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This photo essay combines text and images to convey how the Congolese who reside in Nyarugusu, a United Nations refugee camp in Tanzania, interact with and interpret camp architecture. To establish the camps as temporary spaces, the Tanzanian government requires that refugees construct their houses with sundried mud brick and thatched roofs so that they can eventually be destroyed without a trace. The red dirt of their homes and the camp environment colours almost every facet of Nyarugusu residents' lives, adding a sense of dirtiness to the camp. The violence built into the camp architecture is not only contained in its eventual destruction, but also in the ways in which it visibly marks the residents' alienation and subordination in Tanzania.  相似文献   

关于ARCHITECTURE的译名   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中文“建筑”一词来自日本,它是一个多义词右文中现在还没有民外语“architecture”准确对应的译名。  相似文献   

信息技术的发展催生了信息化建筑思潮,并已经深入到我国的建筑设计行业。信息化建筑思潮为我国一直以来执行的建筑方针"适用、经济、美观"拓展了新内容,同时也出现了浪费资源、破坏城市风貌的不良现象。我国的建筑方针仍然符合时代的需要,西方舶来的信息化建筑思潮须以此为指导认真分析研究并加以扬弃。  相似文献   

Although many devastated European cities have been studied, the bombing and reconstruction of key industrial sites and certain suburban residential zones in greater Paris have received little scholarly attention. Using archival sources, this article explores both destruction and reconstruction, and traces how homeless families shared apartments or endured years of ‘temporary’ accommodation in huts and other shelters. Post‐war economic planning in France privileged the restoration of industrial and commercial sites; rebuilding of housing by the state, by housing co‐operatives and by individual property owners received less support and progressed far more slowly. Today, the visual legacy of reconstruction is easily confused with that of completely new post‐war apartments; however its origin, if not its architecture, is distinctively different and merits recognition in its own right.  相似文献   

This paper examines the architecture and planning of the Mostra d'Oltremare in Naples—a national display of colonial expansion that opened in May 1940—and the Esposizione Universale di Roma—an “Olympics of Civilization” that was proposed for 1942. These two major exhibitions will be studied in relation to Italy's violent and racially motivated Imperial politics. In the first case, it will closely examine the “Villaggi indigeni” (Indigenous village) of Italian East Africa, a scientific re-enactment of native constructions that became a space of violence and political confinement. In the second, it will study the “Villaggio operaio” (Workers' village), which, just like the larger exhibition grounds, was transformed into a site of military conflict during the war period.  相似文献   

"非现代"地区主义是针对弗兰姆普敦批判的地区主义中的哲学矛盾而提出的修正性理论,是批判的地区主义理论的深化和延伸。斯蒂文.摩尔通过"地方"和"技术"两个核心概念的论述意在引出"地方"与"技术"合一、文化与自然交融的"非现代"视野,并认为只有在"非现代"世界中,批判的地区主义中"地方"与"技术"的内在矛盾才能得以化解。而"非现代"地区主义的核心则是"再生式"建筑,其目标在于让人的习俗制度参与到自然系统的循环往复中。最后,摩尔提出了美学、政治和生态等"再生式"建筑的三个标准,并以宣言的方式总结了"再生式"建筑的八个要点。  相似文献   

“未来系统”的最新计划   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
“未来系统”即崇尚生态学,又十分关注高新科技的发展,提出了“高新生态科技”的概念,即建立了新技术,新材料和相关尖端科学基础上的生态学,在这一理念指导下,“未来系统”的作品既具有鲜明的个性,又具有高度的逻辑性。  相似文献   

This paper offers a short biography of the housing consultant Elizabeth Denby (1894–1965). It begins by proposing a context, and way of conceptualizing how the built environment is created, in order to explain Denby and her work and suggests that she is best understood as forming part of a tradition of influential women space‐makers which began with Octavia Hill. It then proceeds to a discussion of the three main areas of practice in which she became a significant figure in the world of housing and architecture in inter‐war England. This focuses on design projects such as Kensal House; her development of a distinctively pro‐urban theory of planning exemplified in the All‐Europe House mixed‐development project; her book Europe Re‐housed and her work in design reform. In concluding, the paper evaluates Denby’s longer‐term influences and argues first that the extent of her ideas and influence in the inter‐war period helped perpetuate the eligibility of women to comment upon and inform the making of the British landscape into the post‐war era. Secondly, it argues that this influence also derives from her membership of that cohort of reformers which effected the union of the philosophies and practices of the voluntary housing sector with the emerging modernist movement in architecture, design and planning in the 1930s and war years, a marriage that would have considerable impact on the form of post‐war Britain.  相似文献   

The massive destruction of historic city centres during the Second World War was used, first in Britain and then in the rest of Europe, by contemporary architects and planners for justifying a modernist ‘clean slate’ approach to urban reconstruction; for them, war was ‘a blessing in disguise’ that could be exploited for adopting revolutionary planning concepts. In 1948 Tel Aviv, similar justifications were used for the total demolition of Manshiya, a centrally located ‘slum’ neighbourhood which allegedly suffered extensive and irrecoverable war damages during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. This article argues that contrary to common perceptions, the 1948 Manshiya demolitions were not a ‘complementary’ act obligated by the destruction of war, but rather a deliberate exploitation of wartime confusion and misinformation in order to launch an ambitious (and illegal) ‘modernization’ project for the whole area of southern Tel Aviv. Unlike European post-war urban reconstruction, in Manshiya, war was deliberately used by Tel Aviv’s leadership as a camouflage for a large-scale planned ‘civilian’ destruction that realized town planning ideals in their most radical form. This made the events exceptional not only in the backdrop of the 1948 War, but also in the local history of urban planning as a whole.  相似文献   

当代建筑中,视觉暗示的设计手法对纪念建筑的营造有着至关重要的作用。现试图从建筑学的视角出发,以当代战争纪念建筑实际案例为研究对象,对战争纪念建筑的设计方法展开讨论。首先着重分析视觉暗示与格式塔心理学的关系,其次阐述视觉暗示给参观者心理带来的微妙变化,之后探讨视觉暗示对空间纪念效果造成的影响,最终归纳为可操作的设计策略:图形暗示、内容暗示、秩序暗示,并明确其如何相互影响。立足于格式塔心理学及心理暗示的理论基础,是对纪念建筑设计方法的补充,亦可为今后的战争纪念馆设计提供启示。  相似文献   

在建筑密集的城市环境中,被多重层状界面划分所构成的室内,外空间已经逐渐成为人们感知城市的基本印象.笔者通过剖析当代城市中典型建筑的设计方法,提出广泛存在于建筑形式中的“层”的概念,明确“层”是当代建筑的基本词汇“编辑”则是对于“层”的理性处理的方法.进而将“层”的概念扩展到城市,认为城市空间是“层组”的多维集合,以此建立认识建筑的新的思维框架.建筑的个性化创作尽管存在着不同的途径,但可以归纳为对形成围合的“层组”进行独特的秩序表达,并通过“编辑”的方法形成建筑空间形态的过程.  相似文献   

曹伟 《华中建筑》2006,24(12):5-8
从安全的角度采讲.建筑是人类安全的第一道防线.是人类的庇护所,也是人类赖以生存的基本空间,该文通过剖析战争对建筑与城市的破坏,以及保护战争中的建筑等万面的典型案例分析与历史考察,指出战争是建筑的最大元凶,战争是人居环境的最大杀手,建筑与战争是人居环境中一对最大的作用力与反作用力。  相似文献   

邢君 《华中建筑》2006,24(10):95-96
就情感建筑的创立,提出了建筑不仅提供人们使用的功能,还应满足人们多种情感的需求,并对情感建筑的人性化,个性化,休闲化,装饰化,园艺化等方面进行阐述倡导“以人为本”的设计观念,体现关爱人性,尊重个性,健康休闲,艺术装饰崇尚自然的内涵,推动建筑的文明提升。  相似文献   

11-17世纪俄罗斯东正教影响了城市园林、私家花园和修道院庭园的发展。沙皇彼得大帝(1682-1725)将源自西方的法国规则式园林设计手法以一种巨大的尺度移植到俄罗斯帝国的“大地”上。新的风景倾向(英国特点的风景园)与叶卡捷琳娜二世(1762-1796)有关。在苏维埃时期(1917-1991年),俄罗斯风景园林受到社会和政治的强烈影响。文化与休憩公园就是在20世纪20年代末形成的。在1941-1945年的卫国战争中,有数百万人失去了生命,1710座城镇被摧毁,于是出现了胜利公园、综合性纪念公园和纪念陵园等其他苏维埃风景园林形式。在20世纪60-80年代的“发达社会主义”时期,又有了纪念苏维埃政府和苏维埃领导人特别纪念日的苏维埃公园的新类型。苏维埃风景园林的另一个重要内容是对最优秀的历史园林修复流派的发展。“为新俄罗斯人”兴建私家别墅之风的盛行是后苏维埃时代(1991年至今)的特征。风景园林职业此时也在俄罗斯兴盛起来,风景园林的全球化和西方化进程非常迅速。同时,在俄罗斯媒体和业界有很多关于风景园林发展趋势的讨论。俄罗斯风景园林的未来何在,怎样才能保持俄罗斯特点以及俄罗斯古典园林和苏维埃公园的传统,是需要讨论和研究的问题。  相似文献   

1937年是20世纪上半叶中国建筑发展的重要分水岭。如果说从20世纪20年代到1937年抗战爆发前夕, 是旧中国建筑活动的鼎盛时期,并且形成了第一次现代建筑高潮;那么从抗战爆发到1949年新中国成立,则通常被视为建筑活动的停滞期和凋零期。战争的涂炭、资料的散乱与缺失,使得对这一时期的中国建筑历史的研究几乎成为学术空白。本文通过对史料的发掘和整理, 认为建筑活动的停滞并没有妨碍现代建筑思想的传播, 相反,这一时期中国建筑界的现代建筑思想空前活跃, 建筑师对战前官方倡导的“中国固有形式”建筑进行了深刻地反思。战争期间和战后,现代建筑实践及其思想占据了主导地位,从而为新中国成立后现代建筑的延续与发展奠定了基础。  相似文献   

In urban studies scholarship, Beirut is often theorized on the frontiers of sectarian conflict as well as on the frontlines of neoliberalism. Entangling real estate, banking and transnational financial circulations, managed by the Banque du Liban, its political economy was – and still is – swayed by the fortunes of war. According to literature on the political economy of violence, profits are often made in times of conflict, a context appropriate to the civil war and postwar eras, during which the spoils of war enriched the pockets of warlords-turned-politicians. Yet as the fighting in Syria spills over the border, encumbering Lebanon's long paralyzed politics and straining Beirut's already deteriorated infrastructure, its political economy prospers – if only for a few – not because of violence but in spite of it. Beirut's skyline is covered in construction cranes erecting affluent, if empty, apartments; the banks are infused with deposits invested in the debt of a sovereign bankrupt in ways not simply financial. Both sectors are said to be resilient, a discourse so often repeated that resilience has become the dominant mode by which Beirut is understood. Excavating these discourses, this article presents Beirut's political economy as an assemblage of real estate investment, sovereign debt and emigration, and in so doing theorizes the Banque du Liban as a city builder fusing the political and the economic into an apparatus of transnational investment.  相似文献   

邓国安  陈平  王继彪 《规划师》2007,23(9):34-35
珠海路历史街区是北海历史文化的象征,拥有众多的中西合璧的骑楼式建筑,被誉为鲜活的"近现代建筑年鉴".目前,珠海路历史街区存在传统风貌遭到破坏、居住环境恶化等问题,应从历史保护和旅游发展角度出发,通过用地结构调整、优化产业配置、保护传统文脉、繁荣地区经济等措施促进历史街区的保护与更新.  相似文献   

回顾与展望--中国LA学科教育研讨(2)   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
林广思 《中国园林》2005,21(10):73-78
通过对中国LA学科教育发展的全面回顾,论证学科诞生于1951年创立的造园组,分析讨论学科中译名的原则,提出学科的核心是空间规划与设计,认为学科的研究对象是景域,倡导建构具有中国人特点和中国地域特色的学科体系.  相似文献   

江天风 《新建筑》2007,2(4):96-98
社会转型是生产方式的转型。市场经济的特征既是商品交换的普遍化,也是资本寻求增值的生产。建筑作为一个经济范畴,同样在资本生产方式中存在。随着建筑商品化而产生的种种范式冲突、反常与危机,"生产"视角的反思可以为学科建设提供一个宽域的思维空间。  相似文献   

场地是战争遗址改造设计中的灵感来源。文章基于作者亲身参与的两个实际工程,从建筑与场地的关系入手,探讨在战争遗址中如何通过建筑语汇表达对场地的纪念。  相似文献   

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