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目的 了解上海市市售婴幼儿配方乳粉中氯丙醇酯(MCPDE)和缩水甘油酯(GE)的污染水平,评估婴幼儿膳食暴露风险。方法 利用2020年上海市市售90件婴幼儿配方乳粉中MCPDE和GE的风险监测数据,结合婴幼儿膳食消费量数据,采用点评估法对婴幼儿经婴幼儿配方乳粉的3-MCPDE、2-MCPDE和GE进行膳食暴露评估。结果 上海市市售婴幼儿配方乳粉中3-MCPDE、2-MCPDE和GE的检出率分别为100%、100%和12.2%,含量平均值分别为0.084、0.021和0.005 mg/kg,最大值分别为0.231、0.034和0.031 mg/kg。上海市0~6月龄婴儿每日经婴幼儿配方乳粉摄入3-MCPDE的平均暴露量和P95暴露量分别为1.262和2.166 μg/kg·BW,分别占3-MCPDE每日耐受摄入量(TDI,2 μg/kg·BW)的63.1%和108.3%。6~12、12~36月龄婴幼儿每日经婴幼儿配方乳粉摄入3-MCPDE的平均暴露量和P95暴露量均低于TDI值。不同月龄组婴幼儿每日经婴幼儿配方乳粉摄入2-MCPDE的平均暴露量为0.118~0.319 μg/kg·BW。不同月龄组婴幼儿每日经婴幼儿配方乳粉摄入GE的平均暴露边界比(MOE)和P95 MOE均大于10 000。结论 上海市0~36月龄婴幼儿每日经婴幼儿配方乳粉摄入3-MCPDE和GE的健康风险总体上处于可接受水平。但对于高食物消费量的0~6月龄婴儿,其通过婴幼儿配方乳粉暴露3-MCPDE的健康风险需引起关注。  相似文献   

目的 了解我国市售婴幼儿配方食品及婴幼儿辅助食品中呋喃污染特征,并对其健康风险进行评估。方法 基于方便抽样法,于2017—2018年在北京市、浙江省、山东省和四川省采集260份市售婴幼儿配方食品及婴幼儿辅助食品,采用同位素稀释-顶空气相色谱-质谱法测定呋喃的含量,结合2015年婴幼儿食品消费量调查数据,通过概率评估方法,对0~36月龄婴幼儿人群呋喃膳食暴露开展风险评估。结果 婴幼儿配方食品及婴幼儿辅助食品中呋喃检出率为90.32%~100.00%,平均污染水平为4.05~46.26 μg/kg。其中,肉泥中呋喃平均污染水平最高(46.26 μg/kg),其次是菜泥(41.31 μg/kg),最低为婴幼儿配方乳粉(4.05 μg/kg)。0~36月龄婴幼儿人群呋喃每日平均暴露量为21.95 ng/kg BW,按0~6、7~12和13~36月龄进行分组分析,其中7~12月龄婴幼儿人群呋喃暴露量最高。对于呋喃非致癌效应的风险,各月龄组暴露边界(MOE)值范围为651~3 936;对于呋喃致癌风险,各月龄组MOE值范围为13 322~80 566。结论 0~36月龄婴幼儿人群由婴幼儿配方食品及婴幼儿辅助食品中呋喃膳食暴露导致的健康风险可能性较低。  相似文献   

目的评估江西省居民膳食中山梨酸及其钾盐的暴露水平和潜在健康风险。方法利用2012—2016年江西省食品中山梨酸及其钾盐含量数据、2016年江西省居民食物消费量调查数据,采用简单分布评估法计算江西省居民膳食中山梨酸及其钾盐的暴露水平,并进行健康风险评估。结果江西省居民膳食中山梨酸及其钾盐每日平均暴露量及每日高暴露量(P95)分别为0.031和0.085 mg/kg BW,分别占暂定组每日允许摄入量(ADI,3 mg/kg BW)的1.03%和2.83%。西式糕点、大米制品、熟肉制品是江西省居民膳食中山梨酸及其钾盐暴露的主要来源,贡献率达到总膳食暴露量的75%以上。如果严格执行GB 2760—2014《食品安全国家标准食品添加剂使用标准》中关于山梨酸及其钾盐限量规定,江西省居民膳食中山梨酸及其钾盐每日平均暴露量和每日高暴露量分别下降25.7%~49.5%和14.5%~27.9%,西式糕点、果蔬汁类饮料、新型豆制品则成为膳食中山梨酸及其钾盐暴露的主要来源。结论目前江西省居民膳食中山梨酸及其钾盐暴露量对人群健康造成的风险较低,处于可接受水平,但仍有部分暴露来源于食品添加剂滥用,需要关注。  相似文献   

采用超高效液相色谱-串联质谱(UPLC-MS/MS)对278份广元市售食品中8种双酚类化合物(BPs)进行分析,并估算不同年龄和不同性别组人群的BPs每日膳食摄入量,评估居民通过膳食摄入BPs的情况和健康风险。结果表明:大部分(76.3%)市售食品含有BPs,含量在检出限(LOD)~59.08 μg/kg之间,平均3.12 μg/kg,其中罐头食品、谷类、水产类以及蔬菜中ΣBPs含量较高。BPA和BPS是主要的污染物,分别占总BPs的77.9%%和14.4%。不同年龄和不同性别组人群BPs每日膳食暴露水平在42.59~96.54 ng/kg bw/d之间,BPA对膳食暴露的贡献率最高,其次是BPS。BPs总暴露量随着年龄的增长呈下降趋势。2~19岁(发育关键期)人群的ΣBPs每日膳食摄入量(87.96 ng/kg bw/d)明显高于19岁以上人群的成人组(48.05 ng/kg bw/d)。各组人群由饮食接触引起的BPs健康风险较低,其从膳食接触到的BPs均低于欧洲食品安全局暂定的BPA日允许摄入量(t-TDI,4 μg/kg bw/d)。因BPA类似物的生产和应用在全球范围呈上升趋势,故其引起的健康风险应持续被关注。  相似文献   

目的结合2017—2019年杭州市市售婴幼儿配方乳粉(以下简称乳粉)脂肪酸氯丙醇酯(以下简称氯丙醇酯)污染水平及0~3岁婴幼儿每日乳粉消费量,评估0~3岁婴幼儿人群通过乳粉摄入3-氯丙醇酯的暴露风险。方法采用气相色谱-串联质谱法测定乳粉中3-氯丙醇酯及2-氯丙醇酯(分别以3-氯丙醇和2-氯丙醇计)含量;结合我国婴幼儿喂养指南推荐的各年龄段每日乳粉消费量,采用点评估法对目标人群3-氯丙醇酯暴露风险进行评价。结果杭州市市售乳粉样品中氯丙醇酯污染普遍存在;不同月龄婴幼儿每日通过乳粉摄入3-氯丙醇酯的中位数暴露水平在0.46~2.50μg/kg BW之间,占每日可耐受摄入量(TDI,2μg/kg BW)的23.0%~125.0%;3-氯丙醇酯的第97.5百分位数(P97.5)膳食暴露量在0.87~4.30μg/kg BW之间,占TDI的43.5%~215.0%,其中0~6月龄婴儿的P97.5暴露水平均高于TDI,存在较高健康风险。结论杭州市0~3岁婴幼儿通过乳粉摄入3-氯丙醇酯的暴露存在健康风险,对于P97.5目标人群,3-氯丙醇酯的暴露水平明显偏高,存在较高风险。  相似文献   

目的:了解白银市3岁以下婴幼儿配方乳粉膳食营养情况。方法:采用整群分层随机抽样法抽取城乡共480名0~36月龄婴幼儿作为调查对象,按月龄分为3组,采用称重法对婴幼儿进行非连续3 d(72 h)膳食消费状况调查。结果:6~11月龄婴儿配方乳粉摄入量最高,其次为0~5月龄婴儿,12~36月龄幼儿配方乳粉摄入量最低;白银市较多家庭选择国产乳粉,且大多数婴幼儿有食用牛、羊奶的习惯,农村地区婴幼儿牛、羊奶食用率高于城市婴幼儿。结论:白银市城乡各月龄段婴幼儿每日配方乳粉摄入量略低于膳食指南的推荐量,但BMI值均在正常范围内,建议单纯以牛羊乳喂养婴幼儿的家庭适当添加配方乳粉,或增加辅食的种类,使婴幼儿营养摄入更全面,更好地保障婴幼儿健康成长。  相似文献   

目的 评估杭州市居民膳食中铝的暴露水平及其潜在健康风险。方法 利用2015—2021年杭州市食品中食品添加剂铝含量的数据和2015年杭州市居民食物消费量调查数据,采用简单分布评估法计算杭州市居民膳食中铝的暴露水平,进行健康风险评估。结果 杭州市居民膳食中铝每周平均暴露量及每周高食物量消费人群暴露量(P95)分别为0.416、1.986 mg/kg·BW,均低于联合国粮农组织/世界卫生组织食品添加剂联合专家委员会(JECFA)制定的每周可耐受摄入量(PTWI,2 mg/kg·BW)。包子、面条、中式糕点、油条、馒头是杭州市居民膳食中铝暴露的主要来源,累计贡献率达到85.9%。如果严格执行食品安全国家标准关于含铝食品添加剂的限量规定,杭州市居民膳食中铝每周平均暴露量和P95暴露量将分别下降88.2%和84.0%。结论 目前杭州市居民膳食中铝每周平均暴露量对人群健康造成的风险较低,处于可接受水平。但高食物消费人群每周暴露量(P95暴露量)接近PTWI,其中18岁以下未成年人P95暴露量已超过PTWI,应引起重视,并采取措施以降低铝暴露过量可能带来的健康风险。  相似文献   

对市场中210个饼干样品进行苯甲酸及其钠盐含量用HPLC方法进行测定,并对检测数据采用膳食暴露评估方法,评估城市居民的膳食风险。结果显示,婴儿(6~12个月)膳食暴露量为12.25~31.62μg/kg bw·d,其97.5/99百分位值的膳食暴露量为73.99~195.62μg/kg bw·d,建议婴儿(6~12个月)少量食用或食用不含苯甲酸的婴儿饼干。对于1~3岁的幼儿其膳食暴露量为10.25~13.25μg/kg bw·d,在97.5/99百分位值的膳食暴露量为105.24~139.10μg/kg bw·d,食用此类食品的风险是可以接受的。对于3岁以上人群食用此类食品的风险比1~3岁幼儿更小,风险程度更低。另外,饼干中威化和酥性类饼干中苯甲酸的残留水平相对于其他类饼干含量略高,而发酵和韧性类的饼干中苯甲酸的含量相稍低;同时显示江苏产的产品质量相对较好。  相似文献   

目的以人群调查研究方式对我国部分地区婴儿及婴儿配方粉中梭状芽胞杆菌污染水平进行分析,获得我国婴儿人群梭状芽胞杆菌暴露水平数据。方法在我国六个省(自治区)设点,调查婴儿人群的基本信息,并对相关人群的粪便标本以及食品、环境和所在地市售婴儿配方粉样品进行采集,对所有样品/标本进行梭状芽胞杆菌检测。结果本研究共调查婴儿501人。按照喂养方式分组,包括纯母乳喂养247人,混合/人工喂养254人。按照年龄分组,包括0~6月龄367人,7~12月龄134人。采集样品813份,其中246份样品/标本中分离出梭状芽胞杆菌246株,总检出率为30.3%(246/813),其中检出率较高的梭状芽胞杆菌分别为生胞梭菌(8.4%,68/813)、双酶梭菌(6.2%,50/813)和丁酸梭菌(4.6%,37/813);梭状芽胞杆菌分离率最高的为粪便标本(37.3%,187/501),之后依次为市售婴儿配方粉样品(22.3%,27/121)、环境样品(19.5%,25/128)和食品样品(11.1%,7/63);其中混合/人工喂养组检出率高于纯母乳喂养组,7~12月龄组检出率高于0~6月龄组,差异均有统计学意义(χ~2=40.833,P0.01;χ~2=27.829,P0.01)。结论我国部分地区婴儿食用的食品及生活的环境中梭状芽胞杆菌暴露水平较高。  相似文献   

广西居民膳食中黄曲霉毒素暴露风险评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的评估广西居民膳食中黄曲霉毒素的暴露水平及潜在健康风险。方法利用2013—2017年广西食品安全风险监测黄曲霉毒素含量数据、2012年广西居民营养与健康状况调查数据,采用简单分布评估和暴露限值(MOE)方法计算膳食中黄曲霉毒素暴露水平和致癌风险。结果广西居民膳食中黄曲霉毒素B_1(AFB_1)的每日平均暴露量和高暴露量(P95)分别为10.38和25.49 ng/kg BW,其MOE值分别为16和7;通过膳食摄入黄曲霉毒素致原发性肝细胞癌(HCC)平均发病风险为0.37例/10万人,高暴露人群致HCC发病风险为0.92例/10万人。油脂类及其制品(主要是花生油)是居民膳食中AFB_1暴露的主要来源,贡献率高达72.17%;假设严格执行限量标准情况下,AFB_1平均暴露量降至5.13 ng/kg BW,降幅为50.58%。结论低年龄儿童和油脂类及其制品在控制广西居民膳食中黄曲霉毒素暴露水平和致癌发病风险中是不可忽视的重点人群和重点食品,应给予较高的关注度。  相似文献   

During the last decade the safety of bisphenol A (BPA) monomer in polycarbonate baby bottles has drawn the attention of both the public and the scientific community. This paper presents the results of BPA migration from polycarbonate baby bottles bought in the Spanish market, into simulant B (3% acetic acid), 50% ethanol and into real food (reconstituted infant formula). Furthermore, it was also the objective of this study to assess the suitability of 50% ethanol as a simulant for infant formula. BPA was analysed by a multi-analyte liquid chromatography method with fluorescence detection and mass spectrometry confirmation. The method was in-house validated and accredited by the national accreditation body. The validation results for this analyte in the previous mentioned matrices were: LOD = 0.004-0.007 mg kg(-1); LOQ (validated) = 0.03 mg kg(-1); RSD% = 3.4-5.8; and recovery = 106.6-118.2%. A collection of 72 different baby bottle samples from 12 different brands were analysed. Baby bottle material was identified by FTIR. The migration test conditions used were those recommended for baby bottles in the Guidelines on testing conditions for articles in contact with foodstuffs (with a focus on kitchenware), prepared by the European network of laboratories for food-contact materials. In most of the migration assays the results were below the LOD. In four of the commercial brands there was detectable migration into the simulant 50% ethanol and BPA was detected in only two samples of infant formula (0.01 mg kg(-1)). Migration results obtained were in compliance with European Union regulations.  相似文献   

Human exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) has recently received special attention. It has been shown that exposure to BPA may occur through the consumption of beverages or foods that have been in contact with polycarbonate (PC) plastic containers or epoxy resins in food packaging. A BPA migration study was conducted using a variety of plastic containers, including polycarbonate baby bottles, non-PC baby bottles, baby bottle liners, and reusable PC drinking bottles. Water was used to simulate migration into aqueous and acidic foods; 10% ethanol solution to simulate migration to low- and high-alcoholic foods; and 50% ethanol solution to simulate migration to fatty foods. By combining solid-phase extraction, BPA derivatization and analysis by GC-EI/MS/MS, a very low detection limit at the ng l?1 level was obtained. Migration of BPA at 40°C ranged from 0.11 µg l?1 in water incubated for 8 h to 2.39 µg l?1 in 50% ethanol incubated for 240 h. Residual BPA leaching from PC bottles increased with temperature and incubation time. In comparison with the migration observed from PC bottles, non-PC baby bottles and baby bottle liners showed only trace levels of BPA. Tests for leachable lead and cadmium were also conducted on glass baby bottles since these represent a potential alternative to plastic bottles. No detectable lead or cadmium was found to leach from the glass. This study indicated that non-PC plastic baby bottles, baby bottle liners and glass baby bottles might be good alternatives for polycarbonate bottles.  相似文献   

The residual bisphenol A (BPA) levels in 28 different brands of polycarbonate (PC) baby milk bottles available in the Singapore market were measured. With a detection limit of 3 mg/kg, BPA residues were detected in 19 out of the 28 PC baby milk bottles at levels between 4.01 and 141 mg/kg, with a mean of 28.1 ± 31.4 mg/kg and a median of 17.2 mg/kg. The potential migration of BPA from each of the 28 PC milk bottles was also measured using food-simulating solvents and time conditions recommended by the US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA), but using temperatures more severe than actual use. The highest upper-bound mean BPA migration levels of 0.64 ± 0.48 µg/in2 in 10% ethanol at 70°C and 0.43 ± 1.25 µg/in2 in corn oil at 100°C were observed after incubating cut portions of the milk bottles for 240 h. With this migration data and using US FDA's procedure for estimation of dietary exposure, the worst-case dietary exposure assessment for the intake of BPA by infants between birth and three months of age was below the oral Reference Dose of 0.05 mg/kg bw/day established by the US Environmental Protection Agency. This study showed that the dietary exposure to BPA from actual uses of PC milk bottles is unlikely to pose a health risk in infants.  相似文献   

During the last decade the safety of bisphenol A (BPA) monomer in polycarbonate baby bottles has drawn the attention of both the public and the scientific community. This paper presents the results of BPA migration from polycarbonate baby bottles bought in the Spanish market, into simulant B (3% acetic acid), 50% ethanol and into real food (reconstituted infant formula). Furthermore, it was also the objective of this study to assess the suitability of 50% ethanol as a simulant for infant formula. BPA was analysed by a multi-analyte liquid chromatography method with fluorescence detection and mass spectrometry confirmation. The method was in-house validated and accredited by the national accreditation body. The validation results for this analyte in the previous mentioned matrices were: LOD?=?0.004–0.007?mg?kg–1; LOQ (validated)?=?0.03?mg?kg–1; RSD%?=?3.4–5.8; and recovery?=?106.6–118.2%. A collection of 72 different baby bottle samples from 12 different brands were analysed. Baby bottle material was identified by FTIR. The migration test conditions used were those recommended for baby bottles in the Guidelines on testing conditions for articles in contact with foodstuffs (with a focus on kitchenware), prepared by the European network of laboratories for food-contact materials. In most of the migration assays the results were below the LOD. In four of the commercial brands there was detectable migration into the simulant 50% ethanol and BPA was detected in only two samples of infant formula (0.01?mg?kg–1). Migration results obtained were in compliance with European Union regulations.  相似文献   

Recently, it has been demonstrated that the main Bisphenol A (BPA) release is a degradation process originated by the contact between detergent and polycarbonate (PC) at high temperatures. EU Laws for food contact materials authorize the use of BPA for food contact PC articles (some for the use of young children), and consequently, the degradation process should be taken into account when testing PC articles. In the present study, two types of samples were assayed, baby bottles that have previously undergone some migration assays and new baby bottles of a specific brand in order to test the degradation of not previously used articles. The tests were performed under different conditions and using two types of detergents. To quantify BPA, a high-performance liquid chromatographic system with fluorescence detector was used. The method was validated, and satisfactory results were achieved. Data obtained indicated that the trademark is a substantial factor in the level of BPA release from PC polymer; besides a great dispersion between samples of the same batch independently of the detergent and concentration employed used was found. On the other hand, for both types of samples, a previous food contact (infant formula) as well as the exposure procedure (immersion or article filling) has influenced on the PC degradation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to obtain data on the exposure of non-breast-fed infants to polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/F), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), organochlorine pesticides (OCP), and bisphenol A (BPA) and its chlorinated derivatives through consumption of commercial infant foods with largest shares of the market in 22 European Union countries. The E-Screen bioassay was employed to assess the oestrogenicity of the baby foods and the ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) induction was measured to determine the levels of PCDD/F and PCB. Consequently, the highest total effective xenoestrogen burden (TEXB) of 73.60?pM?Eeq?g(-1) was found in the soy-based formula and the EROD bioassay was always below the limit of quantification (LOQ) (3.5?pg?g(-1)). Overall, the estimated dietary exposure to BPA via commercial baby foods was lower than the tolerable daily intake (TDI) of 50?μg?kg(-1) body weight (bw). Furthermore, the findings indicated that the dietary exposure of 0-9-month-old infants through the products investigated here does not exceed the maximum TDI of 4?pg WHO-TEQ (toxic equivalents)?kg(-1) bw. However, exposure to more than 2?pg WHO-TEQ?kg(-1)?bw?day(-1) might occur for 0-4-month-old infants consuming 'starting' hypoallergenic formula. Moreover, analysis of OCP indicated that the dietary exposure of non-breast-fed infants was not harmful. Considering the importance of early development and the vulnerability of infants and children, it is essential to determine their dietary exposure to contaminants in order to decide which efforts of risk reduction should receive highest priority.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to obtain data on the exposure of non-breast-fed infants to polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/F), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), organochlorine pesticides (OCP), and bisphenol A (BPA) and its chlorinated derivatives through consumption of commercial infant foods with largest shares of the market in 22 European Union countries. The E-Screen bioassay was employed to assess the oestrogenicity of the baby foods and the ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) induction was measured to determine the levels of PCDD/F and PCB. Consequently, the highest total effective xenoestrogen burden (TEXB) of 73.60?pM?Eeq?g?1 was found in the soy-based formula and the EROD bioassay was always below the limit of quantification (LOQ) (3.5?pg?g?1). Overall, the estimated dietary exposure to BPA via commercial baby foods was lower than the tolerable daily intake (TDI) of 50?µg?kg?1 body weight (bw). Furthermore, the findings indicated that the dietary exposure of 0–9-month-old infants through the products investigated here does not exceed the maximum TDI of 4?pg WHO-TEQ (toxic equivalents)?kg?1 bw. However, exposure to more than 2?pg WHO-TEQ?kg?1?bw?day?1 might occur for 0–4-month-old infants consuming ‘starting’ hypoallergenic formula. Moreover, analysis of OCP indicated that the dietary exposure of non-breast-fed infants was not harmful. Considering the importance of early development and the vulnerability of infants and children, it is essential to determine their dietary exposure to contaminants in order to decide which efforts of risk reduction should receive highest priority.  相似文献   

目的对婴幼儿经食用婴幼儿配方奶粉途径摄入反式脂肪酸的风险进行评价。方法采用气相色谱法检测婴幼儿配方奶粉中反式脂肪酸的含量,运用基于蒙特卡罗模拟的Stata 12软件,以风险商表征婴幼儿经食用婴幼儿配方奶粉途径的反式脂肪酸膳食风险。结果反式脂肪酸日均暴露量的平均值为0.0001281 kg/d;海南普通婴幼儿通过食用婴幼儿配方奶粉途径摄入反式脂肪酸的风险商平均值和各百分位数风险商均小于1,且婴幼儿配方奶粉中反式脂肪酸含量的敏感性最强,占99.1%,拉平时间为负值,表明它对反式脂肪酸日均暴露量起负面的影响。结论海南普通婴幼儿仅通过食用婴幼儿配方奶粉途径的反式脂肪酸膳食暴露尚不存在健康风险,但是仍需加强对婴幼儿配方奶粉中反式脂肪酸的控制和监测,从而进一步降低海南乃至全国普通婴幼儿食用婴幼儿配方奶粉途径的反式脂肪酸膳食风险水平。  相似文献   

Migration of the potential endocrine disrupter, bisphenol A (BPA), from 31 polycarbonate (PC) baby bottles into aqueous food simulants was studied under real repetitive use, using a sensitive and fully validated liquid chromatographic method with fluorescence detection. Confirmation of the presence of BPA was performed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). The effects of cleaning in a dishwasher or with a brush, sterilization with boiling water and the temperature of migration were examined. It was shown that temperature was the crucial factor for the migration of BPA from the plastic bottles to water. All samples released BPA in the concentration range 2.4-14.3 µg kg-1 when filled with boiled water and left at ambient temperature for 45 min. The decrease of BPA release in the sterilization water and in the food simulant over 12 cycles of use indicated that the hypothesis of polymer degradation in water is dubious. Estimated infantile dietary exposure, regarding the use of PC baby bottles, ranged between 0.2 and 2.2 µg kg-1 bw day-1, which is below the Tolerable Daily Intake of 50 µg kg-1 bw recently established by EFSA.  相似文献   


The occurrence of furan in commercial baby food samples from the Spanish market was evaluated using an automated headspace solid-phase microextraction method coupled to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC-MS). A total of 76 baby food samples including infant formula, baby cereals, fruit in cans and/or jars, vegetables, meat, and fish, were surveyed for furan content. The lowest concentration of this compound was found in infant formula (<0.02–0.33 ng ml?1), and cereal-based food (0.15–2.1 ng g?1) while baby food containing fish showed the highest concentrations (19–84 ng g?1). Following recommendation of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the effect on furan content was evaluated of consumer home preparation of foods, heating and handling. Furan concentrations were reduced by up to 35% when samples were heated in a dish using microwave oven and by up to 53% when a hot water bath was used. Finally, we estimated the furan intake from baby food consumption (0.002–1.18 µg kg?1 body weight day?1) and we calculated the margin of exposure (MOE) from samples as purchased and also after home preparation of the food. For infant formula and cereal baby foods, the MOEs (26,278–412,776) indicated no infant health concern or priority, while for meat and fish-based baby foods the values pointed to a potential public health risk, even considering the furan losses during preparation at home.  相似文献   

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