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分析了金属电极间的冷聚变现象,采用量子力学方法,导出在微观外场作用下反应核的穿透几率以及相应的核聚变截面公式,阐释了在核聚变中也存在共振隧穿现象,并给出了冷聚变实验结果的半定量解释,从而提出了一种新的聚变机理。  相似文献   

Investigation on tritium was one of the recommendations in Energy Research Advisory Board (ERAB) report of U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) in November, 1989. Fifteen years evolution of the related research proved that it was an important recommendation. A selective resonant tunneling model is attempted to explain this discovery. Deuterium flux might be a key issue to solve the problem of the reproducibility. A further investigation is suggested based on this model.  相似文献   

The use of a novel double-cone funnel target with high density layers (HDL) to collimate and focus electrons is investigated by two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations. The proposed scheme can guide, collimate and focus electron beams to smaller sizes. The collimation reasons are analyzed by the quasi-static magnetic fields generation inside the beam collimator with HDL. It is found that the energy conversion efficiency is increased by a factor of 2.2 in this new scheme in comparison with the that without HDL. Such a target structure has potential for design flexibility and prevents inefficiencies in important applications such as fast ignition, etc.  相似文献   

采用密度泛函理论计算及实验获取了铀的电子能量损失谱(Electron energy loss spectroscopy,简称EELS)。计算的谱峰位置与实验一致。结合计算得到铀的能带及态密度对计算谱及实验谱特征峰进行分析,结果表明:由于铀的5f电子形成窄带对等离子体振荡贡献较小,6p电子的共振跃迁致使等离子振荡频率降低;实验谱中13.3eV能量损失峰为体等离子体振荡峰,20.3eV能量损失峰为6p能带到费米能级跃迁能量损失峰,27.6eV能量损失峰为两次体等离子振荡吸收峰。  相似文献   

Dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) cold plasma at atmospheric pressure was used for preparation of copper nanoparticles by reduction of copper oxide (CuO). Power X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to characterize the structure of the copper oxide samples treated by DBD plasma. Influences of H2 content and the treating time on the reduction of copper oxide by DBD plasma were investigated. The results show that the reduction ratio of copper oxide was increased initially and then decreased with increasing H2 content, and the highest reduction ratio was achieved at 20% H2 content. Moreover, the copper oxide samples were gradually reduced by DBD plasma into copper nanoparticles with the increase in treating time. However, the average reduction rate was decreased as a result of the diffusion of the active hydrogen species. Optical emission spectra (OES) were observed during the reduction of the copper oxide samples by DBD plasma, and the reduction mechanism was explored accordingly. Instead of high-energy electrons, atomic hydrogen (H) radicals, and the heating effect, excited-state hydrogen molecules are suspected to be one kind of important reducing agents. Atmospheric-pressure DBD cold plasma is proved to be an efficient method for preparing copper nanoparticles.  相似文献   

Dipole Research EXperiment(DREX) is a new terrella device as part of the Space Plasma Environment Research Facility(SPERF) for laboratory studies of space physics relevant to the inner magnetospheric plasmas. Adequate plasma sources are very important for DREX to achieve its scientific goals. According to different research requirements, there are two density regimes for DREX. The low density regime will be achieved by an electron cyclotron resonance(ECR) system for the ‘whistler/chorus' wave investigation, while the high density regime will be achieved by biased cold cathode discharge for the desired ‘Alfvén' wave study. The parameters of ‘whistler/chorus' waves and ‘Alfvén' waves are determined by the scaling law between space and laboratory plasmas in the current device. In this paper, the initial design of these two plasma sources for DREX is described. Focus is placed on the chosen frequency and operation mode of the ECR system which will produce relatively low density ‘artificial radiation belt' plasmas and the seed electrons, followed by the design of biased cold cathode discharge to generate plasma with high density.  相似文献   

介绍了中国环流器二号A(简称HL-2A)装置上关键聚变工程技术取得的新进展及在磁约束聚变科学若干关键课题研究取得的重要实验成果,特别是在HL-2A装置上成功实现了偏滤器位形下具有边缘局域模的高约束模式运行,是我国磁约束聚变实验研究史上具有里程碑意义的重大进展,使我国的磁约束聚变科学和等离子体物理实验研究进入了一个崭新的阶段。  相似文献   

福清核电厂应急撤离时间估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了环境保护部核与辐射安全中心主持开发的“核电周边人员应急撤离的虚拟现实模拟系统”(简称“撤离模拟系统”)及所采用的技术。结合福清核电厂厂址周围的人口分布、交通基础设施分布和天气状况,利用该系统模拟了不同撤离情景下,福清核电厂烟羽应急计划区内人员的撤离过程,估算了撤离时间,分析了影响撤离的主要因素。研究结果表明,福清核电厂在典型事故情景下,部分拥堵路段对撤离时间影响显著;同时,私家车的使用比例增加也会显著增加撤离时间。  相似文献   

利用中国先进研究堆(CARR)在国内首次开展了冷中子瞬发伽玛活化分析(CNPGAA)实验,采用定制加长的电制冷高纯锗(HPGe)探测器和先进的数字多道谱仪DSPEC®-502进行测量,获得了NH4Cl样品中元素冷中子瞬发伽玛谱和本底谱等数据,同时利用伽玛放射源152Eu、137Cs、60Co以及NH4Cl产生的瞬发伽玛射线对探测器在宽能区0.1~8 MeV进行能量刻度。为降低环境辐射本底,HPGe探测器外围采用环形锗酸铋(BGO)康普顿谱仪,10 cm铅以及含6Li和10B材料对中子束流准直屏蔽。此外,利用金片活化法测量了CARR堆运行功率为15 MW时有无冷源情况下冷中子导管B(CNGB)末端1 m处的中子注量率,结果显示有冷源时中子注量率可提高一个量级。  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of spent nuclear fuels is vital data for studies on the nuclear fuel cycle and reactor physics. The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has been active in obtaining such data for pressurized water reactor (PWR) and boiling water reactor (BWR) fuels, and some data has already been published. These data have been registered with the international Spent Fuel Isotopic Composition Database (SFCOMPO) and widely used as international benchmarks for burnup calculation codes and libraries.  相似文献   


Cross sections at 14.5 and 14.9 MeV for the low threshold energy reaction of 93Nb(n, n')93mNb were measured by the activation method at the FNS (Fusion Neutronics Source) of JAERI. Although there are multiple experimental data for this reaction cross section from the threshold to 9 MeV, only one data at 14.3 MeV has been reported by Ryves et at. The correction for low energy neutron contribution was found very sensitive on the reaction rate determination. Careful treatments were performed to arrive at final error evaluation considering neutron spectrum calculated with a Monte Carlo Code and cross section curves available. The cross sections measured in the present work are larger by more than 30% than those in both IRDF-90 and JENDL Dosimetry File, which are based on the data of Ryves et al. On the other hand, the present data are lower by 10-15% than the evaluation by Odano et al. It is highly recommended to re-evaluate the cross section by taking the present data into account.  相似文献   

Activation cross sections for the (n, 2n) reaction on Nd, Sm, Gd and Yb have been measured at 14.6 MeV by using a Ge(Li) γ-ray detector. The following cross sections (mb) have been obtained: 112Nd 1,675±160, 143Nd 1,789±147, 150Nd 1,720±128, 154Sm 2,010±137, 160Gd 2,173±152, 160Yb 2,226 ±152. These (n,2n) cross sections are compared with the theoretical calculations performed by a new model including pre-equilibrium and statistical models. A good agreement between the experimental and calculated cross sections is obtained.  相似文献   

Energy spectra of neutrons scattered inelastically from natural samples of Ta, W, Au, Hg, TI, Pb and Bi have been studied at an incident energy of 14MeV, using time-of-flight technique. Angular distributions were also measured for Ta and Bi. The energy spectra from 2MeV to 4MeV were found to be qualitatively consistent with the prediction from statistical theory taking account of effects of nuclear pairing and shell structure. The Fermi gas level density parameter and the nuclear temperature were obtained by considering the contribution of the (n,2n) reaction. The variation of level density parameter plotted against mass number was found to agree with the trend predicted theoretically by Newton. Angular distributions proved to be symmetric about 90° and the spin cut-off parameter was estimated to be about 5.8 for Ta and 4.3 for Bi. Cross sections for the (n,n′2n) and (n,2n) reactions were obtained.  相似文献   

In the paper the main goals and progress of the surveillance specimen programme for the RPVs WWER-440/213 in Jaslovské Bohunice V-2 and Mochovce NPPs are presented. At Jaslovské Bohunice V-2, the standard surveillance specimen programme (SSSP) was finished and so-called ‘Extended Surveillance Specimen Programme’ (ESSP) was prepared on the base of its critical analysis. For first two units of the Mochovce NPP completely new programmes of irradiation embrittlement monitoring called ‘Modern Surveillance Specimen Programme’ is prepared. It is based on the experience with SSSP and ESSP as well as the recommendations of IAEA experts. This programme will serve for Mochovce NPP during all planned service life. The experience of ESSP application on the 3rd and 4th units in Jaslovské Bohunice V-2 NPP are presented in the paper too.  相似文献   

This paper presents about conceptual designs of Advanced Recycling Reactor (ARR) focusing on enhancement in transuranics (TRU) burning and americium (Am) transmutation. The design has been conducted in the context of the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) seeking to close nuclear fuel cycle in ways that reduce proliferation risks, reduce the nuclear waste in the US and further improve global energy security. This study strives to enhance the TRU burning and the Am transmutation, assuming the development of related technologies in this study, while the ARR based on mature technologies was designed in the previous study. It has followed that the provided TRU burning core is designed to burn TRU at 28 kg/TWthh, by adding moderator pins of B4C (Enriched B-11) and the Am transmutation core will be able to transmute Am at 34 kg/TWthh, by locating Am blanket of AmN around the TRU burning core. It indicates that these concepts improve TRU burning by 40-50% than the previous core and can transmute Am effectively, keeping the void reactivity acceptable.  相似文献   

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