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网站黄页系统是一个自动生成网站黄页目录并以此为基础为用户提供一系列服务的系统。它通过快速收集网络上的教育资源,并自动化地对其进行高质量的分类和信息抽取,形成教育网站黄页,为用户提供浏览、检索等服务。未经过二次开发的黄页系统检索的准确性普遍较低,不适合校园网络的使用.针对普通搜索引擎的固有缺陷,提出了一种应用于新闻检索的搜索引擎,该引擎是利用开源的网络爬虫工具将互联网信息抓取到本地,并利用Lucene开放的API,对特定的信息进行索引和搜索。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种维护WAP网站的网络爬虫系统,该系统可以自动遍历WAP网站,并对网页进行分析,检查语法和语义的错误。  相似文献   

研究基于ASP.NET平台的网络考试系统,针对网络考试系统的题库管理、组卷技术、在线考试管理、自动阅卷以及网站安全等关键问题进行了探讨和研究,并在ASP.NET平台上实现了计算机基础课网络考试系统。  相似文献   

知识共享型网站为自动问答系统带来了新的研究契机。但用户提供的问题及其答案质量参差不齐,在提供有用信息的同时可能包含各种无关甚至恶意的信息。对此类信息进行判别和过滤,并选取高质量的问题与答案对,有助于在基于社区的自动问答系统中重用相关问题的答案以提高问答系统的服务质量。首先从中文社区问答网站上抓取大量问题及答案,利用社会网络的方法对提问者和回答者的互动关系及特点进行了统计与分析。然后基于给定的问答质量判定标准,对3000多个问题及其答案进行了人工标注。并通过提取文本和非文本两类特征集,利用机器学习算法设计和实现了基于特征集的问答质量分类器。试验结果表明其精度和召回率均在70%以上。最后分析了影响社区网络中问答质量的主要因素。  相似文献   

CA公司推岀的MasterIT网站管理软件、eTrust网络访问安全软件及ARCserver网络数据存储安全软件跨越NT、Uinx、Linux系统,将数据库应用软件与网络进行了有效整合管理,提升了整个Web服务体系的运作效率。 MasterIT提供对Internet、extranet和Intranet网站的自动实时监控、报告和管理。它提供一整套工具和有助于确保用户的网站和服务器的持续可用  相似文献   

互联网上充斥着大量的色情、暴力、反动等有害信息,为了能够主动发现和判别包含这些有害信息的网站,文章实现了一个基于网络爬虫的有害网站的发现和判别系统。该系统可以通过网络爬虫技术主动去发现有害网站,并通过内容安全过滤技术来判别网站的合法性,把有害网站名单告知给用户。同时,可以根据给定的网站URL判断该网站的合法性,并把判断理由展示给用户。文章提出了一个快速发现、自动推荐、专家确认有害网站的有效解决方案,该系统的应用将会给网络用户提供一个良好可信的网络环境。  相似文献   

我国国内现有多家网络服务运营商,不同网络环境之间的互联、内外网之间的互联、vpn技术应用等越来越受到普通大众的关注。本文主要讨论利用Routeros系统建立规则,实现网络访问智能判断,根据目标Ip地址及网站域名来智能安排网络访问的最优通道,并且在目标Ip地址或网站域名异常访问的情况下可以自动修改DNS地址及启用VPN通道进行网络访问。  相似文献   

刘扬  刘杨  胡仕成  朱东杰 《计算机工程与设计》2007,28(23):5604-5606,5609
网络信息的检测与控制是网络管理的基本职责,限制客户端对非法网站访问是网络管理的重要任务.通过分析ARP欺骗的原理,利用ARP欺骗的方法对局域网内信息进行监听,分析DNS查询数据报内容,在ARP欺骗的基础上结合DNS欺骗对非法访问进行重定向技术进行了研究,并提出了相应的算法,减少了客户端对非法网站访问,实现了自动网络监控的功能.  相似文献   

一种SVM验证码识别算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
设计验证码的主要目的是区分人类和计算机,用来防止网络机器人的一些恶意行为。验证码的出现也催生了一批新工种,电子商务的发展迫切需要一种推广方式来推销他们的商品,残障人士上网问题也需要迫切关注,因此许多人开始研究网络机器人技术,用来实现邮箱自动注册、群发信息、自动灌水、自动登录等功能。目前,各种类型网站系统都利用验证码阻止网络机器人入侵,从而验证码识别技术成为研究热点。基于SVM技术对图像验证码进行识别,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

在开发基于B/S架构的网络办公自动化系统过程中,存在着效率低,周期长等问题。本文提出基于J2EE和XML的网站自动生成技术,它可以很大程度上把程序员同页面设计人员分离开来。在此基础上,还使用了AJAX技术,方便了用户创建网站。使用网站自动构建平台建设的网站具有模块独立,风格多样,灵活等特点。  相似文献   

Video stream is based on bits of imagery and is thus difficult to be perceived (by machine) in the content level. To access video content, a suitable organization of video data is critical. This paper proposes a hierarchical structure and a process scheme for organizing video data to facilitate indexing, browsing and querying. Four layers can be distinguished, that is: video program, episode, shot and frame. This hierarchy provides an efficient and flexible structure as well as compact and meaningful abstraction of video program. To achieve such an organization, not only the boundary detection of shots and episodes, but also the extraction of key-frames for shots and the selection of representative shots and frames for episodes are important. Suitable criteria and methods for above tasks are proposed and these techniques have been integrated into a workable system. A number of organization experiments using real video data are performed and some results are presented, which show the effectiveness of the proposed organization scheme and techniques.  相似文献   

Tools for visualizing and creating groundtruth and metadata are crucial for document image analysis research. In this paper we describe TrueViz (TRUEVIZ User's Manual, August 2000; Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Document Recognition and Retrieval, San Jose, CA, 2001, pp. 1-12), which is a tool for visualizing and editing groundtruth/metadata. We first describe the groundtruthing task and the requirements for any interactive groundtruthing tool. Next we describe the system design of TrueViz and discuss how a user can use it to create groundtruth. TrueViz is implemented in the Java programming language and works on various platforms including Windows and Unix. TrueViz reads and stores groundtruth/metadata in XML format, and reads a corresponding image stored in TIFF image file format. Multilingual text editing, display, and search modules based on the Unicode representation for text are also provided. This software is being made available free of charge to researchers.  相似文献   

Prehensile grasp capability is typically quantified by pinch and grasp forces. This work was undertaken to develop a methodology to assess complex, multi-axis hand exertions through the measurement of forces and moments exerted by the hand along and about three orthogonal axes originating at the grip centre; termed an external wrench. Instrumentation consisting of a modified pinch/grip dynamometer affixed to a 6?df force cube was developed to simultaneously measure three forces, three moments and the pinch/grip force about the centre of the grip. Twenty right hand dominant manual workers (10 male and 10 female), free of hand or wrist disorders, completed a variety of maximal strength tasks. The randomized block design involved three separate grips?–?power grip, lateral pinch and pulp pinch. Randomized within each block were three non-concurrent repetitions of isolated maximal force and moment generations along and about the three principle orthogonal axes and a maximal grip force exertion. Trials were completed while standing, with the arm abducted and elbow flexed to 90° with a wrist posture near neutral. Where comparable protocols existed in the literature, forces and moments exerted were found to be of similar magnitude to those reported previously. Female and male grip strengths on a Jamar dynamometer were 302.6?N and 450.5?N, respectively. Moment exertions in a power grip (female and male) were 4.7 Nm and 8.1 Nm for pronator, 4.9 Nm and 8.0 Nm for supinator, 6.2 Nm and 10.3 Nm for radial deviator, 7.7 Nm and 13.0 Nm for ulnar deviator, 6.2 Nm and 8.2 Nm for extensor, and 7.1 Nm and 9.3 Nm for flexor moments. Correlations with and between maximal force and moment exertions were only moderate. This paper describes instrumentation that allows comprehensive characterization of prehensile force and moment capability.  相似文献   

The article presents a review and analysis of cybersecurity policy and strategic initiatives by the Obama Administration, and an argument for continuity and improvement of initiatives already in motion through the Trump Administration that will allow for growth of critical cybersecurity strategies that will improve critical infrastructure protection, modernize and defend the U.S. federal IT enterprise, and secure U.S. and allied investments in cyberspace. A discussion on key strategic efforts of the Obama Administration from 2008 to 2016 is presented, as well as challenges and potential improvements that could be made in the Trump Administration. We conclude by making several recommendations for U.S. policymakers that would provide continuity and iterative improvement to President Obama’s cybersecurity policy strategy: deepen the federal cybersecurity bench, accept recent bipartisan recommendations for policy improvement and strategic direction, and continue U.S. leadership in public-private and international partnerships.  相似文献   

传统的图书借还流程需要在人为辅助下进行且图书馆每天开放时间较短,在生活节奏快以及职业、生活多元化发展的今天,难以满足现代人的需求。为了提高图书借还效率,有效管理图书馆图书借还产生的数据,减少人力物力资源的损耗,本文研究设计了一个运用WIFI技术、RFID技术和WEB技术的自助图书借还终端系统。系统主要由自助借还书终端机、WEB服务器和数据库服务器三部分组成。读者可利用带有RFID标签书籍和RFID借书卡,在图书自助借还终端自助地完成借书和还书。终端机同时将读者借书还书信息发送至WEB服务器,信息经WEB服务器处理后,上传至数据库服务器中。系统可代替人工借还书服务,在提高图书借还效率的同时保证图书馆服务质量,可实现图书馆无人管理以及长时间开放。  相似文献   

In recent years, many metamodels have been introduced in the software engineering literature and standards. These metamodels vary in their focus across, for example, process, product, organizational and measurement aspects of software development and have typically been developed independently of each other with shared concepts being only accidental. There is thus an increasing concern in the standards communities that possible conflicts of structure and semantics between these various metamodels will hinder their widespread adoption. The complexity of these metamodels has also increased significantly and is another barrier in their appreciation. This complexity is compounded when more than one metamodel is used in the lifecycle of a software project. Therefore there is a need to have interoperable metamodels. As a first step towards engendering interoperability and/or possible mergers between metamodels, we examine the size and complexity of various meta-models. To do this, we have used the Rossi and Brinkkemper metrics-based approach to evaluate the size and complexity of several standard metamodels including UML 2.3, BPMN 2.0, ODM, SMM and OSM. The size and complexity of these metamodels is also compared with the previous version of UML, BPMN and Activity diagrams. The comparatively large sizes of BPMN 2.0 and UML 2.3 suggest that future integration with these metamodels might be more di±cult than with the other metamodels under study (especially ODM, SSM and OSM).  相似文献   

移动互联时代已经全面向人们走来,渗透到高校学习、生活的每一个角落。针对高校中基于B/S模式的实验室管理系统已不能满足移动性和便携性的需求,通过Android技术在Eclipse平台上编写用户界面,以GET和POST方式与Tomcat轻量级服务器进行交互,服务器采用Servlet模块完成登录验证和指令响应,选取JDBC方式与后台MySQL数据库进行数据存储和处理交互,实现Android智能手机上的实验管理系统,使学生和教师能够便捷快速地完成实验预约、获取课程变更通知,此外重点实现实验室实景模块使教师可在手机端随时随地查看实验室情景,实验指导书模块便于学生预习实验或在实验过程中查看,提高实验管理工作的便携性和时效性。  相似文献   

信息服务系统在社会中的地位越来越重要,需要提高其连续稳定运行的能力。但由于其依赖组件众多、规模和复杂度日益提高,监控和处置难度大。本文从外部监控角度出发,以应用组件运行状态为核心进行了数学方法分析,并以实践角度对其进行处理,提出了一个是实用化的模型,并得到了软件实现,取得预期效果。同时对该产品应用于国家科学技术文献服务系统的效果做出介绍。  相似文献   

为提高CPCI计算机设备的可靠性,准确地定位故障,减少设备的维修时间,在原计算机主板的基础上,提出了基于CPCI总线及LPC总线的故障检测卡。以故障检测和定位为目标,兼顾设备的扩展性和易用性,建立以CPLD为控制芯片,采用VHDL硬件描述语言,实现对计算机主板进行故障检测和定位的功能卡。详细介绍了BIT(built in test)卡的原理和软、硬件设计,并给出了仿真结果。仿真实验结果表明,整个设计安全可靠,移植性好,可为计算机的主板设计提供参考。  相似文献   

From Spring 2002 to Summer 2003 the Flexible media project and prototype experiment ran at Cambridge University Moving Image Studio (CUMIS) and BTexact Technologies, Adastral Park UK. This pilot project aimed to explore and formulate new storyforms using reconfigurable digital media, and to develop new methods and best practice for producing and publishing them, focusing on digital video, both documentary and fiction. Original material was produced in student workshops at CUMIS (MPhil) and the Norwegian Film School, where the Flexible media toolkit was tested and developed to incorporate the needs of creative content production. This paper describes the project and experiment in some detail, identifying the restrictions within traditional media production processes, and the opportunities offered by a more flexible approach. It then presents a case study of the experimentation undertaken to develop new flexible media forms. The paper concludes that collaborative practice-based research is successfully providing creative professionals with new modes of expression and engagement with their audience.  相似文献   

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