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<正>农村配电变压器是农村电网运行中不可缺少的重要设备,同时也是农村电工平时的主要管理对象,但有些农村电工对农村配电变压器重视不够、管理不善、维护不  相似文献   

0引言农村电工队伍是供电企业职工大军中一支不可或缺的重要队伍,尤其是在"新农村、新电力、新服务"建设中发挥着举足轻重的作用。但是在深化电力体制改革,特别是农村电力体制改革的新形势下,农村电工队伍建设的薄弱环节日趋突出地暴露出来。如何解决这些问题,已成为当务之急。  相似文献   

农村电工在220/380V电力系统上安装、检修、试验、维护设备等工作叫低压作业。因此,农村电工大量的作业是停电作业,笔者发现许多农村电工在停电作业时不遵守操作规程及安全规程,存在安全隐患,为避免事故的发生,确保农村电工人身与农用电气设备的安全,农村电工低压停电作业应注意安全问题。  相似文献   

一、农电工用工管理的基本原则、条件及程序 国务院国发[1999]2号文件和国家经贸委批复的《山东省加快农村电力体制改革加强农村电力管理实施方案》中明确要求“整顿农村电工队伍,规范服务行为。国家将制定农村电工统一考核标准,对农村电工实行统一考核、择优录用的办法,经过考核符合标准的,一律持证上岗,并纳入县级供电企业的合同管理,考核不合格的,一律不得录用”。《山东省乡镇供电站改革实施意见》中要求“取消农村电工,由县供电企业重新招聘农电工,实现农电工的职业化、专业化、正规化管理”以及“招聘的人员须持有职业资格证书,由县供电企业组织统一考试,择优录用,签订聘用合同,发放进网电工作业证和聘用证书,持证上岗”。  相似文献   

本文结合公司开展农村电工培训工作的实际情况,根据上级公司的统一标准,介绍农村电工培训的培训内容及教学方法,分析了培训的重要性和先培训后上岗制度对安全生产的影响,探讨了以班级上课形式与技能训练形式各占一半时间来培训这一方法,同时为能更好地实现农村电工培训目标提出了一点建议。  相似文献   

"农村电工入党啦!"这件事成了近日柳城供电公司员工的美谈和热议的话题。冯伯良何许人也,他入党为何会引起那么大的反响?请听我一一道来。农村电工走村串户,奔走于田间地头,  相似文献   

目前在我国农村许多地方,用电户的电能表仍安装在约6m高的电线杆上,要想知道电能表的读数,必须要爬到电线杆上抄表,电线杆数量之多,劳动强度之大是难以想像的。 电工远抄表装置(可视计量箱)是根据农村电工爬杆抄表  相似文献   

农村电工队伍是供电企业职工大军中一支不可或缺的重要队伍,尤其是在“新农村、新电力、新服务”建设中发挥着举足轻重的作用。以辽宁省而言,全省64个县区农电局共有农村电工1.5万余人,占全省农电系统职工队伍的50%以上。  相似文献   

农村电工简称农电工,农电工实际上是产业工人的组成部分。然而,在实际工作中,农电工能否加入工会问题至今依然是个有待研究、认识和解决的问题。  相似文献   

许多农村电工在停电作业时不遵守操作规程及安全规程,存在安全隐患。为避免事故的发生,农村电工低压停电作业应注意以下安全问题。  相似文献   

农村电气化建设及农村用电发展趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了国外农村电气化发展情况,总结了我国农村电气化的发展历程,结合我国社会主义新农村电气化建设目标,分析了我国农村用电的发展趋势和特点,提出了加快新农村电气化建设的有关建议。  相似文献   

本文就农电系统的技术现状与发展趋势进行了分析,结合国家电网公司对于农电发展的宏观思路和要求,论述了农电系统应着力解决的主要技术问题及其思路。  相似文献   

阐述了农村水电及电气化的作用和地位,同时指出了农村水电及电气化面临的形势和任务。  相似文献   

新农村电气化村典型供电模式   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
为推进新农村电气化建设,提高农村配电网建设水平,以《新农村电气化建设实施纲要》和《新农村电气化标准体系》为依据,在充分调研、多方征求意见的基础上,研制、编写了新农村电气化村典型供电模式。根据经济水平将新农村电气化村划分为A,B,C等3类,电气化村的典型供电模式相应分为A,B,C等3类。另外,根据村的建筑布局,将村分为多层、联排和分散居住3类。在此基础上,有针对性地提出了10种电气化村典型供电模式,其中:A类3种,B类3种,C类4种。研究成果已在新农村电气化村建设中广泛应用,效果明显。  相似文献   

Rural electrification is a crucial process of enhancing the modern energy access of rural communities which is an important global development goal. Electric cooperatives have played an important role as drivers of rural electrification worldwide, both historically and contemporaneously. The emerging role of cooperatives in rural electrification is yet to be examined in the context of East Africa, a region that experiences serious infrastructure deficits alongside widespread rural poverty. This study adopts a political economy perspective to explore the roles and challenges of cooperatives in rural electrification in Uganda. Through a high-level case study of two electric cooperatives, we show that while the cooperatives can deliver rural electrification, they face a series of political and economic challenges in fulfilling their mission. To enhance rural electrification through cooperatives, the challenges should be addressed by policy solutions: (1) providing more support to rural households that cannot afford electricity; (2) providing further support to cooperatives to avoid overburdening the community; (3) enhancing investment to upgrade the grid and extend its geographical coverage; and (4) exploring new financial and technological options for rural electrification. We expect the findings of this study to be useful to policymakers, implementers, cooperatives, and international donors currently working in rural electrification in Africa and beyond.  相似文献   

阐述了新农村供电模式研究的原则和基本内容,总结了海宁供电局试点研究取得的初步成果,探索了沿海经济发达地区农村典型区域的新农村电气化建设规划原则、供电方案、设备配置标准、信息技术应用、农电管理模式和服务模式,提出了推广应用研究成果要重点关注的几个问题。  相似文献   

Access to electricity is still a challenge in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa. In Nigeria, over 70% of the rural dwellers do not have access to electricity. The purpose of this paper is to examine the potential of a smart microgrid for off-grid rural electrification in Nigeria. A combination of design thinking and model-based design methodology is employed to select a suitable microgrid configuration and to develop a smart microgrid model. A system consisting of a solar photovoltaic array, battery energy storage and a diesel generator is selected, and the model is developed in Simulink. Demand data from 10 rural communities in Nigeria are used to validate the performance of the model and the potential for demand management is considered. The use of energy efficient light bulbs is found to reduce the peak electricity demand of the case study communities by 42 to 76%. Combining the proposed system with the use of LED bulbs makes the system to have 56 to 81% less net present cost than a system with a diesel generator alone and incandescent light bulbs. The proposed smart microgrid is found to be more suitable for off-grid rural electrification in Nigeria than diesel generators which are currently used for off-grid electrification in Nigeria.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the rural electrification (RE) project of the Cua-Bocay municipality, situated in Nicaragua's northern province of Jinotega. The electrification program has been led by a nongovernmental organization (NGO) called the Cua-Bocay Project. In general, NGOs have the potential to work as facilitators of the rural electrification infrastructure and to affect the normal set of rural electrification costs and benefits by emphasizing local training and participation. The paper considers the project history, changing goals, infrastructure and programs, project benefits and training emphasis  相似文献   

Rural electrification requires high initial capital investments per capita due to its low energy demand and population density. These factors result in a higher cost of electricity than that for urban consumers. Although the solution to the majority of rural electrification financial challenges are with government policymakers, it is equally important for rural electrification project implementers to understand the technical challenges and identify any cost reduction potential. This paper proposes and compares a diverse set of standalone electrification strategies for a variety of consumer load types in the Sdakeni rural area in the Eastern Cape Province in South Africa. The aim of this research is to compare the electrification strategies based on: cost, efficiency, performance, equipment utilization factor, excess electricity produced etc. Based on the findings from the comparison, the paper will provide insight into suitability of such strategies and act as a guideline for balancing cost optimization process and design robustness of such systems. It will also provide recommendations on future research along this line which would include aspects that could not be covered in this work.  相似文献   

中国农村能源发展关键问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,中国农村能源供应保障能力不断增强,能源结构调整成效明显,但是也存在一些问题:农村废弃物能源化利用率低制约了资源综合利用和环境保护,农村能源消费层次低和电气化水平不高制约了城乡快速融合发展和农村地区能源消费升级,农村能源社会化服务体系建设滞后制约了农村能源有效供给和高效服务的社会公平。针对中国农村能源发展面临的问题和挑战,聚焦农村生活用能,梳理分析了中国农村能源发展基本情况。针对中国国情的特殊性和不同区域具体特点,通过对农村废弃物能源化利用、农村能源电气化应用、农村能源服务体系建设等关键问题研究,提出了促进中国农村能源科学发展的措施建议。  相似文献   

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