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We address the problem of constructing appearance‐preserving level of details (LoDs) of complex 3D models such as trees. We propose a hybrid method that combines the strengths of mesh and volume representations. Our main idea is to separate macroscopic (i.e. larger than the target spatial resolution) and microscopic (sub‐resolution) surfaces at each scale and to treat them differently, because meshes are very efficient at representing macroscopic surfaces while sub‐resolution geometry benefits from volumetric approximations. We introduce a new algorithm that detects the macroscopic surfaces of a mesh for a given resolution. We simplify these surfaces with edge collapses and we provide a method for pre‐filtering their normal distributions and albedos. To approximate microscopic details, we use a heterogeneous microflake participating medium and we introduce a new artifact‐free voxelization algorithm that preserves local occlusion. Thanks to our macroscopic surface analysis, our algorithm is fully automatic and it generates seamless LoDs at arbitrarily coarse resolutions for a wide range of 3D models.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel filtering‐based method for decomposing an image into structures and textures. Unlike previous filtering algorithms, our method adaptively smooths image gradients to filter out textures from images. A new gradient operator, the interval gradient, is proposed for adaptive gradient smoothing. Using interval gradients, textures can be distinguished from structure edges and smoothly varying shadings. We also propose an effective gradient‐guided algorithm to produce high‐quality image filtering results from filtered gradients. Our method avoids gradient reversal in the filtering results and preserves sharp features better than existing filtering approaches, while retaining simplicity and highly parallel implementation. The proposed method can be utilized for various applications that require accurate structure‐texture decomposition of images.  相似文献   

We propose a watermarking algorithm for polygonal meshes based on the modification of the Laplacian coordinates. More specifically, we first compute the Laplacian coordinates (x,y,z) of the mesh vertices, then construct the histogram of the lengths of the (x,y,z) vectors, and finally, insert the watermark by altering the shape of that histogram. The watermark extraction is carried out blindly, with no reference to the host model. The proposed method is more robust than several existing high capacity watermarking algorithms. In particular, it is able to resist attacks such as translations, rotations, uniform scaling and vertex reordering, due to the invariance of the histogram of the Laplacian vector lengths under such transformations. Compared to the existing robust watermarking methods, our experiments show that the proposed method can better resist common mesh editing attacks, due to the good behaviour of the Laplacian coordinates under such operations.  相似文献   

We propose a framework for the spectral processing of tangential vector fields on surfaces. The basis is a Fourier‐type representation of tangential vector fields that associates frequencies with tangential vector fields. To implement the representation for piecewise constant tangential vector fields on triangle meshes, we introduce a discrete Hodge–Laplace operator that fits conceptually to the prominent cotan discretization of the Laplace–Beltrami operator. Based on the Fourier representation, we introduce schemes for spectral analysis, filtering and compression of tangential vector fields. Moreover, we introduce a spline‐type editor for modelling of tangential vector fields with interpolation constraints for the field itself and its divergence and curl. Using the spectral representation, we propose a numerical scheme that allows for real‐time modelling of tangential vector fields.  相似文献   

In this note we present a local tangential lifting (LTL) algorithm to compute differential quantities for triangular meshes obtained from regular surfaces. First, we introduce a new notation of the local tangential polygon and lift functions and vector fields on a triangular mesh to the local tangential polygon. Then we use the centroid weights proposed by Chen and Wu [4] to define the discrete gradient of a function on a triangular mesh. We also use our new method to define the discrete Laplacian operator acting on functions on triangular meshes. Higher order differential operators can also be computed successively. Our approach is conceptually simple and easy to compute. Indeed, our LTL method also provides a unified algorithm to estimate the shape operator and curvatures of a triangular mesh and derivatives of functions and vector fields. We also compare three different methods : our method, the least square method and Akima’s method to compute the gradients of functions.  相似文献   

In this note we present a local tangential lifting (LTL) algorithm to compute differential quantities for triangular meshes obtained from regular surfaces. First, we introduce a new notation of the local tangential polygon and lift functions and vector fields on a triangular mesh to the local tangential polygon. Then we use the centroid weights proposed by Chen and Wu [4] to define the discrete gradient of a function on a triangular mesh. We also use our new method to define the discrete Laplacian operator acting on functions on triangular meshes. Higher order differential operators can also be computed successively. Our approach is conceptually simple and easy to compute. Indeed, our LTL method also provides a unified algorithm to estimate the shape operator and curvatures of a triangular mesh and derivatives of functions and vector fields. We also compare three different methods : our method, the least square method and Akima’s method to compute the gradients of functions.  相似文献   

We present an efficient algorithm for object‐space proximity queries between multiple deformable triangular meshes. Our approach uses the rasterization capabilities of the GPU to produce an image‐space representation of the vertices. Using this image‐space representation, inter‐object vertex‐triangle distances and closest points lying under a user‐defined threshold are computed in parallel by conservative rasterization of bounding primitives and sorted using atomic operations. We additionally introduce a similar technique to detect penetrating vertices. We show how mechanisms of modern GPUs such as mipmapping, Early‐Z and Early‐Stencil culling can optimize the performance of our method. Our algorithm is able to compute dense proximity information for complex scenes made of more than a hundred thousand triangles in real time, outperforming a CPU implementation based on bounding volume hierarchies by more than an order of magnitude.  相似文献   

Geodesic offset curves are important for many industrial applications, such as solid modeling, robot-path planning, the generation of tool paths for NC machining, etc. Although the offset problem is well studied in classical differential geometry and computer-aided design, where the underlying surface is sufficiently smooth, very few algorithms are available for computing geodesic offsets on discrete representation, in which the input is typically a polyline curve restricted on a piecewise linear mesh. In this paper, we propose an efficient and exact algorithm to compute the geodesic offsets on triangle meshes by extending the Xin–Wang algorithm of discrete geodesics. We define a new data structure called parallel-source windows, and extend both the “one angle one split” and the filtering theorem to maintain the window tree. Similar to the original Xin–Wang algorithm, our extended algorithm has an O(n) space complexity and an O(n2logn) asymptotic time complexity, where n is the number of vertices on the input mesh. We tested our algorithm on numerous real-world models and showed that our algorithm is exact, efficient and robust, and can be applied to large scale models with complicated geometry and topology.  相似文献   

Image vectorization is an important yet challenging problem, especially when the input image has rich content. In this paper, we develop a novel method for automatically vectorizing natural images with feature‐aligned quad‐dominant meshes. Inspired by the quadrangulation methods in 3D geometry processing, we propose a new directional field optimization technique by encoding the color gradients, sidestepping the explicit computing of salient image features. We further compute the anisotropic scales of the directional field by accommodating the distance among image features. Our method is fully automatic and efficient, which takes only a few seconds for a 400×400 image on a normal laptop. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on various image editing applications.  相似文献   

Modern 3D capture pipelines produce dense surface meshes at high speed, which challenge geometric operators to process such massive data on‐the‐fly. In particular, aiming at instantaneous feature‐preserving smoothing and clustering disqualifies global variational optimizers and one usually relies on high‐performance parallel kernels based on simple measures performed on the positions and normal vectors associated with the surface vertices. Although these operators are effective on small supports, they fail at properly capturing larger scale surface structures. To cope with this problem, we propose to enrich the surface representation with filtered quadrics, a compact and discriminating range space to guide processing. Compared to normal‐based approaches, this additional vertex attribute significantly improves feature preservation for fast bilateral filtering and mode‐seeking clustering, while exhibiting a linear memory cost in the number of vertices and retaining the simplicity of convolutional filters. In particular, the overall performance of our approach stems from its natural compatibility with modern fine‐grained parallel computing architectures such as graphics processor units (GPU). As a result, filtered quadrics offer a superior ability to handle a broad spectrum of frequencies and preserve large salient structures, delivering meshes on‐the‐fly for interactive and streaming applications, as well as quickly processing large data collections, instrumental in learning‐based geometry analysis.  相似文献   

The spectrum of the Laplace-Beltrami operator is instrumental for a number of geometric modeling applications, from processing to analysis. Recently, multiple methods were developed to retrieve an approximation of a shape that preserves its eigenvectors as much as possible, but these techniques output a subset of input points with no connectivity, which limits their potential applications. Furthermore, the obtained Laplacian results from an optimization procedure, implying its storage alongside the selected points. Focusing on keeping a mesh instead of an operator would allow to retrieve the latter using the standard cotangent formulation, enabling easier processing afterwards. Instead, we propose to simplify the input mesh using a spectrum-preserving mesh decimation scheme, so that the Laplacian computed on the simplified mesh is spectrally close to the one of the input mesh. We illustrate the benefit of our approach for quickly approximating spectral distances and functional maps on low resolution proxies of potentially high resolution input meshes.  相似文献   

We present a novel framework for polyhedral mesh editing with face‐based projective maps that preserves planarity by definition. Such meshes are essential in the field of architectural design and rationalization. By using homogeneous coordinates to describe vertices, we can parametrize the entire shape space of planar‐preserving deformations with bilinear equations. The generality of this space allows for polyhedral geometric processing methods to be conducted with ease. We demonstrate its usefulness in planar‐quadrilateral mesh subdivision, a resulting multi‐resolution editing algorithm, and novel shape‐space exploration with prescribed transformations. Furthermore, we show that our shape space is a discretization of a continuous space of conjugate‐preserving projective transformation fields on surfaces. Our shape space directly addresses planar‐quad meshes, on which we put a focus, and we further show that our framework naturally extends to meshes with faces of more than four vertices as well.  相似文献   

We propose a novel method to analyze a set of poses of 3D models that are represented with triangle meshes and unregistered. Different shapes of poses are transformed from the 3D spatial domain to a geometry spectrum domain that is defined by Laplace–Beltrami operator. During this space-spectrum transform, all near-isometric deformations, mesh triangulations and Euclidean transformations are filtered away. The different spatial poses from a 3D model are represented with near-isometric deformations; therefore, they have similar behaviors in the spectral domain. Semantic parts of that model are then determined based on the computed geometric properties of all the mapped vertices in the geometry spectrum domain. Semantic skeleton can be automatically built with joints detected as well. The Laplace–Beltrami operator is proved to be invariant to isometric deformations and Euclidean transformations such as translation and rotation. It also can be invariant to scaling with normalization. The discrete implementation also makes the Laplace–Beltrami operator straightforward to be applied on triangle meshes despite triangulations. Our method turns a rather difficult spatial problem into a spectral problem that is much easier to solve. The applications show that our 3D pose analysis method leads to a registration-free pose analysis and a high-level semantic part understanding of 3D shapes.  相似文献   

Voxel‐based rendering has recently received significant attention due to its potential in the context of efficiently rendering massively large and highly detailed scenes. Unfortunately, few scenes are available in the form of sparse voxel octrees. In this paper, we present an out‐of‐core algorithm for constructing a sparse voxel octree from a triangle mesh. Our algorithm allows the input triangle mesh, the output sparse voxel octree and, most importantly, the intermediate high‐resolution 3D voxel grid, to be larger than available memory. We demonstrate that our out‐of‐core algorithm can construct sparse voxel octrees from triangle meshes using only a fraction of the memory required by an in‐core algorithm in roughly the same time, and that our out‐of‐core algorithm can also handle extremely large triangle meshes.  相似文献   

We present a new interpolatory subdivision scheme for triangle meshes. Instead of splitting each edge and performing a 1-to-4 split for every triangle we compute a new vertex for every triangle and retriangulate the old and the new vertices. Using this refinement operator the number of triangles only triples in each step. New vertices are computed with a Butterfly like scheme. In order to obtain overall smooth surfaces special rules are necessary in the neighborhood of extraordinary vertices. The scheme is suitable for adaptive refinement by using an easy forward strategy. No temporary triangles are produced here which allows simpler data structures and makes the scheme easy to implement.  相似文献   

QuadriFlow is a scalable algorithm for generating quadrilateral surface meshes based on the Instant Field‐Aligned Meshes of Jakob et al. (ACM Trans. Graph. 34(6):189, 2015). We modify the original algorithm such that it efficiently produces meshes with many fewer singularities. Singularities in quadrilateral meshes cause problems for many applications, including parametrization and rendering with Catmull‐Clark subdivision surfaces. Singularities can rarely be entirely eliminated, but it is possible to keep their number small. Local optimization algorithms usually produce meshes with many singularities, whereas the best algorithms tend to require non‐local optimization, and therefore are slow. We propose an efficient method to minimize singularities by combining the Instant Meshes objective with a system of linear and quadratic constraints. These constraints are enforced by solving a global minimum‐cost network flow problem and local boolean satisfiability problems. We have verified the robustness and efficiency of our method on a subset of ShapeNet comprising 17,791 3D objects in the wild. Our evaluation shows that the quality of the quadrangulations generated by our method is as good as, if not better than, those from other methods, achieving about four times fewer singularities than Instant Meshes. Other algorithms that produce similarly few singularities are much slower; we take less than ten seconds to process each model. Our source code is publicly available.  相似文献   

In the context of real‐time, GPU‐based rendering of animated skinned meshes, we propose a new algorithm to compute surface normals with minimal overhead both in terms of the memory footprint and the required per‐vertex operations. By accounting for the variation of the skinning weights over the surface, we achieve a higher visual quality compared to the standard approximation ubiquitously used in video‐game engines and other real‐time applications. Our method supports Linear Blend Skinning and Dual Quaternion Skinning. We demonstrate the advantages of our technique on a variety of datasets and provide a complete open‐source implementation, including GLSL shaders.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a novel approach for the reconstruction of animated meshes from a series of time‐deforming point clouds. Given a set of unordered point clouds that have been captured by a fast 3‐D scanner, our algorithm is able to compute coherent meshes which approximate the input data at arbitrary time instances. Our method is based on the computation of an implicit function in ?4 that approximates the time‐space surface of the time‐varying point cloud. We then use the four‐dimensional implicit function to reconstruct a polygonal model for the first time‐step. By sliding this template mesh along the time‐space surface in an as‐rigid‐as‐possible manner, we obtain reconstructions for further time‐steps which have the same connectivity as the previously extracted mesh while recovering rigid motion exactly. The resulting animated meshes allow accurate motion tracking of arbitrary points and are well suited for animation compression. We demonstrate the qualities of the proposed method by applying it to several data sets acquired by real‐time 3‐D scanners.  相似文献   

Versatile surface detail editing via Laplacian coordinates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents a versatile detail editing approach for triangular meshes based on filtering the Laplacian coordinates. More specifically, we first compute the Laplacian coordinates of the mesh vertices, then filter the Laplacian coordinates, and finally reconstruct the mesh from the filtered Laplacian coordinates by solving a linear least square system. The proposed detail editing method includes not only feature preserving smoothing but also enhancing. Furthermore, the proposed approach allows interactive editing of some user-specified frequencies and regions. Experimental results demonstrate that our method is much more versatile and faster than the existing methods.  相似文献   

Spectral mesh analysis and processing methods, namely ones that utilize eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of linear operators on meshes, have been applied to numerous geometric processing applications. The operator used predominantly in these methods is the Laplace‐Beltrami operator, which has the often‐cited property that it is intrinsic, namely invariant to isometric deformation of the underlying geometry, including rigid transformations. Depending on the application, this can be either an advantage or a drawback. Recent work has proposed the alternative of using the Dirac operator on surfaces for spectral processing. The available versions of the Dirac operator either only focus on the extrinsic version, or introduce a range of mixed operators on a spectrum between fully extrinsic Dirac operator and intrinsic Laplace operator. In this work, we introduce a unified discretization scheme that describes both an extrinsic and intrinsic Dirac operator on meshes, based on their continuous counterparts on smooth manifolds. In this discretization, both operators are very closely related, and preserve their key properties from the smooth case. We showcase various applications of our operators, with improved numerics over prior work.  相似文献   

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