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氢能利用与核能制氢研究开发综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章从氢能的资源丰富、热值高、无污染等特点出发叙述了氢能作为一种洁净能源在国民经济(主要为交通用燃料)和国防中广泛的潜在应用,介绍了目前国际上核能制氢的几种主要方法,并展望了核能-氢能系统的发展前景。  相似文献   

【英国《国际核工程》2007年7月刊报道】美国总统布什的野心不只在于使美国在全球核能伙伴关系(GNEP)计划中发挥举足轻重的作用,而且想在核能制氢方面占据领导地位。美国能源部(DOE)的核能制氢倡议(NHI)的目标就是要证明商业规模核能制氢的经济可行性。  相似文献   

世界核能出现了复苏的动向,制定了“用户要求文件”,发展了一些更安全更经济的先进核电机型,提出了第四代核电技术的概念。核电技术发展的趋势是采取非能动安全系统提高安全性,简化系统、减少设备提高经济性,延长在役核电厂的寿期,采用数字化仪表控制系统和模块化施工建设等新技术。此外,发展快中子堆技术,建立闭式核燃料循环,使核电能可持续发展,仍是世界核电发展的方向。对于我国核电技术发展的启示包括:我国发展核电,必须发展更安全、更经济的新一代机型,编制统一的核电安全设计标准和规范。健全和简化审批制度,采用简化的非能动系统、数字化的仪表控制系统和模块化技术,加速解决长寿命放射性废物处理和处置并预先考虑退役问题。作者认为,我国应抓紧新一代核电机型的研究开发,特别是发展自主设计和建造能力,赶上世界核电发展的步伐。  相似文献   

基于一维拟均相模型,针对高温气冷堆具有单根转化管的甲烷蒸汽重整器建立了动态数学模型,开发了相应的计算程序,并对日本原子能研究所设计的甲烷重整器进行了稳态计算与分析。研究结果表明:重整器氦气入口的散热损失对重整器性能有明显影响,而化学反应速度则不是影响其性能的主要因素。稳态计算结果与实验结果较好吻合。   相似文献   

银华强  姜胜耀  张佑杰 《核动力工程》2006,27(3):102-107,112
为了对高温气冷堆甲烷蒸汽重整制氢系统中氦气加热的蒸汽重整器的性能进行定量化的分析,基于一维拟均相模型建立了一个动态的数学模型,开发了相应的计算程序.利用日本原子能研究院的实验结果进行了稳态下的模型验证与计算分析.研究表明:稳态的计算与实验结果吻合较好;化学反应速度不是影响性能的主要因素;相对光滑管,中心管采用肋片管使蒸汽重整器性能有明显的提高.  相似文献   

甲烷转化率和产氢量是反映重整器性能的重要指标。本文对匹配高温气冷堆HTR-10的蒸汽重整器性能进行数值分析。设定重整器氦气入口流量不变,研究不同氦气入口温度、压力,不同工艺气入口温度、压力、流量,以及不同水碳比对重整器性能的影响。在所研究的范围内,结果表明:氦气的入口温度对重整器性能有明显的影响;氦气的入口压力、工艺气的入口温度和压力对重整器性能影响较小;提高工艺气流量,甲烷转化率降低,但产氢量增加,而提高水碳比则有相反的变化关系。  相似文献   

【上海证券报2007年9月19日报道】国际原子能机构(IAEA)大会第51届常会于2007年9月17日在维也纳召开:而就在前一天,全球核能伙伴关系(GNEP)第二次部长级会议也在此举行。两次会议均提出,要在对核燃料进行循环利用的基础上,考虑建立核能利用新框架。  相似文献   

Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has been conducting a study on a thermochemical IS process for hydrogen production. A pilot test of IS process is under planning that covers four R&D subjects: (1) construction of a pilot test plant made of industrial materials and completion of a hydrogen production test using electrically-heated helium gas as the process heat supplier, (2) development of an analytical code system, (3) component tests to assist the hydrogen production test and also to improve the process performance for the commercial plant, (4) a design study of HTTR-IS system. Development of innovative chemical reactors is in progress, which are equipped with a ceramic heat exchanger. In the design of the IS plant, it is important to establish the system for “design by analysis”. Therefore, we have developed a multiphase flow analysis code that can analyze systems in which chemical reactions occur.  相似文献   

通过电化学方法建立高温蒸汽电解制氢系统温度敏感性分析的数学模型,通过该模型对系统温度敏感性进行分析,并提出温度敏感系数的概念。定性的研究结果表明,在不同发电效率、电解效率以及热效率下,温度敏感系数均随着工作温度的增加而增大。这表明,系统总效率随着温度的升高而增大,且随着发电效率和热效率的增加,温度敏感系数也随之增大,但电解效率对温度敏感系数影响较小。定量的研究结果表明,工作温度为750~950℃的高温蒸汽电解制氢系统的温度敏感系数约为1.40,即系统工作温度分别为800和900℃时,由于温度升高而使系统总效率分别增加约10.5%和12%;相应的实际总制氢效率可分别高达55.8%和56.5%,约是常规碱性水电解制氢效率的两倍。  相似文献   

压水堆核电厂失水事故后安全壳内产氢量计算研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用ORIGEN2程序对压水堆核电厂失水事故工况下堆芯区和地坑区氢气的产生量进行计算,以合理减少安全壳内可燃气体的控制设计评价的保守性.通过冷却剂的辐照分解产氢以及其他相关计算模型,对600MW(电功率)级压水堆核电厂失水事故工况下的氢气产生量进行计算.计算结果表明原评价结果过于保守,在核电厂失水事故后仍有充分的时间准备投入安全壳内氢气复合器.  相似文献   

Hydrogen production by high temperature electrolysis with nuclear reactor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High Temperature Electrolysis (HTE) is a promising method because its most parts consist of environmentally sound and common materials. Hydrogen production efficiency of HTE was evaluated about the process coupling with high temperature gas cooled reactor. This process can be expected to accomplish over 53% hydrogen production efficiency at HTE operating temperature of 800 °C. As a demonstration of hydrogen production by HTE, a unit housing 15 tubular cells, where yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) was used as electrolyte, was constructed, and accomplished 130 NL/h hydrogen production. In this experiment, measured hydrogen production rate has good agreement with calculated hydrogen production rate based on applied current. To design and construct large amount of hydrogen production unit, it is important to predict the thermal and electrochemical features of the unit. To predict them, the simulation technology has been developed. From the comparison between single tubular cell experimental result and simulation result, good agreement based on current–voltage characteristic was acquired.  相似文献   

This paper presents thermodynamic analysis of the thermal efficiency of the 10 MW high temperature gas cooled reactor (HTR-10) hydrogen production system. The global reaction for the equilibrium reaction model is introduced. An analytical expression for the thermal efficiency is developed using the global reaction. For the specified temperature and pressure the thermal efficiency can be computed with the solution of the equilibrium. The investigation provides a more realistic limit for the efficiency of the nuclear hydrogen production system. The influence of the temperature, latent heat, steam-to-carbon ratio and pressure on the thermal efficiency is analyzed. Varying the temperature there is a maximum thermal efficiency for the specified pressure and steam-to-carbon ratio. The latent heat influences the thermal efficiency significantly, especially at the high temperature condition. Also varying the steam-to-carbon ratio there is a maximum thermal efficiency for the specified pressure and temperature. The process should be operated with high steam-to-carbon ratio to obtain maximum thermal efficiency when the reforming temperature is low and pressure is high. The maximum value is 68.9% within the range of the pressure greater than 1 MPa and steam-to-carbon ratio greater than 2. Comparison of theoretical results to experimental data is carried out.  相似文献   

美国先进核燃料循环计划概述及对我国的启发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马成辉 《核安全》2008,(1):45-55
美国已重启核能计划,其中先进的核燃料循环计划是核能计划的核心。若这一计划得以顺利实施,将可以消除人们曾担忧的核能开发中的三大问题,核扩散、高放废物的处置和铀资源的可持续性问题。美国这一计划对我国的核能发展应有一些启发。  相似文献   

As a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient basic load energy, the nuclear energy plays a positive role in responding to global climate change. After the Fukushima nuclear accident, the international community puts forward new and higher requirements for the safety of nuclear energy. At the same time, the vigorous development of nuclear energy is greatly constrained by economical and environmental protection factors in the open electricity market. The world’s nuclear energy community is exploring and developing advanced nuclear energy technology with a view to solving the related problem of nuclear energy development. The development of advanced nuclear energy technology in international organization and major nuclear power countries was introduced, and the development of advanced nuclear energy technology in China was highlighted. The future development trend, the key direction and common technology of advanced nuclear energy technology development was analyzed.  相似文献   

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