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龙彬  赵耀 《室内设计》2015,(5):100-106
《陪都十年建设计划草案》作为我 国近代城市规划史中重要的都市计划案,对 研究我国近代城市规划及其理论方法具有 重要意义。本文以该计划草案为研究对象, 梳理相关历史文献,主要论述陪都计划的 缘起、起草机构人员与过程,简要介绍陪都 计划的结构框架和主要内容,并且分析计划 案中所体现的近代西方城市规划思想,最 后评价其历史地位及价值。  相似文献   

针对以孙中山实业计划为思想基础的广西近代城市规划及其建设实践,回顾了广西近代城市建设的历史演变,研究了柳州、梧州早期"延续旧城格局,适应地域特点"的旧城改造以及后期"引入西方技术,建设理想城市"的新城规划思想与实践,分析了"马路建设一旧城改造→实验市规划"的马路主义规划过程,总结了广西近代城市规划及其建设具有"街巷→马路→马路网"与"街巷城→骑楼城→马路城"之特征.  相似文献   

在推动近代中国城市规划发展的新型市政学者中,沈怡是一位实践先驱及重要代表。他主持了"大上海计划"系列都市计划的编制、南京都市计划的编制,并参与了相关规划实践。从人物史的角度,分析沈怡的教育背景、工作经历,考证其参与的近代城市规划实践,剖析其规划思想的主要来源——孙中山《实业计划》、欧美城市规划理论、民族主义思想、民主主义与民权主义思想,总结其对近代城市规划的影响,将有助于更深入的理解和认识中国近代城市规划史。  相似文献   

汪晓茜 《建筑师》2015,(1):63-69
众所周知,《首都计划》是影响近代南京城市面貌的一部关键性规划,但其框架和原则性内容在实际操作中往往需要细则指导。在近代城市建设制度化的过程中,"中华民国"政府学习西方模式,试图通过体系化的法规建设,即配套出台各类城市计划、草案、法规条例等,相互联系、互为补充,构成一个整体来保障《首都计划》的落实和推进。文章对围绕《首都计划》颁布前后制定的多部辅助计划、法规条例等进行梳理,探讨近代城市规划中位于中心的主干规划如何与边缘法规制度进行互动,共同推动城市规划的实施和完善,并分析其存在的问题,以期对当代城市规划产生启示。  相似文献   

以时任兰州市市政建设科科长任震英主持完成的1951年《兰州市都市建设计划草案概要》和1952年《兰州市新都市建设计划工作报告》为研究对象,将其置于中华人民共和国成立初期国家社会制度变迁与国民经济恢复的历史宏观背景之中,分析了兰州都市建设计划从"工业为副"到"工业为主"的规划思想流变过程,以及从"欧美模式显性延续"到"苏联模式隐性介入"的规划范型演进历史。认为中国近代都市计划被欧美模式等外来城市规划思想介入的过程是非连续性的,明显具有阶段性和局部性。兰州市1951年和1952年先后编制的都市建设计划的发展变化过程极具历史代表性,"以小见大"地印证了中华人民共和国成立初期我国城市规划范型从以欧美模式为主导的都市计划向以苏联模式为主导的城市规划演变的路径。  相似文献   

1891—1949年间,在开埠、设市、陪都十年的影响下,重庆展开了城市近代化建设。工商业发展导致城市人口膨胀、城市环境急剧恶化,为疏散密集的人群、改善城市环境,重庆人民开始自主地将西方先进的城市规划思想用于重庆城市建设,而绿地建设也伴随着城市近代化的脚步逐步展开。在近代重庆城市建设与规划的背景分析基础之上,回顾重庆城市近代绿地建设概况,解读《陪都十年建设计划草案》中绿地系统规划章节,梳理了这一阶段重庆绿地的发展脉络——由"独立建绿"走向"规划建绿",并总结此阶段重庆绿地的布局与功能特点。  相似文献   

张天洁  李百浩  李泽 《新建筑》2012,(3):138-143
在将欧美城市规划理念引入近代中国的学者中,董修甲是一位重要先驱。他撰写了大量规划论著,1929年还主持拟定了《武汉特别市工务计划大纲》,成为日后武汉城市建设的最初蓝本。从人物史的角度,分析董修甲的教育背景、工作经历和主要规划著述,考证董先生在武汉的近代城市规划实践过程,剖析其规划思想的主要来源一美国城市科学/实用运动和孙中山的《实业计划》。  相似文献   

据了解,广东省日前公布《广东省城市控制性详细规划管理条例(草案)》,对该省城市规划作出了规定。 《条例》规定,城市规划行政主管部门应当根据控制性详细规划(以下简称“详细规划”)的编制计划,公开征集或邀请征集规划方案。而且,应当将审查后的规划草案公开展示。征询公众意见,时间不少于20日,且时间、地点及公众提交意见的期限、方式应当在本地主要新闻媒体上公布。城市规划行政主管部门还应当收集、整理和研究公众的意见,通过召开座谈会、听证会等方式对公众提出的重大异议进行论证,并根据公众的意见及论证结果对规划草案进行修改和完善。  相似文献   

英国城市规划师艾伯克隆比为英国战后城市重建做了大量城市规划工作,尤以"大伦敦规划"最为著名。之后,他又被邀为香港拟备"香港初步城市规划报告"。该报告作为香港首部战略性城市规划,使英国城市规划理论与实践延续到其远东殖民地,使香港成为西方文化与技术在东方的中转站。该文横向比较艾伯克隆比的"大伦敦规划"与"香港规划报告",以追溯城市规划思想的源流与演变;纵向比较"香港规划报告"的"高密度发展与疏散、城市人口与工业布局、城市规划立法、新市镇建设"等城市发展提议与香港战后城市规划与建设的实践。通过分析该报告对香港城市规划的影响和贡献,以及探寻香港近现代城市规划理论和体制形成的因素,对进一步完善香港近代城市史学研究,并为内地城市制订战略性城市规划提供历史借鉴  相似文献   

与上海、武汉辟有多国租界一样,天津辟有九国租界,租界的建设对天津近代城市的形成与发展有着深刻的影响和作用.根据1860~1949年89年间的天津近代城市规划,提出了"租界扩张与马路建设→城市局部规划建设→城市总体规划"的历史分期及其发展历程,分析了租界规划建设、中国人的城市规划建设、日本占领下的城市规划、战后城市规划的恢复与发展等城市规划主要内容,阐述了天津近代城市规划特征.  相似文献   

1843年开埠之前,上海只是一个中等县城.开埠之后,外国殖民者将西方城市建设导入上海并由此带动了上海老城区的改造,促使上海近代城市规划的形成,上海亦由此加速发展成为远东国际大城市.上海近代城市规划是中国近代城市规划史的缩影,其发展演变的三大阶段:从新市区建设到老城区改造走向局部城市规划以及城市整体规划,亦是近代中国主流城市规划的基本特征.  相似文献   

何流  文超祥 《城市规划》2007,31(3):40-46
通过对近代中国城市规划法律制度的深入分析,提出了抗战后期和战后恢复时期为城市规划法律制度转型时期的重要观点。文章对该时期的城市规划法律体系和内容进行了全面的介绍和总结,并在此基础上,探讨了近代规划法律制度转型对当代的有益启示。  相似文献   

青岛,早先是一个自然渔村,后因清政府海防建设需要,向"城"发展.由于德国殖民者将城市规划导入,加速了她由"村"至"城"的起步.青岛近代城市规划及其建设,几多变迁,由中外多个不同行政主体主导,且又在相对独立的情形下进行的.经过近代1891~1949年58年的规划建设,青岛已发展成为具有整体性和海港特色的较大城市.依据翔实的历史资料,阐释了青岛近代城市规划发展的三大历史时期和七个发展阶段,以及各个时期城市规划的内容和特点.  相似文献   

This article examines commitment to the regional development of London as it emerged among individuals and groups interested in urban planning in the early twentieth century. Following a brief account of growth and reform in the capital during the nineteenth century, this article focuses on the development of debates about planning the metropolis in the first two decades of the century, exploring practical initiatives such as the Town Planning Conference held in 1910 and the production of The London Society's Development Plan for Greater London during the years of the First World War. London's associational culture was central in generating and hosting discussions about the future of the city during this period and the article provides an indication of the extent of overlapping memberships between groups such as the Royal Institute of British Architects, The London Society and the Town Planning Institute. In conclusion, this article suggests that the regional imagination, central to the later development of planning, was clearly visible in the programme of work undertaken during the First World War and that associational networks were an important part of early professionalization in planning in Britain.  相似文献   

This paper is a ‘state of the art’ review of planning history in Britain. It outlines some of the main reasons for the expansion of the field of study towards the end of the 1960s. It then describes and accounts for planning history achievements since that time. It concludes with a balance sheet of successes and opportunities not yet grasped, and an assessment of progress to date.

Over the last 20 years there has been a marked upsurge of interest in the historical development of the industrial and post‐industrial city from the point of view of the planning and conscious regulation of the built environment. The field of study, which has attracted the term ‘planning history’, represents a fresh, additional perspective on urban affairs, to go alongside the insights gained from art history, urban history, historical geography, industrial archaeology, construction history and the study of urban morphology. Significant academic results have ensued in terms of research and publications, and there have been important consequences for the profession of town planning, which has benefited from a new historical depth and analytical judgement over processes of environmental change.

The planning history movement—we must speak of it in those words—is now thoroughly international; in Britain at least it has been captured by the Planning History Group, a world‐wide network of scholars established in 1974. It publishes its own in‐house Bulletin, now called Planning History, and it organizes International Conferences. Operating also from Britain is the publication of an international journal Planning Perspectives. The Society for American City and Regional Planning History (SACRPH) is a vigorous newcomer in the USA, building on the earlier work of the American Planning History Group.

This paper seeks to describe and account for the achievements in British planning history over two decades: the lines of development and where they have taken us in our understanding of (particularly) urban change. By way of introduction it is necessary to set the scene and outline some of the reasons for the emergence of the new field of study at the end of the 1960s. To conclude, we may consider some of the gains for scholarship arising from this new academic concern.  相似文献   

济南是近代中国内陆省会、铁路沿线、自开埠的城市之—,在“拥有主权+西方模式”的框架下,其城市建设发生了“质”的变化。该文简要介绍了济南近代城市规划的历史发展演变、分析了其城市规划和建设的内容及特点。  相似文献   

While the Japanese legacy remained in Korean urban planning even after the country's independence following the Second World War, direct influence from Western countries became available through various aid programmes. Amongst planning-related programmes, the Asia Foundation's HURPI (Housing, Urban and Regional Planning Institute), led by Oswald Nagler, an urban planning consultant, was noteworthy in its experimental approach and influence. HUPRI's urban planning approach focussed on minimum dwelling studies which reflected Korea's housing traditions, culture and economic conditions, and expanded them to large-scale planning. Even though literature on modern Korean planning history has acknowledged HURPI, its minimum dwelling approach is rarely mentioned, mainly because of the lack of documentation. By recovering unpublished materials personally kept by HURPI members and interviewing key individuals, this paper identifies the contents and the meaning of HURPI's minimum dwelling approach in the history of architecture and urban planning in South Korea. Comparative analyses with Western precedents and works by other Korean planning agencies at the time are also considered in order to understand HURPI's approach, and to identify how imported architectural and planning methodologies responded to Korean local contexts.  相似文献   

Ghettoization is increasingly of concern in countries around the world. The manifestation that causes the concern is known primarily from the United States. But it is not a simple phenomenon there, and has gone through many changes over the past several centuries. The article describes the ghetto of several historical periods: in the aftermath of slavery, during a period of acceptance between the two World Wars, in pursuit of integration after World War II, and as today's quite different outcast ghetto, a ghetto of exclusion, in a period during which for the first time it is perceived as a permanent component of urban society. Whether the negative results of these developments can be overcome remains a contested question. This paper expands a portion of a discussion that appeared in Marcuse (1997). Peter Marcuse is Professor of Urban Planning at Columbia. A lawyer and planner and past President of the Los Angeles Planning Commission, he is a member of Community Board 9 in Manhattan, and has written extensively on housing policy issues, the history of planning, and problems of race and of globalization. He has researched these issues in the United States, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Australia, and South Africa.  相似文献   

The Japanese City Planning Law, enacted in 1968, revised the 1919 City Planning Law. It has been described as comprehensive but containing defects, such as imperfect delegation of planning powers to the municipalities. Authoritative works on the history of modern Japanese urban planning by Ishida and Sorensen also emphasize the historical background of the 1968 Law, namely, a general agreement on the need to control urban development based on land-use planning and the progressive historical context. The relationship between this background and the formulation of the 1968 Law is yet to be examined. Analyses of public records, the Diet debates and newspapers demonstrate the following: first, delegation of planning powers to the municipalities, although imperfect, could have been further limited; and second, the ruling party's fear of losing the electorate's support in urban areas and the media pressure on the government made a perfunctory bill inevitable.  相似文献   

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