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以北京女性消费者为例,研究了营养和安全因素对牛奶产品购买意向的影响。制作标有不同营养和安全信息标签的牛奶产品,在北京市5个社区招募64名18~45岁女性受试者,进行问卷调查和产品选择实验。结果表明:在无价差条件下,受试者优先选择高蛋白和含益菌因子的产品,以及有机产品和3 d保质期产品;当价差为20%时,各营养安全声称产品与普通纯牛奶产品之间购买意向差异不显著;当价差为60%时,受试者对普通纯牛奶产品的购买意向最高。结论:消费者对各营养健康宣称产品的接受度有所不同,并与价格密切相关。  相似文献   

为引导消费者合理选择食品,保护消费者的知情权和身体健康,卫生部近日出台《食品营养标签管理规范》,该规范自2008年5月1日起施行。国家鼓励食品企业对其生产的产品标示营养标签。卫生部将根据该规范的实施情况和消费者的健康需要.确定强制进行营养标示的食品品种、营养成分及实施时间。  相似文献   

营养因素对果汁及果汁饮料消费影响的调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:从食物营养的角度调查消费者对果汁及果汁饮料的认知状况和购买意向.研究营养健康因素对消费选择的影响.方法:以自填式问卷调查北京市海淀区350名消费者果汁及果汁饮料的消费行为.采用SPSS 11.5进行数据分析.结果:56.1%的消费者自认为了解纯果汁与含果汁饮料产品在营养方面的差异.消费者选择纯果汁主要考虑营养健康因素,且不同人群需求呈多样化趋势.营养知识多.促进纯果汁的消费.产品营养信息主要来自广告.对产品营养标签的认知度不高.结论:加大营养宣教力度,培养消费者的健康消费行为,对促进果汁及果汁饮料消费具有积极意义.  相似文献   

在我国居民乳品消费量远低于发达国家水平的背景下,通过研究消费者偏好来为乳品生产及促销提供方向具有深远意义.通过基于选择的联合分析法对青岛城镇居民乳品消费调查数据进行系统分析,结果表明,青岛消费者愿意支付更高的价格来购买加工技术为巴氏灭菌法、脂肪含量低及自然口味的液态奶;女性比男性更偏好于调味奶;年轻人相比于其他消费者对调味奶的偏好尤为显著;老年人是对液态奶的脂肪含量最敏感的群体.  相似文献   

牛乳含有几乎人体所需的全部营养素及具有保健功能的生物活性物质,营养价值非常丰富,随着国家的政策导向和广大消费者的认可,乳制品的种类日益增多。液态乳和乳粉由于保持或强化了原料乳的主要成分,仍然处于绝对优势;益生茵的应用赋予传统的发酵乳品生物学意义;有营养和休闲双重功能的干酪、冰淇淋等备受消费者的青昧。食品高新技术的发展促进了免疫乳等功能性乳品及营养、健康和安全新乳品的研发,新型乳品深蕴涵着巨大的发展潜力,成为乳业新的经济增长点。  相似文献   

目的 探讨消费者对生鲜农产品营养标签的认知和消费意愿,为推动生鲜农产品营养标签发展提供参考。方法 通过线上调查收集682份有效问卷,运用描述性统计和logistic回归分析消费者对生鲜农产品营养标签的认知、消费意愿及其影响因素。结果 电商平台是生鲜农产品销售的重要渠道,预包装和精美包装生鲜农产品需求正逐渐增长,超过75%的消费者购买食品时经常查看营养标签。88.9%的消费者期望生鲜农产品标识营养标签,并关注营养功能声称、糖含量、维生素和矿物质、植物化学物等内容,消费者偏好营养成分的定量标注方式和营养成分表的标示形式。不同身份和月收入的消费者对生鲜农产品营养标签消费意愿及溢价支付意愿存在显著差异(P<0.05)。整体上,有88.56%和91.94%的消费者对生鲜农产品营养标签具有不同程度的消费意愿和溢价支付意愿。结论 消费者对生鲜农产品营养信息有较强了解需求,期望生鲜农产品标示营养标签并愿意支付溢价,对推动生鲜农产品营养标签发展具有现实意义和市场潜力。  相似文献   

记者:2007年3月,伊利集团的"营养舒化奶"在荷兰举行的第一届全球乳业大会上摘取"最佳创新液态奶产品高度推荐奖",您如何看待这个唯一获奖的亚洲乳品?  相似文献   

一、热量控制美国食品注意讲究营养,但更注意控制热量。所有食品的标签上均标明本产品的总热量和其中来自脂肪与他和脂肪各有多少热量。这些表示并不是专门针对不同的特殊人群的,而是针对全体美国人的。因为标签标示的除了与我国相同的净含量、配料表等外,突出的标示是忽热量,而且告诉消费者,吃完这包食品相当于进食了每天应该摄入热量的百分率,包括主食、副食、小吃食品,均同样表示。而我国则仅对于针对不同人群需要的特殊营养食品,才有热量提示的要求。二、营养强化美国对食品非常注意营养强化,美国FDA(食品与药品管理局)批…  相似文献   

<正>随着乳制品细分化市场销量的攀升以及各种乳制品广告的风靡,乳品行业已成为近些年金融业的奇迹与广告业所"倾慕"的对象。进入21世纪以来,尽管一路高涨的液态奶价格削弱了其应有的光彩,但乳品行业正努力创新,以迎合消费者的需求,从芒果味牛奶到燕麦精选酸乳,再到液态奶中新元素的添加,乳品行业力求将产品配方提升至一个全新的水平,努力迈向成功巅峰。与此同时,该行业也为不同消费人群提供便捷、营养的高  相似文献   

孙自伟  罗月婷 《新食品》2007,(23):82-83
夏天是各种饮料的旺季。就乳饮料来说,介于乳品和饮料之间,兼顾营养和解渴的功能,这是好的方面;但从另一个方面讲,这种说法有点自说自话,消费者并不一定领情,因为偏好乳品的消费者会说乳饮料没有纯乳品营养高,偏好饮料的消费者又觉得它味道不够好,乳饮料成了两面派,左右不是人,自然难得有些消费者的欢心。  相似文献   

乳清蛋白在发酵乳制品中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乳清蛋白具有良好的功能性,被广泛应用在各种食品中。本文综述了乳清蛋白产品的组成成分和功能特性,以及乳清蛋白对发酵乳制品的风味、质构、益生菌生长及功能营养的影响。指出乳清蛋白在发酵乳制品中具有良好的适应性和广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

低乳糖奶的应用与发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
牛奶是营养丰富、容易消化吸收的天然食品。但是由于乳 糖不耐症的存在,使较多消费者饮用牛奶后会出现消化不 良、腹胀等现象。而低乳糖牛奶的开发满足了乳糖不耐症 患者的乳品消费需求,又改善了其他一些乳制品的加工工 艺条件和产品品质,促进了我国乳制品工业的发展。  相似文献   

Abstract: Foods that affect specific functions or systems in the human body, providing health benefits beyond energy and nutrients—functional foods—have experienced rapid market growth in recent years. This growth is fueled by technological innovations, development of new products, and the increasing number of health‐conscious consumers interested in products that improve life quality. Since the global market of functional foods is increasing annually, food product development is a key research priority and a challenge for both the industry and science sectors. Probiotics show considerable promise for the expansion of the dairy industry, especially in such specific sectors as yogurts, cheeses, beverages, ice creams, and other desserts. This article presents an overview of functional foods and strategies for their development, with particular attention to probiotic dairy products. Moreover, special attention is paid to the sensory properties of such products to provide important information about their most desirable attributes.  相似文献   

以调查问卷的形式对合肥乳制品消费情况进行了调查。问卷共发放了1 000份,回收有效问卷869份,问卷有效率86.9%。调查群体集中反映了合肥市当地青壮年市民乳制品消费情况。通过调查得知,一线城市乳制品消费人群已形成稳定乳制品消费习惯,而且消费水平高于全国城镇居民乳制品消费平均水平;酸奶、常温奶和需要冷链储藏鲜奶成为大城市消费的主流,且安全、营养、品牌成为选择乳制品的重要考虑;消费者对当前乳制品质量安全比较放心,对外国品牌的乳制品较为认可;城市人群获取乳制品相关信息的重要渠道为电视节目。  相似文献   

康傑  王殿华 《食品工业》2021,(2):336-340
对消费者进行调研,结合相关理论,采用Logistics回归分析法对消费者对乳品质量的认知途径进行实证探讨。结果表明,家庭最高学历的消费者对乳品安全认知程度、消费者购买乳品次数、消费者对乳品质量的安全认知度、家里有13岁以下孩童对乳品质量的安全认知度起到促进作用。基于分析结果,从扩大乳品信息的披露途径、加强消费者交易、激励乳品企业信息披露等方面提出建议,以期推动消费者对乳品质量的安全认知度提升。  相似文献   

乳品是人类重要的营养源,然而乳品掺假现象时常发生,近年来尤以向乳品中掺假动、植物蛋白,向特色畜乳中掺假牛乳等方式为主,这不仅损害了消费者的利益,甚至会危害消费者的健康。该研究总结了目前常见的掺假行为及相关检测方法,并介绍了蛋白质组学技术——一种通过确立特定生物标记物来区别不同物种乳的技术。作者查询了国内外近十年来牛乳和特色乳掺假方面的研究报道,关键词设置为“蛋白质组学”、“乳品”、“真实性”、“生物标记物”等,按照奶畜乳类别将所得文献进行分类。分别对奶牛乳、羊乳、驼乳、水牛乳、牦牛乳、驴乳的掺假物、潜在标记物和检出限等方面进行了总结和分析,以期为乳品真实性鉴定和保障乳品质量安全提供有效的工作思路。  相似文献   

Advances in dairy foods and dairy foods processing since 1981 have influenced consumers and processors of dairy products. Consumer benefits include dairy products with enhanced nutrition and product functionality for specific applications. Processors convert raw milk to finished product with improved efficiencies and have developed processing technologies to improve traditional products and to introduce new products for expanding the dairy foods market. Membrane processing evolved from a laboratory technique to a major industrial process for milk and whey processing. Ultra-filtration and reverse osmosis have been used extensively in fractionation of milk and whey components. Advances in cheese manufacturing methods have included mechanization of the making process. Membrane processing has allowed uniform composition of the cheese milk and starter cultures have become more predictable. Cheese vats have become larger and enclosed as well as computer controlled. Researchers have learned to control many of the functional properties of cheese by understanding the role of fat and calcium distribution, as bound or unbound, in the cheese matrix. Processed cheese (cheese, foods, spreads, and products) maintain their importance in the industry as many product types can be produced to meet market needs and provide stable products for an extended shelf life. Cheese delivers concentrated nutrients of milk and bio-active peptides to consumers. The technologies for the production of concentrated and dried milk and whey products have not changed greatly in the last 25 yr. The size and efficiencies of the equipment have increased. Use of reverse osmosis in place of vacuum condensing has been proposed. Modifying the fatty acid composition of milkfat to alter the nutritional and functional properties of dairy spread has been a focus of research in the last 2 decades. Conjugated linoleic acid, which can be increased in milkfat by alteration of the cow's diet, has been reported to have anticancer, anti-atherogenic, antidiabetic, and antiobesity effects for human health. Separating milk fat into fractions has been accomplished to provide specific fractions to improve butter spreadability, modulate chocolate meltability, and provide texture for low-fat cheeses.  相似文献   

Fluid milk consumption has declined for decades while consumption of nondairy alternatives has increased. A better understanding of why consumers purchase fluid milk or nondairy alternatives is needed to assist increased sales of milk or maintain sales without further decline. The objective of this study was to determine the extrinsic attributes that drive purchase within each product category. The second objective was to determine the personal values behind the purchase of each beverage type to give further understanding why particular attributes are important. An online conjoint survey was launched with 702 dairy consumers, 172 nondairy consumers, and 125 consumers of both beverages. Individual means-end chain interviews were conducted with fluid milk consumers (n = 75), plant-based alternative consumers (n = 68), and consumers of both beverages (n = 78). Fat content was the most important attribute for dairy milk followed by package size and label claims. Consumers of fluid milk preferred 1 or 2% fat content, gallon, or half-gallon packaging, conventionally pasteurized store-brand milk. Sugar level was the most important attribute for plant-based beverages, followed by plant source and package size. Almond milk was the most desirable plant source, and half-gallon packaging was the most preferred packaging. Means-end chain interviews results suggested that maintaining a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle was important to all consumer groups. Lactose free was an important attribute for plant-based alternative consumers and consumers of both dairy and nondairy. A distinguishing characteristic of those who only drank nondairy plant-based alternatives was that plant-based beverages contributed to a goal to consume less animal products, beliefs about animal mistreatment, and perceived lesser effect on the environment than fluid milk. Unique to fluid milk consumers was that fluid milk was perceived as a staple food item. These results suggest that the dairy industry should focus on the nutrition value of milk and educating consumers about misconceptions regarding dairy milk. Future beverage innovation should include the development of lactose-free milk that is also appealing to consumers in flavor.  相似文献   

Dairy products are nutritious and are increasingly consumed as an important dietary component in China. Exploring the factors that affect the nutritional quality of dairy products and ensuring their safety have become the main focus of dairy research. The composition of metabolites in dairy products is large and complex. The levels and types of metabolites vary according to various factors in the process from factory to human dining table. Therefore, metabolites might be used to assess the nutritional value, traceability and authenticity, and physiological function of dairy products. This review's main goal is to introduce the most recent developments and applications of metabolomics as an efficient tool for comprehensively characterising the composition and dynamic changes of metabolites in the area of food science and nutrition research in the process of getting dairy products from factory to human. The examples are taken from the most relevant metabolomics work published from 2018 to 2022, focusing on potential marker metabolites and metabolic mechanisms related to dairy product quality, authenticity/traceability and dairy intake monitoring. The future direction of metabolomics in the field of dairy science was also discussed. This information will provide a reference for the further application of metabolomics technology to Chinese dairy products to develop their quality, safety and nutritional value.  相似文献   

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