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As the interest of practitioners and researchers in scheduling in a multi-factory environment is growing, there is an increasing need to provide efficient algorithms for this type of decision problems, characterised by simultaneously addressing the assignment of jobs to different factories/workshops and their subsequent scheduling. Here we address the so-called distributed permutation flowshop scheduling problem, in which a set of jobs has to be scheduled over a number of identical factories, each one with its machines arranged as a flowshop. Several heuristics have been designed for this problem, although there is no direct comparison among them. In this paper, we propose a new heuristic which exploits the specific structure of the problem. The computational experience carried out on a well-known testbed shows that the proposed heuristic outperforms existing state-of-the-art heuristics, being able to obtain better upper bounds for more than one quarter of the problems in the testbed.  相似文献   

This paper proposes new block properties for the flowshop scheduling problem with blocking to minimise makespan. A pruning procedure based on these proposed properties is used in the construction phase of an iterated greedy algorithm to decrease the total number of solutions to be examined to find an optimal schedule. Computational results using Taillard’s benchmark problem instances show that the new block properties help to eliminate more ‘unpromising’ solutions than the classic properties. In addition, the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is verified by comparison with some high-performing algorithms for the considered problem.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the scheduling problems in a hybrid flowshop with two objectives of minimising the makespan and total tardiness. Since this problem is NP-hard, evolutionary algorithms based on the genetic algorithm (GA) namely; BOGAW, BOGAC, BOGAT, and BOGAS are proposed for searching the Pareto-optimal frontier. In these algorithms, we propose to generate a section of solutions for the next generation using a neighbourhood search structure on the best individual in each generation. The selection procedure selects the best chromosome based on an evaluation mechanism used in the algorithm (i.e., weighted sum, crowding distance, TOPSIS and single-objective). The aim of this paper is to clarify that the cited characteristic is efficient and it enhances the efficiency of algorithms. Therefore, we perform a comparison between the proposed algorithms to find the best alternative. Data envelopment analysis is used to evaluate the performance of approximation methods. The obtained result from the comparison shows that, BOGAC is the more efficient. To continue, since the efficiency of our idea is not clear, we compare our efficient algorithm with other efficient algorithms in the literature (namely PGA-ALS and MOGLS). The final persuasive results support the idea that BOGAC in comparison with PGA-ALS and MOGLS is more effective and efficient.  相似文献   

This work proposes a high-performance algorithm for solving the multi-objective unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem. The proposed approach is based on the iterated Pareto greedy (IPG) algorithm but exploits the accessible Tabu list (TL) to enhance its performance. To demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed Tabu-enhanced iterated Pareto greedy (TIPG) algorithm, its computational results are compared with IPG and existing algorithms on the same benchmark problem set. Experimental results reveal that incorporating the accessible TL can eliminate ineffective job moves, causing the TIPG algorithm to outperform state-of-the-art approaches in the light of five multi-objective performance metrics. This work contributes a useful theoretical and practical optimisation method for solving this problem.  相似文献   

Researchers have indicated that a permutation schedule can be improved by a non-permutation schedule in a flowshop with completion time-based criteria, such as makespan and total completion time. This study proposes a hybrid approach which draws on the advantages of simulated annealing and tabu search for the non-permutation flowshop scheduling problem, in which the objective function is the makespan of the schedule. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed hybrid approach, computational experiments are performed on a set of well-known non-permutation flowshop scheduling benchmark problems. The result shows that the performance of the hybrid approach is better than that of other approaches, including ant colony optimisation, simulated annealing, and tabu search. Further, the proposed approach found new upper bound values for all benchmark problems within a reasonable computational time.  相似文献   

The distributed permutation flowshop scheduling problem (DPFSP) is a newly proposed topic in the shop scheduling field, which has important application in globalised and multi-plant environments. This study presents a modified iterated greedy (MIG) algorithm for this problem to minimise the maximum completion time among all the factories. Compared with previous approaches, the proposed algorithm is simpler yet more effective, more efficient, and more robust in solving the DPFSP. To validate the performance of the proposed MIG algorithm, computational experiments and comparisons are conducted on an extended benchmark problem set of Taillard. Despite its simplicity, the computational results show that the proposed MIG algorithm outperforms all existing algorithms, and the best-known solutions for almost half of instances are updated. This study can be offered as a contribution to the growing body of work on both theoretically and practically useful approaches to the DPFSP.  相似文献   

This research considers a hybrid flowshop scheduling problem where jobs are organised in families according to their machine settings and tools. The family setup time arises when a machine shifts from processing one job family to another. The problem is compounded by the challenges that the formation of job families is different in different stages and only a limited number of jobs can be processed within one setup. This type of problem is common in the production process of standard metal components. This paper aims to propose two approaches to solve this problem. One is a metaheuristic in the form of a genetic algorithm and the other is a heuristic. The proposed approaches are compared and contrasted against the two relevant metaheuristic and heuristic adapted from solving a generalised sequence-dependent setup flowshop problem. Comparative results indicate that the proposed genetic algorithm has better performance on minimising makespan and the heuristic is more effective on reducing family setup time.  相似文献   

Seamless steel tubes often have various categories and specifications, which further require complicated operations in production, especially in the cold treating process (CTP). This paper investigates the scheduling problem using the seamless tube plant of Baoshan Iron and Steel Complex as a study background. By considering the practical production constraints such as sequence-dependent setup times, maintenance schedule, intermediate material buffers, job-machine matches, we formulate the hybrid flowshop scheduling problem with a non-linear mixed integer programming model (NMIP). In addition, our model provides a flexibility to remove the permutation assumption, which is often a limitation in early studies. In order to obtain the solution of the above NMIP problem, a two-stage heuristic algorithm is proposed and it combines a modified genetic algorithm and a local search method. With real production instances, our computation experiments indicate that the proposed algorithm is efficient and it outperforms several other approaches. Industrial implementation also shows that such a scheduling tool brings a cost saving of more than 10% and it substantially reduces the computation time. Our study also illustrates the need of relaxing permutation assumption in such a scheduling problem with complicated operation sequences.  相似文献   

This paper studies a real-life multiple objective flowshop scheduling problem in a cardboard company which differs from the conventional flowshop scheduling problem in several aspects, such as multi-machine stations, sequence-dependent setup times, work calendars on resources, re-entrant flows, external operations, and transfer batches between stations. A simulation-based environment is presented in which the production sequence can be interactively chosen by the user or found by a tabu-search based heuristic algorithm while a discrete-event simulation deals with the timing aspect.  相似文献   

This paper focuses onto a situation arising in most real-life manufacturing environments when scheduling has to be performed periodically. In such a scenario, different scheduling policies can be adopted, being perhaps the most common to assume that, once a set of jobs has been scheduled, their schedule cannot be modified (‘frozen’ schedule). This implies that, when the next set of jobs is to be scheduled, the resources may not be fully available. Another option is assuming that the schedule of the previously scheduled jobs can be modified as long as it does not violate their due date, which has been already possibly committed to the customer. This policy leads to a so-called multi-agent scheduling problem. The goal of this paper is to discern when each policy is more suitable for the case of a permutation flowshop with common due dates. To do so, we carry out an extensive computational study in a test bed specifically designed to control the main factors affecting the policies, so we analyse the solution space of the underlying scheduling problems. The results indicate that, when the due date of the committed jobs is tight, the multi-agent approach does not pay off in view of the difficulty of finding feasible solutions. Moreover, in such cases, the policy of ‘freezing’ the schedule of the jobs leads to a very simple scheduling problem with many good/acceptable solutions. In contrast, when the due date has a medium/high slack, the multi-agent approach is substantially better. Nevertheless, in this latter case, in order to perceive the full advantage of this policy, powerful solution procedures have to be designed, as the structure of the solution space of the latter problem makes extremely hard to find optimal/good solutions.  相似文献   

This paper studies a synchronised scheduling problem of production simultaneity and shipment punctuality in a two-stage assembly flowshop system. Production simultaneity seeks to ensure all products belonging to a same customer order are simultaneously completed (at least as close as possible). Shipment punctuality attempts to satisfy orders’ individual shipment due dates. We provide two criteria, i.e. mean longest waiting duration and mean earliness and tardiness, for measuring production simultaneity and shipment punctuality, respectively. A synchronised scheduling model is developed by balancing the two criteria using linear weighted sum method. A modified genetic algorithm (GA) is then proposed for solving this model. Numerical studies demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The results indicate that considering production simultaneity can remarkably reduce finished products inventory. A prioritised weight combination interval for production simultaneity and shipment punctuality has been suggested. Production simultaneity is affected by the production system configuration, especially in peak seasons.  相似文献   

This paper presents a modified harmony search optimisation algorithm (MHSO), specifically designed to solve two- and three-objective permutation flowshop scheduling problems, with due dates. To assess its capability, five sets of scheduling problems have been used to compare the MHSO with a known and highly efficient genetic algorithm (GA) chosen as the benchmark. Obtained results show that the new procedure is successful in exploring large regions of the solution space and in finding a significant number of Pareto non-dominated solutions. For those cases where the exhaustive evaluation of sequences can be applied the algorithm is able to find the whole non-dominated Pareto border, along with a considerable number of solutions that share the same optimal values for the considered optimisation parameters. To validate the algorithm, five sets of scheduling problems are investigated in-depth in comparison with the GA. Results obtained by both methods (exhaustive solutions have been provided as well for small sized problems) are fully described and discussed.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the two-stage assembly flowshop scheduling problem with minimisation of weighted sum of makespan and mean completion time as the objective. The problem is NP-hard, hence we proposed a meta-heuristic named imperialist competitive algorithm (ICA) to solve it. Since appropriate design of the parameters has a significant impact on the algorithm efficiency, we calibrate the parameters of this algorithm using the Taguchi method. In comparison with the best algorithm proposed previously, the ICA indicates an improvement. The results have been confirmed statistically.  相似文献   

This study considers the scheduling problem of multistage hybrid flowshops with multiprocessor tasks, which is a core topic for numerous industrial applications. An effective and efficient heuristic, namely the heuristic of multistage hybrid flowshops (HMHF) is proposed to solve this problem. To verify the developed heuristic, computational experiments are conducted on a well-known benchmark problem set. The results are compared with 10 constructive heuristics and a tabu search (TS) based meta-heuristic from the relevant literature. These computational results show that the proposed HMHF heuristic is highly effective when compared to these algorithms for this problem on the same benchmark instances.  相似文献   

This study focuses on a hybrid flowshop scheduling problem, in which there are serial stages, each with identical parallel machines. In the hybrid flowshop, each order is composed of multiple lots with the same due date, and each lot can be processed on any one of parallel machines at each stage. In addition, there are reentrant flows since lots of certain orders have to visit the stages twice. Heuristic algorithms are suggested for the scheduling problem with the objective of minimizing total tardiness of a given set of orders. In these algorithms, the list-scheduling method is employed, and lots are scheduled with priorities determined with a construction method. Computational experiments are performed on randomly generated test problems. Results show that the suggested algorithms perform better than well-known dispatching rules for various scheduling problems and an algorithm that is used in a real system.  相似文献   

Customer credit risk or payment probability, influenced by factors such as financial conditions and bank policies, has hindered fast Asia-Pacific economic growth. Besides, the working time is usually limited due to regulations and limited resources. Driven by profit, some jobs may be rejected on tactical level and the accepted jobs are scheduled on operational level, respecting the allowed working time. This paper studies a stochastic flowshop scheduling problem, assuming that only the mean and covariance matrix of uncertain payment probabilities and processing times are known. The objective is to maximise the profit level, i.e. the probability of the profit no less than the planned one, while controlling the risk of surpassing the limited working time. A new distributionally robust chance constrained model is proposed. The sample average approximation (SAA) method, the robust SAA method and a hierarchical approach, based on an approximated mixed integer second-order conic program, are developed. Numerical experiments show that the hierarchical approach is more efficient. Moreover, some managerial insights are drawn.  相似文献   

In this paper, we tackle the problem of total flowtime and makespan minimisation in a permutation flowshop. For this, we introduce a multi-criteria iterated greedy search algorithm. This algorithm iterates over a multicriteria constructive heuristic approach to yield a set of Pareto-efficient solutions (a posteriori approach). The proposed algorithm is compared against the best-so-far heuristic for the problem under consideration. The comparison shows the proposal to be very efficient for a wide number of multicriteria performance measures. Aside, an extensive computational experience is carried out in order to analyse the different parameters of the algorithm. The analysis shows the algorithm to be robust for most of the considered performance measures.  相似文献   

Majority of researches in no-wait flowshop scheduling assume that there is only one machine at each stage. But, factories commonly duplicate machines in parallel for each operation. In this case, they balance the speed of the stages, increase the throughput of the shop floor and reduce the impact of bottleneck stages. Despite their importance, there is no paper to study the general no-wait flowshop with parallel machines. This paper studies this problem where the objective is to minimise makespan. Since there is no mathematical model for the problem, we first mathematically formulate it in form of two mixed integer linear programming models. By the models, the small instances are optimally solved. We then propose a novel hunting search metaheuristic algorithm (HSA) to solve large instances of the problem. HSA is derived based on a model of group hunting of animals when searching for food. A set of experimental instances are carried out to evaluate the algorithm. The algorithm is carefully evaluated for its performance against an available algorithm by means of statistical tools. The related results show that the proposed HSA provides sound performance comparing with other algorithms.  相似文献   

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