when S was in elementary school, socioeconomic origin elementary school (SEO-elem.), and when S received MBA degree (SEO-MBA). No significant correlation was found between SEO-MBA and any criterion. SEO-elem. correlated significantly (p  相似文献   

Delinquency is a positive predictor of adolescent problem substance use, and depressed mood may increase risk for substance problems. The extent to which effects of delinquency and depressed mood on problem substance use vary depending on when during adolescence the predictors are assessed is unknown. The authors used 5 multigroup path analyses to examine effects of delinquency and depressed mood at ages 11, 12, 13, 14, and 16 years on problem substance use at age 18, and mediation of those effects through alcohol use at age 16 across gender. Participants were 429 rural youths (222 girls and 207 boys) and their families. Indirect positive effects of delinquency on the outcome were observed for boys; direct positive effects of depressed mood were observed for girls. Prevention implications are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To explicate the nature of the relationship between depressive symptoms and substance use, the authors conducted research that incorporated both individual and group approaches and utilized longitudinal data across development. Multiple-group latent growth curve models were used to assess specific dimensions (cross-sectional and longitudinal correlation, within-individual change, and movement off developmental trajectories) of the relationship between depressive symptoms and substance use during adolescence and how this relationship differs by gender. Annual survey data from 8th through 11th grade were provided by 441 girls and 510 boys in the Raising Healthy Children project (E. C. Brown, R. F. Catalano, C. B. Fleming, K. P. Haggerty, & R. D. Abbott, 2005). Levels of depressive symptoms and substance use in early adolescence were positively associated for alcohol, marijuana, and cigarette use for girls, but only for marijuana use for boys. Individual changes in depressive symptoms and substance use across adolescence were positively associated for each type of substance use. Evidence was also found for positive association between episodic expressions of depressive symptoms and alcohol use that fell outside developmental trajectories. Predictive relationships across constructs were not found, with the exception of higher level of depressive symptoms in early adolescence predicting less increase in alcohol use. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) is particularly suitable for studying substance use, because use is episodic and thought to be related to mood and context. This article reviews EMA methods in substance use research, focusing on tobacco and alcohol use and relapse, where EMA has been most applied. Common EMA designs combine event-based reports of substance use with time-based assessments. Approaches to data organization and analysis have been very diverse, particularly regarding their treatment of time. Compliance with signaled assessments is often high. Compliance with recording of substance use appears good but is harder to validate. Treatment applications of EMA are emerging. EMA captures substance use patterns not measured by questionnaires or retrospective data and holds promise for substance use research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although a large body of research suggests that children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are at increased risk for cigarette smoking during adolescence compared with their non-ADHD peers, much less research has examined why. The current study addressed this gap in the literature by examining middle school adjustment, broadly defined, as a possible mediator of the relation between childhood ADHD symptoms and cigarette smoking during middle adolescence (10th grade). Longitudinal data were collected from a community sample of 754 youth using self-report and parent report along with school records, and a novel statistical technique was used in the process of testing for mediation. Consistent with hypotheses, school adjustment was found to mediate the relation between childhood ADHD symptoms and later cigarette smoking, even after controlling for early externalizing problems. Results have implications for etiological theories of adolescent deviant behavior and suggest that successful smoking prevention programs targeting youth with ADHD should include a school adjustment component. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Understanding the relapse process is one of the most important issues in addictive behaviors research. To date, most studies have taken a linear approach toward predicting relapse based on risk factors. Nonlinear dynamical systems theory can be used to describe processes that are not adequately modeled using a linear approach. In particular, the authors propose that catastrophe theory, a subset of nonlinear dynamical systems theory, can be used to describe the relapse process in addictive behaviors. Two small prospective studies using 6-month follow-ups of patients with alcohol use disorders (inpatient, n=51; outpatient, n=43) illustrate how cusp catastrophe theory may be used to predict relapse. Results from these preliminary studies indicate that a cusp catastrophe model has more predictive utility than traditional linear models. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The relationship between social comparison and body dissatisfaction was examined using meta-analysis. Several demographic and methodological variables were examined as potential moderators. Data from 156 studies (189 effect sizes) showed that social comparison was related to higher levels of body dissatisfaction. The effect for social comparison and body dissatisfaction was stronger for women than men and inversely related to age. This effect was stronger when social comparison was directly measured rather than inferred. No differences emerged for the presence of eating psychopathology, study design, or object of comparison. Results confirm theory and research suggesting that comparing oneself unfavorably to another on the basis of appearance may lead to dissatisfaction with one’s own appearance. Moderator variables refine our understanding of the social comparison–body dissatisfaction relationship. These constructs and their relationship should be explored further in future studies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study provides a 1-year prospective analysis of group self-identification as a predictor of adolescent drug use and violence. Youth identified with discrete groups. In most comparisons, 1 year later, a high-risk group reported greater levels of drug use and violence-related exposure than other groups, and the statistical relation between group self-identification and drug use or violence remained after baseline assessment of the drug use or violence measure was controlled for. This is the 1st study to demonstrate that group self-identification is a significant prospective predictor of drug use and other problem behaviors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Prior research findings have been mixed as to whether attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is related to illicit drug use independent of conduct problems (CP). With the current study, the authors add to this literature by investigating the association between trajectories of ADHD symptoms across childhood and adolescence and onset of illicit drug use, with and without controlling for CP. In a longitudinal panel study of a community sample of 754 girls and boys recruited in kindergarten, this research question was examined with a combination of growth mixture modeling (to model parent-reported ADHD symptom trajectories) and survival analysis (to model youth-reported initiation of illicit drug use). Results revealed a 3-class model of ADHD trajectories, with 1 class exhibiting no or minimal symptoms throughout childhood and adolescence, another class showing a convex shape (an increase, then a decrease in symptoms) across time, and a third class showing a concave shape (a decrease, then a slight increase in symptoms) over time. The concave-trajectory class demonstrated significantly earlier onset of illicit drug use than the minimal-problem class, with the convex-trajectory class falling between (but not significantly different from either of the other two classes). These results did not change when the authors added CP to the model as a covariate. Implications of findings for theory and practice are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors surveyed 173 smokers who purchased and 114 smokers who knew about but did not purchase Eclipse--a tobacco industry product that is advertised as a reduced risk cigarette. Most low-tar/nicotine cigarette users who purchased Eclipse believed Eclipse was safer than low-tar/nicotine cigarettes both for their own health (73%) and for the health of others around them (86%). Additionally, many viewed Eclipse as a step toward quitting (53%). The authors did not identify robust predictors of Eclipse use. At 6 months follow-up, Eclipse users were as likely to have tried to quit as nonusers; however, the small sample size does not rule out the possibility that Eclipse use undermines quit attempts. The authors conclude that almost all users believe Eclipse is safer than low-tar cigarettes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Prior research on sibling contagion for substance use has not attended to individual differences in the sibling relationship that may be influenced by genetic similarity. The authors utilizing data on a sample of twin and nontwin siblings participating in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health). Although monozygotic twins had the highest levels of sibling contact and mutual friendships, the pattern of results for other sibling types were not consistent with genetic models, and biometric analysis indicated that shared environmental factors influenced these sibling relationship features. Application of DeFries-Fulker regression models provided evidence that sibling contact and mutual friendships represent a source of social contagion for adolescent smoking and drinking independent of genetic relatedness. The results are interpreted using a social contagion framework and contrasted with other competing models such as those focused on the equal environments assumption and niche selection. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Addiction Severity Index (ASI) has been extensively used in the United States and Europe as an indicator of the problems of substance abuse patients. Several studies have shown the ASI to be a reliable and valid instrument, but lately doubt has arisen regarding its validity and reliability. The article focuses on a specific scale of the ASI-the Psychiatric Status scale-and its strength in predicting the use of mental health care. A group of 1,027 heroin patients in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, who participated in a methadone program were the subjects. Three indices have been used: the evaluation index, the clinical index, and the composite scores. It appears that no matter which indices are used, the Psychiatric scale does discriminate between those who will have contact with mental health care and those who will not. However, the percentage of false positives is high. None of the indices predicts the intensity and duration of the mental health care treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study conceptualizes and investigates career-relevant parent–child conversations and other actions over time as a family project. Dyads composed of a parent and an adolescent from 20 families participated in a videotaped career-related conversation to determine a family career-development project that was subsequently monitored for a 6-month period and followed up with a 2nd videotaped conversation. On the basis of a systematic qualitative analysis, several dimensions were identified as facilitating the family career-development project, including joint goals, communication, goals-steps congruence, and individuation. These family career-development projects were organized as part of broader relationship, identity, parenting, and cultural projects that also played a decisive role in the success of the family career-development projects themselves. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The research tested prediction about the role of temperament and self-control in early substance use (tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana). A sample of 1,526 participants was assessed in 6th grade (mean age=11.5 yrs) and followed with yearly assessments through 9th grade. Latent growth models showed temperament dimensions were related to early substance use, and their effects were mediated through generalized self-control ability. Time-varying effects indicated rate of growth in substance use was higher among participants who showed increases in poor self-control and lower among participants who showed increases in good self-control. Results in self-report data were corroborated by independent teacher ratings. Findings are discussed with reference to epigenetic models of protection and vulnerability. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: This study investigated whether a universal school-based life skills program—IPSY (Information + Psychosocial Competence = Protection)—against substance misuse exerted the same effectiveness for young adolescents (10.5–13 years) from distinct alcohol use trajectories characterized by late childhood risk factors (temperament, self-worth, social problems with peers). Method: Analyses were based on a German sample of school students (N = 1,484). A longitudinal quasi-experimental design (intervention/control) with schoolwise assignment to the respective groups was used. Data were gathered via self-report questionnaire. Two-part growth mixture modeling was applied. Results: Two prototypical trajectory classes of early alcohol use were found: a problematic group with a sharp increase in prevalence and quantity of consumed alcohol (19.7%) and a normative group with a moderate increase in both outcomes (80.3%). The problematic trajectory class was associated with several risk factors. IPSY decreased the likelihood of membership in the problematic group. Furthermore, IPSY buffered the increase in prevalence and quantity for the normative group, whereas it had no effects on these indicators for the problematic group. Concerning quantity of alcohol use, the effect size in terms of a difference in estimated means between intervention and control group at the last measurement point in the normative group was d = 0.33 (95% CI [0.21, 0.44]). Conclusions: Study findings indicate the usefulness of IPSY for reducing alcohol use especially in normative developing adolescents. However, the minority of adolescents consistently pursuing a problematic developmental pathway of alcohol use seem to be in need of earlier, more tailored treatments. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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