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为了适应新能源汽车——电动车(EV)和混合动力电动汽车(HEV)电机对高性能电工钢板的需求,日本住友金属工业有限公司应用位错强化方法,已经成功研制出一种具有高强度、低铁损的无取向电工钢,主要介绍新产品690~780MPa、0.35mm厚的高强度无取向电工钢的磁性能和力学性能都优于980MPa双相高强度钢,并且成本非常低,因此得到新能源电动车(EV)和混合动力电动汽车(HEV)用高效永磁(IPM)电机铁芯的广泛应用。  相似文献   

以一款插电式燃料电池电动汽车(plug-in fuel cell electric vehicle,PFCEV)为研究对象,为改善燃料电池氢气消耗和电池电量消耗之间的均衡,实现插电式燃料电池电动汽车的燃料电池与动力电池之间的最优能量分配,考虑燃料电池汽车实时能量分配的即时回报及未来累积折扣回报,以整车作为环境,整车控制作为智能体,提出了一种基于增强学习算法的插电式燃料电池电动汽车能量管理控制策略.通过Matlab/Simulink建立整车仿真模型对所提出的策略进行仿真验证,相比于基于规则的策略,在不同行驶里程下,电池均可保持一定的电量,整车的综合能耗得到明显降低,在100、200和300 km行驶里程下整车百公里能耗分别降低8.84%、29.5%和38.6%;基于快速原型开发平台进行硬件在环试验验证,城市行驶工况工况下整车综合能耗降低20.8%,硬件在环试验结果与仿真结果基本一致,表明了所制定能量管理策略的有效性和可行性.   相似文献   

林歆悠  叶常青  苏炼 《工程科学学报》2022,44(11):1988-1997
由于插电式混合动力汽车电池可以通过电网获取比较廉价的电量,传统的控制策略只考虑充分利用电池电量,但忽略了过度使用电池,会加快动力电池容量的衰退。因此,如何权衡充分利用电池电量与抑制电池容量衰退是新的研究重点。基于电池的半经验衰退模型,引入电池利用程度因子,建立权衡电池容量衰退的能量管理策略。通过Pareto非劣目标域选取合适的权重因子,将多目标优化问题转化为单目标问题,采用动态规划算法获得权重系数全局最优解,通过权衡不同权重下的油耗和电池容量衰退程度选择最优权重系数。在燃油消耗相当的情况下,当权重系数为0.9时,可有效抑制电池寿命的衰减速度。最后,通过在线等效油耗最小策略仿真与在同一权重下的动态规划解进行比较来验证其有效性。   相似文献   

电动汽车具有节能环保的优点,电池、乘员舱和电机驱动系统的热管理是提高其运行安全性和司乘人员舒适性的关键技术。针对电动汽车集成热管理系统构建过程中的关键问题,首先概述了电池、乘员舱和电机驱动系统的产热模型;其次系统地总结了现有的电池、乘员舱和电机驱动系统的热管理方法,重点分析了集成热管理系统的研究现状、运行控制和系统性能评价;最后总结了当前研究存在的不足并进行了研究展望,指出研究准确的产热计算模型,发展紧凑高效的集成热管理系统,在综合性能评价体系下优化集成热管理系统的运行控制是未来的主要研究方向。   相似文献   

机动车尾气排放多环芳烃(PAHs)及其衍生物主要源于化石燃料的不完全燃烧,排放特征随燃烧条件和燃料种类变化而有所不同.随着尾气排放控制标准日益严格和新能源汽车的逐渐普及,非尾气排放污染对交通大气污染的贡献逐年加大.因此,包括刹车磨损、轮胎磨损、道路扬尘再悬浮和路面磨损在内的非尾气排放过程作为城市环境PAHs的重要污染源,其占比不容忽视.机动车来源PAHs及其衍生物的排放特征主要受燃烧条件、路面条件和机动车部件材料种类等多种因素影响.本文对国内外现有的机动车尾气排放以及非尾气排放PAHs及其衍生物的数据进行了梳理和总结.总的来说,对于尾气排放,严格的排放标准导致PAHs及其衍生物排放量降低;冷启动、加速等工况下,发动机燃烧效率降低,排放量增大;柴油车排放量远高于汽油车;汽油直喷发动机比气道喷射发动机排放更高;车辆行驶里程增加排放量增加.且研究发现刹车片化学成分、制动情况、轮胎材料和路面条件等均会影响排放,具有高度的不确定性,有待进一步研究.本文旨在分析机动车来源PAHs及其衍生物在不同影响因素下的排放特征,为排放控制技术发展和政策标准制定提供科学依据.  相似文献   

考虑道路坡度对整车驱动需求的影响,针对插电式混合动力汽车,提出基于道路坡度信息的插电式混合动力汽车能量管理策略,进行车载导航系统在整车能量管理策略中应用的初步探究.根据车载导航系统提供的道路信息,建立坡道行驶电量消耗预估模型,分别对行程中电量消耗阶段和电量维持阶段动力电池的荷电指数进行规划,提出行车预充电时刻规划准则,使车辆在坡道行驶前动力电池的荷电指数达到预定值,保证车辆在坡道行驶时不会因动力电池亏电造成动力不足或过放电有损动力电池的使用寿命,并在上坡行驶结束后动力电池的荷电指数下降到临界值,有利于充分吸收制动回收的电能.利用MATLAB/Simulink仿真平台,对提出的能量管理策略进行仿真验证.本文所提出的基于坡道预测的能量管理策略能够避免动力电池的过放电,确保车辆上坡行驶过程电量充足.   相似文献   

随着2019年7月世界新能源汽车大会在海南的顺利召开,明晰了新能源汽车在技术创新等领域的发展方向,新能源汽车的发展进一步提速,使新能源汽车驱动电机用高耐热等级变频漆包铜扁线产品将成为未来漆包线行业市场新的增长点。根据目前漆包线产品的技术发展方向,制定新能源汽车用220级变频漆包铜扁线研发的生产工艺流程、技术目标和工艺路线,确定220级变频漆包铜扁线研发的工艺技术,并对研发产品的常规性能和高频脉冲耐电晕寿命性能进行检测,各项性能完全满足新能源汽车用220级变频漆包铜扁线研发的技术目标。  相似文献   

近年来,包括纯电力和混合动力在内的电动飞机电力推进系统技术受到越来越多的关注。推进电机作为电动飞机最为关键的动力源,其性能直接影响电动飞机的性能及可靠性。推进电机效率是该技术的关键驱动因素之一。本文设计了一款电动飞机推进系统用高效率轴向磁通电机,其定子材料采用极薄无取向电工钢,并将极薄无取向电工钢与常规电工钢在不同频率、不同温度下进行了对比,仿真结果表明,极薄无取向电工钢在高频电机领域能有效提升电机的运行效率。  相似文献   

随着机动车保有量快速增长,机动车排放成为大部分大中城市大气中PAHs及其衍生物的主要来源之一。因此,基于以往的研究成果,汇总了台架实验、车载实验、隧道实验、路边实验等常用的机动车尾气采集方法,对机动车来源PAHs及其衍生物的排放特征(排放因子、气粒分配规律、成分谱研究以及机动车车型、工况和行驶里程的影响等)进行了总结,为不同研究需求下实验方法的选取以及机动车减排措施的制定提供科学参考。此外,为缓解能源问题和机动车排放污染问题,中国计划2020年在全国范围内推广使用车用乙醇汽油。由于乙醇汽油与普通汽油的性质存在诸多不同,乙醇汽油对机动车排放的影响也引起了研究者们的关注,因此分析了乙醇汽油实施对机动车尾气PAHs及其衍生物的污染特征变化的影响,以期为该领域未来的研究方向提供建议,为机动车污染防控研究提供科学合理的参考。   相似文献   

以燃料电池、光伏电池等为代表的新能源在实际应用中需要大功率DC-DC变换器对其输出电压进行调节,同时对其输出功率进行控制.本文将高效SiC MOSFET应用于燃料电池汽车两相交错式Boost型DC-DC变换器中,基于计算、仿真和实验手段分析了应用SiC功率器件变换器的性能.研究结果表明:在大功率DC-DC变换器中,新型SiC功率器件的应用能够提高变换器功率密度、增强变换器可靠性,提升动力系统工作效率.该研究结果将为新型电力电子器件的应用以及新能源相关领域的研究提供参考.   相似文献   

以电动汽车车用额定容量为42 A·h的三元方壳锂离子电池单体和模组为研究对象,研究其在加热条件下单体的绝热热失控特性及成组后侧向加热热失控蔓延特性。结果表明,锂离子电池在发生热失控时,内部最高温度可达920 ℃,电池表面和内部最大温差达403 ℃;热失控首先在迎向热流的面触发,随后蔓延至整个电池;满电状态下的锂离子电池内部热失控蔓延时间介于8~12 s;热失控蔓延过程中锂离子电池的温度特征与绝热热失控测试相比存在较大差异性;热失控喷发颗粒物中,LiF及石墨质量分数占80%以上;模组中失控电池产生的总能量中用于自身加热和喷发损失的占90%左右,热失控释放总能量的10%足以触发热失控蔓延。本文为研究三元锂离子电池模组安全设计、热失控蔓延抑制及新能源汽车的火灾事故调查提供了参考。   相似文献   

The development trend and promising application prospects of high-power MH-Ni battery were reviewed by studying and comparing the current high-power batteries research area.High-power MH-Ni batiery has good performlife with 500 ~ 1000 times, abundant material resource, especially abundant rare earth resource in China, high-rate discharging, rapid charging, good safety as well as no pollution, etc., which is regarded as the most promising storage battery for electric vehicles.The performance of high power MH-Ni battery can be brought into play fully and ensure electric vehicles performance if it is equipped with appropriate chargers, controlling system and electric motors.Facing opportunities and challenges, MH-Ni battery has promising application prospects on hybrid electric automobile, electric bicycle and a variety of small sized electric vehicles by improving its technology constantly and developing market actively.  相似文献   

Nowadays,air pollution has become a prominent environmental problem and has attracted much attention.With the increase of vehicle retention quantity,the exhaust emissions have become the main sources of air pollution.To reduce pollution and hazards,vehicle exhaust emission regulations are becoming stricter and stricter,which puts forward higher requirements for purification of vehicle exhausts.At present,rare earths have been widely applied in vehicle exhaust purification because of their good catalytic performance,which is attributed to their unique 4 f electron layer structure occupied without full electrons,excellent oxygen storage/release capacity and redox ability.In this paper,the current status of rare earth catalysts and application of rare earth in different fuel vehicle exhaust catalysts,including three-way catalysts(TWCs) for gasoline vehicles,diesel exhaust catalysts for different pollutants(particulate matter(PM),NO_x,CO and HC) and catalysts for new energy vehicles with different fuels,are summarized in detail.Meanwhile,the corresponding mechanisms and the role of rare earth in vehicle exhaust catalysts are also simultaneously described.Furthermore,the challenges and development directions of rare earth catalysts for the purification of vehicle exhausts are also proposed.  相似文献   

现阶段, 锂离子电池已经成为电动汽车最重要的动力源, 其发展经历了三代技术的发展(钴酸锂正极为第一代, 锰酸锂和磷酸铁锂为第二代, 三元技术为第三代).随着正负极材料向着更高克容量的方向发展和安全性技术的日渐成熟、完善, 更高能量密度的电芯技术正在从实验室走向产业化.本文从锂离子电池产学研结合的角度, 从电池正负极材料, 电池设计和生产工艺来分析动力电池行业最新动态和科学研究的前沿成果, 并结合市场需求与政策导向来阐述动力电池的发展方向和技术路线的实现途径.   相似文献   

Operational Requirements for Long-Span Bridges under Strong Wind Events   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the absence of intensive wind tunnel tests, this study provides an effective and accurate approach to estimate the operational driving speed limit on bridges subjected to different road conditions and wind intensities, through a convenient continuous simulation technique (CSP). A fast and vigorous simulation tool, vehicle performance simulation, is developed to effectively model the performance of vehicles traveling on bridges by considering the interactions between wind, vehicles, and the bridge. The CSP, on the other hand, dramatically reduces the data generation time and makes a reliability analysis of vehicles possible. The application of the proposed method on the Confederation Bridge in Canada is presented as a numerical example. The simulation result overrides the general impression that only high-sided vehicles are sensitive to wind attacks, and this work demonstrates that light-weighted vehicles are also likely to suffer from instability problems on bridges under relatively low wind velocity. In addition, different types of vehicle can undergo different instability mechanisms under the same wind condition and these vehicle instability mechanisms vary with wind velocity.  相似文献   

This paper explores the effects of age, system experience, and navigation technique on driving, navigation performance, and safety for drivers who used TravTek, an Advanced Traveler Information System. The first two studies investigated various route guidance configurations on the road in a specially equipped instrumented vehicle with an experimenter present. The third was a naturalistic quasi-experimental field study that collected data unobtrusively from more than 1200 TravTek rental car drivers with no in-vehicle experimenter. The results suggest that with increased experience, drivers become familiar with the system and develop strategies for substantially more efficient and safer use. The results also showed that drivers over age 65 had difficulty driving and navigating concurrently. They compensated by driving slowly and more cautiously. Despite this increased caution, older drivers made more safety-related errors than did younger drivers. The results also showed that older drivers benefited substantially from a well-designed ATIS driver interface.  相似文献   

Environmental regulations are driving R&D efforts to produce low sulfur fuels, including diesel fuel and gasoline for motor vehicles. Biocatalytic sulfur removal from fuels has potential applicability for producing low sulfur gasoline. Microbial biocatalysts have been identified that can biotransform sulfur compounds found in fuels, including ones that selectively remove sulfur from dibenzothiophene heterocyclic compounds. Most attention is give to the 4S pathway of Rhodococcus, which can remove sulfur from substituted and unsubstituted dibenzothiophenes, including sulfur compounds that hinder chemical catalysis and that resist removal by mild hydrotreatment. Various bioreactor and bioprocess designs are being tested for use with biocatalysts, including recombinant biocatalysts, for use in removing sulfur from fuels and feedstocks within the petroleum refinery stream. With bioprocess improvements that enhance biocatalyst stability, achieve faster kinetics, improve mass transfer limitations, temperature and solvent tolerance, as well as broaden substrate specificity to attack a greater range of heterocyclic compounds, biocatalysis may be a cost-effective approach to achieve the production of low sulfur gasoline. The challenge will be to accomplish these improvements by the time the regulations for low sulfur gasoline and other vehicle fuels go into effect in order to be competitive with emerging nonbiological desulfurization technologies.  相似文献   

原料供货车辆进厂后需要押车,以确保道路交通安全,同时打击司机抛撒非铜物料等作假行为,避免工厂蒙受损失。由于人工押车工作效率低,采用基于5G的无线视频监控技术对车辆行驶状况进行智能监控已成大势所趋,当出现车辆违章和抛撒非铜物料等违规行为时,监控中心能自动判断并发送预警,便于检验人员及时处置。  相似文献   

为提高储氢反应器的传热及吸放氢速率, 对现有金属氢化物反应器进行了系统的综合分析与评价.基于强化传热传质特性, 设计优化出了一种高效的新型椭圆螺旋微管束反应器(ESMBR), 其具有结构紧凑、传热效果好、反应速度快及操作方便等特点.对研究的储氢反应器进行了建模, 并通过实验验证了该模型的准确性和有效性.通过COMSOL软件对比ESMBR、圆形螺旋微管束反应器(SMBR)和直管微管束反应器(MTBR)的数值模拟结果得出, ESMBR在储氢时具有优异的传热传质性能.进一步的敏感性分析结果表明, ESMBR中椭圆螺旋管结构参数的敏感性顺序为主直径(Dc) >椭圆截面长轴(A) >椭圆截面短轴(B) >节距(Pt) >螺旋角度(α).采用多元价值取向模型对不同的反应器方案进行了系统的分析评估, 结果表明: ESMBR的综合优度高达0.845, 对比结果也明显优于其他反应器, 在氢能领域将有广阔的应用前景.   相似文献   

This project was developed to assess driving patterns that promote high emissions episodes, also known as emission excursions, particularly while driving on roads with grade. An instrumented vehicle was equipped to record driving conditions such as speed and grade, as well as measure emission rates of total hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide. Controlled runs with predetermined cruise speeds between 35 and 55 mph and accelerations less than 3.3 mph/second were conducted on flat terrain and on hills with grades ranging from 0 to 7%. The hills were located in metropolitan Los Angeles, both along freeways and arterial roads. For hydrocarbons, the increase in emissions was about 0.04 g/mile for each 1% grade increment. For carbon monoxide (CO), the increase was more dramatic: 3.0 g/mile for each 1% grade increment. For a fully occupied vehicle with four passengers on a 4.5% grade, emissions increased by 0.07 g/mile for hydrocarbons and 10.2 g/mile for CO. Air conditioning operation, at full setting, further increased emissions while driving on hills (4.5 and 6.7% grades) by 0.07 g/mile for hydrocarbons and 31.9 g/mile for CO.  相似文献   

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