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The job shop scheduling problem is a difficult combinatorial optimization problem. This paper presents a hybrid algorithm which combines global equilibrium search, path relinking and tabu search to solve the job shop scheduling problem. The proposed algorithm used biased random sampling to have a better covering of the solution space. In addition, a new version of N6 neighborhood is applied in a tabu search framework. In order to evaluate the algorithm, comprehensive tests are applied to it using various standard benchmark sets. Computational results confirm the effectiveness of the algorithm and its high speed. Besides, 19 new upper bounds among the unsolved problems are found.  相似文献   

A few prior studies noticed that an in-line stepper (a bottleneck machine in a semiconductor fab) may have a capacity loss while operated in a low-yield scenario. To alleviate such a capacity loss, some meta-heuristic algorithms for scheduling a single in-line stepper were proposed. Yet, in practice, there are multiple in-line steppers to be scheduled in a fab. This article aims to enhance prior algorithms so as to deal with the scheduling for multiple in-line steppers. Compared to prior studies, this research has to additionally consider how to appropriately allocate jobs to various machines. We enhance prior algorithms by developing a chromosome-decoding scheme which can yield a job-allocation decision for any given chromosome (or job sequence). Seven enhanced versions of meta-heuristic algorithms (genetic algorithm, Tabu, GA–Tabu, simulated annealing, M-MMAX, PACO and particle swarm optimisation) were then proposed and tested. Numerical experiments indicate that the GA–Tabu method outperforms the others. In addition, the lower the process yield, the better is the performance of the GA–Tabu algorithm.  相似文献   

This research investigates the application of meta-heuristic algorithms to a scheduling problem called permutation manufacturing-cell flow shop (PMFS) from two perspectives. First, we examine the effect of using different solution representations (Snew and Sold) while applying Tabu-search algorithm. Experimental results reveal that Tabu_Snew outperforms Tabu_Sold. The rationale why Tabu_Snew is superior is further examined by characterizing the intermediate outcomes of the evolutionary processes in these two algorithms. We find that the superiority of Snew is due to its relatively higher degree of freedom in modeling Tabu neighborhood. Second, we propose a new algorithm GA_Tabu_Snew, which empirically outperforms the state-of-the-art meta-heuristic algorithms in solving the PMFS problem. This research highlights the importance of solution representation in the application of meta-heuristic algorithm, and establishes a significant milestone in solving the PMFS problem.  相似文献   

The flow shop scheduling with blocking is considered an important scheduling problem which has many real-world applications. This paper proposes a new algorithm which applies heuristic techniques in harmony search algorithm (HSA) to minimize the total flow time. The proposed method is called modified harmony search algorithm with neighboring heuristics methods (MHSNH). To improve the initial harmony memory, we apply two heuristic techniques: nearest neighbor (NN) and constructive modified NEH (MNEH). A modified version of harmony search algorithm evolves to explore and generates a new solution. The newly generated solution is then enhanced by using neighboring heuristics. Lastly, another neighboring heuristic is applied to improve the obtained solution. The proposed algorithm is evaluated using 12 real-world problem instances each with 10 samples. The experimental evaluation is accomplished using two factors: CPU computational time and the number of iterations. For the first factor, comparative evaluation against six well-established methods shows that the proposed method achieves almost the best overall results in six problem instances out of the twelve and yields fruitful results for others. For the second factor, comparative evaluation against twelve well-regarded methods shows that the proposed method achieves the best overall results in three problem instances and obtains very good results in other instances. In a nutshell, the proposed MHSNH is an effective strategy for solving the job shop scheduling problem.  相似文献   

We present an algorithm that incorporates a tabu search procedure into the framework of path relinking to generate solutions to the job shop scheduling problem (JSP). This tabu search/path relinking (TS/PR) algorithm comprises several distinguishing features, such as a specific relinking procedure to effectively construct a path linking the initiating solution and the guiding solution, and a reference solution determination mechanism based on two kinds of improvement methods. We evaluate the performance of TS/PR on almost all of the benchmark JSP instances available in the literature. The test results show that TS/PR obtains competitive results compared with state-of-the-art algorithms for JSP in the literature, demonstrating its efficacy in terms of both solution quality and computational efficiency. In particular, TS/PR is able to improve the upper bounds for 49 out of the 205 tested instances and it solves a challenging instance that has remained unsolved for over 20 years.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a sub-population based hybrid monkey search algorithm to solve the flow shop scheduling problem which has been proved to be non-deterministic polynomial time hard (NP-hard) type combinatorial optimization problems. Minimization of makespan and total flow time are the objective functions considered. In the proposed algorithm, two different sub-populations for the two objectives are generated and different dispatching rules are used to improve the solution quality. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first application of monkey search algorithm to solve the flow shop scheduling problems. The performance of the proposed algorithm has been tested with the benchmark problems addressed in the literature. Computational results reveal that the proposed algorithm outperforms many other heuristics and meta-heuristics addressed in the literature.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the classic job shop scheduling problem where sequence dependent setup times are present. Based on a modified disjunctive graph, we further investigate and generalize structural properties for the problem under study. A tabu search algorithm with a sophisticated neighbourhood structure is then developed. Compared to most studies in this research area, we are interested in moving internal critical operations rather than merely focusing on non-internal ones. Moreover, neighbourhood functions are defined using insertion techniques instead of simple swaps. Test results show that our algorithm outperforms a simulated annealing algorithm which is recently published. We have also conducted experiments considering the efficiency of developed propositions.  相似文献   

A tabu search algorithm for order acceptance and scheduling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider a make-to-order production system, where limited production capacity and order delivery requirements necessitate selective acceptance of the orders. Since tardiness penalties cause loss of revenue, scheduling and order acceptance decisions must be taken jointly to maximize total revenue. We present a tabu search algorithm that solves the order acceptance and scheduling problem on a single machine with release dates and sequence dependent setup times. We analyze the performance of the tabu search algorithm on an extensive set of test instances with up to 100 orders and compare it with two heuristics from the literature. In the comparison, we report optimality gaps which are calculated with respect to bounds generated from a mixed integer programming formulation. The results show that the tabu search algorithm gives near optimal solutions that are significantly better compared to the solutions given by the two heuristics. Furthermore, the run time of the tabu search algorithm is very small, even for 100 orders. The success of the proposed heuristic largely depends on its capability to incorporate in its search acceptance and scheduling decisions simultaneously.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a Tabu-mechanism improved iterated greedy (TMIIG) algorithm to solve the no-wait flowshop scheduling problem with a makespan criterion. The idea of seeking further improvement in the iterated greedy (IG) algorithm framework is based on the observation that the construction phase of the original IG algorithm may not achieve good performance in escaping from local minima when incorporating the insertion neighborhood search. To overcome this limitation, we have modified the IG algorithm by utilizing a Tabu-based reconstruction strategy to enhance its exploration ability. A powerful neighborhood search method that involves insert, swap, and double-insert moves is then applied to obtain better solutions from the reconstructed solution in the previous step. Empirical results on several benchmark problem instances and those generated randomly confirm the advantages of utilizing the new reconstruction scheme. In addition, our results also show that the proposed TMIIG algorithm is relatively more effective in minimizing the makespan than other existing well-performing heuristic algorithms.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the parallel variant of the scheduling algorithm dedicated to the hybrid flow shop problem. The problem derives from practice of automated manufacturing lines, e.g. for printed packages. The overall goal is to design a new algorithm which merges the performance of the best known sequential approach with the efficient exploitation of parallel calculation environments. In order to fulfill the above aim, there are two methods proposed in this paper: the original fast method of parallel calculation of the criterion function and the local neighborhood parallel search method embedded in the tabu search approach. The theoretical analysis, as well as the original implementation, with the use of vector processing instructions SSE2 supported by suitable data organization, are presented below. Numerical properties of the proposed algorithm are empirically verified on the multi-core processor.  相似文献   

A Tabu-enhanced genetic algorithm approach for assembly process planning   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
Over the past decade, much work has been done to optimize assembly process plans to improve productivity. Among them, genetic algorithms (GAs) are one of the most widely used techniques. Basically, GAs are optimization methodologies based on a direct analogy to Darwinian natural selection and genetics in biological systems. They can deal with complex product assembly planning. However, during the process, the neighborhood may converge too fast and limit the search to a local optimum prematurely. In a similar domain, Tabu search (TS) constitutes a meta-procedure that organizes and directs the operation of a search process. It is able to systematically impose and release constraints so as to permit the exploration of otherwise forbidden regions in a search space. This study attempts to combine the strengths of GAs and TS to realize a hybrid approach for optimal assembly process planning. More robust search behavior can possibly be obtained by incorporating the Tabus intensification and diversification strategies into GAs. The hybrid approach also takes into account assembly guidelines and assembly constraints in the derivation of near optimal assembly process plans. A case study on a cordless telephone assembly is used to demonstrate the approach. Results show that the assembly process plans obtained are superior to those derived by GA alone. The details of the hybrid approach and the case study are presented.  相似文献   

Job shop scheduling problem is a typical NP-hard problem. To solve the job shop scheduling problem more effectively, some genetic operators were designed in this paper. In order to increase the diversity of the population, a mixed selection operator based on the fitness value and the concentration value was given. To make full use of the characteristics of the problem itself, new crossover operator based on the machine and mutation operator based on the critical path were specifically designed. To find the critical path, a new algorithm to find the critical path from schedule was presented. Furthermore, a local search operator was designed, which can improve the local search ability of GA greatly. Based on all these, a hybrid genetic algorithm was proposed and its convergence was proved. The computer simulations were made on a set of benchmark problems and the results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

The job shop scheduling problem (JSP) is one of the most notoriously intractable NP-complete optimization problems. Over the last 10–15 years, tabu search (TS) has emerged as an effective algorithmic approach for the JSP. However, the quality of solutions found by tabu search approach depends on the initial solution. To overcome this problem and provide a robust and efficient methodology for the JSP, the heuristics search approach combining simulated annealing (SA) and TS strategy is developed. The main principle of this approach is that SA is used to find the elite solutions inside big valley (BV) so that TS can re-intensify search from the promising solutions. This hybrid algorithm is tested on the standard benchmark sets and compared with the other approaches. The computational results show that the proposed algorithm could obtain the high-quality solutions within reasonable computing times. For example, 17 new upper bounds among the unsolved problems are found in a short time.  相似文献   

Tabu search (TS) algorithms are among the most effective approaches for solving the job shop scheduling problem (JSP) which is one of the most difficult NP-complete problems. However, neighborhood structures and move evaluation strategies play the central role in the effectiveness and efficiency of the tabu search for the JSP. In this paper, a new enhanced neighborhood structure is proposed and applied to solving the job shop scheduling problem by TS approach. Using this new neighborhood structure combined with the appropriate move evaluation strategy and parameters, we tested the TS approach on a set of standard benchmark instances and found a large number of better upper bounds among the unsolved instances. The computational results show that for the rectangular problem our approach dominates all others in terms of both solution quality and performance.  相似文献   

Cloud computing has been attracting considerable attention since the last decade. This study considers a decision problem formulated from the use of computing services over the Internet. An agent receives orders of computing tasks from his/her clients and on the other hand he/she acquires computing resources from computing service providers to fulfill the requirements of the clients. The processors are bundled as packages according to their speeds and the business strategies of the providers. The packages are rated at a certain pricing scheme to provide flexible purchasing options to the agent. The decision of the agent is to select the packages which can be acquired from the service providers and then schedule the tasks of the clients onto the processors of the acquired packages such that the total cost, including acquisition cost and scheduling cost (total weighted tardiness), is minimized. In this study, we present an integer programming model to formulate the problem and propose several solution methods to produce acquisition and scheduling plans. Ten well-known heuristics of parallel-machine scheduling are adapted to fit into the studied problem so as to provide initial solutions. Tabu search and genetic algorithm are tailored to reflect the problem nature for improving upon the initial solutions. We conduct a series of computational experiments to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of all the proposed algorithms. The results of the numerical experiments reveal that the proposed tabu search and genetic algorithm can attain significant improvements.  相似文献   

The broad applications of cellular manufacturing make flowline manufacturing cell scheduling problems with sequence dependent family setup times a core topic in the field of scheduling. Due to computational complexity, almost all published studies focus on using permutation schedules to deal with this problem. To explore the potential effectiveness of treating this argument using non-permutation schedules, three prominent types of metaheuristics—a simulated annealing, a genetic algorithm and a tabu search—are proposed and empirically evaluated. The experimental results demonstrate that in general, the improvement made by non-permutation schedules over permutation schedules for the due-date-based performance criteria were significantly better than that for the completion-time-based criteria. The results of this study will provide practitioners a guideline as to when to adopt a non-permutation schedule, which may exhibit better performance with additional computational efforts.  相似文献   

As an extension of the classical job shop scheduling problem, flexible job shop scheduling problem (FJSP) is considered as a challenge in manufacturing systems for its complexity and flexibility. Meta-heuristic algorithms are shown effective in solving FJSP. However, the multiple critical paths issue, which has not been formally discussed in the existing literature, is discovered to be a primary obstacle for further optimization by meta-heuristics. In this paper, a hybrid Jaya algorithm integrated with Tabu search is proposed to solve FJSP for makespan minimization. Two Jaya operators are designed to improve solutions under a two-vector encoding scheme. During the local search phase, three approaches are proposed to deal with multiple critical paths and have been evaluated by experimental study and qualitative analyses. An incremental parameter setting strategy and a makespan estimation method are employed to speed up the searching process. The proposed algorithm is compared with several state-of-the-art algorithms on three well-known FJSP benchmark sets. Extensive experimental results suggest its superiority in both optimality and stability. Additionally, a real world scheduling problem, including six instances with different scales, is applied to further prove its ability in handling large-scale scheduling problems.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a hybrid modified global-best harmony search (hmgHS) algorithm for solving the blocking permutation flow shop scheduling problem with the makespan criterion. First of all, the largest position value (LPV) rule is proposed to convert continuous harmony vectors into job permutations. Second, an efficient initialization scheme based on the Nawaz-Enscore-Ham (NEH) heuristic is presented to construct the initial harmony memory with a certain level of quality and diversity. Third, harmony search is employed to evolve harmony vectors in the harmony memory to perform exploration, whereas a local search algorithm based on the insert neighborhood is embedded to enhance the local exploitation ability. Moreover, a new pitch adjustment rule is developed to well inherit good structures from the global-best harmony vector. Computational simulations and comparisons demonstrated the superiority of the proposed hybrid harmony search algorithm in terms of solution quality.  相似文献   

A GA/TS algorithm for the stage shop scheduling problem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a special case of the general shop called stage shop problem. The stage shop is a more realistic generalization of the mixed shop problem. In the stage shop problem, each job has several stages of operations. In order to solve the stage shop problem with makespan objective function, an existing neighborhood of job shop is used. In this neighborhood, few enhanced conditions are proposed to prevent cycle generation. In addition, a new neighborhood for operations that belong to the same job is presented. These neighborhoods are applied to the stage shop problem in a tabu search framework. A genetic algorithm is used to obtain good initial solutions. An existing lower bound of the job shop is adapted to our problem and the computational results have been compared to it. Our algorithm has reached the optimal solutions for more than half of the problem instances.  相似文献   

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