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SAE 1065 steel wire ropes are prone to individual wire fracture due to the martensite structure with high carbon and high microhardness formed on the wire surface because of friction. A new low-carbon microalloyed steel wire composed of lath bainite with fine carbides dispersed in bainitic ferrite and lath martensite is developed in this paper. For the developed steel wire with a diameter of 1.0?mm, the tensile strength and low-cycle fatigue resistance are higher than those of commercial SAE 1065 wire. It is shown that the individual wire fracture caused by as-quenched martensite formation and severe plastic deformation can be avoided in the developed steel wire. Also, the design process and associated manufacturing process are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

采用气缸式冲击模拟台对钢丝绳隔振器进行了冲击特性试验研究,介绍了试验系统及测量方法。在比较符合舰船实际冲击环境的情况下,获得了钢丝绳隔振器压缩和拉伸方向完整的特性曲线。试验结果分析表明,钢丝绳隔振器表现出明显的冲击软化现象,其冲击刚度特性小于静刚度和动刚度,而且它具有大阻尼耗能特性,是比较理想的抗冲元件。  相似文献   

A premix feeder line on a land-based gas turbine was found to be leaking, and the source of the leakage was traced back to a crack in a pipe-to-fitting weld. The weld joined a coupling made from the X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2 austenitic stainless steel to a type 316L austenitic stainless steel reducer. A root-cause assessment was conducted to determine the cause of the crack. Evidence of fatigue and corrosive attack was found. Various factors that influence the susceptibility to corrosion and cracking, such as heat tints, geometry of the weld, and surface finish of the component, are discussed. Recommendations are made for corrective actions and failure prevention.  相似文献   

Locked coil wire ropes, by virtue of their unique design and construction, have specialized applications in aerial ropeways, mine hoist installations, suspension bridge cables, and so forth. In such specialty ropes, the outer layer is constructed of Z-profile wires that provide not only effective interlocking but also a continuous working surface for withstanding in-service wear. The compact construction and fill-factor of locked coil wire ropes make them relatively impervious to the ingress of moisture and render them less vulnerable to corrosion. However, such ropes are comparatively more rigid than conventional wire ropes with fiber cores and therefore are more susceptible to the adverse effects of bending stresses. The reasons for premature in-service wire rope failures are rather complex but frequently may be attributed to inappropriate wire quality and/or abusive operating environment. In either case, a systematic investigation to diagnose precisely the genesis of failure is desirable. This article provides a microstructural insight into the causes of wire breakages on the outer layer of a 40 mm diameter locked coil wire rope during service. The study reveals that the breakages of Z-profile wires on the outer rope layer were abrasion induced and accentuated by arrays of fine transverse cracks that developed on a surface martensite layer.  相似文献   

为了掌握变质量提升系统的振动特性,考虑提升钢丝绳的扭转运动并根据变质量非完整系统的Ham ilton原理建立了钢丝绳轴向和扭转耦合振动数学模型,并推导了变质量提升系统振型函数及确定轴向与扭转耦合振动频率的超越方程,给出了基于振型函数随系统质量变化及固定不变两种情况下变质量提升系统钢丝绳振动位移、张力和扭矩响应的求解方法。以矿井提升箕斗装载为工况进行应用分析,结果表明:两种求解方法得到的响应基本接近;提升容器装载过程是一个质量增大振动频率减小的过程,钢丝绳的动位移、张力和扭矩以波动形式逐渐增加。装载量较大时可采用振型函数固定的方法计算装载提升系统的频率和响应,冲击较大的载荷建议考虑提升容器的波动载荷,从而有助于提高计算效率和增强提升系统的安全可靠性。  相似文献   

针对上一代自动抹灰机“头重脚轻”的问题,基于轻量化设计的理念,设计了一种基于钢丝绳传动的自动抹灰机。该装置主要分为横纵移模块、小车模块和喷涂模块,通过一根封闭的钢丝绳的传动快速高效地完成整个墙面的抹灰工作。对自动抹灰机中的主要承载件——钢丝绳进行了受力分析和计算,计算结果表明,所选择的6*7+IWS钢丝绳符合工况要求。对自动抹灰机的作业成本进行分析并与人工抹灰成本进行比较,表明自动抹灰机作业成本较低,具有良好的市场前景。轻量化的自动抹灰机工作性能好,工作效率高,环保性强,在现代建筑施工中具有很高的应用和推广价值。  相似文献   

利用Solidworks软件对材料为AISI 316的6×7IWS型钢丝绳在拉伸过程中伴随的声发射特征进行三维建模,并对其进行约束、网格划分和施加载荷.通过有限元分析得到了钢丝绳在10kN载荷下的应力、应变、合位移的大小及分布情况,并根据应变结合拟合的损伤因子方程可以得到钢丝绳中的声发射累积能量的相对值.结果表明,应力分布沿轴向、径向近似对称,应变ε最大值为0.105 102 1,最小值为0.001 180 06,损伤因子D可以间接地反映钢丝绳的声发射累积能量.  相似文献   

This work presents a modelling methodology to assess the sensitivity to microstructure in high‐cycle fatigue performance of fine wires made from MP35N alloy (35Ni‐35Co‐20Cr‐10Mo in wt%) used as conductors in cardiac leads. The model consists of a microstructure generator that creates a mesh of a statistically representative microstructure, a finite element analysis using a crystal plasticity constitutive model to determine the local response behaviour of the microstructure, and a postprocesser using fatigue indicating parameters to assess the likelihood of fatigue crack initiation. The fatigue crack initiation potency for selected microstructure attributes, boundary and interface conditions, and loading profiles is determined by computing the Fatemi‐Socie fatigue indicating parameter over a physically relevant volume of scale. Case studies are used to investigate (1) the influence of nonmetallic inclusion proximity to the wire surface on fatigue potency and (2) the transition life demarcating lives primarily controlled by fatigue crack initiation versus microcrack fatigue growth.  相似文献   

某304L奥氏体不锈钢消化-澄清器在试运行不久后即出现筒体开裂,发生泄漏事故。采用金相检验、扫描电镜及能谱分析等方法对开裂部位进行了分析。结果表明:消化-澄清器筒体开裂是由于蒸汽接管的振动,使器壁承受弯曲交变载荷;在交变载荷的作用下,消化-澄清器内、外壁萌生疲劳裂纹,疲劳裂纹不断扩展最终导致消化-澄清器发生疲劳开裂。  相似文献   

This paper examines a failure analysis of the bolts from a failed joint between an impeller blade and a rotating assembly unit. The bolts failed due to poor thread manufacture and installation. Sharpened thread roots led to high stress concentrations that favored crack initiation. An oddly shaped thread profile allowed friction between mismatched thread surfaces. Poor installation procedures allowed for the possibility of overtightening to nucleate cracks in the head-to-shank interface (which had a smaller radius and therefore a higher stress concentration) and possibly also in the thread roots. Each of these influences contributed to crack initiation in the bolts. After cracks had formed, bending fatigue then propagated the nucleated cracks to final fracture. The failure analysis also recommended using bolts with rolled threads, which allow a more complete fit between mating male and female threads, and assuring that an appropriate preload is placed on bolts during installation.  相似文献   

Due to the excellent mechanical properties, good corrosion resistance, high biocompatibility and nickel-free character, the high nitrogen nickel-free austenitic stainless steel (HNASS) becomes an ideally alternative material for coronary stents. Stent implantation works in harsh blood environment after a balloon dilatation, i.e., the material is used in a corrosive environment with a permanent deformation. The present study attempts to investigate effects of pre-straining on high-cycle fatigue behavior and corrosion fatigue behavior of HNASS in Hank’s solution and the relevant mechanism for coronary stents application. It is found that higher pre-straining on HNASS results in higher strength and maintains almost same corrosion resistance. Fatigue limit of 0% HNASS is 550 MPa, while corrosion fatigue limit is 475 MPa. And improvement in fatigue limit of 20% and 35% pre-strained HNASS is in comparison with the 0% HNASS, while corrosion would undermine the fatigue behavior of HNASS. In a suitable range, the pre-straining had a beneficial effect on corrosion fatigue strength of HNASS, such as nearly 300 MPa improved with 20% cold deformation. This result provides a good reference for predicting the life of HNASS stent and as well its design.  相似文献   

 TRIZ(发明问题解决理论)的发明原理数据库可以为设计人员提供设计案例进行结构的类比创新.钢丝绳电动葫芦导绳器发生损坏以后,其原有弧形压板更换时安装拆卸麻烦.针对这一问题,利用TRIZ中的冲突分析解决方法对其进行详细分析,并利用基于TRIZ构建的软件系统获得相应的发明原理.根据所得到的发明原理对钢丝绳电动葫芦导绳器进行改进设计,所提出设计方案一方面可提高钢丝绳电动葫芦的性能,为钢丝绳电动葫芦的使用带来社会效益,也可以进一步补充TRIZ发明原理案例数据库,给其他应用该系统中发明原理的设计者以启发.  相似文献   

某化工厂工艺管线上的316不锈钢材质的孔板流量计导压管断裂,导致介质泄漏发生火灾。为查明其失效原因,对断裂的仪表管进行成分、硬度、金相、断口形貌和腐蚀产物分析,确认仪表管发生断裂的原因是在安装应力、震动和环境中Cl元素的共同作用下,先发生了应力腐蚀形成裂纹源,裂纹达到门槛值后又以疲劳形式扩展,最终导致开裂。  相似文献   

This study is focused on the failure analysis of a cable way rope composed by different wires in which the magnetoscopic analysis has pointed out a significant and abnormal number of failure indications after a relatively short time of service. Such a phenomenon has taken place in one of the longest worldwide cableway plant and it is interesting that the performed microstructural analysis has clearly indicated that the applied steel seems featured by a good soundness of the very fine perlite micro-structure that has not been interested in any way by the decarburation phenomena. Moreover, the realized micro-hardness tests indicate a reliable homogeneity of the strength properties featuring the steel along the wire section. On the other hand, the fractographic analysis clearly indicates that the source of the failure mechanism is the initiation of the cracks in the surface of the z-shaped wire of the outer wire layer in contact with the wires of the inner layer. The coupling of the different results seems to indicate that the most probable cause of the failure mechanism has to be found in the excessive pressure applied on the rope and to the consequent sliding between the external wire layer and the inner adjacent one that produces debris and the nucleation of the crack.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that fatigue cracks in drawn, pearlitic steel wire propagate from pre-existing surface defects which can be treated as cracks, the fatigue limits of five different wires have been statistically determined. The fatigue thresholds were measured using a new AC potential drop method and the initial defect depths then calculated using the equation ao=1π(ΔKth/2σe)2 and compared with observed values.

For higher strength steel wires (σu>1800 MPa) the agreement was very good; for the lower strength steel wire (σu=1469 MPa), however, the observed values were smaller than the calculated ones. The reasons for this discrepancy are discussed. A quantitative model is developed from the hypothesis and the influence of residual tensile stresses, decarburization and polishing on the fatigue limit of drawn steel wire is assessed.  相似文献   

针对某电厂多层焊接不锈钢波纹管发生开裂的情况,采用宏观观察、能谱分析、金相检验、显微硬度测试等方法,分析了波纹管开裂的原因。结果表明:波纹管的失效形式为疲劳开裂,失效原因为纵焊缝余高超标,加大了该部位的塑性变形和硬化程度,降低了抗疲劳性能,柴油机运行中波纹管的振动诱发了疲劳开裂。  相似文献   


The influence of low-temperature gaseous carburisation on notch fatigue behaviour of 316L steel under cyclic axial loading was investigated. After carburisation, the carburised case was well distributed at the surface region and was not influenced by the notch geometry. Low-temperature carburisation considerably enhanced the notch fatigue performance, which led to 32% and 44% increase in the endurance limits for the specimens with stress concentration factors K t?=?1.91 and 3.91, respectively. The notch sensitivity of 316L steel reduced after carburisation. Irrespective of the applied stress amplitude, the fatigue crack nucleation sites were always at the notch root surface for the untreated specimens. For the carburised specimens, fatigue cracks nucleation changed from surface at high-level stress to subsurface at low-level stress.  相似文献   

Steel bearing plates appeared to have failed during service due to wear damage. The subsequent failure analysis revealed that the observed surface damage was the result of widespread plastic deformation and smearing associated with a network of surface crazing, rather than wear. Additionally, the majority of the bearing plates examined met microstructural specifications, although both the carbon and manganese contents were below the specified limits. The deficiencies in carbon and manganese lowered the hardenability of the alloy and may have contributed to the need for an overly severe quench during the heat treatment processing employed during manufacture.  相似文献   

J. Li  Y.M. Shi  R.S. Wang  X.D. Li  G.F. Xie 《低温学》2009,49(1):27-33
As a traditional and mature solid-liquid separating technique, filtration has been adopted in cryogenic liquid purification system owing to its low energy cost, simplified system, long lifetime and high purifying efficiency. Whereas, few data or result of filtration performance at low temperature is put forward in literatures, most of which are related to room and high temperatures applications. Furthermore, as an excellent cryogenic material, stainless steel medium is suitable for cryogenic liquid filtration, which is also seldom reported. In this paper, we propose a filtration system for purifying CO2 particles from liquid nitrogen using a sintered stainless steel wire mesh filter with a nominal filtration degree of 0.5 μm, and characterize the separation behavior of this kind of filter medium at cryogenic temperature. Experimental results show that the whole filtration process can be divided into three stages with sufficient particle concentration in the feed slurry according to the evolution of pressure drop. Differences between surface filtration and depth filtration are demonstrated, and the influence of growth of filter cake is characterized. Pressure drop increases with increasing feed slurry flow and CO2 concentration, and evolution tendency of filtration efficiency is affected by its calculation method. By comparison with the filtration at room and high temperatures, the effects of temperature on the fluid and media are emphasized.  相似文献   

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