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A one-year survey on clinical mastitis was conducted on 50 randomly selected commercial Flemish dairy herds to estimate the pathogen-specific incidence rate of clinical mastitis (IRCM). The severity of the cases and the potential associations with herd hygiene were studied. Participating producers sampled 845 cases and 692 dairy cows. The mean and median IRCM was estimated at 7.4 and 5.3 quarter cases per 10,000 cow-days at risk, respectively. A large between-herd variation was observed (range of 0–21.3). In general, the IRCM was lower in heifers compared with multiparous cows (2.9 vs. 11.0 quarter cases per 10,000 cow-days at risk). However, the overall IRCM in the first week after calving was higher in heifers compared with cows (43.4 vs. 31.6 quarter cases per 10,000 cow-days at risk). Streptococcus uberis (18.2% of the cases) and Escherichia coli (15.5%) were the most frequently isolated pathogens and no growth was observed in 19.9% of the cases. The majority of the cases (63.1%) were mild (only clots in milk). Moderate (hard quarter without general signs) and severe symptoms (systemic illness) were observed in 29.9 and 7.0% of the cases, respectively. Isolation of E. coli (vs. any other culture result) was more likely in moderate and severe cases compared with mild cases. Overall IRCM and E. coli IRCM were higher in dirty compared with clean herds based on udder hygiene scores (9.0 and 1.7 vs. 6.0 and 0.6 quarter cases per 10,000 cow-days at risk, respectively). This study broadens the knowledge on clinical mastitis in Flemish dairy herds and underlines the high risk of CM in early-lactation heifers, the role of the so-called environmental pathogens, and herd hygiene.  相似文献   

In recent years, the US dairy industry has experienced significant demographic changes, with an increase in the number of large herds. The objectives of the present study were to characterize clinical mastitis occurring in cows on large dairy herds in Wisconsin. Participating herds (n = 50) were required to have a minimum of 200 lactating animals, participate in monthly DHI testing (including monthly individual cow somatic cell count), use computerized herd records, use a milking routine that included fore-stripping quarters for detection of mastitis, and use antimicrobials to treat affected cows. After study personnel visited the farm, each herd was instructed to enroll the next 17 cows that experienced clinical mastitis, regardless of severity. At detection of clinical mastitis and 14 to 21 d after treatment ended, duplicate quarter milk samples were collected from all affected quarters and used for microbiological analysis. Treatments of affected cows were performed according to existing individual farm protocols. Cow level follow-up data was collected for 90 d after enrollment. Microbiological diagnoses at enrollment included gram-negative (35.6%), no growth (27.3%), gram-positive (27.5%), and other (9.6%). Of the 741 cases, the most prevalent pathogens were Escherichia coli (22.5%), followed by environmental streptococci (12.8%), Klebsiella spp. (6.9%), and coagulase-negative staphylococci (6.1%). Bacteriological cure was 75.0% for cases caused by gram-negative pathogens (n = 136), 50.8% for cases caused by gram-positive pathogens (n = 128), 47.5% for cases caused by other pathogens (n = 40), and 73.2% for cases which did not result in microbial growth (n = 123). Of the 583 cases with severity recorded, the distribution of mild, moderate, and severe symptoms was 47.8, 36.9, and 15.3%, respectively. The majority of cases presenting with severe symptoms were caused by gram-negative pathogens. Treatment cure was greater for gram-negative pathogens and cases for which no pathogens were recovered as compared with cases caused by other etiologies. Cows experiencing severe cases were more likely to receive multiple antimicrobial treatments.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted (July 2001 to June 2002) on antibiotic usage of 113 dairy herds from 13 counties in Pennsylvania. Fifty percent of dairy farms surveyed maintained antibiotic treatment records. Only 21% of dairy producers had written plans for treating sick animals. Thirty-two percent of dairy producers sought veterinarian advice before administering antibiotics and on most farms (93%), antibiotics were administered by the owner/manager or designated herdsman. Twenty-four percent of the dairy producers said they always completed the course of antibiotic treatment. Any extra-label use of antibiotics was administered only on the guidelines of a veterinarian on majority of the farms. Comprehensive records from 33 dairy farms indicated that antibiotic usage was largest for calves with enteritis (36%) followed by pneumonia in calves (25%) and foot rot in cattle (16%). Twenty-four antibiotics including beta-lactams, spectinomycin, florfenicol, and tetra-cyclines were used on these farms. Beta-lactam antibiotics were used mostly for dry cow therapy, clinical mastitis, and on some farms for pneumonia and metritis. On 18% of the dairy herds surveyed, ceftiofur was used in an extra-label manner to treat mastitis in lactating cattle. On 70% of farms, calves were fed medicated milk replacers containing oxytetracycline and neomycin. The results of this study suggest that antibiotics are used extensively on dairy herds for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Beta-lactams and tetracyclines were the most widely used antibiotics. There is considerable variation in the management practices associated with antibiotic use on dairy farms. It is anticipated that the findings of this survey will permit developing new strategies for prudent use of antibiotics on dairy herds.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate which preventive measures targeting mastitis are implemented in Swedish dairy herds with different housing and milking systems. Data were collected through a self-administered postal questionnaire sent to 898 dairy farmers, stratified by housing and milking system, in May 2011. The questionnaire contained general questions about the herd and the person responsible for the udder health of the cows, and specific questions about perceived udder health and the implementation of preventive measures. The response rate was 48%. The median herd size of participating herds was 80 cows, and the median herd average milk yield per cow was 9,586 kg of milk. External validity was assessed by comparing participating herds with nonresponders in respect to key performance indicators in the Swedish official milk recording system; no significant differences were found. When herds with combined systems had been removed, 400 herds with tiestalls and pipeline milking, freestalls and parlor milking, and freestalls with an automatic milking system remained. Differences between herd types were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test and Fisher’s exact test. The results showed that herd types differed in their rates of implementation of different preventive measures. Freestall herds with milking parlors implemented more preventive measures related to milking hygiene and milking routines than did tiestall herds. A milking order based on the udder health status of the cows was frequently implemented in tiestall herds, but not in most herds with an automatic milking system or most freestall herds with milking parlors. Irrespective of herd type, the proportion of herds in which cows were kept standing for at least 30 min after milking was low. A substantial proportion of herds ignored the udder health status of lactating cows when grouping them, and few herds grouped dry cows according to udder health status, although this occurred more frequently in tiestall herds. A large proportion of herds, especially those with tiestalls, did not allow cows and heifers to calve in single pens that were cleaned between animal occupations. These findings can be used to tailor advice on mastitis specifically to different herd types and thus improve the efficiency of mastitis control.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop a model simulating mastitis control in dairy herds and to investigate how sensitive the model is when varying the effect parameters according to the uncertainty. The model simulates 9 pathogen-specific mastitis types, each of which can be subclinical or clinical. The clinical cases can be 1 of 4 severities defined according to the effect of the mastitis case: mild, moderate, severe, and permanent effect. The risk factors include lactation stage, parity, yield level, previous diseases, season, and contagious spread of the infection from herd mates. Occurrence of mastitis is modeled to have direct effects on feed intake, body weight, milk yield, somatic cell count in the milk, subsequent mastitis cases within the cow and in herd mates, voluntary and involuntary culling, mortality, and milk withdrawal. Thirty-five scenarios were simulated to study model behavior and model sensitivity. The consequences per cow/yr of mastitis in the default simulated herd included 0.42 clinical mastitis occurrences, 0.56 subclinical mastitis occurrences, loss of 385-kg milk yield, a 1.3% reduced feed intake, 61-kg milk withdrawal and €146 in reduced economic net return. Based on scenarios demonstrating model behavior and sensitivity analysis, the model appears to produce valid consequences of mastitis control strategies. Representation of the effect of subclinical mastitis and of variation in mastitis severity was concluded in this study to be important when modeling mastitis economics in a dairy herd. The model offers the opportunity to study the long-term herd specific effects of a wide range of control strategies against mastitis.  相似文献   

Many cow-specific risk factors for clinical mastitis (CM) are known. Other studies have analyzed these risk factors separately or only analyzed a limited number of risk factors simultaneously. The goal of this study was to determine the influence of cow factors on the incidence rate of CM (IRCM) with all cow factors in one multivariate model. Also, using a similar approach, the probability of whether a CM case is caused by gram-positive or gram-negative pathogens was calculated. Data were used from 274 Dutch dairy herds that recorded CM over an 18-mo period. The final dataset contained information on 28,137 lactations of 22,860 cows of different parities. In total 5,363 CM cases were recorded, but only 2,525 CM cases could be classified as gram-positive or gram-negative. The cow factors parity, lactation stage, season of the year, information on SCC from monthly test-day records, and CM history were included in the logistic regression analysis. Separate analyses were performed for heifers and multiparous cows in both the first month of lactation and from the second month of lactation onward. For investigating whether CM was caused by gram-positive or gram-negative pathogens, quarter position was included in the logistic regression analysis as well. The IRCM differed considerably among cows, ranging between 0.0002 and 0.0074 per cow-day at risk for specific cows depending on cow factors. In particular, previous CM cases, SCC in the previous month, and mean SCC in the previous lactation increased the IRCM in the current month of lactation. Results indicate that it is difficult to distinguish between gram-positive and gram-negative CM cases based on cow factors alone.  相似文献   

An epidemiological prospective study was carried out in French dairy herds with Holstein, Montbéliarde, or Normande cows and with low herd somatic cell scores. The objective was to identify dairy management practices associated with herd incidence rate of clinical mastitis. The studied herds were selected on a national basis, clinical cases were recorded through a standardized system, and a stable dairy management system existed. In the surveyed herds, mean milk yield was 7420 kg/cow per yr and mean milk somatic cell score was 2.04 (132,000 cells/mL). Overdispersion Poisson models were performed to investigate risk factors for mastitis incidence rate. From the final model, the herds with the following characteristics had lower incidence rates of clinical mastitis: 1) culling of cows with more than 3 cases of clinical mastitis within a lactation; 2) more than 2 person-years assigned to dairy herd management; 3) balanced concentrate in the cow basal diet. Moreover, herds with the following characteristics had higher incidence rates of clinical mastitis: 1) milking cows loose-housed in a straw yard; 2) no mastitis therapy performed when a single clot was observed in the milk; 3) clusters rinsed using water or soapy water after milking a cow with high somatic cell count; 4) 305-d milk yield >7435 kg; 5) herd located in the South region; 6) herd located in the North region; 7) cows with at least 1 nonfunctional quarter; and 8) premilking holding area with a slippery surface. The underlying mechanisms of some highlighted risk factors, such as milk production level and dietary management practices, should be investigated more thoroughly through international collaboration.  相似文献   

Antimicrobials are frequently used for treatment of bovine mastitis and few studies have examined modern treatment strategies on large US dairy farms. The objective of this study was to describe treatment practices for clinical mastitis occurring in cows on large dairy herds in Wisconsin. Treatments performed on 747 cows experiencing cases of mild, moderate, or severe symptoms of clinical mastitis were recorded on 51 Wisconsin dairy farms. Duplicate milk samples were collected from the affected quarter for microbiological analysis at the onset of clinical mastitis and 14 to 21 d after treatment ended. Cows were treated according to individual farm protocol. Drugs and doses used for treatments were recorded for each case. Among all herds, 5 intramammary (IMM) antimicrobials (amoxicillin, hetacillin, pirlimycin, ceftiofur, and cephapirin) were used to treat cows for clinical mastitis. Of 712 cows with complete treatment data, 71.6% were treated with IMM ceftiofur either solely or combined with other antimicrobials (administered either IMM or systemically). Of cows experiencing severe symptoms of clinical mastitis, 43.8% received IMM treatment concurrent with systemic antimicrobials. Of all cows treated, 23.1% received an additional secondary treatment (either IMM, systemic, or both) because of perceived lack of response to the initial treatment. The majority of IMM treatments were administered to cows with a microbiological diagnosis of no growth (34.9%) or Escherichia coli (27.2%). Half of the cows experiencing cases caused by E. coli were treated using systemic antimicrobials in contrast to only 6.8% of cows experiencing cases caused by coagulase-negative staphylococci. In conflict with FDA regulations, which do not allow extra-label treatments using sulfonamides, a total of 22 cows from 8 farms were treated with systemic sulfadimethoxine either solely or in combination with oxytetracycline. Antimicrobial drugs were used on all herds and many cows received extra-label treatments. Great opportunity exists to improve mastitis therapy on large dairy herds, but use of more diagnostic methodologies is necessary to guide treatments. Farmers and veterinarians should work together to create protocols based on the herd needs considering reduced inappropriate and excessive use of antimicrobials.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(2):1504-1518
The objectives for this study were to (1) describe the pathogen profile in quarters from cows with clinical mastitis and in cows with subclinical mastitis in southeastern Australia; and (2) describe antimicrobial susceptibility among isolated pathogens. As a secondary objective, we aimed to compare antimicrobial resistance prevalence in pathogens isolated from clinical and subclinical mastitis samples. A convenience sample of dairy herds (n = 65) from 4 regions in southeastern Australia (Gippsland, Northern Victoria, Tasmania, Western Victoria) were invited to submit milk samples from cows with clinical and subclinical mastitis over a 14-mo period (January 2011 to March 2012). Farmers were instructed to collect aseptic quarter milk samples from the first 10 cases of clinical mastitis for each month of the study. In addition, farmers submitted composite milk samples from cows with subclinical mastitis at 1 or 2 sampling occasions during the study period. Aerobic culture and biochemical tests were used to identify isolates. Isolates were classified as susceptible, intermediate, or resistant to a panel of antimicrobial agents based on the zone of growth inhibition around antimicrobial-impregnated disks, with antimicrobial resistance (AMR) classified as nonsusceptibility by combining intermediate and resistant groups into a single category. Generalized linear mixed models were used to compare the prevalence of AMR between clinical and subclinical mastitis isolates. For clinical mastitis samples (n = 3,044), 472 samples (15.5%) were excluded for contamination. Of the remaining samples (n = 2,572), the most common results were Streptococcus uberis (39.2%), no growth (27.5%), Staphylococcus aureus (10.6%), Escherichia coli (8.4%), and Streptococcus dysgalactiae (6.4%). For subclinical mastitis samples (n = 1,072), 425 (39.6%) were excluded due to contamination. Of the remaining samples (n = 647), the most common results were no growth (29.1%), Staph. aureus (29.1%), and Strep. uberis (21.6%). The prevalence of AMR among common isolates was low for the majority of antimicrobial agents. Exploratory analysis found that the probability of Staph. aureus demonstrating resistance to penicillin was 5.16 times higher (95% confidence interval: 1.68, 15.88) in subclinical isolates relative to clinical Staph. aureus isolates. A similar association was observed for amoxicillin with subclinical Staph. aureus isolates being 4.70 times (95% confidence interval: 1.49, 14.75) more likely to be resistant than clinical Staph. aureus isolates. We concluded that the most common bacteria causing clinical mastitis in dairy herds in Australia is likely to be Strep. uberis, whereas Staph. aureus is likely to be the most common cause of subclinical mastitis. Despite decades of antimicrobial use to control these organisms, AMR appears to be uncommon.  相似文献   

A qualitative research study was conducted to describe and analyze farmers' perspectives on their own choices regarding decisions to have cows treated for mastitis. Through qualitative research interviews of 16 Danish dairy farmers, four levels of the decision-making process used by farmers to decide whether or not to treat a cow with antibiotics were identified. Those levels were: 1) symptom level (seriousness of the mastitis case), 2) cow level (to the extent a cow fulfilled goals of the farmer and the herd), 3) herd level (the situation of the herd, e.g., in relation to milk quota), and 4) level of alternatives (whether the farmer regards such practices as blinding of teats or homoeopathy as serious alternatives to antibiotic treatment). All four levels could be recognized in all herds, but with differing weights and relative importance across herds. Directions of different possibilities within each level also varied among farmers. By identifying those four levels, a model for understanding the farmers' choices is provided. This provides background for dialogue with each farmer about choices in the context of each specific herd. It also provides insight into implications of mastitis treatments for effective treatment versus issues of antibiotic resistance when discussing choices on a more general level. Communication and understanding between farmers and their veterinarians and cattle-oriented advisors is essential. Farmers were shown to be coherent in their choices of treatment, but their decisions often seemed to differ from normal veterinary recommendations. Such differences have to be understood and implemented into effective decisions for the whole farm.  相似文献   

Holstein dairy cattle in 3 commercial herds were randomly allocated to J5 vaccination (n = 251) or untreated control (n = 306) groups. There were 221 new cases of clinical mastitis (CM) affecting 120 cows. Coliform mastitis cases had a higher percentage of severe quarter swelling or signs of systemic illness among control cows but not among J5 vaccinates, in comparison to noncoliform cases. Culling or death from CM affected 13 controls (4.3%) and 4 vaccinates (1.6%), with losses occurring earlier in lactation among controls, a higher hazard (probability of a cow dying on each day of lactation) for controls than vaccinates. The J5 vaccination was significantly associated with protection from culling for mastitis among the 15 Klebsiella cases; 2 out of 10 (20%) Klebsiella-infected controls were culled and 0 out of 5 vaccinates were culled. Cows in second lactation were at reduced hazard of culling for mastitis compared with older animals, even when adjusting for effects of J5 vaccination. When all CM cases (including subsequent new cases during the same lactation and multiple quarters or pathogens within the same cow on the same day) were evaluated, for the 221 cases of CM, the rate was significantly higher among vaccinates than controls (0.10 and 0.07 cases/30 d in milk, respectively). This was because J5 vaccinates had more subsequent new cases of CM in the same cow than controls. Pathogens isolated, which included mainly environmental bacteria, were not different among J5 vaccinates and controls. Immunization with J5 was associated with protection against severe clinical coliform mastitis signs, culling, and death loss from CM but not with any reduction in overall CM.  相似文献   

Our objective was to estimate the milk losses associated with multiple occurrences of generic bovine clinical mastitis (CM) within and across lactations. We studied 10,380 lactations from 5 large, high-producing dairy herds that used automatic recording of daily milk yields. Mixed models, with a random herd effect and an autoregressive covariance structure to account for repeated measurements, were used to quantify the effect of CM and other control variables (parity, week of lactation, other diseases) on milk yield. Many cows that developed CM were higher producers than their non-mastitic herdmates before CM occurred. Milk yield began to drop after diagnosis; the greatest loss occurred in the first weeks (up to 126 kg) and then gradually tapered to a constant value approximately 2 mo after CM. Mastitic cows often never recovered their potential yield. First-lactation cows lost 164 kg of milk for the first episode and 198 kg for the second in the 2 mo after CM diagnosis, compared with their potential yield. Among older cows, this estimate was 253 kg for the first, 238 kg for the second, and 216 kg for the third CM case. A cow that had 1 or more CM episodes in her previous lactation produced 1.2 kg/d less milk over the whole current lactation (95% confidence interval: 0.6, 1.7) than a cow without CM in her previous lactation. These findings provide dairy producers with information on the average milk loss associated with CM cases without considering the causative agent, and can be used for economic analysis.  相似文献   

Mastitis is one of the most common diseases in dairy production, and homeopathic remedies have been used increasingly in recent years to treat it. Clinical trials evaluating homeopathy have often been criticized for their inadequate scientific approach. The objective of this triple-blind, randomized controlled trial was to assess the efficacy of homeopathic treatment in bovine clinical mastitis. The study was conducted on a conventionally managed dairy farm between June 2013 and May 2014. Dairy cows with acute mastitis were randomly allocated to homeopathy (n = 70) or placebo (n = 92), for a total of 162 animals. The homeopathic treatment was selected based on clinical symptoms but most commonly consisted of a combination of nosodes with Streptococcinum, Staphylococcinum, Pyrogenium, and Escherichia coli at a potency of 200c. Treatment was administered to cows in the homeopathy group at least once per day for an average of 5 d. The cows in the placebo group were treated similarly, using a placebo preparation instead (lactose globules without active ingredients). If necessary, we also used allopathic drugs (e.g., antibiotics, udder creams, and anti-inflammatory drugs) in both groups. We recorded data relating to the clinical signs of mastitis, treatment, time to recovery, milk yield, somatic cell count at first milk recording after mastitis, and culling. We observed cows for up to 200 d after clinical recovery. Base-level data did not differ between the homeopathy and placebo groups. Mastitis lasted for an average of 6 d in both groups. We observed no significant differences in time to recovery, somatic cell count, risk of clinical cure within 14 d after disease occurrence, mastitis recurrence risk, or culling risk. The results indicated no additional effect of homeopathic treatment compared with placebo. The advantages or disadvantages of homeopathy should be carefully assessed for individual farms.  相似文献   

Feeding practices, ration composition, and body condition scores (BCS) were assessed in an observational case-contrast study of Norwegian dairy herds with low (n = 98) and high (n = 94) mastitis infection rates. Differences between the 2 groups of herds were associated with feeding practices and amount of roughage. More herds in the low-infection group were fed a reduced amount of roughage at drying off, and reduced rations during the dry period resulted in lower BCS at calving. Cows in the low-infection herds had significantly lower BCS in the last month before calving and the first month of lactation than cows in the high-infection herds. The significant associations between mastitis infection rates and BCS, frequency of concentrate feeding, and amount of roughage at drying off and during the dry period indicated that feeding practices may have an important influence on the risk of mastitis in Norwegian dairy cows.  相似文献   

Recent trends in dairy farm structure in the United States have included a decreasing number of farms, although farm size has increased, especially the share of milk production from very large herds (>2,500 cows). The objectives of this observational study were to describe common management practices; to characterize labor and operational structure; to measure some aspects of animal health, including lameness, hock lesions, mortality, and mastitis incidence; and to summarize cost of production on farms with more than 2,500 cows in 4 states in the Upper Midwest of the United States. The study included 15 dairy farms in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and South Dakota. Farms were visited twice, once each year, and on-farm herd records were collected for those 2 yr. On-farm herd records were used to investigate mortality, culling, pregnancy rate, and clinical mastitis incidence. At least 1 high-producing pen of mature cows and 1 pen of fresh cows were scored for locomotion. Likewise, at least 1 pen of high-producing mature cows was scored for cleanliness and hock lesions. Median herd size was 3,975 cows (range = 2,606–13,266). Milk sold per employee was 1,120,745 kg and the number of cows per employee was 105. Eighty percent of the farms had Holstein cows, 13% had Jersey, and 7% had Jersey-Holstein crosses. All farms used artificial insemination as the sole form of breeding and 100% of the farms used hormonal synchronization or timed artificial insemination programs in their reproductive protocols; 21-d pregnancy rate was 21.7%. Median lameness prevalence was 18.3% and median severe lameness prevalence was 5.1%. Median hock lesion prevalence was 17.4% and median severe hock lesion prevalence was 1.9%; mortality rate was 7.4%. Clinical mastitis incidence was 62.5 cases per 100 cow-years. Feed costs accounted for approximately 53% of the total cost of producing milk, followed by labor at 11%, interest and depreciation expenses at 10%, and replacement costs at 9.5%. Herds in the top 50th percentile for profitability had a net income of $2.40 per hundredweight of milk sold compared with $0.95 per hundredweight for herds in the bottom 50th percentile. Although results of this study were helpful in understanding how large dairy systems operate in the Upper Midwest, more research is yet needed with a larger number of farms and wider variety of management practices to identify factors within these large farms that promote optimal animal health and profitability.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate the cost of generic clinical mastitis (CM) in high-yielding dairy cows given optimal decisions concerning handling of CM cases. A specially structured optimization and simulation model that included a detailed representation of repeated episodes of CM was used to study the effects of various factors on the cost of CM. The basic scenario was based on data from 5 large herds in New York State. In the basic scenario, 92% of the CM cases were recommended to be treated. The average cost of CM per cow and year in these herds was $71. The average cost of a CM case was $179. It was composed of $115 because of milk yield losses, $14 because of increased mortality, and $50 because of treatment-associated costs. The estimated cost of CM was highly dependent on cow traits: it was highest ($403) in cows with high expected future net returns (e.g., young, high-milk-yielding cows), and was lowest ($3) in cows that were recommended to be culled for reasons other than mastitis. The cost per case of CM was 18% higher with a 20% increase in milk price and 17% lower with a 20% decrease in milk price. The cost per case of CM was affected little by a 20% change in replacement cost or pregnancy rate. Changes in CM incidence, however, resulted from changes in these factors, thus affecting whole-farm profitability. The detailed results obtained from this insemination and replacement optimization model can assist farmers in making CM treatment decisions.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to estimate the prevalence and incidence of subclinical mastitis (SM) in a large population of Brazilian dairy herds and to describe how these indices changed over time. A data set comprising individual cow somatic cell counts (SCC) from 18,316 test days (TD) of 1,809 herds that participated in a Dairy Herd Improvement Association (DHIA) program between January 2011 and May 2015 was available for analysis. Only tests that had ≥10 lactating cows and that were performed at 30 ± 10-d intervals were used for analysis. The final data set included 8,285 TD from 517 herds located in 5 regions of the country. Prevalence (%) of SM was defined as the number of cows with SCC ≥200,000 cells/mL divided by the total number of tested cows on a given TD. The incidence of SM was defined as the number of cows whose SCC increased from <200,000 to ≥200,000 cells/mL over 2 consecutive TD divided by the sum of each cow's days at risk during this interval, expressed as new cases per cow month at risk. Prevalence and incidence of SM were compared among years, regions, herd size categories, and frequency of DHIA testing during the study period. The overall mean prevalence and incidence of SM including all tests performed during the study period was 46.4% and 0.17 new cases per cow month at risk, respectively. The prevalence of SM varied little from 2011 to 2015, and an increasing trend was observed over the years. Prevalence was lower in herds that performed ≥60 DHIA tests during the study period than in those that performed fewer tests and was not different among regions or herd size categories. Incidence of SM varied little over the years and was not different among the regions studied. Prevalence and incidence of SM in the 517 herds studied were high and did not improve over the years. These trends were observed across all herd size categories and regions studied. Producers who had more DHIA tests performed per herd during the study period had lower prevalence of SM. Results of this study highlight the need to establish large-scale milk quality programs in Brazil.  相似文献   

Recent surveys have identified the presence of perchlorate, a natural compound and environmental contaminant, in forages and dairy milk. The ingestion of perchlorate is of concern because of its ability to competitively inhibit iodide uptake by the thyroid and to impair synthesis of thyroid hormones. A recent study established that milk perchlorate concentrations in cattle highly correlate with perchlorate intake. However, there is evidence that up to 80% of dietary perchlorate is metabolized in clinically healthy cows, thereby restricting the available transfer of ingested perchlorate into milk. The influence of mastitis on milk perchlorate levels, where there is an increase in mammary vascular permeability and an influx of blood-derived components into milk, remains unknown. The present study examined the effect of experimentally induced mastitis on milk perchlorate levels in cows receiving normal and perchlorate-supplemented diets. Over a 12-d period, cows were ruminally infused with 1 L/d of water or water containing 8 mg of perchlorate. Five days after the initiation of ruminal infusions, experimental mastitis was induced by the intramammary infusion of 100 μg of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Contralateral quarters infused with phosphate-buffered saline served as controls. A significant reduction in milk perchlorate concentration was observed in the LPS-challenged glands of animals ruminally infused with either water or perchlorate. In control glands, milk perchlorate concentrations remained constant throughout the study. A strong negative correlation was identified between mammary vascular permeability and milk perchlorate concentrations in LPS-infused glands. These findings, in the context of a recently published study, suggest that an active transport process is operative in the establishment of a perchlorate concentration gradient across the blood-mammary gland interface, and that increases in mammary epithelial and vascular endothelial permeability lead to a net outflow of milk perchlorate. The overall finding that mastitis results in lower milk perchlorate concentrations suggests that changes in udder health do not necessitate increased screening of milk for perchlorate.  相似文献   

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