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研究了基于GPU的稀疏线性方程组的预条件共轭梯度法加速求解问题,并基于统一计算设备架构(CUDA)平台编制了程序,在NVIDIAGT430 GPU平台上进行了程序性能测试和分析。稀疏矩阵采用压缩稀疏行(CSR)格式压缩存储,针对预条件共轭梯度法的算法特性,研究了基于GPU的稀疏矩阵与向量相乘的性能优化、数据从CPU端传到GPU端的加速传输措施。将编制的稀疏矩阵与向量相乘的kernel函数和CUSPARSE函数库中的cusparseDcsrmv函数性能进行了对比,最优得到了2.1倍的加速效果。对于整个预条件共轭梯度法,通过自编kernel函数来实现的算法较之采用CUBLAS库和CUSPARSE库实现的算法稍具优势,与CPU端的预条件共轭梯度法相比,最优可以得到7.4倍的加速效果。  相似文献   

首先介绍了CUDA架构特点,在GPU上基于CUDA使用两种方法实现了矩阵乘法,并根据CUDA特有的软硬件架构对矩阵乘法进行了优化。然后计算GPU峰值比并进行了分析。实验结果表明,基于CUDA的矩阵乘法相对于CPU矩阵乘法获得了很高的加速比,最高加速比达到1079.64。GPU浮点运算能力得到有效利用,峰值比最高达到30.85%。  相似文献   

为满足文本检索、计算生物学等领域海量数据匹配对高性能计算的要求,提出一种基于计算统一设备架构(CUDA)的位并行近似串匹配算法。结合图形处理器(GPU)的高并行计算结构及存储带宽特性,通过优化数据存储方式,实现并行化动态规划矩阵算法(BPM)的加速,并对加速性能进行对比测试。实验结果表明,BPM算法通过GPU加速能获得20倍左右的加速比。  相似文献   

细粒度任务并行GPU通用矩阵乘   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
稠密线性代数运算对模式识别和生物信息等许多实际应用至关重要,而通用矩阵乘(GEMM)处于稠密线性代数运算的基础地位。在cuBLAS与MAGMA中,GEMM被实现为若干kernel函数,对大型GEMM计算能够达到很高的性能。然而,现有实现对批量的小型GEMM计算性能发挥则较为有限。而且,现有实现也不能在多个具有不同性能的GPU之间自动扩展并达到负载均衡。提出任务并行式GEMM(TPGEMM),用细粒度任务并行的方式实现批量矩阵乘和多GPU矩阵乘。一个或多个GEMM的计算能够被拆分为多个任务,动态地调度到一个或多个GPU上。TPGEMM避免了为批量矩阵乘启动多个kernel函数的开销,对批量矩阵乘能够取得显著高于cuBLAS与MAGMA的性能。在低开销细粒度任务调度的基础上,TPGEMM支持单个GEMM计算在多个GPU间的自动并行,在一台具有四个不同性能GPU的工作站上取得了接近100%的扩展效率。  相似文献   

利用GPU进行加速的归一化差分植被指数(Normalized Differential Vegetation Index,NDVI)提取算法通常采用GPU多线程并行模型,存在弱相关计算之间以及CPU与GPU之间数据传输耗时较多等问题,影响了加速效果的进一步提升。针对上述问题,根据NDVI提取算法的特性,文中提出了一种基于GPU多流并发并行模型的NDVI提取算法。通过CUDA流和Hyper-Q特性,GPU多流并发并行模型可以使数据传输与弱相关计算、弱相关计算与弱相关计算之间达到重叠,从而进一步提高算法并行度及GPU资源利用率。文中首先通过GPU多线程并行模型对NDVI提取算法进行优化,并对优化后的计算过程进行分解,找出包含数据传输及弱相关性计算的部分;其次,对数据传输和弱相关计算部分进行重构,并利用GPU多流并发并行模型进行优化,使弱相关计算之间、弱相关计算和数据传输之间达到重叠的效果;最后,以高分一号卫星拍摄的遥感影像作为实验数据,对两种基于GPU实现的NDVI提取算法进行实验验证。实验结果表明,与传统基于GPU多线程并行模型的NDVI提取算法相比,所提算法在影像大于12000*12000像素时平均取得了约1.5倍的加速,与串行提取算法相比取得了约260倍的加速,具有更好的加速效果和并行性。  相似文献   

蔡勇  李胜 《计算机应用》2016,36(3):628-632
针对传统并行计算方法实现结构拓扑优化快速计算的硬件成本高、程序开发效率低的问题,提出了一种基于Matlab和图形处理器(GPU)的双向渐进结构优化(BESO)方法的全流程并行计算策略。首先,探讨了Matlab编程环境中实现GPU并行计算的三种途径的优缺点和适用范围;其次,分别采用内置函数直接并行的方式实现了拓扑优化算法中向量和稠密矩阵的并行化计算,采用MEX函数调用CUSOLVER库的形式实现了稀疏格式有限元方程组的快速求解,采用并行线程执行(PTX)代码的方式实现了拓扑优化中单元敏度分析等优化决策的并行化计算。数值算例表明,基于Matlab直接开发GPU并行计算程序不仅编程效率高,而且还可以避免不同编程语言间的计算精度差异,最终使GPU并行程序可以在保持计算结果不变的前提下取得可观的加速比。  相似文献   

张帅  徐顺  刘倩  金钟 《计算机科学》2018,45(10):291-294, 299
分子动力学模拟存在空间和时间的复杂性,并行加速分子的模拟过程尤为重要。基于GPU硬件数据并行架构的特点,组合分子动力学模拟的原子划分和空间划分的并行策略,优化实现了短程作用力计算Cell Verlet算法,并对分子动力学核心基础算法的GPU实现做了优化和性能分析。Cell Verlet算法实现首先采用原子划分的方式,将每个粒子的模拟计算任务映射到每个GPU线程,并采用空间划分的方式将模拟区域进行元胞划分,建立元胞索引表,实现粒子在模拟空间的实时定位;而在计算粒子间的作用力时,引入希尔伯特空间填充曲线方法来保持数据的线性存储与数据的三维空间分布的局部相关性,以便通过缓存加速GPU的全局内存访问;也利用了访存地址对齐和块内共享等技术来优化设计GPU分子动力学模拟过程。实例测试与对比分析显示,当前的算法实现具有强可扩展性和加速比等优势。  相似文献   

光束平差法(bundle adjustment,BA)是同步定位和地图构建(simultaneous localization and mapping,SLAM)后端优化的关键技术。在线使用光束平差时能否满足实时性要求,是将其应用于自动驾驶车端等实时系统的关键因素。首先分析特定场景中SLAM数据特点,提出滑动窗口机制降低计算规模;分析局部BA计算中稀疏矩阵性质提升算法的可并行性;最后基于嵌入式GPU对算法进行并行加速。将其应用于车载SLAM系统并在真实场景下测试,实验结果表明,在AGX Xavier嵌入式GPU上,针对720P道路场景,该方法比同平台CPU上处理性能平均提升4.8倍,可以处理15 fps的相机位姿地图数据,满足了30 fps的视频处理需求,达到了车载系统的实时性要求。  相似文献   

连续的数据无关是指计算目标矩阵连续的元素时使用的源矩阵元素之间没有关系且也为连续的,访存密集型是指函数的计算量较小,但是有大量的数据传输操作。在OpenCL框架下,以bitwise函数为例,研究和实现了连续数据无关访存密集型函数在GPU平台上的并行与优化。在考察向量化、线程组织方式和指令选择优化等多个优化角度在不同的GPU硬件平台上对性能的影响之后,实现了这个函数的跨平合性能移植。实验结果表明,在不考虑数据传输的前提下,优化后的函数与这个函数在OpenCV库中的CPU版本相比,在AMD HD 5850 GPU达到了平均40倍的性能加速比;在AMD HD 7970 GPU达到了平均90倍的性能加速比;在NVIDIA Tesla 02050 CPU上达到了平均60倍的性能加速比;同时,与这个函数在OpenCV库中的CUDA实现相比,在NVIDIA Tesla 02050平台上也达到了1.5倍的性能加速。  相似文献   

李繁  严星  张晓宇 《计算机科学》2021,48(4):197-204
特征脸算法是基于脸部表征的常用人脸辨识方法之一。当训练数据量较大时,不管是训练还是测试模块都非常耗时。基于此,采用CUDA并行运算架构实现GPU加速特征脸算法。针对GPU并行运算的效果取决于硬件规格、算法本身的复杂度和可并行性,以及程序开发者使用GPU的并行化方式等因素,文中首先提出在特征脸算法训练阶段的计算平均值、zero mean、正规化特征脸等计算步骤以及测试阶段的投影到特征脸空间、计算欧几里得距离等计算步骤使用GPU优化加速;其次在相应计算步骤采用不同的并行化加速方法并做出效能评估。实验结果表明,在人脸训练数据量在320~1920的范围内,各计算步骤加速效果明显。与Intel i7-5960X相比,GTX1060显示适配器在训练模块中可达到平均约71.7倍的加速效果,在测试模块中可达到平均约34.1倍的加速效果。  相似文献   

We present block algorithms and their implementation for the parallelization of sub-cubic Gaussian elimination on shared memory architectures. Contrarily to the classical cubic algorithms in parallel numerical linear algebra, we focus here on recursive algorithms and coarse grain parallelization. Indeed, sub-cubic matrix arithmetic can only be achieved through recursive algorithms making coarse grain block algorithms perform more efficiently than fine grain ones. This work is motivated by the design and implementation of dense linear algebra over a finite field, where fast matrix multiplication is used extensively and where costly modular reductions also advocate for coarse grain block decomposition. We incrementally build efficient kernels, for matrix multiplication first, then triangular system solving, on top of which a recursive PLUQ decomposition algorithm is built. We study the parallelization of these kernels using several algorithmic variants: either iterative or recursive and using different splitting strategies. Experiments show that recursive adaptive methods for matrix multiplication, hybrid recursive–iterative methods for triangular system solve and tile recursive versions of the PLUQ decomposition, together with various data mapping policies, provide the best performance on a 32 cores NUMA architecture. Overall, we show that the overhead of modular reductions is more than compensated by the fast linear algebra algorithms and that exact dense linear algebra matches the performance of full rank reference numerical software even in the presence of rank deficiencies.  相似文献   

We implement and undertake an empirical study of the cache-oblivious variant of the polygon indecomposability testing algorithm of Gao and Lauder, based on a depth-first search (DFS) traversal of the computation tree. According to Abu Salem, the cache-oblivious variant exhibits improved spatial and temporal locality over the original one, and its spatial locality is optimal. Our implementation revolves around eight different variants of the DFS-based algorithm, tailored to assess the trade-offs between computation and memory performance as originally proposed by Abu Salem. We analyse performance sensitively to manipulations of the several parameters comprising the input size. We describe how to construct suitably random families of input that solicit such variations, and how to handle redundancies in vector computations at no asymptotic increase in the work and cache complexities. We report extensively on our experimental results. In all eight variants, the DFS-based variant achieves excellent performance in terms of L1 and L2 cache misses as well as total run time, when compared to the original variant of Gao and Lauder. We also benchmark the DFS variant against the powerful computer algebra system MAGMA, in the context of bivariate polynomial irreducibility testing using polygons. For sufficiently high degree polynomials, MAGMA either runs out of memory or fails to terminate after about 4 h of execution. In contrast, the DFS-based version processes such input using a couple of seconds. Particularly, we report on absolute irreducibility testing of bivariate polynomials of total degree reaching 19,000 in about 2 s for the DFS variant, using a single processor.  相似文献   

Data flow diagram process decomposition, as applied in the analysis phase of software engineering, is a top-down method that takes a process, and its input and output data flows, and logically implements the process as a network of smaller processes. The decomposition is generally performed in an ad hoc manner by an analyst applying heuristics, expertise, and knowledge to the problem. An algebra that formalizes process decomposition is presented using the De Marco representation scheme. In this algebra, the analyst relates the disjoint input and output sets of a single process by specifying the elements of an input/output connectivity matrix. A directed acyclic graph is constructed from the matrix and is the decomposition of the process. The graph basis, grammar matrix, and graph interpretations, and the operators of the algebra are discussed. A decomposition procedure for applying the algebra, prototype, and production tools and outlook are also discussed  相似文献   

Two issues in linear algebra algorithms for multicomputers are addressed. First, how to unify parallel implementations of the same algorithm in a decomposition-independent way. Second, how to optimize naive parallel programs maintaining the decomposition independence. Several matrix decompositions are viewed as instances of a more general allocation function called subcube matrix decomposition. By this meta-decomposition, a programming environment characterized by general primitives that allow one to design meta-algorithms independently of a particular decomposition. The authors apply such a framework to the parallel solution of dense matrices. This demonstrates that most of the existing algorithms can be derived by suitably setting the primitives used in the meta-algorithm. A further application of this programming style concerns the optimization of parallel algorithms. The idea to overlap communication and computation has been extended from 1-D decompositions to 2-D decompositions. Thus, a first attempt towards a decomposition-independent definition of such optimization strategies is provided  相似文献   

PLASMA自适应调优与性能优化的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PLASMA是一个高效的线性代数软件包,其数据分布结合分堆、细粒度并行以及乱序执行机制等大大提高了程序的性能。但PLASMA仍然存在一些问题,比如分块大小对程序性能的影响非常大,以及产生了大量的数据拷贝等。通过对比传统的LAPACK和PLASMA的实现机制,分析了PLASMA中存在的优势和不足,介绍了两种弥补PLASMA自身不足的方法。针对PLASMA的架构,经过大量的测试与分析,提出了边缘矩阵的概念并分析了其对性能的影响,据此提出了一种自适应调优的方法。并通过数据拷贝与计算并行的运行方式,进一步提高了PLASMA性能,最后通过大量的测试验证了该优化方法的效果。  相似文献   

Parallel algorithms for direct methods of analysis and solution of linear algebra problems with sparse symmetric irregularly structured matrices are considered. The performance of such algorithms is investigated. Upper estimates of the speedup and efficiency factors are obtained for a parallel algorithm for triangular decomposition of sparse matrices. Some results of numerical experiments carried out on a MIMD computer are given.  相似文献   

针对垂直分层空时方案(VBLAST)传统检测存在误层传输效应及复杂度高的问题,提出了一种多用户MIMO-MC-CDMA下行链路系统中基于QR分解的VBLAST非线性模代数预编码算法,该算法首先采用QR分解获得预编码矩阵,然后在发射端MC-CDMA子载波信道间进行非线性模代数THP预编码,可以有效地消除分层空时码的误层传输效应。在接收端采用迫零与最小均方误差准则,降低了下行接收机的复杂度。仿真结果表明,提出的算法比传统检测算法有效改善了系统的误码性能。  相似文献   

文章针对学生学习线性代数困难原因的分析,说明在线性代数中引入Matlab进行教学改革创新的必要性。通过Matlab程序在初等矩阵教学中演示和练习,使学生能够直观形象地理解和掌握线性代数知识,为后续线性代数的学习打下牢固的基础。  相似文献   

In this paper, an algorithm based on linear algebra tools is proposed to compute a weighted sum of squares decomposition of a given form whose length is lower than the number of variables. Such an objective is pursued by using linear algebra techniques to perform tasks that are usually carried out through computational algebraic geometry tools. Several examples are reported to show that the use of linear algebra rather than algebraic geometry leads to a reduction of the execution times, without affecting the effectiveness of the algorithm. Applications of the given procedure to system analysis and to control design problems are reported as well as a detailed complexity analysis.  相似文献   

Over the years, computational physics and chemistry served as an ongoing source of problems that demanded the ever increasing performance from hardware as well as the software that ran on top of it. Most of these problems could be translated into solutions for systems of linear equations: the very topic of numerical linear algebra. Seemingly then, a set of efficient linear solvers could be solving important scientific problems for years to come. We argue that dramatic changes in hardware designs precipitated by the shifting nature of the marketplace of computer hardware had a continuous effect on the software for numerical linear algebra. The extraction of high percentages of peak performance continues to require adaptation of software. If the past history of this adaptive nature of linear algebra software is any guide then the future theme will feature changes as well–changes aimed at harnessing the incredible advances of the evolving hardware infrastructure.  相似文献   

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