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20世纪80年代后随着世界范围新技术革命的蓬勃发展,美国政府先后制定多项制造业创新计划以促进小微企业发展,形成了全面高效运作的制造业企业创新支持体系。本文分析了美国的计划运行机制和经验,对比了我国当前NQI建设情况,为我国开展质量基础协同创新服务工作提出了建议和措施。  相似文献   

<正>面对科技创新发展的新趋势,世界主要国家都在依靠创新驱动增强经济发展的内生动力,进而抢占制造业高端,抢占未来经济与科技发展的主动权。美国提出了先进制造伙伴计划(Advanced Manufacturing Partnership,AMP)、先进制造业国家战略计划等,德国提出了工业4.0,日本提出了机器人新战略,而我国亦提出了《中国制造2025》计划。《中国制造2025》以信息技术  相似文献   

为了提升质检工作服务经济社会发展大局的能力,围绕质量提升行动进一步加强国家质量技术基础建设,为供给侧结构性改革提供新动能,2016年5月,国家质检总局印发《国家质量技术基础建设服务示范工程行动计划(2016)》,提出了实施国家质量技术基础服务示范工程要求.本课题对国家质量技术基础内涵进行了解析,分析了国家质量技术基础服务示范工作的现状和"示范主体、示范环境、示范效应"等方面存在问题,从"理论方法、示范机制、示范路线、示范保障"4个方面对国家质量技术基础服务示范提出了建议.  相似文献   

加拿大联邦工业部长埃默森近日宣布,加拿大联邦政府明年将推出新的技术创新与成果转化支持项目——“转化技术计划”(TTP),以取代目前实施的“加拿大技术伙伴”计划(TPC)。“加拿大技术伙伴”计划是加拿大联邦政府于1996年创立的对加拿大私有部门的科研和创新活动进行资助  相似文献   

正岱家山科技创业城质量服务工作站是近年来武汉市质监局适应"大众创业、万众创新"的市场氛围,探索整合计量标准、检验检测和认证认可,打造质量技术基础一体化服务,为企业特别是中小企业提供一站式服务的新举措。武汉市计量所作为质量服务工作站的技术机构,在搭建公共服务平台的过程中为岱家山科技创业城提供了居多"个性化订制服务":建立园区小微企业计量需求信  相似文献   

正江苏省局部署实施质量提升专项行动以来,江苏省计量院组织人员走访企业30多家,摸底企业质量技术基础,结合计量工作,了解难点与需求,提供精准服务,切实为企业解决难题。一是整合院人才技术优势,开展定制化技术服务。南京高速齿轮制造有限公司属于精密机械制造业,该公司核心车间有一种仪器叫做"数采  相似文献   

在高质量发展的大背景下,湖北省加快质量基础设施建设步伐,依托已有科技园区,创新推进“一站式”服务站点模式。本文调研湖北三大科技园区“一站式”建设运营情况,从服务基础、服务模式、服务人员三个维度进行对比分析,提出一站式服务建设运营存在的问题,并给出应对建议,以期为社会公众、企业提供高质量诊断服务,创造社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

本文通过如何满足"互联网+质量"的服务新需要,创新构建资源集成、多方协作、精准服务的吉林省NQI协同服务平台,更好地提供标准、计量、检验检测、认证认可等质量技术基础工作一站式、一体化服务,实现提升政府服务效能,提高民生服务水平,为强化政府监管能力、改进产品质量、规范市场秩序等工作提供决策支撑和技术支撑,进而为吉林省加快质量变革、增强质量优势、推动高质量发展贡献力量。  相似文献   

一、美国为什么要推出"材料基因组计划" 金融危机之后,美国政府意识到仅靠服务业已无法支撑美国经济走出泥潭,必须重振制造业.美国制造业的振兴不是传统制造业的复兴,而是新兴制造业的培育,其中建立在材料科学基础上的新材料产业是重点之一.为此,2011年6月24日,美国总统奥巴马宣布了一项超过5亿美元的"推进制造业伙伴关系"计划,通过政府、高校及企业的合作来强化美国制造业,投资逾1亿美元的"材料基因组计划"(Materials Genome Initiative)是其组成部分之一.  相似文献   

孙华 《中国标准化》2023,(15):178-184
构建规范化、科学化、系统化,且符合地方政府实际的质量基础设施“一站式”服务效能综合评估体系,是提升质量基础设施服务水平和服务能力的关键所在。本文在分析研究国内外质量基础设施服务效能评估基础上,提出了质量基础设施“一站式”服务效能评估概念、评估作用和评估方法。从质量基础设施“一站式”服务统筹建设、服务提供和服务成效三个维度阐述了质量基础设施“一站式”服务效能评估指标体系的构架。  相似文献   

Reports on the success or failure of enterprise information system (EIS) implementation have been decidedly mixed. In this study, we focus on manufacturing infrastructure preparation prior to EIS implementation and report the results of a survey of 152 US manufacturing companies that have implemented EIS. We have provided four major findings in this study: (1) the requirements from customers and trading partners are more powerful drivers motivating US manufacturing firms to implementing enterprise systems than internal business planning needs; (2) one manufacturing infrastructural issue often has implications for other infrastructural items in implementing technology, so various manufacturing infrastructural issues should be prepared simultaneously; (3) manufacturing infrastructure preparation prior to EIS implementation has significant positive effects on customer-focused performance, production/operations performance, and financial performance; and (4) better customer-focused performance contributes to better financial performance.  相似文献   

The exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control chart is a memory chart that is widely used in process monitoring to spot small and persistent disturbances in the process parameter(s). This chart requires normality of the quality characteristic(s) of interest and a smaller choice of smoothing parameter. Any deviations from these conditions affect its performance in terms of efficiency and robustness. For the said two concerns, this study develops a new mixed EWMA chart under progressive setup (mixed EWMA–progressive mean [MEP] chart). The proposed MEP chart combines the advantages of robustness (under nonnormal scenarios) and high sensitivity to small and persistent shifts in the process mean. The performance of the proposed MEP control chart is evaluated in terms of average run length and some other characteristics of run length distribution. The assessment of the proposed chart is made under standard normal, student's t, gamma, Laplace, logistic, exponential, contaminated normal and lognormal distributions. The performance of the proposed MEP chart is also compared with some existing competitors including the classical EWMA, the classical cumulative sum (CUSUM), the homogenously weighted moving average, the mixed EWMA–CUSUM, the mixed CUSUM–EWMA and the double EWMA charts. The analysis reveals that the proposal of this study offers a superior design structure relative to its competing counterparts. An application from substrates manufacturing process (in which flow width of the resist is the key quality characteristic) is also provided in the study.  相似文献   

Building Agility for Developing Agile Design Information Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Agile manufacturing relies heavily on the quality of information that organizations have and on their ability to organize and reuse it. Constant inflow of information and knowledge is the fuel of agile manufacturing. In the process of forming virtual enterprises, these new organizations have to be equipped with information systems that integrate their present legacy technology and improve upon it. To support the quick formation of virtual organizations, one must have the ability to develop such systems quickly. Over the past few years we have evolved, through collaborative projects with industry, an approach composed of methods and an information infrastructure called n-dim that improves the ability of becoming agile manufacturers of information systems, by responding quickly to information needs of new and evolving organizations. Following an analysis of the requirements of information systems for agile design, we discuss this approach; describe some of the infrastructure features; and present several examples of simple applications that illustrate them. We summarize by discussing the advantages and limitations of our approach.  相似文献   

为了解决水泥装备制造企业质量信息存储与检索难的问题,提出了一种新的质量信息管理方法:采用质量信息树的方法来描述制造过程、产品结构以及质量信息间的关系;提出质量信息编码系统来规范并存储质量信息;提出了XML缓存技术实现质量信息的检索。该方法应用在了辅料悬臂堆料机制造过程中的质量信息管理中,实例表明该方法能够解决水泥装备制造过程中的质量信息管理问题。  相似文献   

In this paper the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge project is taken as a case to analyze supplier development in infrastructure mega-projects. Compared with manufacturing industry, the characteristics of supplier development in infrastructure mega-projects is analyzed in term of development motives, supplier selection, quality management, production mode, owner participation and risks. The critical factors influencing the construction supplier development are identified, which include incentives, collaboration, future market, trust and bilateral communication. Furthermore, focusing on the incentives for the supplier’s product quality and production capacity improvement, decision-making framework models are proposed to design the incentive mechanisms.  相似文献   

制造质量强国指标体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文构建了制造质量强国指标体系,分为质量安全、质量发展和质量基础三个维度,建立了11个评价指标。通过实证分析将我国制造业产品质量与部分国家进行了比较,并分析了我国制造业质量水平变化的趋势。结论表明:我国制造业质量经历了一个稳步提升的过程,2008年金融危机后提升幅度明显下降;与新兴制造国家相比,我国产品质量表现出一定优势;与发达国家相比,仍存在安全、性能差距,影响了我国制造业的出口贸易。  相似文献   

Intelligent manufacturing is a general concept that is under continuous development. It can be categorized into three basic paradigms: digital manufacturing, digital-networked manufacturing, and new-generation intelligent manufacturing. New-generation intelligent manufacturing represents an in-depth integration of new-generation artificial intelligence (AI) technology and advanced manufacturing technology. It runs through every link in the full life-cycle of design, production, product, and service. The concept also relates to the optimization and integration of corresponding systems; the continuous improvement of enterprises’ product quality, performance, and service levels; and reduction in resources consumption. New-generation intelligent manufacturing acts as the core driving force of the new industrial revolution and will continue to be the main pathway for the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry in the decades to come. Human-cyber-physical systems (HCPSs) reveal the technological mechanisms of new-generation intelligent manufacturing and can effectively guide related theoretical research and engineering practice. Given the sequential development, cross interaction, and iterative upgrading characteristics of the three basic paradigms of intelligent manufacturing, a technology roadmap for “parallel promotion and integrated development” should be developed in order to drive forward the intelligent transformation of the manufacturing industry in China.  相似文献   

Minority Engineering Programs (MEPs) use several strategies designed to retain underrepresented minorities in engineering disciplines. It is necessary to evaluate MEPs to determine which strategies contribute to the effective recruitment and retention of minorities in engineering disciplines. One method of measuring program effectiveness is to solicit the opinion of minority students about program effectiveness since they use the MEP services. This article discusses the development and administration of an instrument to assess the quality of service minority engineering freshmen received from an MEP. The results indicate that students were generally satisfied with the quality of service they received from the seven retention strategies the institution employed. These results lend further credibility to the best practices used by MEPs and is an additional piece of the evaluation puzzle that provides empirical evidence to support the effectiveness of MEP retention strategies.  相似文献   

改革开放30多年来,中国制造业建立起完善的和具有国际竞争力的现代制造业体系、在世界制造格局中占有举足轻重的地位。中国制造业发展成就的取得归功于坚持改革开放政策、保持稳定的社会经济环境、建设完善的公共基础设施、发挥地方政府的积极性和高度重视创新和科技进步。制约中国制造业进一步转型升级的体制、机制和政策问题仍然存在。  相似文献   

分析了我国食品冷藏链的发展现状,指出了我国食品冷藏链基础建设、技术发展、管理体制、法制规范等方面的不足。结合当今社会环境和自然环境,提出了立足绿色、低碳技术,大力发展冷藏链基础建设;长远规划,建立健全行业标准规范,完善行业管理法律法规;依靠电子信息技术,发展产品质量监控技术和溯源体系等适合我国的食品冷藏链发展对策。  相似文献   

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