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A liquid‐fluidized bed was used to separate a pure material from a mixture. A quantity of relatively large sized material was immersed in an inert‐particle fluidized bed and the behavior of materials was examined for different liquid velocities. In particular, the volume fraction of the material was varied and its effect on the separation characteristics was examined. The material floats on the inert‐particle fluidized bed when the density of the material is lower than the apparent density of the bed, regardless of the volume fraction of the material. The apparent density of the bed can be adjusted by changing the liquid velocity. The materials in the upper portion of the bed affect the properties of the bed below them, i.e., the void fraction decreases and the apparent density increases in the inert‐particle suspension when materials are present in the upper portion of the bed. Therefore, the materials float on the bed although the apparent density of the inert‐particle suspension obtained from the case without material is less than the density of the material at a relatively high volume fraction of material. This phenomenon occurs more easily for lighter and smaller materials. This means that small inert particles and low liquid velocities are the optimum operating conditions for the separation.  相似文献   

A solid‐liquid fluidized bed of inert particles can be used to separate pure objects from a mixture. Pieces of plastic sheet were selected as the objects to be separated. To estimate the separation characteristics, the behavior of pieces of plastic sheet in the bed was examined experimentally. Slow stirring was used to improve the fluidization state of the bed. The object size and the volume ratio of objects to inert particles were varied. The use of stirring of the bed was effective in improving the fluidization state of the bed, and the objects, which sank in the bed without stirring, moved from the bottom to the upper portion of the bed at a certain liquid velocity. This liquid velocity increases with decreasing object size, and it also increases as the volume ratio of objects to inert particles in the bed increases. When the volume ratio of objects to inert particles is too high, the objects are distributed throughout the entire bed, regardless of the liquid velocity.  相似文献   

The drying of carbohydrate suspensions on polypropylene particles in a pulsed fluidized bed was studied by means of a 25 experimental design, to determine the effect of the air flow and temperature, suspension flow rate, and free section and rotating speed of the rotary plate on the Nusselt number, the moisture content of the product, and the percentage of solids retained inside the bed (which were minimized to 4.9 and 14.4%, respectively) with an air flow of 600 m3/h at 90°C and 720 mmHg, a suspension flow rate of 6 L/h, and a plate with 6% free section, rotating at 50 rpm.

Additionally, the effects of temperature, air flow, and suspension flow rate on the residence time distribution (RTD) were determined, using the stimulus-response methodology. The RTD was represented by 1.1 to 2 tanks in series, according to this model. The mean residence time of the dried carbohydrate particles was between 5.4 and 8.2 min.

Finally, an egg suspension could be dried at 4 L/h, with air at 90°C, with a mean residence time about 50% longer that that found for drying carbohydrate suspensions.  相似文献   

《Drying Technology》2008,26(1):122-131
The drying of carbohydrate suspensions on polypropylene particles in a pulsed fluidized bed was studied by means of a 25 experimental design, to determine the effect of the air flow and temperature, suspension flow rate, and free section and rotating speed of the rotary plate on the Nusselt number, the moisture content of the product, and the percentage of solids retained inside the bed (which were minimized to 4.9 and 14.4%, respectively) with an air flow of 600 m3/h at 90°C and 720 mmHg, a suspension flow rate of 6 L/h, and a plate with 6% free section, rotating at 50 rpm.

Additionally, the effects of temperature, air flow, and suspension flow rate on the residence time distribution (RTD) were determined, using the stimulus-response methodology. The RTD was represented by 1.1 to 2 tanks in series, according to this model. The mean residence time of the dried carbohydrate particles was between 5.4 and 8.2 min.

Finally, an egg suspension could be dried at 4 L/h, with air at 90°C, with a mean residence time about 50% longer that that found for drying carbohydrate suspensions.  相似文献   

Q. j. Guo  Y. Xu  X. Yue 《化学工程与技术》2009,32(12):1992-1999
The fluidization characteristics of quartz sand and fluid catalytic crack (FCC) catalyst particles in six micro‐fluidized beds with inner diameters of 4.3, 5.5, 10.5, 15.5, 20.5, and 25.5 mm were investigated. The effects of bed diameter (Dt), static bed height (Hs), particles and gas properties on the pressure drop and minimum fluidization velocity (umf) were examined. The results show that the theoretical pressure drops of micro‐fluidized beds deviated from the experimental values under different particles and gas properties. The possible reason is due to an increase in bed voidage under smaller bed diameters. The equations for conventional fluidized beds did not fit for micro‐fluidized beds. umf increased with decreasing Dt. When the ratio of Hs to Dt ranged from 1:1 to 3:1, umf was characterized by a linear equation with Hs, while the slope of the equation umf versus Hs decreased with increasing Dt. In this paper, Dt/dp and Hs/dp were defined as dimensionless variables and a new equation was developed to predict umf in micro‐fluidized beds under the present experimental conditions.  相似文献   

根据振动流化床床层动力学特性,提出了第一、第二流化段,第一、第二临界流化速度的概念.从流化床临界流化速度的定义出发,得出了振动流化床第一临界流化速度数学模型.在二维振动流化床内,以不同粒径的玻璃珠为床料进行实验研究,分析了振动和其它操作条件对临界流化速度的影响,通过实验数据关联得到了振动能量传递系数的数学表达式,并将模型预测与实验结果进行了对比.结果表明振动强度增加,第一、第二临界速度均减小,振动对第一临界流化速度影响更显著,当振动强度超过1.57后,不通气体床层也能流化,第一临界流化速度降为零,模型预测与实验结果有较好的一致性.  相似文献   

The interface area between the bubble and emulsion phases in a fluidized catalyst bed is one of the important parameters used to analyze and design the fluidized bed reactor. We used a fast‐scanning X‐ray CT system to observe the bubble shape and structure. We then obtained the transient 2‐dimensional cross sectional gas‐phase distribution in a fluidized catalyst bed. Using image‐processing techniques, pseudo 3‐dimensional images of the bubbles were reconstructed. The bubble structure was studied based on the 3‐dimensional images and the previously obtained results in a 2‐dimensional fluidized bed. It was found that the bubble shape was not spherical but complicated, and that the bubbles ascending in a fluidized catalyst bed consisted of some smaller bubbles.  相似文献   

王克英 《当代化工》2012,(9):927-929
在环隙流化(AFB)床中,应用实验测量技术研究了床层压降和床层膨胀曲线以及最小流化速度的变化规律.研究结果显示,在升速流化时,随着气速增大,床层压降和床层膨胀比也随之增大,当气速超过一定值时,纳米TiO2颗粒完全流化,压降波动和床层膨胀比趋于平稳.最小流化速度随着纳米TiO2质量的增加而增大.  相似文献   

The layer‐inversion behavior of down‐flow binary solid‐liquid fluidized beds is predicted using the property‐averaging approach. The binary pair in this case consists of a larger solid species which is also heavier than its smaller counterpart, while both are lighter than the fluidizing medium. The model is based on using the generalized Richardson‐Zaki correlation for evaluation of the bed void fraction wherein mean values of particle properties are used. However, unlike the maximum bulk density condition for the conventional up‐flow binary solid fluidized bed, the model is based on a minimum bulk density condition for occurrence of layer inversion. This is due to the fact that the volume contraction phenomenon associated with the mixing of unequal solid species leads to a decrease in bulk density of the bed. Model predictions are also compared using the limited data available in the literature. Predictions are consistent with the observed mixing behavior.  相似文献   

研究了稻草及不同温度热解半焦颗粒在内径100 mm、高1000 mm的有机玻璃流化床中的流化特性. 结果表明,稻草颗粒无法单独流化,而其热解半焦颗粒可单独流化;半焦颗粒的最小流化速度随粒径增大而增大,与床层高度无关,筛分粒径为0.45~0.9, 0.18~0.45, 0.125~0.18 mm的半焦颗粒的最小流化速度分别为0.19, 0.16, 0.14 m/s;300~550℃温度范围内稻草热解半焦颗粒的流化特性无明显区别;半焦与稻草颗粒混合流化时,稻草颗粒不大于20%(w)时床层有较好的流化质量,混合颗粒的最小流化速度都随混合颗粒中稻草含量增大而增大.  相似文献   

Di Felice (1994) has shown that the ratio of the drag coefficient, CD, on a sphere in a liquid‐fluidized bed of uniform spheres to the drag coefficient, CDS, on the same sphere in isolation and subjected to the same superficial liquid velocity, u, is given by a function ?, where β was expressed as an empirical function of the particle Reynolds number, Re = duρ/µ. Here it is shown that CD/CDS is well approximated by ??mm, where the Richardson‐Zaki index n is a function of the terminal free‐settling Reynolds number, Ret = dutρ/µ, and m is 2 plus the slope of the standard log CDS vs. log Re plot at plot at Re = Ret. The present model, using the best experimentally confirmed equation for n and a new simple equation for and a new simple equation for m, is compared with that of Di Felice in their respective abilities to predict liquid‐fluidized bed expansion.  相似文献   

流化床反应器过程强化技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fluidized beds enable good solids mixing, high rates of heat and mass transfer, and large throughputs, but there remain issues related to fluidization quality and scale-up. In this work I review modification techniques for fluidized beds from the perspective of the principles of process intensification (PI), that is, effective bubbling sup-pression and elutriation control. These techniques are further refined into (1) design factors, e.g. modifying the bed configuration, or the application of internal and external forces, and (2) operational factors, including altering the particle properties (e.g. size, density, surface area) and fluidizing gas properties (e.g. density, viscosity, or velocity). As far as two proposed PI principles are concerned, our review suggests that it ought to be possible to gain improve-ments of between 2 and 4 times over conventional fluidized bed designs by the application of these techniques.  相似文献   

在内置水平管的矩形振动流化床内研究了玉米粒和塑料珠混合物(Geldart D颗粒)中的流体力学性质。考察了颗粒质量分数、振动频率、振幅和内置水平管对混合颗粒的临界流化速度的影响。实验表明,振动的加入降低了混合物的临界流化速度。根据振动流化床的动力学特性,分析床层中颗粒受力情况,建立了混合颗粒物在振动流化床中临界流化速度的两类数学模型。通过实验数据建立两种模型的关联式所得的计算值和实验值误差控制在10%以内,吻合较好。  相似文献   

振动流化床中双组分颗粒流化特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了内径为148mm振动圆柱床中等密度和不等密度的双组分颗粒流化特性,考察了不同振动强度对双组分颗粒的床层空隙率、最小流化速度及相图的影响,给出了床层空隙率和最小流化速度的计算式,此计算值与实验值基本相符,且对振动流化床的实际操作和工程设计起到一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

采用压力巡检仪和光纤测量仪,对直径300 mm的快速流化床反应器内气固两相流动特性进行了研究,考察了操作条件对快速床轴、径向催化剂颗粒浓度、颗粒速度、筛分分布等的影响. 结果表明,当操作气速提高到2.0~2.6 m/s,相应的催化剂循环强度在60~160 kg/(m2×s),床层密度可保持在50~650 kg/m3;催化剂颗粒浓度在径向上呈中心低、边壁高的不均匀分布,轴向上各径向位置在颗粒加速区逐渐降低、在充分发展区趋于稳定、随表观气速增大或催化剂循环强度减小而减小,且径向均匀性变好,在r/R<0.7的中心区域趋于一致;颗粒速度在径向上呈中心高、边壁低的抛物线形分布,且随操作气速增大或催化剂循环强度增大而更加明显.  相似文献   

Rates of liquid‐solid mass transfer at a packed bed of Raschig rings fixed to the wall of a stirred tank were measured by a technique which involves the diffusion‐controlled dissolution of copper in acidified dichromate. Variables studied were impeller rotation speed, impeller geometry, Raschig ring diameter, bed thickness, presence of baffles, physical properties of the solution, and effect of superimposed flow. Mass transfer data for the batch reactor were correlated by a dimensionless equation. For a given set of conditions, the radial‐flow impeller was found to produce higher rates of mass transfer than the axial‐flow impeller. The presence of baffles increased the rate of mass transfer inside the bed. Applications of the suggested reactor in conducting different diffusion‐controlled liquid‐solid reactions were evaluated.  相似文献   

Gas-solid fluidized bed separation technique is very beneficial for saving water resources and for the clean utilization of coal resource. The hydrodynamics of 0.15–0.06 mm fine Geldart B magnetite powder were experimentally and numerically studied to decrease the lower size limit. The results show that the static bed height should be controlled near 300 mm (e.g., 300–350 mm). The bubble size, amount, and frequency of the fine particle bed are smaller than those of the bed containing 0.3–0.15 mm large Geldart B particles, thus leading to a higher bed activity. The pressure drop and density of the fine particle bed are uniform and stable, which indicates a good fluidization quality. Furthermore, simulated results are consistent with experimental data, which indicates the correctness and effectiveness of the simulations. The superficial gas velocity should be adjusted to not more than 1.8U mf for the fine particle bed. Additionally, wide size range magnetite powder, which contains 94.23 wt% < 0.3 mm particles with a 0.3–0.06 mm particles content of 91.38 wt%, was used in an industrial scale modularized demonstration system for 50-6 mm coal density separation. The ash content of feed coal was reduced from 55.35% to 14.67% with a probable error, E, value of 0.06 g/cm3.  相似文献   

Agglomerate size is one of the key factors influencing the fluidization behavior of nanoparticles. The effect of fluidization time, superficial gas velocity, and vibration frequency on agglomerate sizes for different binary mixtures of nanoparticles at the top of the bed was investigated in a vibrated fluidized bed (VFB). The agglomerate sizes decreased and fluidization quality was significantly enhanced owing to introduction of vibration energy. The Richardson‐Zaki equation combined with Stokes' law permitted the prediction of mean agglomerate sizes. Experimental and estimated results indicated that vibration led to a smaller agglomerate size. The mean predicted agglomerate sizes were in agreement with those determined experimentally in the VFB.  相似文献   

液固循环流化床中颗粒轴向速度的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用超声多普勒测速仪实验测量了液固循环流化床中不同径向位置处颗粒瞬态轴向速度,研究了其概率密度分布特征。采用瞬态速度的标准偏差衡量瞬态速度的波动程度,考察了不同操作形式下的颗粒时均轴向速度的径向分布以及表观液速和颗粒循环速率等操作条件对速度波动程度和速度均衡径向分布的影响,利用相间作用力对两种分布的特点进行了机理分析,并对液固和气固循环流化床中颗粒的流动行为进行了比较。  相似文献   

For the effective use of an ion exchange resin, a counter‐current multistage fluidized bed has been developed. An appropriate design of the downspout, which works to let particles flow down to next stage, is essential to obtain a stable resin flow. From an experimental study on the particle holdup and pressure drop in the multistage fluidized bed, a method to determine the downspout size has been developed. The relation between the liquid velocity within the downspout and the superficial liquid velocity has been derived from considering the pressure balance between the part of the fluidized bed and that of the downspout.  相似文献   

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