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第一类鼓励类 有色金属 1.有色金属现有矿山接替资源勘探开发,紧缺资源的深部及难采矿床开采  相似文献   

我国地大物博、资源丰富,包括大量的有色金属资源,而地方的有色金属小型矿山的勘探、建设与开发,与地方经济的发展直接相关,需要充分运用现代科学技术作为支撑。因此本文从有色金属矿山的地质勘探工作入手,探讨地质勘探程度对矿山设计与建设的影响,继而分析如何控制有色金属小型矿山地质勘探程度,以避免由于过度勘探或勘探不足而对矿体开发产生的不利影响。  相似文献   

我国有色矿山的现状分析及发展战略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建国40多年来,我国有色金属工业取得了很大成就,从1995年起,有色金属产量已升至世界第二位。但也面临着能否在集约经营中求发展的严峻挑战。文章从目前我国有色金属矿山的资源状况、矿山状况、政策及管理状况分析了存在的问题,在此基础上,从机制、管理、技术、装备、政策、全球开发矿业等几方面提出了有色矿山的发展战略及具体建议。  相似文献   

生产勘探是矿山开发利用的眼睛,直接影响着矿山开发利用的各项指标。棒磨山铁矿在20多年的开采过程中开展了基建期勘探及生产期勘探两个阶段的生产勘查工作,通过加密控制工程及丰富的采样化验数据,更加准确地圈定了矿体的形态、掌握了矿石的质量与分布情况,进一步加强了对矿床地质构造及矿体赋存条件等的控制与研究,提高了矿山开发利用水平与效益。  相似文献   

本文是根据国内、国际市场铜、铝、铅、锌、锡等主要有色金属供不应求的有利时机,结合湖南有色资源、生产基础、科研技术上的优势和当前有色矿山的问题,围绕矿山建设资金提出了五点政策性意见,旨在抓住时机,促进湖南有色金属工业的发展。  相似文献   

有色金属工业是以开发利用资源为主的产业,矿产资源的开发与利用势必会引发相应的环保问题,通过分析有色金属矿产开发存在的主要环境问题,结合最新环保政策对矿山开发的影响,提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

有色金属矿山采矿科技发展的现状与前瞻长沙矿山矿研究院黄业英,周晋华,徐树岚一、国内外有色金属矿山采矿科技发展动态1.露天矿山采矿科技的发展国外有色金属矿山露天开采量的比重不断增大,这不仅由于露采具有较多的优点,也是追求大规模生产和低成本所致。美国和前...  相似文献   

我国中小型有色金属矿山现状及发展建议中国地质矿产经济研究院周进生据统计,截至1991年底,全国国有有色金属矿山535座,乡镇矿山8568座;年产矿石量10635.8万吨,其中国有矿山8298.7万吨。如表1所示。国有有色金属矿山单矿年平均产量几至几十...  相似文献   

刘铁侠  杨春福 《黄金》1998,19(9):55-57
1引言众所周知,地质储量是矿山赖以生存的基础。在以往的计划经济体制中,多数老矿山都有专门的地质队负责勘探并提供地质资源,而矿山则把主要精力投入到生产上。矿山本身的地质人员也多围绕生产从事一些基础的地质工作,或依靠经验及简单的规律对找矿预测做初步的探讨...  相似文献   

我国有色金属矿山资源实况与建议   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
我国2/3的有色金属矿山已进入开采的中晚期,预计到2010年,县级以上有色金属矿山约有一半将关闭,消失产能约40%,铜、铅锌、锡、钨、锑、汞等主要有色金属基地正面临严重的资源危机。但我国有色金属矿山在深部、外围和新类型新矿种等方面仍有巨大找矿潜力,加大矿山地质探矿力度,是缓解矿山资源危机的首要途径,并提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

Expresses regret that certain member name and Diplomate omissions occurred in converting from a manual to a computer-assisted production for the 1968 Biographical Directory. The omissions are provided. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Discusses the official APA policy on telephone directory advertising by psychologists. The relative merits and vices of advertising are currently at issue among members of several professions. While the Supreme Court has decided that lawyers may advertise their services, physicians and psychologists continue to debate the matter. APA's guidelines for telephone directory listings have appeared in both the American Psychologist (APA, 1969) and Ethical Standards of Psychologists (APA, 1977). The official APA policy is to discourage advertising. To determine the extent of compliance with the guidelines, telephone directories for 23 cities were surveyed for entries under the heading Psychologist. Survey results indicate that a substantial number of psychologists are currently at least partly disregarding APA's recommendations for telephone directory displays. This suggests that APA might be advised to publicly review its policy and rationale on advertising. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"Two sets of standards have been proposed. One for the guidance of APA members who have been elected to the association since 1958, the other for the guidance of those who were Fellows or Members of the APA as of January 1, 1958." Those elected since January 1, 1958 must have an American Board of Examiners in Professional Psychology (ABEPP) or PhD degree and 3 years of paid fulltime experience; those who were Fellows or Members of APA on or before January 1, 1958 must have the ABEPP or PhD or certain specified combinations of graduate training and paid full-time experience. From Psyc Abstracts 36:02:2AK27A. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the April 1979 issue of Professional Psychology, Lawrence Annis presented an article concerning the issue of psychologists advertising in telephone directories. He then related his survey results of phone books to the American Psychological Association's (APA) policies regarding guidelines for telephone listings (APA, 1969) and Ethical Standards of Psychologists (APA, 1977). The most frequent violation was the use of boldface type. The results of Annis' are provocative and raise questions about our colleagues' knowledge and application of ethical standards. Of greater concern, however, are the results of our survey that showed that 12% to 25% of people listed under "psychologist" in the Yellow Pages were not psychologists. In connection with our activities in the clinical section of the Illinois Psychological Association, we examined two local phone books and identified the names of people listed as psychologists in the Yellow Pages. Our purpose was to verify how many of those listed as psychologists were legally registered according to the Illinois Psychologist Registration Act (Illinois Revised Statute 1975). The results showed that 12% of the individuals listed in one book and 25% listed in the second book were not psychologists. The majority of individuals who were found in violation were master's level individuals, who were not registered. The remainder were social workers or individuals with doctoral degrees in disciplines other than psychology, such as theology. In one case a psychiatrist was listed. A representative at the phone company was contacted and informed of the state law. He said it is not their responsibility, and he referred us to the publisher of the phone books. The publisher took the position that implementation and enforcement of the Registration Act was not the publisher's responsibility, that this was the government's duty, and that the publisher feared possible legal action for mistakenly withholding a person's advertisement. Those individuals who are not registered and list themselves as psychologists are engaging in unethical and illegal behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Calls for a retabulation of productivity ranks of graduate programs in psychology. W. M. Cox and V. Catt (see record 1978-21651-001) used the 1973 rather than the 1975 edition of the Biographical Directory of the American Psychological Association in their tabulation, which contained several errors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Describes the current status and objectives of the APA Directory program. The APA is one of the few large professional societies that has emphasized, almost from its inception, the publication of an annual directory. For the past 20 years, the inclusion of detailed biographical data has been stressed. As a result, the APA Directory contains more information, issued at more frequent intervals, than is true of most other scientific and technical societies. Objectives are noted as cost reduction, updating and standardization of directory entries, an automated system to facilitate handling data input, achievement of information retrieval capability of member information, and conversion of biographical directory information to magnetic tape as a basis for future input of data applicable to other APA uses. To insure careful attention to issues of personal privacy, as well as other major aspects of the directory program, the Board of Directors will be requested to appoint a committee to study such issues, develop guidelines, and make specific recommendations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

马克思主义唯物论是一种物本主义形态的唯物论,还是一种超越物本主义形态、从实践理解世界的本质相关问题的实践的唯物主义的唯物论?这是一个我们必须搞清楚的有关马克思主义唯物论的本质规定性和精神实质的重大问题.在考察物本主义的唯物论及其思维方式的局限性的基础上,揭示了马克思主义唯物论是现代的、实践的唯物主义,并重点研讨了马克思主义唯物论关于从实践理解世界的物质性和自然世界的先在性的原理,以期为马克思主义唯物论进一步阐明人类世界的实践性原理奠定基础.  相似文献   

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